Rules of conduct in the children's library. Rules of behavior in the library for cheerful children

Rules of behavior in the library

Goals: formulate rules of conduct in the library.

Location: school library, where an exhibition of children's books is organized.

Class progress

1. Solving the puzzle.

– Arrange the books on the shelf so that you can read the proverb.

ANSWER: A book is like water. It will make its way everywhere.

- Explain the meaning of the proverb.

-Where do books live? When did we visit the library?

2. The teacher's word.

Library – Ancient Greek word: biblion – book + theke – storage . Today we will say that this word means an institution where books are kept for public use.

Everyone needs a book, and it must be handled with care. Rare books are prohibited from being taken out; they are used in the reading room.

Pay attention to the exhibition of books. These books differ in their design. Why?

It depends on what purpose the book is intended for. Compare the dictionaries and the collection “Russian Folk Tales”. Is there a difference? Why are these books designed differently?

Books are friends and advisers. Writers share their knowledge and life experiences with us. From books we learn about the life of people and the animal world of other countries and states, about the historical past. Books contain all the information of humanity. Every person at home has at least a small library where favorite books and special books necessary for work are stored. But if we don’t have enough information, we go to the library.

3. Speech by a literary character (student).

Doctor Aibolit comes out.

Aibolit. To us, homeless

Books are crippled

The halls are spacious


Tramp books,

Sloppy books

Here from paper

They will sew shirts for you.

From calico

Jackets will be sewn

Will be cured soon

And they will give you a passport.

To us, homeless

Books are crippled

The halls are spacious


S. Ya. Marshak. A book about books

Teacher . It turns out that books can also “sick.” This can only happen through human fault, when the reader handles the book carelessly: bends corners and pages, does not use a bookmark. Drops the book. The greatest barbarity is when they tear out sheets and cut them out. Such books can be “treated.”

Demonstration of “cured” books.

4. The librarian's word.

You should know that the library has its own rules of conduct:

For any question, you can contact a librarian.

It is necessary to maintain silence in the room; noise distracts the attention of people who are already working with literature.

When entering the library, do not forget the polite words: hello, please, thank you, goodbye.

You need to work with books with clean hands, and do not bring any food into the hall.

You cannot bend books; use a bookmark. Everyone needs a book, so you need to handle it with care.

5. Game “Say the Word” or “Guess the Book Characters.”

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden,

But the father loved his son.

What a weird one

wooden man,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

He sticks his long nose everywhere,

Who is this?


He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled me out of the swamp,

He's famous, famous

This is doctor... (Aibolit.)

Pounded and pummeled

On the plate with your nose.

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose.


Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful.

Who is this?


Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.

(Cockerel Golden Comb.)

A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn't know

That danger awaits her.

It glows behind the bushes

A pair of angry eyes

Someone scary will meet

The girl now.

Who is this?

(Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.)

6. The librarian's word.

Summing up the results of the “Best Reader of the Year” competition, presenting commemorative medals.


Didactic material

How would we live without books?

We are friends with the printed word,

If it weren't for him,

Neither old nor new

We wouldn't know anything!

Just imagine for a moment

How would we live without books?

What would a student do?

If there were no books,

If everything disappeared at once,

What was written for children:

From magical

Good fairy tales

Until funny stories?

You wanted to relieve boredom

Find the answer to the question.

He extended his hand for the book,

But it’s not on the shelf!

... All roads are open to her,

And on all continents

She speaks many

A variety of languages...

A conversation about how to behave in the library, who can be its reader and what rules children should follow while in the library.


    Poster “Knizhkina Hospital”;

    Rules (library);

    Book “Everything about everything” vol. 1, p. 219 “How libraries arose.”

Guys, today I would like to talk to you about the library.

What is a library? (a place where books are kept for public use).

Many of you probably have your own small library (small collections of books) at home. Who has?

Libraries began to develop in the 15th century after the invention of printing. In Russia, libraries arose in the 11th and 12th centuries.

Guys, do you know how to behave in the library?

In the library, as in any public place, certain rules must be followed.

