How to open the heart chakra. Where is the anahata chakra located and what is it responsible for?

Anahata chakra (heart)
where is it, location

Location. Where is:

The heart chakra is located in the chest at the level of the human heart. The shape of the Anahata chakra is close to spherical and in a stable state has a size of 5-6 cm in diameter. The 4th chakra is connected to the spinal energy column with a spiral in the form of a funnel, rotating clockwise when viewed from the front, towards the spine.

The location of the Anahata chakra is precisely what determines its name - the heart chakra, or in other words, the heart chakra. The Anahata chakra is also called the “love chakra” or the green chakra - in accordance with its color.

Meaning. What he is responsible for:

  • The fourth chakra (anahata) is responsible for a person’s emotionality, sensitivity, responsiveness, and openness - in this regard, this chakra can also be called the “emotional chakra.”
  • The 4th chakra is the chakra of love, tenderness, the “emotional balancer” of the human body, the center of Faith and Spiritual stability.
  • The Anahata chakra is responsible for the formation of a person’s emotional shell.
  • Being at the center of the entire human energy structure, the heart chakra (anahata) is responsible for balancing, harmonious adjustment and interaction of the lower triangle of chakras (1-3), responsible for the energy of the material world, and the upper triangle of chakras (5-7), responsible for energy spiritual higher plane. The three lower chakras operate with personal energy, separating a person from others. The three highest chakras are collective aspects of the self that provide connection with the energy of the Universe. The Anahata chakra is precisely the place where the personal and collective aspects of a person’s “I” meet.
  • The center of human consciousness, placed in the heart chakra - the green chakra, receives the ability to control and manage all human bioenergy.
  • Based on the level of development of the heart chakra, one can judge a person’s emotional maturity, emotional openness to the surrounding vibrations of the dense and subtle world.
  • At the physical level, the Anahata chakra is responsible for the activity of the human cardiovascular system, for the condition of the chest organs, mostly the heart and lungs.

Anahata chakra. Description and main characteristics:

Green color

Anahata chakra. Green color

Note – FA

Element – ​​Air

Number of petals – 12

A petal is a self-oscillation that occurs in an oscillatory circuit,
if we consider the electromagnetic analogy of chakra activity.

Taste – sour

Smell: geranium

Crystals and minerals – aventurine, rose quartz

Translation from Sanskrit - “divine sound”, “not hit”

Correspondence of the heart chakra to the organs and systems of the body:

Women have two emotional chakras (breasts), men have one.

Body systems: cardiovascular


  • Heart
  • Trachea
  • Bronchi
  • Lungs
  • Rib cage

Levels of development of the anahata chakra:

With low Spiritual development of the fourth chakra: selfishness, attachment to fetishes, fraud, indecision, uncertainty, impatience, laziness, anger, indifference, arrogance, partiality, twitchiness,

Disorientation or imbalance of the heart chakra: feelings of loneliness, depression or, conversely, exaggerated immersion in love and dependence (such people say: “I love you,” meaning “I need you”), exaggerated desire to give, self-sacrifice, increased sensitivity to strangers suffering and grief, taking other people’s mistakes personally and feeling guilty for the actions and negative states of other people.

A developed anahata chakra gives a person: wisdom, self-control, inner strength, overcoming obstacles and difficulties with minimal losses, purity of thoughts and intentions, and enhances energy. If a person has the skill of the “good neutral” state, then such a person is able to communicate at higher levels of our Being.

4th chakra (heart) and emotions:

Fears: loneliness (weakness of Faith).

Norm: a feeling of the unity and beauty of the world, joy from various manifestations of forms of love, taking into account the interests of the Incarnate Spirit in love.

Passions: selfishness (willfulness, self-will, egocentrism).

Polarization of the Anahata chakra in men and women:

Differences in polarization of the 4th chakra (anahata) in men and women

The heart chakra (green) in men is omnidirectional, and therefore a man is able to receive pleasure from “anything,” that is, from completely different aspects of life and activity.

The same applies to the way a man shows (expresses) love. Being omnidirectional, the chakra of love (anahata) in a man, by the Nature of its structure, is capable of emitting (giving) and receiving the energy of love from various directions. Due to the fact that the 2nd chakra (sexual) of a man is also omnidirectional, we can conclude that men are polygamous by their energy-informational Nature. This Natural property of male chakra activity is a socially recognized fact in Muslim countries that legally allow a man to maintain a harem.

In women, the heart chakra (4th chakra) is polarized, that is, it has a vector of preferential orientation. In order to experience pleasure, a woman needs a material base. The same applies to questions of love: “if you love, prove it.” Therefore, at the Natural, subconscious level, a woman expects material proof of her man’s love for her: gifts, flowers, sweets, etc. In the absence of physical evidence of male feelings for a long time, a woman, as a rule, begins to doubt whether she is loved. In accordance with its polarization (direction), a woman’s anahata chakra is usually focused on her beloved man and tracks him.

If a woman does not have a beloved man, the female Anahata chakra can be polarized to the last sexual partner (to free it and reorient it, it is necessary to carry out energy-information separation techniques with former sex partners), to the woman’s father, or to some business, occupation, which gives a woman great pleasure.

Amplitude-frequency characteristic of the fourth chakra (Anahata):

This characteristic reflects the dynamic state of the levels of absorption and emission of energy by the fourth chakra (anahata) of the person being diagnosed.

You can learn more about this method of energy-information scanning of human chakras

Offset to "+" area
A shift to the right of the 4th chakra indicates that a person receives great pleasure from life, which can reach “puppy delight.”

Most often, this is associated not so much with pleasure from the present moment, but with the anticipation of pleasure in the future. We are taught to rejoice wildly by the education of decency, but, unfortunately, we are not taught to rejoice inside without “splattering” everyone around us with our emotions.

Offset to "-" area
A shift to the “minus” area in the area of ​​the fourth chakra indicates a pumping of energy to another person.

For example, this happens if you love an unlucky, unhappy person and sympathize with him all the time, feel sorry for him. This may also be a consequence of excitement and anxiety associated with some social problems - for example, taxes, wages, the activities of the company in which you work.

