Yana Churikova has children. Yana Churikova: She hid her divorce for a whole year

The biography of Yana Churikova interests many fans. This is what we will talk about next.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova is known to everyone as the host of Russian television projects. She was born in the capital of the then Soviet Union, on an autumn November day in 1978.

Myth or one surname

Many believe that TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter of her famous namesake Inna Churikova. But there are no connections other than good friendships between these famous women.

Yana Churikova: biography

Yana's parents are Alexey and Elena Churikov. Her father, being a military man, served in Hungary at the time of her birth. Mom Elena received an economic education. It was in Hungary, in a military town, that most of Yanina’s childhood passed. Like many military children, she could easily fight, knew how to shoot, and drive a car.

1985 was her first school year. The school was located in the small Hungarian town of Thököl, which was located almost in the center of the country.

Vivid Memories

The biography of Yana Churikova contains the fact that the most vivid childhood memories occur during her school years. Yana considers her childhood happy and cloudless. Children of that time had their own entertainment. With their girlfriends, they ran through the old trenches overgrown with grass, the airfield, and found cartridges and cartridges left in the ground from World War II.

School was easy for Yana. She didn't really try. Getting excellent grades was not difficult. The only problem was bad behavior, which was the reason for all her school troubles. But the teachers turned a blind eye to her behavior because of her bright head. Mathematics became the Achilles heel that left the girl without a gold medal at the end of school. But this did not become a stumbling block. She was not at all upset about this, and no one demanded from her great abilities in the exact sciences.

The ability to easily communicate with almost completely different people led her to her future job. She was distinguished by this quality of character even as a child.

As often happens, already in adulthood, Yana, having returned to her school places, to her once native Hungary, dear to her childhood, did not find there what was so dear to her. The old garrison was still there, but in great decline and desolation.

Childhood dreams

The biography of Yana Churikova also talks about her childhood dreams. What did the girl dream about? Many professions were changed by her. But she was no longer attracted to the essence of the profession, but to the external attributes. Hobbies from time to time included paleontology, animal life, and music. Dentistry was no exception. And this is just a small list of what occupied her longer than others.

Later, Yana admits that what attracted her to the profession of a journalist was that with its help you can learn about all professions.

One day she went to the opera house. This made a completely unforgettable impression on her. The girl’s imagination was overwhelmed by everything: magical music, wind instruments, theater design and scenery, elegant, formal dresses for the ladies.

Return to Moscow

The biography of Yana Churikova is eventful. In the late 1980s, the entire Churikov family returned to live in Moscow. At this time, Soviet troops were leaving Hungary.

The girl immediately did not like the capital and disappointed her. She saw Moscow as a dark, sad city. The people she met on the street seemed gloomy and gloomy to her. She didn't have any friends yet. And despite her cheerful and lively disposition and ease of communication, her friends did not appear for a long time. The whole capital seemed like one continuous negative.

The beginning of journalism

Everything changed for the better when my mother brought the girl Yana Churikova to study at the youth newspaper “Glagol”. This newspaper was somewhat similar to “Pionerskaya Pravda”. She took under her wing all children who showed writing abilities. Here they learned the basics of the profession. It was here that Yana’s mother brought her.

Since then, everything in Churikova’s life has changed once and for all. A lot of new friends and interesting activities appeared in the newspaper. Since then, she had the profession of her whole life in her hands. A few years later, in 1994, she took second prize at the Literature Olympics in Moscow.

With her all-consuming passion for journalism, she sang in a rock band with the provocative name “Fairy Tales for Adults.” This group was not destined to become famous. She broke up after several concerts.

In 1995, Yana entered the first time and began her studies at the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Moscow State University. “The influence of music television on mass consciousness using the example of the MTV channel” was the title of a difficult graduation project. Then there was graduate school.

Famous and fashionable

Over time, she becomes one of the most talented and sought-after presenters. She easily manages any projects on television. Her professional life is planned ahead.

However, people who know Yana closely note her shyness and modesty. She doesn't like to draw attention to herself. Strives to remain in the shadows in any company. Such diametrically opposed opinions indicate, first of all, that she is different for television and for close people.

Simply a wonderful actress Yana Churikova. On television, she easily has lively dialogues with different people, she intrigues, provokes, and has easy conversations.