Tell me, why do we need rules in the library? Is it really impossible to do without them? When you hear that you have to follow the rules in the library, you don’t want to go to the library. It's better to run around in the yard. There are no rules to follow.

No matter how it is. So unnecessary!

Come on, remember how you play tag: with or without rules? Do you jump into classics? Through a rope? What about hide and seek?

That's right, every game has its own rules.

Once in the yard I saw girls jumping, then they suddenly stopped, and the following conversation took place between them: “How old are you?” - one girl asked the other. “7,” she answered. “So you will jump 7 times.”

What a tricky rule!

What do you do with those who break the rules of the game?

Of course, you quickly “turn them off”, or, more simply put, kick them out. Yes, perhaps next time you won’t accept such a person into the game.

There are not many rules in the library, they are easy to remember and not difficult to follow.

First and perhaps most importantlyrule “TAKE CARE OF THE BOOK!”

Some guys think: “A book is not a crystal vase, what will happen to it?”

In fact, the opposite is true: a crystal vase really won’t do anything unless you drop it on the floor. She will live at least a thousand years. And the book? She may “die” pretty soon. From what? Is she alive? Is the book “dying”? Yes, it “dies,” but you can say it another way: the book wears out. You turned the page, and some invisible piece of paper remained on your finger. Two hundred students turned the page, and a very visible hole appeared on it. Over time, the sheets crumble and are lost one by one. Even the cardboard binding wears out and breaks. That is why a book must be treated more tenderly than even a crystal vase. Moreover, in the library the books are not personal, but shared, i.e. belong to all the kids.

Listen to the poem “Salim and the book” by K. Muhammadi.

Salim went to the library
Jumping along the street.
He held it under Salim's arm
A tattered book.

She was in the dirt, in the dust,
No spine, no lid.
“Salim,” Vali told him, “
Why do you mutilate books?

Salim said: “Of course I
I tore two or three pages,
But this book is not yours.
Why are you angry?

Why not mine? - Yes, not yours,
And from the children's reading room.
- Well, whose reading room?
- Soviet Republic!

And if so, she's mine,
And a little bit of yours too.
We are responsible for it, -
We are all a huge family,
Soviet countries children.

And if each of the guys
It will tear the pages, the cover,
What will the book be turned into?
Little by little guys?

So that children have books
In the library, at school,
Many people worked
In the factory and in the field.

Your father and mother worked.
You should respect
Their labors and worries -
Take care of both the book and notebook,
Do not wrinkle, do not stain, do not fray
Pages, bindings.

Books are our best friends
They give us happiness
And this book is mine too,
And partly yours too!

Which of the guys was right: Sali or Vali? (Vali, you need to take care of other people’s things even more than your own).

How can you protect a book from premature aging?

Firstly, you should always go to the library with a waterproof bag or plastic bag: then the books will not be afraid of either rain or snow. The book is very afraid of water: wet paper, after it dries, makes the book unattractive, swollen, its pages become brittle and rough.

Secondly, when starting to read a book, what should you do? (put on cover).

For what?

Yes, you need to wrap it in paper, or put a finished cover on it. If this is not done, the binding will get dirty, the illustration will fade faster, and the title of the book will be erased.

You probably love and know how to make beautiful bookmarks. Do you always use them?

Some hasty readers bend the corner of the page, or even worse: they put pencils, pens, rulers, in short, anything they can get their hands on between the pages. And as a result, the book ages prematurely: dog-eared corners break off, pages are torn off the spine.

You have already heard the well-known wisdom: “Cleanliness is the key to health.” And, imagine, this also applies to the book. Dirt ruins the book. Even dust is harmful to her. Have you noticed that every month the library is closed for one day, and this day is called... (sanitary).

Why do the orderlies come here?

No, it’s not the orderlies who come here. This is what librarians are called. They wipe the dust off all the books and shelves.

Many libraries always have a “book hospital”. Old, dilapidated books are treated there.