A strong shift in the amplitude-frequency characteristic in the area of ​​the heart (anahata) chakra can be a consequence of the collapse of life’s work, dissatisfaction with life. It causes angina pectoris, tachycardia, heart attacks, and breast cancer.

Harpreet Singh Hira,

General practitioner,

Candidate of Medical Sciences,

Doctor of Complementary Medicine, Professor,

Head of the Department of Traditional Reiki, European Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Education, Hannover,

President of the World Organization "Advance Natural Healing System",

Grand Reiki Master,

winner of the European awards “Outstanding Naturopath of Europe” and “For Humanism and Service to the People”,

There are three things that a person always lacks. This time is never enough, a person is constantly in a hurry. A person always lacks money, no matter how much there is, it is still not enough. And thirdly, there is never enough love. All his life a person chases these three things - time, money and love. If there is money, then this is temporary, if there is love, then there is also a lot of it temporarily, then a time comes when there is little of it again. And now there is time, but in a few minutes it is gone.

Our whole life, our whole movement is energy. There is never enough energy because energy is always moving. There is always water in the river, the river flows, the water does not stand still. Also, energy does not stand still. Our planet rotates all the time, the Sun too, the Moon revolves around the Earth. Nothing is worth it. At the center of the Earth there is magma, which rotates and creates a gravitational field. If the magma stops for a second, then the gravitational field will stop. The gravitational field gives cellular exchange - and the heart stops. For one second the magma will stop and all life on the planet will stop. Our whole life is movement. When energy exchanges with the outside world, we want to live.

When a child’s heart exchange is established with the heart exchange of his parents, he is in a good mood. The more you communicate with your friends, girlfriends, the more energy is exchanged, the more energy you have. When a person is offended by someone or closes himself off from someone, his heart has stopped communicating with others, his exchanges have stopped, and he begins to suffer.

In terms of energy, a person has two chakras that exchange the most. The first is Anahata (heart chakra). In a normal healthy person, exchange with the outside world is based on heart sensations. And when a person’s heart chakra closes, he does not go to God. His energy exchange occurs through the spleen chakra.

The second chakra, which God gave as a backup option, is the spleen chakra. Those people who exchange energy through the spleen chakra also live, their exchange occurs, but this exchange occurs through other senses. These feelings are not positive, but disturbing. Such a person can sit in a company or with his family, but still feels lonely. A person can have everything: a house, a family, children, but inside he has the longing of loneliness. Exchange also occurs, but through feelings of longing.

When such people go to different esoteric schools, they either get too much energy and feel bad, or a person who is essentially the same turns out to be nearby. After class, they complain to each other and sympathize that they felt bad during class. Such people have a closed heart, and rough exchanges occur. The rough energy passing through the spleen can be either bad or good. The heart discerns whether a person loves or not. Such analysis is inherent in the heart. But the spleen does not sense whether the energy is good or bad. Her job is to take energy. Therefore, sometimes such a person collects negative energy.

So, on a person’s life path, all chakras exchange energy. But two chakras are the most.

When you are physically healthy, you dig into the ground, the root chakra makes an exchange. During sexual relations between husband and wife, the second chakra makes an exchange. When you are emotional, say bad or good words to someone, show emotions, the solar plexus chakra makes an exchange. Exchange of love, forgiveness, blessing, gratitude - this is the exchange of the heart chakra. The throat chakra unites everything that happens in the lower chakras; the throat “speaks.” And all experiences that have passed through the five chakras are recorded by the third eye chakra.

The third eye chakra and mind are given in order to record the exchange of energy of all lower chakras. If a person records all his experiences, he becomes wise. If fixation does not occur, then it remains at the level of sixteen years.

After puberty, a person awakens feelings of sexual activity, these are the qualities of the second and third chakras. And if he hasn’t opened his heart chakra further, then he doesn’t fall in love. A person is so selfish, in this case, that he thinks only of himself. Love does not develop within itself; energy immediately goes to the mind. All their lives they drink, party, live for their own pleasure, and in the end there is nothing left in the mind, such people end up in insanity. Insanity is the result of passing years. Insanity doesn't just appear. If a person develops his chakras throughout his life, develops spiritually, then at the end of his life he becomes a sage. Every old man who has life experience, in ancient times in Russia and Ukraine and other countries, was called sages.

The other person did not become a sage. He is looking for a young girl (young guy) until he is 60 years old, he is already 80, and he is still looking. His development stopped at the age of eighteen, he is 80, but in his mind he is 18. He has not accumulated wisdom for his years. This is the state of the chakras, the state of a person, how he develops his spirituality.

What do esoteric schools, initiations, seminars give, why should you practice meditation? All these activities can enhance the development process. Someone at his age stopped at the solar plexus, only emotions, the heart does not open. 75% of people in Ukraine are in this state; their whole life is full of emotions. A girl is on a date with a guy for the first time, we met, the second date is a sexual relationship, on the third date emotions set in, he is already a “goat”: “I hate him, he is exactly the same as I had!” Then he looks for another guy, and everything repeats. And after divorce, people live with such grievances all their lives. The solar plexus has absorbed so many emotions that it does not allow a person to develop further.

What does a person lack? I sometimes see that people are not loved, they lack love. Emotions in the solar plexus do not allow a person to go further. Emotions crushed my heart. Thoughts are gnawing: “This can’t be done, people are so evil!” It's all emotions. The way out is very easy: you need to open your heart.

The solar plexus chakra becomes a large emotional wall in front of the heart. Sometimes parents cannot accept their children's falling in love; this barrier affects their relationship. Sometimes people are satisfied with relationships at the solar plexus level without sexual relations. They call such relationships “pure”. And they don’t add energy to love.
Why is it necessary to open the heart chakra? Anahata is located in the center of the chest. Three chakras below, three above. God gave us the heart chakra in the center. If a person always lives in the chakras below the heart chakra, then he thinks about attraction, about pleasures, purely material things, and simply emotions. Such a person can have money, sexual relations, emotions, but if there is no energy in the heart chakra, then he cannot experience feelings of love.