Main projects

She became famous on television through the program “12 Angry Spectators,” which aired on MTV. A little later, the talented presenter was noticed and she was given an offer to work as a presenter on Channel One. She agreed. Then a series of well-executed projects began: “Good Morning”, “Star Factory”, “Lens”. Today's project she is leading is called “Cruel Intentions”. In addition, she becomes the editor of Viva magazine.

Yana Churikova: personal life

Churikova did not meet her man right away. We had to wait quite a long time for him.

The first marriage was not official. It ended due to Yana’s stormy and active life, which did not suit her husband.

In addition, a busy schedule and dedication to work did not leave much time for family. What seemed to Yana the essence of life, for her common-law husband was empty vanity.

Yana Churikova's first official husband is Ivan Tsybin, a producer and director. Yana owes her mother the opportunity to meet him. However, the first acquaintance did not become fateful. Then there were several more meetings, usually about work. Ivan was persistent. Over time, they fell in love with each other. Marriage was the natural outcome of their relationship. Relations after registering the relationship remained almost ideal for everyone. This was Ivan Tsybin’s third marriage. For Yana, he became the first. But in this marriage, Yana Churikova was never able to give birth. Children were part of her plans, but it didn’t work out.

But one day, while working as an editor for a fashion magazine, Yana meets with businessman Denis Lazarev. This meeting changed everything. Everything became clear almost immediately.

Having lived with her first husband for 4 years, she leaves him for Lazarev. 2009 was the last year in her first official marriage.

Living with Denis Lazarev, she soon gave birth to her first child. The pregnancy was easy, and she hid it as long as possible.
The civil marriage lasted three years. When their daughter Taisiya turned 3, their civil marriage became official in 2011. Now Denis Lazarev is the second husband of Yana Churikova.

Today Yana Churikova is a beautiful, elegant woman, a successful and talented TV presenter. She is demanding of herself and does not like amateurs, which she openly declares. Work is extremely important to her. But it's not the same as before.

Yana Churikova was born in Moscow on November 6, 1978. She attended a Hungarian school because her Air Force father was sent there to serve. It is the years spent in Hungary that Yana remembers as the happiest in her childhood. Returning back, they found the collapse of the Union, and felt a change in the values ​​and guidelines of society.

Upon arrival, Yana was sent to a gymnasium and music school, which, by the way, she graduated with honors.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a paleontologist, but then she was attracted to the famous singer Monserat Caballe, and Yana also decided to become an opera singer. Therefore, the girl was actively involved in vocals and music.

But Yana was attracted to too many different things. She liked biology, medicine, and even wanted to go to work in the far north. But then she realized that paleontology, physics, medicine, biology and other sciences can only be studied by becoming a journalist and nothing else. Therefore, Yana began to attend classes at the School of Young Journalists. In 1992, she began working for the local newspaper “Glagol” as a journalist. It was there that she learned to write articles and notes correctly. In 1994, she took second place in the Moscow Literary Olympiad.

In 1995, the girl decided to enter the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting at Moscow State University. In 2000, she graduated from the institute and entered graduate school to write a scientific dissertation on the topic “The influence of television on the process of socialization of youth audiences.”

And in 1996, after her first year, Yana began working at the ATB television company, where she independently filmed stories for television and gained real work experience.

A year later she moved to the television company Biz TV, where she worked as a TV presenter and editor. When applying for a job, Yana Churikova deceived her superiors, adding three years or more of experience in the field of journalism. The deception was later exposed, and Yana, with her conscientious work, earned the forgiveness of her superiors.

In 1998, she became a producer, editor, and host of the popular MTV channel, because the Biz TV channel was renamed. In an interview, Yana said that she had a time when the channel had just been transformed, that she spent the night at work because there was no time to rest. She worked in almost all television specialties, but only producer, editor and TV presenter were official.

Yana became popular after the release of the program “Twelve Evil Spectators.” This show became incredibly popular and she was noticed on Channel One. And in 2002, she was invited to make her own program for young people, “React,” but it didn’t air for too long. Yana's next project is the show "Star Factory", which stretched over six seasons, all of which were hosted by Churikova. In order to become a presenter, Yana went through an incredibly tough casting. She took into account her previous experience and set aside time for rest, because her appearance is important to the presenter, and only healthy sleep helps to look good.

Yana Churikova took part in the show “Two Stars”, where she sang with Prokhor Chaliapin. And in the television project of the First Channel of Russian Television “Circus with the Stars”, she showed herself to be a good animal trainer.