Sometimes the text of B. Timofeev’s poem “The Book’s Complaints, or What the Book Would Desire” is placed on a poster in the library, illustrating it with corresponding drawings:

I am a book! I'm your comrade!
Be careful with me, schoolboy...
My clean look is always pleasant:
Protect me from stains!
Leave the bad habit:
While browsing, don’t slobber on your fingers!

Ay! You covered me in soup!
Oh! You dropped me on the floor!
Don't bend my binding!
Don't break my spine!
What kind of animals are here? What kind of birds?
It is not good to dirty the pages!

Did you bend my sheets again?
Do you remember about the bookmark?
Don't forget me in the garden!
Suddenly it rains, unfortunately.

Wrap me in paper!
Where you found me, return me there!
Remember: I'm your best friend
But not for dirty hands!

Guys, you too can become “book doctors.”

(poster “Knizhkina Hospital”)

For books that need to be treated,
The book hospital has opened,
Each of you can be a doctor -
On a free day and a free hour!

Guys, learn how to glue and even bind a book, and sew new clothes for it. And your parents will help you with this. This is a very interesting and useful job. It prolongs the life of the book. After all, a book is a very expensive thing and it costs the state dearly.

Why? I already told you about this. Who remembers? (a lot of people work on creating a book and spend a lot of effort and money).

Many people do hard work before a book reaches the reader.

Firstly, a writer is working on it (try writing something yourself, you will see how difficult it is).

Secondly, the drawings are made by the artist.

An editor helps the writer and artist.

Then the book is printed in a printing house. Huge machines work there, they use: paper, paints, skilled workers.

Cars and letters are made of metal. Miners extracted iron ore, and steelworkers smelted it into metal.

Machines operate using electricity, which means you need to build a power plant and extract fuel for it.

Paper is made from wood: you have to cut down the forest and send it to where there is a paper factory. This factory also has a lot of huge steel machines.

This is how you don't just get a book!

Second rule in library -“RETURN THE BOOKS ON TIME!”

Just imagine that this rule does not exist. What would be? Everyone would keep library books for as long as they wanted: some for a year, some for two. They would have taken all the books from the library home, and there would have been nothing left in it. You would come for books, but the shelves are empty. Do you understand now what they thought about you, the readers, when they created library rules?

Typically, a book is issued to the reader for two weeks. And if you didn’t have time to read the book during this period, then why don’t you give it away unread? What should I do?

Anyone can call the library by phone or stop by and ask permission to bring books later. You will be gladly allowed to do this.

Or maybe you forgot when to return the book?

This problem is easy to help. There is a piece of paper glued to the inside of the cover (book display). It says: “Return the book no later than the deadline indicated here.” And then a whole column of numbers. The latest entry is for you. It is written, for example, like this: 09.21.05. this means the book must be returned no later than September 21, 2005.

You can return it earlier. As soon as you’ve read it, bring it to the library quickly: other kids are waiting for the book. Yes, and you need to get the next one yourself. A real reader reads not only a textbook every day, but also something else and goes to the library regularly.

Third rule in library - "I TOOK A BOOK FROM THE SHELF, PUT IT IN PLACE”

It also happens: sometimes a boy or girl will take a book from the shelf, leaf through it, look at it and put it back, but in the wrong place. Then another reader asks the librarian for this book, but it is impossible to find it: it is in someone else’s place.

You know that books in the library are in alphabetical order by the last names of the authors (this makes them easier to find). That's why this rule appeared in the library. It's not that easy to do.

You took a book from the shelf, and the rest of the books closed together. How to guess where the one that is now in your hands stood? Should I call the librarian for help every time? What should I do?

And it's very simple. Before you take a book from the shelf, grab a bookmark from the librarian’s table - a thin and long board or cardboard, put it between the books in the place where you want to take the book from. That's all. Now there is nothing easier than returning the book to its original place: put the book next to the bookmark, and return the bookmark.

It’s as if everything is about the rules. But you didn’t find out the most important thing - who is accepted into the library. Of course, everyone who wants to read books. Ask mom or dad to grab your passport and go to the library together. And you will definitely be accepted, signed up and given a book.