Those people who do not experience feelings of love can have everything: they have a house, wealth, business, but there is no love. Man doesn't even know what love is. He has so many emotions that they have locked his heart.

What prevents you from opening your heart? The lower three chakras are responsible for animal instinct. A cat is attracted to a cat, a dog to a dog, they have an instinct of attraction to each other at the level of the root chakra. This is the work of the first chakra when a man likes a woman. This is also a manifestation of instinct. How we differ from animals, they also give birth to children. The third chakra is the solar plexus. Solar plexus emotions are not limited to humans. Animals also have emotions, try to offend them or touch their offspring, you will see a lot of emotions! They can even bite and tear a person.

The three lower chakras are no different in humans and animals. If a person lives in the three lower chakras, then he is not a person, he is an animal in a human body. An animal also eats, drinks, has sex, the same instincts also operate in it.

Sometimes people from God receive such a strong human body that, they say, even Demigods dream of such a thing. In our religion, if a Demigod wants to meditate, he needs a human body to sit in meditation. He does not have a physical body to meditate on, he has a subtle body. A demigod needs a physical body to read books, experience meditation and have the five elements from which our body is made.

And at the same time, some people, while in the human body, live below the heart chakra. This is an animal level, they eat like pigs, think like animals, are so aggressive that they are ready to kill each other, cannot forgive each other. Small amounts of food or money cannot be shared.

When guys fight at the age of 14-15, this is normal, because, according to Vedic traditions, chakras develop every seven years. The first seven years the root chakra develops, the next seven years the second chakra develops, this is the age of 14-15 years. The next seven years - the solar plexus is the emotional chakra. And at the age of 20-21 you no longer want to fight, other interests appear, the age of falling in love. Everything has to be completed at the appropriate age, but sometimes the seven years that should be completed at the age of 14-16 have not been completed yet. Development stops, and throughout their lives such people have spiritual growth on the second or third chakra. The body grows, but the chakras do not develop, because they do nothing for it. No one instructs them, no one teaches them. What does a theological school do? Any school that goes to God helps to activate this process through meditation. At any age, this process can be advanced. And the higher consciousness rises, the easier it is for a person to live.

Therefore, when a person’s consciousness rises to the heart chakra, he will definitely fall in love. There is no such person who would not fall in love from 16 to 25 years old. After 22 years, he has a serious love; whether it is successful or not is another matter. Falling in love is a person’s innate right; they are not taught this. Have you ever read a manual on how to fall in love? Falling in love is human nature, it is a Divine quality embedded in a person, associated with the heart chakra. And novels are written about those who fall in love.
There is no formula for how to fall in love, there are no rules for how to fall in love. To fall in love, you need to conquer your emotions. Whoever dwells on his emotions cannot fall in love, he pays attention to the fact that “she doesn’t speak like that, she’s not dressed like that.” Emotions may prevent you from falling in love, but when a person truly falls in love, without formulas, without rules, he sees nothing wrong. He can see it later, when he quarrels or when he is married. The person he loves becomes God for him.

Seven years pass, people are starting to think differently, this stage of falling in love must pass. And then, without fanaticism, a person accepts another person with all his shortcomings.

Love can always change shape. At the level of the lower three chakras, a person does not always live with an open heart. There is always egoism here, why and why should I fall in love? When you fall in love before the age of 22, it's wonderful! At this time, your solar plexus and brains don’t bother you, you fall in love and that’s it! Who did you fall in love with, why did you fall in love, what will this give me, what is the benefit of this - all this is not something the brain thinks about when a person is in love. If at 30-40 years old a person wants to fall in love, he cannot do this, because he looks at the person and immediately analyzes how much money is in his wallet, what habits, whether the person will be categorical, whether he will begin to control me. The mind does not allow a person to fall in love.

When your heart is closed, an open person comes to you, but you simply do not see him. You might want to fall in love, because in front of you stands a person whose heart is open. But he will attract someone like him, a person with an open heart.

When a person falls in love, it is beyond his control. If a person needs this energy of love, then this automatically happens, provided that the heart chakra is open. Every person has his opposite sex in his space, but if the heart is closed, then it is impossible to “open the door.” Even if a husband and wife live together, and their hearts are closed, it turns out, as in Kirkorov’s song: “The heart is like glass, we do not feel fire and water.” This is what happens when people live together, but do not feel each other in their hearts. When the heart is open, everything works out right away.

When the Anahata heart chakra is open, a person can calmly say “Thank you!” If he forgives, he can really forgive. The heart chakra has two qualities. The first quality is that the heart always requires love, to accept love, the second quality is to give love. Many people are accustomed to accepting love all their lives; they need attention. You have obviously noticed how some girls demand attention, but they themselves do not give any attention in return. And there are people who give attention, but do not demand attention to themselves.

There are two types of people with an open heart chakra. Sometimes people have a need to give love, to care, such people give love, but cannot accept it. Some people are used to enjoying attention, while others have a need to give. In family relationships, the heart chakras alternate roles. He loves her, gives all his love to her, and she gives nothing back. I achieved my goal, got married, what else do you need? Then time passes, they change roles again. This is a normal process - one gives, the other receives, then vice versa.

Anyone who has experience in family life understands me. Because every 5-7 years every couple rebuilds their relationship. Every 5-7 years there is a scandal, then 5 years of normal life. One receives the energy of love, the other gives this energy. They both give each other energy, but still, someone dominates. These are the properties of Anahata. This is how family life works. One year, second, third, fifth year his wife tells him the same things, he listens to her, confirms, agrees. Although he does not need this at all, he is obliged to listen to her; if he does not listen to her, then his wife will have an explosion of emotions and a scandal will occur. A woman's nature is to speak, and a man's nature is to listen. This connects them. If she speaks and he does not listen to her, a scandal is already brewing. If a woman does not speak, then she is not a woman.