Everyone considered Yana to be the daughter of actress Inna Churikova, but all rumors were dispelled after the presenter appeared with her mother on the set of a popular magazine. By the way, Inna and Yana know each other very well and are friends.

“Once, Inna and I were talking about how we were considered relatives. Our office received a fax about the laying of Inna Churikova’s handprint on our Moscow Walk of Fame. I went to this ceremony specifically to meet Inna. And I was very worried about this. But when Inna came, all beautiful, I felt better. I went up to her and said hello and said that everyone says that I am your daughter. We even acted out a skit, shouting “Daughter” and “Mom” to each other.

Yana Churikova's zodiac sign is Scorpio. Yana always says about this: “I really am a Scorpio. But I only feel sorry for myself, and I have no strength left for others. As a child, I realized how to cool down my ardor; only music helps me. Moreover, good music, listening to it, you understand that all your problems are simply insignificant compared to the entire Universe. I really like Vivaldi, Bach, Verdi.”

Yana divides all sports into those that you can practice and those that are better just to watch. She is constantly interested in fitness and swimming. Constantly follows the football world. She can often be found at championships in different countries.

Now Yana Churikova is actively interested in documentary films. She is creating a project for Channel One, “The History of a Song,” in which she talks about the entire process of recording popular Soviet songs.

Personal life of Yana Churikova:

Yana was introduced to her first husband, Ivan Tsybin, by her mother. But love at first sight did not work out. Having seen Tsybin at one presentation, the TV presenter considered him not worthy of her attention. But then everything changed. During the filming of the “Idols + Idols” program, Yana and Ivan worked together.

In one of her interviews, Yana said: “I like professionals who clearly know their business. I told Ivan that he was doing a good job.” Tsybin was flattered by this. But Yana didn’t even think about the relationship between them; at that time she had a common-law husband. But then they separated, and Ivan began to court her. So they began an office romance that ended in marriage.

Yana and Ivan lived together for four years. All this time, the press constantly published rumors about the TV personality’s pregnancy. Then Yana repeatedly admitted that she was surprised to read this. Invented pregnancies constantly spoiled her mood.

A year ago, Churikova divorced; the reason for the divorce was Yana’s affair with the head of one of the PR services, Denis Lazarev. They met while Churikova was working at VIVA magazine. Now Yana and Denis live in his apartment.

Now rumors about Yana’s pregnancy are also leaking into the press. Churikova was supposed to host the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow, but Alsou was the host instead. Therefore, it is still unknown whether this is really another rumor or the truth.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova. Born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow. Russian TV presenter, actress.

Father - Alexey Churikov - military man.

Mother - Elena Vadimovna Churikova - economist.

I went to school in 1985 in the city of Tököl (in Hungary) at my father’s place of service.

As she recalled, she has vivid childhood memories associated with Hungary: together with her friends, she looked for shell casings and cartridges, explored trenches from the Second World War, an airfield, a radar, etc.

She graduated from a music school in the city of Tököl in the piano class with honors.

In 1992-1996 she worked as a correspondent for the Glagol newspaper.

In 1995-2000 she studied at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov at the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism. Graduated from the university in 2000. Thesis - “The influence of music television on mass consciousness using the example of the MTV channel.” Then she entered graduate school at the university.

At one time I tried to realize myself as a singer.

“In my deep youth, I sang in a group, my friends and I got together - we were all music journalists. Actually, what we wrote about, that’s what we did. But it didn’t go far, it was just a hobby. And all the money that we earned in the club, we spent on rehearsal space. And then one fine day, after one of our concerts, we exchanged phrases with approximately the following content: “Learn to play!!” - I said. “And you don’t know how to sing at all,” they said. So we parted,” Yana recalled.

Since 1996, she worked as an ATV correspondent for the Vremechko program.

From 1998 to 2002 she worked at MTV Russia, was the host of the programs “Big Cinema”, “12 Evil Spectators”, and the producer of some programs.

Since April 2002 she worked on Channel One. She made her debut on the channel as the host of the youth entertainment program “Objective”.

Then she consistently hosted such television programs as “Good Morning”, “Star Factory”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Song History”, “Cruel Intentions”, etc.

She has repeatedly commented on broadcasts from the Eurovision Song Contest from the Russian side, and announced the results of voting by Russian television viewers based on the results of the competition.