Which one of you is registered in the library? In which? How often do you go to the library?

Guys, you can sign up, if you haven’t already, in the school library and the rural library, which is located in the office of the Mikhailovskoye educational farm.

Guys, you are already old enough and big enough, and you understand that inTHE LIBRARY IS NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE NOISE, HURRY, OR FUSH.

This is the last rule in the library. Even if three of you come, you need to behave in such a way that no one hears your conversation or stomp. Many, many not even years, but centuries ago, people agreed that there should always be absolute silence in the library. Silence helps you think. And the library is the best place for this.

Now, guys, I hope you all sign up and go to the library, and be sure to follow the library rules. Let's list them. There aren't many of them.

    Take care of the book!

    Return the book on time!

    You took a book from the shelf and put it in its place.

    There is no noise, rush or fuss in the library.

Every school has a library. This is a special place where books, textbooks, magazines, and newspapers are stored. Every schoolchild can come to the library, take books home or read them in the reading room.

Students work in the library. There is an atmosphere of peace and concentration in it. Everything in the library is aimed at concentrating attention and not being distracted by extraneous things. Here readers gain knowledge, immerse themselves in the wonderful and fascinating world of books, full of exciting adventures and all sorts of secrets.

A book is a source of knowledge. From books we learn about the past of mankind, about the achievements of science and culture, about the peculiarities of the customs and morals of other peoples, about exciting travels and adventures, about talented people.

Many students use library books. Therefore, so that others can read the book after you, handle it with care:

Do not wrinkle the pages of the book (especially do not tear them out), do not bend the corners of the pages;

Leaf through the book carefully, trying not to damage it; don't throw the book away;

Return books taken home to the library on time;

Treat library books with the same care as your own.

Rules of behavior in the library: a reminder for schoolchildren

For many people, the library brings back pleasant memories of childhood. This is a special place where books, magazines and textbooks are stored. However, we should not forget that this institution is public, so every child should know the rules of conduct in the library. The memo usually hangs at school, but parents should also pay attention to this issue.

Why do you need a library?

You can come to the school library, as well as the city library, to read or take a book home. In addition, students receive textbooks here, and some do homework and prepare for electives.

The library is always filled with a special atmosphere. It is intended primarily for the work of students and teachers. To help visitors concentrate, there are rules of behavior in the library, a reminder about compliance with which is most often located near the entrance.

People come to the library for knowledge, so it is important for every reader not to be distracted. The peace and quiet that reigns here helps you concentrate and get into a working mood. Every child must follow the rules of conduct in the library and not disturb others.

How to behave in the library

Before entering the room, the child must turn off the mobile phone and other devices that produce sounds. Outerwear should be left in the wardrobe.

When you enter the library, the first thing you need to do is say hello. You should not shout or wave your arms. You need to remember to be polite.

If a child does not know how to choose a book or who to contact, they should go to the information board, which outlines the rules of conduct in the library: a reminder for students will give the answer to the right question.

You cannot run around bookshelves. You need to walk calmly, without disturbing other readers. If the book is high up, you should ask an adult to take it out, and then thank the person.

You can't throw books around. They require careful and careful handling.

When you see a friend, you don’t have to rush to see him. If you really want to chat, you should wait until your friend leaves the library. Talking indoors, even in a whisper, is prohibited.

How to find the book you need

In the library, literature is arranged on shelves in alphabetical order. To make it more convenient to search for a book, the shelves with books are divided into topics and labeled, for example: fiction, prose, poetry, history, astronomy, etc. You need to go around the shelves in search of the right book carefully, following the rules of behavior in the school library.

If you can’t find a book, you should go to the librarian and quietly but clearly explain your problem.

Having received a copy in your hands, you should put it in a clean bag or bag. If you are not sure that you will want to read a book, you can take it to the reading room and familiarize yourself with the contents.

If you want to take a book home, you should inform the librarian about this and clearly state your last name and class. After waiting for the form to be filled out, listen carefully to when the book is due and check the possibility of an extension.