Now let's move on to the throat chakra. The throat chakra has the ability to express its state. If you want to express your gratitude from the heart, you express that gratitude through your mouth. If you want to express emotions, you also express through the throat chakra. If you want to make a business proposal coming from the hara chakra, you also express it through the throat chakra. Fears from the root chakra also express themselves through the throat chakra. If a person is seriously frightened, his legs spasm, the person screams from fear, and sometimes his voice even disappears. If a person screamed, then fear immediately came out through the throat chakra. If a person does not scream, then the person loses his voice and may not speak for a month. This happens because energy appeared in large quantities and did not come out, the throat chakra was blocked.

And the upper three chakras also express their state through the heart chakra. The wisdom of the third eye chakra comes again through the throat chakra. The priest also pronounces God’s blessing: “Lord, bless you!” And blessing comes through the heart chakra.

If a person wants to be at the human level, then he must live at the level of the heart chakra. At the level above the heart chakra live the Sages, the Saints who bless. If you are a person and want to at least be a person, to understand human values, then you must live at the level of the heart chakra. When a person is kind, he feels people, their pain and feelings, and lives at the human level. If a person lives at a level below the heart chakra, then his ego is ready to walk “over corpses”, because he can be angry and aggressive. The lower chakras will cause a certain aggression in him. He immediately loses his human qualities and moves to another level.

When the heart chakra is open, it is easy for a person to live in this world. When the heart chakra is closed, he communicates either at the level of the lower or upper chakras.

You can practically see what state your heart chakra is in and which chakra is suppressing it. You can always check yourself: what interferes with the heart chakra, what closes my heart, what prevents me from opening my heart to others?


Sit comfortably, comfortably. Place your hands on your knees, close your eyes. Inhale, hold your breath, exhale. Inhale, hold your breath, exhale. We do this until complete relaxation.

We thank Mother Earth for all earthly blessings. We thank the Divine Cosmos for its support and blessing. Say: “I allow myself to let the energy of the Earth freely pass through me into the Cosmos, the energy of the Cosmos freely descends through me into the Earth.”

As we inhale, we feel how the energy of the Earth rises through the entire body into Space. With exhalation, the energy of the Cosmos descends through the body into the Earth. We imagine the color red in the crotch area in the form of a red ball. We feel how the energy of the Earth rises from the center of the magma to the perineum. We take a deep breath and exhale.

Now imagine a beautiful flower in the center of your chest of any color and any size. Look what color this flower is: red, yellow, orange, blue, blue or another color. We carefully and lovingly examine the flower, note its size and open our eyes.

Now you can analyze what your flower means. If the flower is blue, it means that the brain (third eye chakra) is pressing and does not allow the heart chakra to open. How many thoughts are in your head - they all control the heart. Now mentally send this blue flower to the third eye chakra area. Let her heal him. If the flower is pink, then you gradually lower it to the root chakra. In the crotch, where we imagined the color red.

A pink flower can speak of some experiences and fears in the root chakra. This anxiety does not allow the heart to open.

Because We live on Earth, then too pink color in Anahata does not allow us to open the heart chakra at the level of humanity, pink color is good if you live in a monastery or in heaven. We have pink in our hearts, but we want love on a human level. With pink color you can declare your love to Saint Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Jesus Christ. And to declare your love on a human level in your affairs, you need the color green. If a monk speaks in pink, then this is good, but if you are not monks, then it turns out that the soul wants one thing, and the mind wants another, and in order to pacify them and return your feelings back, you need the green color to appear. The color green will help you communicate on a human level, on the level of people.

A gold or white flower is good. A white flower indicates that the person is balanced. And the heart chakra works in a balanced way. It happens that after meditation all the chakras and subtle bodies are aligned, and the Earth-Cosmos energy balances everything, burning away the negativity with heat. And then you feel balanced energy in your body. If you imagine a white flower, it means that all the negativity has burned out.

The color gold is the color of healing power, which means a person can be a healer and heal himself and others. He has a trembling in his heart to help someone. If the color is white, then the person is neutral.

If the flower is blue, then it should be sent to the throat chakra, this means that you are not saying a lot, and this puts pressure on your heart. We need to speak out.

If you see a purple flower in the center of your chest, you can bless people. It happens that such a person sits on a stall, in the market, and in his heart there is a purple flower. In this case, you need to either change the flower, or go to church in the morning and engage in some blessed service. This once again indicates that the soul wants one thing, and the mind wants another. A person always struggles, because of this his energy is disrupted. If the soul and mind become friends, then harmony comes. The soul says: I want to relax, I want to read spiritual literature. The mind says: you need to earn money. The goal can be united, then there will be no struggle. If there is disagreement, then the person closes his heart.

Whenever you have a difficult situation in life, you can always analyze which flower you represent. According to the color of the flower, you send the flower to the desired chakra and work with it.

Any time you feel heavy at heart, check where it's coming from. The practice is easy: close your eyes, check what color the flower is, and send it to the chakra where the problem is and what color the flower is. This is the first thing that must be done - open the heart chakra.


Everyone who works to open the heart must understand: what prevents you from opening your heart? If you have had a bad experience in your life, you broke up with someone, you had an unsuccessful love, and you still remember the girl or guy you broke up with, you need to completely return the energy of love. These can be not only partners, but also parents, sisters, brothers, friends, etc. Resentments can persist against anyone, and then because of them we cannot open up.

First stage

Let’s mentally put the image of these people in front of ourselves and thank them for everything good or bad. It may happen that you quarreled with a relative who does not interest you now, and you do not want to maintain contact with him. But you are interested in your heart chakra. You may not maintain friendly relations with him. Our task is to thank him for the experience that we went through with him, and thanks to this, relieve the burden on our heart chakra.

Even if you are not worried about your relationship, you still need to open your heart chakra. When we need to wash dishes, we take sand or dishwashing detergent. The product itself does not matter, we only need it for washing.

Now we want to “wash” the heart chakra. And our “cleanser” is this practice.

The heart chakra is energy. If we had a conflict with some person, then there was energy there too. This person is put in front of us, we work with him not in order to do something in relation to him, but in order to “wash” our heart with a “detergent”.