Churikova gained wide popularity thanks to the television project "Star Factory".

In the period from 2002 to 2007 she worked at the ViD Television Company.

On April 1, 2005, she played as part of the team of Channel One presenters in the anniversary series of games “What? Where? When?”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the game. In the spring of 2007, she took part in the Channel One project “Circus with the Stars”.

In 2007, she moved to the Red Square together with Larisa Sinelshchikova and Alexander Kessel.

Since 2009 - artistic director of the EKTV Studio School.

From November 2011 to November 2012 - host of the “Red Star” music hit parade on Channel One.

From June 23 to August 25, 2013 - presenter of the musical television project “Universal Artist” on Channel One.

From October 1, 2013 to the present, he is the general director of the updated MTV Russia television channel. In February 2014, she was appointed head of Viacom music TV channels in Russia.

In 2013, she was the presenter at the opening of the Anji Arena stadium together with. She was also the presenter at the Opening Ceremony of the 2013 Summer Universiade in Kazan, at the show that preceded the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

She was the host of Eurovision 2015 on Russian TV.

Yana Churikova about "Star Factory"

"Working on television for me is an obstacle course, a certain number of tests that I go through in life", says Yana.

Yana Churikova's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Yana Churikova:

She was married to director and TV presenter Ivan Tsybin. Her mother introduced her to him. The couple had been married for four years.

Then Yana demanded a divorce because she began an affair with businessman and director of a PR agency Denis Lazarev, moreover, she became pregnant by him.

In 2016, Churikova and Denisov divorced.

Filmography of Yana Churikova:

2006-2010 - “Happy Together” - cameo
2006 - “Get Away!” - Rita Malone (Russian dubbing)

(1978) Russian journalist, TV presenter


Yana Churikova's first childhood memories are associated with Hungary. It was there in the town of Tekhel that her father served in the military. Here the girl went to first grade and studied until returning to the Soviet Union.

The family returned to Moscow just before the collapse of the USSR. Twelve-year-old Yana, who grew up abroad, had a hard time finding friends. Already at this age she began to think about her future profession. Among Yana Churikova's serious hobbies were music, vocals, paleontology, biology and much more. At the age of 13, the girl makes her final decision and enters the School of Young Journalists. A year later she had the opportunity to try herself as a correspondent for the Glagol newspaper.

Working for the newspaper captivated Yana Churikova. After just two years of work, she managed to take second place at the Literary Olympiad. After receiving the certificate, the girl, without much hesitation, submits documents to the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Having received a diploma of higher education, Yana Churikova continued her studies in graduate school.


Yana Churikova has a famous namesake - theater and film actress Inna Churikova. In addition to the same surnames, one can also note some external similarity between the two women. This is probably why, since childhood, many considered them relatives, without even wondering whether Yana Churikova was the daughter of Inna Churikova or not.

The well-known TV presenter had to prove that her real mother had nothing to do with cinema and the stage, and only worked as an economist.

The famous actress was probably also asked similar questions. One day, both celebrities even met and discussed their alleged relationship. Today, questions about whether Yana Churikova is the daughter of Inna Churikova or not no longer evoke such a reaction from them.

Carier start

The journalist started trying to film stories while still studying at the university. First, Yana Churikova gets a job at the ATV channel, then, slightly exaggerating her age and experience in journalism, she ends up working at the Biz TV television company. Here she immediately plunges headlong into work. After a while, the deception was discovered, but the diligent and hardworking girl already manages to earn the respect of her colleagues and management.

In 1998, Yana Churikova also became the editor of the television company. During this period, the girl literally lives at work, trying herself in various television professions.

The path to popularity

Yana Churikova gained wide fame at the beginning of 2000, and her participation in the program “12 Evil Spectators” played a decisive role in her biography. She was noticed and invited to the main channel of the country - First. Here the journalist first hosts a youth program, and soon receives an offer to become the host of the new project “Star Factory”. A promising and interesting project lasted on television for six seasons, and all this time the constant host of the show was Yana Churikova.

The continuation of the popular show was the project “Star Factory. Ukraine Russia". Yana Churikova and Dmitry Shepelev were asked to take the leading positions. The high professionalism of the presenters was noted both by the participants and organizers of the show, and by the audience.

Before the launch of the project, Yana Churikova and Dmitry Shepelev interviewed each other, and the questions were quite frank and sometimes provocative.