How to handle books

Parents and teachers should explain to their children the rules of conduct in the library and instill respect for books. The child should know that a book is a source of knowledge, so it must be handled carefully. The literature in the library is used by many people, so it should be preserved in proper form for other visitors.

The book should be protected from moisture. If the leaves get wet, they will warp and it will be impossible to straighten them. In rainy weather and winter, the book must be put away in a bag.

To prevent the book from getting dirty, you should wrap it in a cover. Do not wrinkle or bend pages. You should use a bookmark.

Throwing or placing a book with the cover facing up is prohibited. From such treatment it can crumble into separate sheets.

While reading, you should not eat or drink, so as not to stain the book.

You cannot make notes or paint on the sheets. The next reader is unlikely to like it, and the book will be ruined.

Returning a book

The library lends books home for a certain period of time. You need to remember this and turn in the literature on time. Before taking it to the librarian, you need to leaf through the book and make sure that it is in proper condition.

There is no need to leave the publication you read on the shelf or throw it on the table. The librarian must accept the book himself and make a note.

The culture of behavior in the library when checking out books must be fully observed. You cannot interrupt the librarian if he is communicating with another reader or is busy searching for literature. You should wait patiently for your turn and be polite to all people who are nearby.

If the book needs to be renewed, you need to ask the librarian about it. Don’t be afraid, no one will scold you in this case. The main thing is that the book is not considered expired.

Rules of behavior in the library: memo

Every library visitor must comply with the following rules:

  • Keep silence.
  • Handle printed materials with care (do not tear, wrinkle or make marks).
  • Return literature within the established time frame.
  • Do not remove books from the library without a mark on the reader's form.
  • Carefully inspect the copy for defects before taking it home. If you find any signs of damage, inform the librarian.
  • Do not move books from one place to another.
  • If a copy is lost, you need to purchase an equivalent edition and return it to the library, explaining the situation.

If a child does not comply with the rules of behavior in the library, he may be subject to penalties established by law and the school charter.

Hosting events in the library

Sometimes the library hosts various events and creative evenings. This is especially true for elementary grades, when teachers try to instill in children a love of reading and teach them to use printed materials.

The library can also host extracurricular activities. Before bringing the class into the room, teachers tell the rules, which include a reminder of behavior in the library.

Guys should remember that a cool event may distract other visitors. You need to behave quietly, do not shout or run. Talk in a whisper, do not chat with classmates. Listen to the teacher and librarian.

Only compliance by readers with the above rules and regulations makes it possible to create a calm atmosphere in the library, conducive to thoughtful work. Monitoring this is the task not only of the librarian, but also of all visitors who are in the room. The child must respect others.

What rules of behavior in the library should children follow?

A library is a public cultural institution. Children come here to do homework, read their favorite books, and participate in various interesting events and competitions. In order for the children to feel comfortable in this institution, it is better for them to study the rules of behavior in the library in advance.

You can do this yourself. They are usually placed on library stands or on the website. Any reader, first of all, is enrolled in the library. If we are talking about recording small children, then parents consent to the processing of their personal data.

Rules of behavior in the library for children: memo

It’s better to start your visit to the library with the wardrobe. In addition to outerwear, large bags and packages you brought with you should also be left here. The next important point is to turn on silent mode on your phone. After all, various noise disturbances will interfere with the concentration of both the child himself and other readers. This also includes talking and laughing.

If you need help choosing books, you can feel free to ask a librarian about it. It is easier for an employee of a reading room or subscription to navigate the book collection. If you liked a certain publication at a library exhibition, it is again better to check with the staff about its delivery to your home.

We are talking about the rules of behavior in the library. They concern every reader. By remembering and observing them, you will be a welcome reader in any institution of this kind.

By the way, in today's libraries you can not only read books and periodicals, but also access the Internet. The main thing is to know that using the global network is limited in time. Therefore, you should not be surprised or offended if after a few minutes you are reminded of this rule and, perhaps, asked to let another child use the computer.