So, the first stage. Our task is to expand our heart chakra. We may not need this person we are working with, but we take him for practical training of the heart chakra, as a “cleanser”. Whoever hinders us will help us. He interferes with us somewhere inside, or once did, but today he can help us with something, this situation or that person. We take it for this reason, to open our heart chakra.

First, we imagine this person opposite us and thank him for everything - for the fact that we once met him, that we once had some feelings for him. Thanks to him, we gained something, he gave us confidence, gave us gifts, and offended us in some way. We must be grateful not only for the good, but also for the bad. Thank you for the experience we went through with this man together. You must thank sincerely, with all your heart, as if you were the most dear person.

Second phase

When you were connected with this person, you left good or bad feelings there, this is your energy. When you remember this person, you lack energy. You speak:

“Darling, give me what is mine, take for yourself what is yours. From today we are even."

We repeat this 21 times. When we say “give it to me,” we imagine how a bioenergy ball leaves him (her) and returns to you, and how a bioenergy ball leaves you and returns to him.

Imagine that this person is in a balloon, the thread from the balloon goes to your heart chakra. You slowly release this ball together with this person into Space, and imagine how it flew. You will be completely free of it.

This person doesn't have to be your ex. This could be any person from your life: boyfriend or girlfriend, relatives, former companion, childhood friend, etc. You didn’t necessarily have to quarrel with them, break up with a scandal - sometimes people silently break up. One or two people are enough to do the heart chakra cleansing practice.

Third stage

After this we will do an exercise that will help us fill the heart chakra with energy. We will use the mantra “So-Ham”.

“Co” is all the Light forces of the Cosmos, all the forces that we represent. They enter into us when we say “So.” We exhale all the negative forces that prevent the heart from opening up - “Boor.”

So, inhale, with the sound “So”: “All Light forces of the Cosmos, Divine forces, come into me.”

Holding your breath, while we feel how all the Light forces of the Cosmos fill our heart chakra.

Exhale, with the sound “Ham” - we throw away everything, everything that gets in the way. All grievances, all aggression, all discontent, everything that is in the lower chakras: sexual aggression, discontent, resentment.

This exercise must be performed 21 times within 40 days. Each of the two meditations will take 15-20 minutes and will completely cleanse your heart chakra.

After these meditations, you may feel an emptiness, a lightness in the center of your chest. We experienced this state in childhood, when we were small children, when dad brought a gift, when mom hugged. This sensation brings back memories of feeling the heart chakra open in childhood. As adults, we have lost this feeling, and the heart chakra should always be open. It is our innate right, we have the right to love and be loved. This way you can live without stress.

I want everyone's heart to be open. Sometimes people themselves do not want to open the heart chakra; they need to be explained what an open heart is, how they can find themselves in it, how easy it is to live. They are so busy with their own worries that the ego does not allow them to engage in spiritual practices. And any spiritual practice begins with an open heart.

The Reiki practice that I do helps in achieving this state. The divine energy of love, coming through initiation from the master, gives a person spiritual strength to work on himself. But when you plant a small sprout in the ground, it must be watered every day. Self-meditation performs the function of “watering the sprout.” If you don’t do them, the “sprout” will dry out. Dedication can be compared to planting a “tree”, and care and “watering” are your task and a matter of your conscience.

In India, the practice of opening the heart chakra is also common. Often marriages are concluded by the parents' decision. The bride sees the groom once or twice before the wedding. After marriage, she or he cannot open up to each other. After going through this practice of opening the heart chakra, they open their hearts and accept each other. If they don’t go through such practices, then it takes a lot of time for the period of falling in love to come - sometimes the children are already going to school, and the parents’ hearts have just opened. In Ukraine it is different, the chakra is first open, young people fall in love, but boys and girls are not taught how to treat each other. They get offended, break up and close their hearts. When there is freedom to fall in love, then the heart closes. When there is no such freedom, then the heart also closes. In Ukraine, people fall in love before marriage and still break up. In India, people fall in love after marriage.

To live a happy and fulfilling life, we must live with an open heart. A sign of an open heart chakra is that people behave openly, joke, laugh, hug each other. This is our nature, and we forget it all the time.

Be happy and loved!

To open the heart chakra, you need the initiation of a Reiki Master.

The fourth center, or chakra, is anahata (translated from Sanskrit as “invulnerable”, “unstruck”, “silent”).

Anahata is located in the middle part of the sternum. She is depicted as a green lotus with twelve petals.

In the middle of the image are two crossed triangles.

A triangle with an upward apex symbolizes the intellectual, spiritual, energetic level of human existence, and a triangle with an apex pointing downward indicates the physical body, a version of physical, material life. Crossed triangles form a “middle point” - a hexagon, a honeycomb, a cosmic honeycomb structure of life, where the person himself is inscribed. The triangles themselves indicate that in this chakra there are flows of the Earthly level (triangle with the apex up) and the Cosmic level (triangle with the apex down). Ideally, these two principles should be in a state of balance, which fills the aura with a feeling of harmony.

Astrologically, the fourth center corresponds to the Sun.

R. Steiner connects the sphere of the Sun with the Cosmic Christ, or Spirit of Form, the Divine principle behind the human Christ and cosmic and human evolution. In the Kabbalah, Anahata as the solar center corresponds to the Sephira Tiffereth, which represents the first stage of initiation, in which a person receives revelation from the Higher Self, or guardian angel.

The fourth chakra corresponds to the elements of air and touch. It means liveliness of the heart, movement towards something, connection, permission to touch oneself, to touch things. Here we find the ability to feel, empathize, and correspond to consonance. Through this center we see the beauty of nature as well as harmony in music, art and poetry. Here images, words and sounds turn into feelings.

The Anahata chakra is responsible for love, communication, and tolerance. These feelings determine the chakra. Feelings of resentment, misunderstanding, sadness and grief block the energy of the Earth Channel at this level, preventing the flow of energy to other levels. It is no coincidence that the feeling of sadness in the Russian language is described by such expressions as “a stone on the heart”, “a broken heart”, “the soul is restless”.

Painful sensations in the heart area indicate a disruption in the flow of energy at this level.