Not long ago, a famous journalist developed a serious interest in documentary films. One of her last works was a series of documentary programs about the history of the appearance of musical hits of Soviet times.

Personal life

Yana Churikova formalized her relationship twice. Her first choice was director Ivan Tsybin. After a short acquaintance, the couple met on the set of one of the TV shows. Here Yana Churikova was able to appreciate the skill and professionalism of her future chosen one. The office romance soon ended in marriage.

Family life lasted a little more than four years. The reason for the break in relations with her first husband was her acquaintance with businessman Denis Lazarev.

Yana Churikova still lives with her second husband. In 2009, the couple had a daughter.

Yana Churikova is a Russian TV presenter and producer. During her career, she grew from a TV presenter on the Russian channel MTV to the head of the youth and music broadcasting channels of the Viacom holding (MTV Russia, MTV Live HD, MTV Rocks, MTV Hits, MTV Dance, VH1 and VH1 Classic). Permanent host of the Star Factory project for ten years.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova was born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow. Yana spent her childhood in Hungary, where her father served in the military. Mom Elena Churikova is an economist by training.

In 1985, her parents sent the girl to primary school in the city of Tököl, in the center of Hungary. Yana’s childhood memories are connected with these places: together with her friends, she looked for shell casings and cartridges, explored trenches from the Second World War, an airfield, and a radar. At the beginning of the 2000s, already a popular TV presenter, Yana made a pilgrimage to the places of her childhood, but found the remains of a garrison that had fallen into disrepair.

As a child, Yana was attracted to many professions, but, in her own words, for the most part this was due to their external attributes. Among his childhood hobbies were paleontology, zoology, music and much more, including the profession of a dentist. And one of the brightest impressions in her life was a visit to the opera house, where the girl was amazed not only by the music and scenery, but also by the solemn, luxurious outfits of the audience. Later, Yana decided that she could learn more about all professions at once if she herself became a journalist.

Yana Churikova's family returned to Moscow in the late eighties, when Soviet troops were leaving Hungary. At first, the girl had no friends, and the capital itself left a painful impression - a dark, scary city, where evil people walk the streets, as Churikova comments on her memories of this time.

The girl’s life changed when she began studying at the youth newspaper “Glagol,” which was an alternative to “Pionerskaya Pravda.” Children with a penchant for writing came to this newspaper, where they were taught the basics of the journalistic profession. There Yana made new friends and the work of her life. In 1994, the girl took second place at the Literary Olympiad in Moscow. Also, while working in “Verb”, Yana sang for some time in the rock group “Fairy Tales for Adults”, which, after playing several concerts, broke up.

In 1995, Yana Churikova entered the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting at Moscow State University. Her graduation project was called “The influence of music television on mass consciousness using the example of the MTV channel.” After completing her studies, she entered graduate school, where her area of ​​scientific interest was the process of socialization of youth audiences under the influence of television.


During the 1996 election debates, young journalists were invited to the “We” program, including Yana Churikova. Yana’s short speech attracted the attention of an experienced journalist and producer of the ATV channel, who invited Churikova to practice. The first project of the aspiring journalist was the “Vremechko” program under the leadership of Lev Novozhenov. For some time, Yana was not allowed on the air because, according to the managers, her voice was too childish. But three months later, Yana Churikova nevertheless released her debut report.

A year later, the young journalist gets a job at the MTV Russia television company, first as an editor and then as a TV presenter. According to Yana, she even had to credit herself with several years in the application form in order to receive an invitation to this job. Later, when this circumstance was revealed, the girl had already established herself as a conscientious employee.

In the early stages of her work, Yana Churikova gained experience in many specialties related to television, which gave her the opportunity to later become the leader of her own team. In an interview on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Yana Churikova notes that she understands what needs to be achieved from people, how to organize the team’s work in such a way that each participant feels comfortable.

Yana Churikova at the "Star Factory"

Among the projects that brought popularity to Yana Churikova, a special place is occupied by the program “12 Evil Spectators,” which she hosted from July 1999 to January 2002. The concept of the program was that invited participants watched the clip and tried to objectively evaluate the video. Since the evaluation was often negative, a star was invited to defend the video. Based on the results of the program, a vote was held for the worst clip.

Yana Churikova’s professionalism as the host of this show was noticed, and she was invited to work on Channel One. At first, Yana hosted the youth television program “Objective”, then for some time she worked in the “Good Morning” program.