Participation in public events

The rules of behavior in the library also apply to participation in various competitions, quizzes, games, and conversations, which employees organize quite often. At such events, it is also unacceptable to behave noisily, interrupt others, or shout out answers from your seat.

Handling the book correctly

Rules of behavior in the library also imply appropriate handling of books. Dirty hands, food, drinks are some of the main enemies of paper publications. Therefore, your hands should be clean, and it is better not to combine the processes of reading and eating. After all, it will be unpleasant to read a stained book yourself, and the librarian may ask you to pay for its restoration.

Using a bookmark when reading will help protect the book from bending and falling apart into separate sheets. Remember that there are notepads for your own drawings and notes, and it is better to leave the book margins blank. And even more so, you shouldn’t tear out book pages.

And one more thing is the timely return of books. After all, other children may also urgently need a programmatic work or a popular story.

So, the rules of behavior in the library for children are simple. In many ways, they have something in common with the basic rules of etiquette. Therefore, the main thing is decent and cultural behavior.

My library

A blog about the work of a school librarian, about books, libraries, significant dates,


1. The book should not get wet - this causes the pages to warp, the binding to swell and the binding to delaminate.

2. When you go to the library, put the book in a bag that will protect it from rain and snow.

3. Don't read while eating. If you place a book next to a plate, the pages will get greasy stains that are impossible to clean.

5. The book is afraid to crumble into separate leaves. Do not throw an open book upside down, do not fold the pages. Use a bookmark.

6. If you want to draw something or write something down after reading a book, do it in an album or a special notebook.

7. Don’t throw books around - you can lose them, a dog can chew them, or a kitten can tear the pages.

8. Handle books carefully.

1. Students sign each textbook received from the school library.

2. Textbooks must have an additional removable cover.

3. Students are required to return school textbooks in a neat condition.

4. If necessary, students repair them (glue them up, clean them, etc.).

5. If textbooks are damaged or lost, students must replace them with new ones or equivalent ones in agreement with the school library.

1. When entering the library, say hello to everyone.

2. Do not throw away the book you read, but carefully place it on the table.

3. State your class and last name clearly and clearly so that the librarian will cross out the book.

4. When choosing a new book, do everything carefully, do not throw books around.

5. Don’t make noise, don’t shout, don’t run in the library.

6. Hand in books on time, no later than 10 days.

Aprelevskaya secondary school No. 1

The main condition for creating such an atmosphere is silence. The library should be calm and quiet; it should not disturb other students to study, or librarians to work.

Don't shout, don't make noise, don't talk to your neighbors even in a whisper.

Rules of behavior in the library. Rules for handling the book:

Turn off your mobile phone; if you need to make a call, go out into the corridor;

Try to move your chair carefully when you stand up; do not make noise when you take your things out of your bag or when you are getting ready to go home;

Sit up straight, don't slouch in your chair; When reading, try not to tilt your head too low: this way you will maintain correct posture and good vision.

Don't take notes in the margins of the book; do not underline anything, do not write or draw anything on its pages;

MBOU Lukhovitsk secondary school No. 2

with in-depth study of individual lessons

Teacher: Ruskova L.P.

Class hour: "How to behave in the library"


To introduce students to the work of the library and its traditions.

To develop culture and responsibility, the ability to work in the school and city libraries.

Progress of the class hour.

In this building forever

There was silence.

There is no place for shouting or noise here.

This is where you become smart.

You can't chew candy here

And rustle papers.

What kind of building? Want to know?

I'll tell you about it.

This is a boarding school for books.

Lives here... (library)

Our class hour today is dedicated to the library. You know how to read, which means you can rightfully be called a reader. Not only can you read at home or in the classroom, but now you can work in the library. And the people who work there will help you with this. in library. Today she came to us... She will tell you about our school library, about how you can become readers.

Librarian's words...

As you can see, the library is a very serious and necessary institution. But besides everything else, a library is a public place in which there are certain rules of behavior. At the beginning of the class hour, you guessed a riddle, some rules were formed there. Let's make up our own rules of conduct in the library.