Understanding yourself, your needs and tasks, understanding the needs of your neighbor and even the entire civilization, compassion, consolation (which means a gift of love) - all this contributes to the normal flow of energy in the Anahata chakra. The feeling of love for oneself, for one’s neighbor and for the whole world contributes to the harmonious functioning of the intellectual and physical plane in a person.

Think about this: you can cry, suffer and be sad every day - but no one is forcing you to do this!

This chakra has an important influence on the activity of the thymus gland (thymus) and the body's immune system. It is associated with the activity of the heart, the functioning of the lungs and the circulatory system. Anahata promotes nutrient absorption and is related to tissue regeneration. This center binds together and balances the activity of other chakras. It connects with a level of consciousness that awakens higher compassion and natural abilities, allowing you to see the deep forces of nature.

The opening of anahata strengthens, purifies it, balances the internal movements of feelings or energies and allows a person to feel a state of deep independence from the influences of the world. He no longer relies on other people's opinions about himself. He becomes a self-supporting person. Mastering the element of air allows him to “fly”: to make spiritual flights to higher worlds and experience higher states than before. Of course, in addition to deep balance, awakened anahata acquires the ability to sincerely enjoy life, love and compassion.

There are many figurative expressions indicating the boundlessness of the Anahata chakra. We say: “He has a big heart,” “There is a place in my heart for each of you,” etc.

When the words “I love you and always think about you” are spoken only by the mind, they remain just empty words. To truly send someone a feeling of love, we need to open the Ana Hata Chakra and allow love and light to radiate from our inner self.

Anahata chakra is our inner temple where the divine resides. atma,"flame of life" Self-realization, otherwise called God-realization, involves the recognition of our own “I”, that is, atma. To show that something belongs to us or concerns us, we involuntarily point to the center of the chest, the location of anahata. No one points to the head, stomach or any other part of the body. This clearly shows that we involuntarily identify ourselves with the atma at the heart center.

IN Chandogya Upanishad said:

In the center of the body there is a small cloister surrounded by a wall with eleven doors. Hidden in this abode, a lotus is blooming, and inside it there is a tiny, small space.

What does this "tiny space" in the heart of the lotus mean? This is atma, our true Self. Atma is a particle of God. This is pure, unchanging, Infinite Consciousness. It is the Eternal, Unborn and Imperishable that lives in every living being. Just as the entire tree is already contained and present in the seed, the essence of the entire Cosmos lives in the center of the heart chakra. Presumably, although we will not be able to see it - even if we dissect the heart and examine it under a microscope, we will not be able to find traces of this "tiny space inside the lotus of the heart."

On the one hand, in the anahata chakra we experience delightful, happy experiences; on the other hand, it is easy to become unbalanced in this chakra. If the mind and consciousness are not cleansed, then deceptive thoughts and feelings, obsessions and complexes arise in the anahata chakra, which affect us physically and mentally. Deep within ourselves, we hear and encounter numerous unreacted experiences and karmic situations from the past that rest in the subconscious.

The heart chakra glows with green and pink light, and sometimes also yellow. Green is the color of healing, as well as harmony and sympathy. If an aura seer notices a clear, transparent green color in the area of ​​another person’s heart, then this will be an indication of a highly developed healing ability. The yellow aura, saturated with pink, represents a person living with a pure, devotional feeling of love for the Highest.

Harmonious state

If your heart chakra is completely open and cooperates harmoniously with the other chakras, then you become a channel of Divine love. The energies of your heart can change your world, and the people around you can unite, reconcile and heal. You radiate a natural warmth, warmth and joy that opens the hearts of your loved ones, awakens trust and gives joy. Sympathy and willingness to help are obvious to you. Your feelings are free from external interference and conflicts, from doubts and uncertainty. You love for the sake of love itself, the joy of giving without expecting anything in return. In all of Creation, you feel at home and completely safe. In everything you do, you are present with all your heart.

Love in your heart also sharpens your attention, so that in all manifested forms at every level of Creation, you see the cosmic play of disintegration and unification, bringing Divine love and harmony. You have experienced yourself that separation from the universal Divine aspect of life and the resulting suffering increases the desire to reunite with the Supreme. Only this former separation allows one to consciously and perfectly experience the love of God and the boundless joy that flows from it.

This wisdom of the heart illuminates the events of the world and your life with new light. The love in your heart spontaneously supports all aspirations, allowing the love of God and his Creation to grow. You notice that the entire life of Creation takes place in your heart. You no longer perceive life as something separate, but as part of your own life.

The sense of vitality is so great in you that only now do you actually know what it means to “live” in the unfeigned primary sense - the ever-present expression of Divine love and happiness.

Disharmonious state

A disharmonious state of the heart chakra can be expressed in various ways: for example, you would like to give, to be constantly present for others, without being connected to the source of love. Somewhere in the depths of your heart - perhaps without realizing it or admitting it - you expect recognition and confirmation for your “love”, and you are disappointed if your efforts are not appreciated. Or you feel very important and strong, you give a little of your power to others, but you are not able to accept love, to open up to “take.”

Sensuality and softness create problems for you. You may convince yourself that you don't need the love of others. This position is often accompanied by an expanded, “bloated” chest, which is an indication of an internal protective shell from pain and attacks from others.

Reduced function

Improper functioning of the heart chakra makes you easily vulnerable to injury and dependent on the love and sympathy of others. If you are rejected, you feel deeply hurt, especially if you had the courage to open up. Then you return to your refuge again. You are sad and depressed. And although you would like to give love, however, out of fear of being rejected again, you can never find the right way to do this, and again you are convinced of your inability. Perhaps you are trying to compensate for your desire for love with some particularly friendly and polite way of behavior . With your superficial politeness, you reward everyone without exception, without delving deeply into the people around you. Therefore, if someone ever really needs your heart, you avoid it and withdraw into yourself, in fear of being offended.

If your heart chakra is completely closed, then this is visible in your coldness and indifference, even to the point of anesthesia. To feel anything at all, you need strong external stimulation. You are unstable and suffer from depression.