Sergei Zverev, Yana Churikova and Dan Balan at the Golden Gramophone award

The most successful project in the TV presenter’s creative biography is the musical show “Star Factory,” which Yana Churikova hosted for eight seasons. Working on “Star Factory” cannot be called easy. In one interview, Yana Churikova admits that this project takes up 90% of her time, and sometimes she even has to spend the night at work. But all these difficult circumstances only emphasize the popularity of the show among the viewing audience, and, therefore, all the difficulties of production will not be in vain.

Yana Churikova is considered one of the most sought-after presenters in Russia. Her projects include “Golden Gramophone,” which Yana co-hosted with the popular TV presenter, “The Story of a Song,” and the extreme show “Cruel Intentions,” which viewers remember, in which participants undergo difficult tests on an obstacle course in order to win.

Since 2007, the television journalist has been working in the Red Square studio, which exists on the basis of the Vid television company. Twice she acts as the host of the musical hit parade of the best songs of the year “Red Star”. Also, Yana Churikova, together with the producer, was a commentator for the Eurovision 2015 song contest.

Since October 2013, Yana Churikova has held the post of General Director of the MTV Russia channel. In addition to her leadership position, Yana continues to demonstrate creative abilities in other areas. In the same 2013, the musical project “Universal Artist” was released on Channel One with the participation of Churikova; she also hosted the opening ceremony at the Universiade in Kazan and some events of the Olympics in Sochi. In 2014, the journalist became the voice of the Friday! TV channel.

Personal life

Yana’s first husband is director and TV presenter Ivan Tsybin, whom the girl was introduced to by her mother. Yana liked Ivan’s professionalism and his personal qualities. The couple lived in marriage for four years, after which Yana initiated the divorce, as she began an affair with businessman and director of a PR agency Denis Lazarev.

In May 2009, the couple had a daughter, Taisiya Lazareva. In an interview, Yana Churikova reveals the secret of successful motherhood: you just need to shift your own ego to the background and not interfere with your children finding their own path in life. In 2016, there were changes in the personal life of the TV presenter: it became known that the couple had separated.

From the first years of working on television, Yana Churikova was faced with the question of whether she was a relative. As the TV presenter clarifies, the resemblance to the star of the Soviet and Russian screen impressed her, and Yana even calls the actress her “metaphysical mother,” but there is no true relationship between the women. Yana and Inna are only namesakes. In 2017, the first meeting between the TV presenter and actress took place after Inna Churikova’s performance at the Theater of Nations. Yana posted the photo in “ Instagram ».

Now Yana Churikova is in ideal physical shape, which is noted by her subscribers. According to Yana, with a height of 175 cm, her weight now fluctuates around 67-73 kg, depending on the time of year. But Yana did not always have such parameters. As a 20-year-old student who was just starting to work on television, Yana gained up to 95 kg of weight. This build did not bother the girl until she got into the picture, where she appeared as a co-host in the MTV channel program. Compared to the slender young man, Yana looked, according to her, four times bigger.

The girl began the fight against extra pounds in a simple way - she refused to eat, drank only water with lemon and achieved the desired result: her clothing size began to rapidly decrease. After a while, Churikova began to have health problems: hand tremors appeared and memory loss affected her. Soon the help of an endocrinologist was needed.

The girl overcame difficulties and eventually found harmony. She prefers to use meat, fish and vegetables in her diet, excludes refined foods, and does Pilates and yoga to help maintain her physical shape. A new haircut adds freshness to Yana Churikova’s appearance.

Yana Churikova now

In 2018, a number of significant events occurred in the professional life of Yana Churikova. The TV presenter became the federal ambassador of the World Cup. The Moscow metro launched a thematic composition dedicated to the upcoming event, in which stations are announced in the voice of Yana Churikova.

At the beginning of the year, with her participation on the Yandex. Music" began broadcasting a weekly music talk show. The co-host of the broadcast was the son of a television journalist.

In May 2018, Yana Churikova acted as a commentator for the international music competition "". On her Instagram page, Yana, at the request of her fans, compiled a list of her favorite performances.


  • "Big Cinema"
  • "12 Evil Spectators"
  • "Lens"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Star Factory"
  • "Golden Gramophone Award"
  • "Song Story"
  • "Cruel Intentions"
  • "A red star"
  • "Universal artist"
  • "Eurovision"