How should you behave?

What can't you do in the library?

  1. You cannot make noise or talk loudly in the library. People come to the library to work, and any noise can interfere. We must respect the work of other people.
  2. You are not allowed to eat in the library, not even sweets. Firstly, it is uncivilized, and secondly, you can dirty the book.
  3. Books must be handled carefully. After all, there are many readers, and if we are careless with the book. it will wear out and become unusable.
  4. If you took a book, looked at it and decided to return it, be sure to put it in that place. where did you get it, because every book has its own place in the library, otherwise how would you be able to sort through the mass of books.
  5. If you take a book home, do not delay returning it. After all, you are not the only library reader. Perhaps someone else needs this book, and this person cannot wait for it. Return books on time. Everything you read in the book is yours, but return the book.

As you can see, the rules of behavior in the library are simple, but they must be followed.

Now let’s choose our assistant librarian, who will maintain close contact with our school book keeper, report on upcoming events, check reader forms

In the classroom we will hold a campaign "The neatest textbook."

Let's find out who in the class skillfully uses textbooks?

What new did you learn today?

What rules of conduct in the library do you know?

I'm sitting in the library, full of vague dreams,

Books look at me with golden spines.

Their suffering and feelings are poured into those printed sheets.

Everything that burned and tormented them, all their thoughts and aspirations -

Everyone lives an immortal life here for glory


The very air here is sacred, here with invisible wings


(distributed to students)

  1. You must maintain order in the library, do not make noise, and do not talk loudly.
  2. When entering the library, you must say hello to the librarian, and when you receive a book, be sure to say “thank you.”
  3. The book should only be picked up with clean hands.
  4. The pages of the book should not be folded; you should use a bookmark.
  5. If a book is damaged, it must be put in order.
  6. Library books must be especially protected, since they are intended for many people.

A library is a publicly accessible cultural institution. Children come here to do homework, read their favorite books, and participate in various interesting events and competitions. In order for the guys to feel comfortable in this establishment, it is better for them to study in advance.

You can do this yourself. They are usually placed on library stands or on the website. Any reader, first of all, is enrolled in the library. If we are talking about recording small children, then parents consent to the processing of their personal data.

Rules of behavior in the library for children: memo

It’s better to start your visit to the library with the wardrobe. In addition to outerwear, large bags and packages you brought with you should also be left here. The next important point is to turn on silent mode on your phone. After all, various noise disturbances will interfere with the concentration of both the child himself and other readers. This also includes talking and laughing.

If you need help choosing books, you can feel free to ask a librarian about it. It is easier for an employee of a reading room or subscription to navigate the book collection. If you liked a certain publication at a library exhibition, it is again better to check with the staff about its delivery to your home.

We're talking about They concern every reader. By remembering and observing them, you will be a welcome reader in any institution of this kind.

By the way, in today's libraries you can not only read books and periodicals, but also access the Internet. The main thing is to know that using the global network is limited in time. Therefore, you should not be surprised or offended if after a few minutes you are reminded of this rule and, perhaps, asked to let another child use the computer.

Participation in public events

The rules of behavior in the library also apply to participation in various competitions, quizzes, games, and conversations, which employees organize quite often. At such events, it is also unacceptable to behave noisily, interrupt others, or shout out answers from your seat.

Handling the book correctly

Rules of conduct in the library also include appropriate handling of books. Dirty hands, food, drinks are some of the main enemies of paper publications. Therefore, your hands should be clean, and it is better not to combine the processes of reading and eating. After all, it will be unpleasant to read a stained book yourself, and the librarian may ask you to pay for its restoration.

Using a bookmark when reading will help protect the book from bending and falling apart into separate sheets. Remember that there are notepads for your own drawings and notes, and it is better to leave the book margins blank. And even more so, you shouldn’t tear out book pages.

And one more thing is the timely return of books. After all, other children may also urgently need a programmatic work or a popular story.

So, are not complicated. In many ways, they have something in common with the basic rules of etiquette. Therefore, the main thing is decent and cultural behavior.