Correction of Anahata chakra

The two great energy elements - “give and take” - must be in balance, that is, in harmony. These skills began to be laid at the level where, while collecting tribute from the state, the king learned to reward.

If a person constantly gives energy without receiving it in return, energy exhaustion occurs, and the person gets sick, which further worsens the situation of energy metabolism. If life cannot be changed: you have small children who absorb energy, or elderly parents who demand attention, analyze why you give more energy than you receive in return?

Any calm walk in the bosom of wild, undisturbed, green nature harmonizes our entire being with the help of the heart chakra. Each flower sends a message of love and innocent joy, allowing these abilities to blossom in our hearts. Pink flowers are especially suitable for subtly revitalizing and healing the energy of the heart chakra.

The pinkish sky with the subtle shapes of the clouds enriches and expands the heart. Let the beauty and delicacy of the colors and shapes of such a “heavenly image” embrace and lift you up.

From this article you will learn:

    What is the etymology and structure of the fourth chakra

    What is the fourth chakra responsible for?

    What are the features of the functioning of the fourth chakra in men and women?

    How does the fourth chakra work?

Comprehension of the Spirit of love leads a person to a new level of goals. Now he does not belong only to himself, but strives, first of all, to heal and improve the lives of others with the help of all-encompassing love. The fourth chakra of the human body, which is called anahata, is responsible for the Spirit of love. We propose to take a closer look at its location, signs indicating its activity, and methods for opening it.

What does the fourth chakra Anahata mean?

Anahata chakra translated from Sanskrit means “invulnerable”, “indestructible”, “untouched”. Strengthening the human spirit and his will, stability in confronting everyday difficulties is ensured by the active fourth chakra. According to the law of Anahata, any desire coming from the depths of the soul will certainly come true.

This chakra includes the three spiritual aspects of life. They are reflected in the appearance of Indian deities of antiquity. The physical component of the heart - the left Heart Chakra - is the union of Sri Shiva and Sri Parvati. Shri Parvati is a variant form of Kundalini and Shri Shiva is the Supreme Deity found in Indian mythology. It controls not only the thoughts and actions of a person, but also the general world order.

The fundamental one is Sri Jagadamba, which gives courage and courage, increasing confidence and saving from fear. Jagadamba Durma Mata is the personification of the Mother of the Universe, who descended to earth to fight evil and protect people and Gods. Its immediate presence enables a person who actively uses this chakra to understand the spiritual truth of the Highest Power of Love.

The union of the masculine and feminine principles is embodied in the right aspect of the fourth chakra, uniting God Rama and his wife Sita. Rama (in translation from Sanskrit - the perfect highest of men) is an example of righteousness and selflessness. He is in complete harmony with a person, which is supported by established moral and ethical boundaries. Sita is the spiritual feminine principle that motivates a Man to achieve his true destiny.

Accordingly, anahata allows you to combine resilience, irrepressible energy and blissful harmony. The Anahata chakra appears to be the intersection of everyday life in the muladhara chakra and the metaphysical in the sixth and seventh chakras.

The standard description of the Anahata chakra is a circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals. Two triangles are inscribed in this circle, transforming into a six-pointed star. The center contains the inscription "yam" and an anahata stem emerges from it.

An integral symbol of the fourth chakra is greenish-gray smoke. In addition, not only green, but also pinkish and purple shades may be present. Each triangle has its own meaning. Directed upward is an awareness of the highest spiritual path, one’s true life purpose. The other triangle indicates the individual's individual characteristics, his intelligence and strength. The anahata center allows you to balance the characteristics of the individual’s psyche and harmonize consciousness and illusions.

The following minerals embody the fourth chakra: chrysocolla, aventurine, emerald, rose quartz, chrysoprase, jet, rhodonite, malachite and dioptase.

What is the fourth chakra of a person responsible for?

    The fourth chakra, anahata, is often called the “emotional chakra” because it is with it that an individual’s emotions, feelings, responsiveness and openness are closely associated.

    This chakra embodies Faith and Spiritual stability, influencing the manifestations of love, tenderness and other subtle human emotions.

    The development of an individual’s emotional shell depends on the anahata chakra.

    Anahata, being the heart chakra, is located at the epicenter of the individual’s energy structure. It is this that ensures the balance, harmony and interaction of two triangles (the lower one - the energy of the material world, and the upper one - the energy of the higher spiritual world). The three lower chakras are responsible for the personal energy of a person, and the three higher ones are responsible for the collective components of the “I”, which ensure the relationship with the energy of the Universe. It is in the Anahata chakra that the personal and collective aspects of the individual’s “I” intersect.

    Placing the center of an individual’s consciousness in the heart chakra allows one to fully control and manage his bioenergy.

    A high level of development of the fourth and fifth chakras indicates a person’s emotional maturity and openness to the perception of any fluctuations in the surrounding dense and subtle world.

    Regarding physical characteristics: the cardiovascular system, chest organs and other human organs (primarily the heart and lungs) belong to the Anahata chakra.

How does a man’s fourth chakra differ from a woman’s?

A special feature of the male heart chakra is that it is omnidirectional. Thus, a man can enjoy “anything,” that is, any life events and phenomena can give him pleasure.

Accordingly, in love, a man can also receive and give energy in different directions, falling under the influence of the omnidirectional chakra of love.

Women have a more directed fourth chakra. The female anahata chakra has a vector of preferential orientation. Therefore, a woman’s anahata is usually directed towards her loved one and concentrated only on him.

If a woman does not currently have a beloved man, then her anahata chakra can be directed to the one who was the previous sexual partner, or to her father, or to a certain activity that gives the woman the highest pleasure.

How does an open fourth chakra manifest itself?

The openness of the fourth chakra is, first of all, evidenced by the fidelity shown towards a partner. A person with a fully formed active fourth chakra respects family values ​​and attaches great importance to his marriage, caring about its preservation and well-being.

Such people give love to their surroundings, they love nature and are ready to contemplate it endlessly. For them, every living creature is a manifestation of the highest powers of the Creator. Often the forces of nature contribute to the development of the magical abilities of such an individual.

Open second and fourth chakras help increase self-confidence and harmonize the personality. Such a person has the ability to empathize and is not afraid to show his weaknesses to others. He is sensitive to the emotions of others and does not hide his own emotions.

Communicating with a person characterized by a harmonious fourth chakra is very pleasant. He is imbued with the thoughts of other people, empathizes with their feelings and emotions. In many ways, he is helped by a high level of development of intuition. By sharing your problems with such a person and discussing them, you will understand that they disappear and decrease. It is to such a person that people run to “cry into their vest.” And they help everyone, even strangers. Helping others is a special pleasure for them, it is a need of the soul. And when they provide it, they do not feel any superiority, but only joy.

How to know if the fourth chakra is closed

If the functioning of the fourth chakra is not balanced, it can affect the physical condition of the individual. First of all, he begins to suffer from colds, insomnia, chronic fatigue and overexertion. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as hyper- and hypotension, heart pain, etc., may also occur.

Disturbances in the functioning of the green chakra also affect a person’s relationships with others. Such people cannot remain faithful and begin to cheat, while experiencing great pleasure. They are often haunted by the idea that they are unworthy of love. They are characterized by rudeness and coldness. Usually they cannot create a strong family, but this does not mean that they strive for loneliness. They may have close people who find it very difficult to be around such a person.

If the fourth chakra is closed, a person loses the ability to believe in miracles. This is due to the fact that the heart and throat chakras contribute to the penetration of the power of faith into the subtle body of the individual. If one of them is violated, a person’s emotional world suffers. He can love, but this love does not have a Divine beginning. This is rather a manifestation of selfishness, simple mundane feelings. At the same time, he can even mock the feelings of other people, attributing them to manifestations of weakness.

But there may be a completely different reflection of an imbalance in the fourth chakra, when an individual boasts of his feelings. He puts them on display, imposing them on others. Shows care even when no one needs it at all. As a result, what he gives does not come back to him. The energy of love cannot penetrate the closed fourth chakra. The result can be resentment towards everyone around, anger, as well as energy and emotional exhaustion.

The development of the anahata heart chakra is associated with the age of 13–15 years, when it occurs naturally. At the same time, during this period - adolescence - most parents stop showing their feelings for their children openly and are embarrassed about it. As a result, the child's fourth chakra is blocked. It is important to show your feelings to a child of any age. And the heart chakra should be developed not only at this time, but also in subsequent age periods. And above all, the formed fourth chakra will be useful to people embarking on the path of healing and white magic. The ability for empathy and Divine love allows you to achieve great success in helping your neighbor.

One should remember the importance of mantras for the development of chakras. Chanting, listening and using them in meditation help open the chakra. YAM is the mantra of the Anahata chakra.

In addition, beautiful Zen music and aromatherapy help open the fourth chakra. It is only important to choose the right scent and use it for its intended purpose. You can add aromatic oils to your bath, creams and shampoos. The anahata chakra includes the aromas of sandalwood and cedar. Also, specially selected minerals will help enhance the effect, introducing their positive vibrations. The fourth chakra is characterized by stones of green and yellowish-green shades.

We must not forget that the fourth chakra can be opened without additional manipulation. To do this, first of all, you should accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. If you love yourself, then those around you will also seem wonderful people. Self-confidence and joy of being should be developed. You need to enjoy life and yourself, accepting yourself for who you really are.

Developing compassion allows you to open the love chakra. You shouldn't judge others. Put yourself in their shoes and look at the situation from the other side. Blame prevents the development of compassion. Gentleness and sensitivity are of great importance, although along with them it is important to develop strength of character. It is firmness and fortitude that make it possible to demonstrate different character traits.

At the same time, it is important to be able to distance yourself from other people's problems. You should not let other people’s sorrows pass through yourself, because this can harm your own personality. It is necessary to find a balance between empathy, willingness to help and maintaining the integrity of your personality.

To perform the ritual to open the fourth chakra, you will need certain items, which you can find in our online store “Witch’s Happiness”.

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In order for a person to feel comfortable both physically and emotionally, a free flow of energy must constantly pulsate through his body. If you observe frequent negative emotional outbursts, they can be permanently blocked. At the same time, we forget that if under threat heart chakra, other energy points along the chain suffer from this. Energy leaks can cause heaviness and headaches, ailments of various organs, and emotional lethargy. Such moments especially manifest themselves in situations when you need to be strong, when you need to gather all your will into a fist in the fight against life circumstances.

Opening the heart chakra

It takes a lot of time to activate any chakra. For each person, the timing of the opening of the chakra is absolutely individual. Healing the heart chakra is a process that depends entirely on the amount of effort you put into it. To open the chakra, mantras and certain combinations of sounds are used. When a person hums them, resonant vibrations arise - this develops our energy points. Mantras will help you achieve a clear sense of your own chakras. For this purpose, a special matra of the heart chakra (anahata) - yam - is suitable. When pronouncing sounds, you should chant the mantra drawn out and gently, while concentrating on your chakra. You should practice heart chakra meditation every day if possible. If you are unable to chant the mantra out loud, do it with your inner voice. When you start working with anahata, you will soon feel enlightenment in your life.

Unblocking the Heart Chakra

Only, at first glance, it seems that closed chakras do not cause any harm. But if, which is located in the sternum area, is blocked, we immediately notice that it is more difficult for us to resolve any financial issues. If we postpone the opening of the heart chakra for an indefinite period of time, then our well-being worsens: our heart hurts, we suffer from hypertension, asthma. It is becoming increasingly difficult to settle amorous affairs. There are sudden mood swings: from a complete lack of enthusiasm, fatigue, apathy to excessive anxiety, panic, even paranoia, and insomnia. Energy, like the flow of a river, flows through our body. When the stream freely overcomes all obstacles, the banks along it seem to flourish. An excess of such energy causes “floods”. If we don’t figure out how to open the heart chakra in time, then a “drought” sets in in our body and soul. We suffer from this. Therefore, it is very important to unblock the fourth heart chakra.