Email address of the battle of psychics write a letter. Battle of psychics: need help - how to fill out an application for investigation and participation in help? How to get to the filming of “Battle of Psychics” as a spectator

This is an extraordinary and specific show in which people with unusual and sometimes supernatural abilities take part. It is thanks to this project that the “terrible” truth is revealed to many viewers - the world is not as simple as it may seem to us at first glance.

A little about the show “Battle of Psychics”

When the TNT channel decided to launch the “Battle of Psychics” project, no one could have imagined what kind of love and interest of viewers it would ultimately gain. This is due to the amazing abilities of the show participants, who evoke a wide variety of feelings and sensations in people. Some viewers did not believe in the talents of psychics, considering them charlatans and manipulators. And others were indescribably delighted at the manifestation of such abilities.

The management of the TNT channel decided to invite to the filming of the program those participants who, according to their own statements, have it and check whether this is actually so. There were different participants. Someone wanted fame and PR for their own personality. Some sought to prove to the world that psychics exist. And some had other motives. Be that as it may, the “Battle of Psychics” project helped viewers see a lot of new and unknown things - something that was previously considered simply unreal and impossible.

When the show was launched, no one knew what the consequences of the collision of so much strong energy of gifted people could be. The exact mechanism of how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help has not been developed. However, the project and its participants were able to give a lot to the audience, lifting the curtains of the secrets of this world.

Popularity has not escaped

A sufficient number of seasons of the project have already been aired, surprising viewers with incredible and non-standard things. Participants demonstrated to everyone their abilities in various areas of magic: from clairvoyance to searching for missing people. Many viewers who needed to obtain some hard-to-get information learned how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help. It was here that they received answers to all the details they were interested in.

The famous show “Battle of Psychics” appeared on the screens quite a long time ago, but despite this, its popularity is only increasing every year. Many people really wonder how to get on this show as a viewer, expert or participant? Of course, getting to the coveted casting is not so easy, but nothing is impossible. Each of you will be able to fulfill your dream using the useful recommendations that will be presented below.

How to get to the filming of “Battle of Psychics” as a spectator?

As practice shows, it is not at all necessary to have any unique abilities to become part of a grand show. You can simply try yourself in the role of a skeptical viewer. The organizers of the program usually conduct a special casting in order to identify self-confident people who are able to distinguish the truth from lies and manipulations of various kinds.

A person who wants to act as a skeptical spectator must send the editors of the program a video with detailed comments on the speech of one of the psychics who have passed the test. You can also express your thoughts in printed form, but the first option looks more advantageous. In addition, if you have a great desire to attend the filming of the program as a spectator, then in your preliminary application you should indicate all the interesting information about yourself in order to somehow intrigue the organizers of the show.

How to become a participant in the “Battle of Psychics”?

Regular viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” may have noticed that at the end of each season the host of the program says that a new selection (casting) is starting. People with unique psychic abilities can participate in this selection by sending an official application to the transmission email address. A kind of “resume” must necessarily contain the following information blocks:

  1. Reliable passport data. First of all, we are talking about the date of birth, full name and registration of the applicant.
  2. Personal information. The potential participant should be told in detail about his education, type of professional activity, and any problems with the law (possible).
  3. Psychic abilities. You need to describe your skills and talents in an accessible form. It is important for show organizers to know in advance what methods the psychic uses to solve other problems, as well as how effective his techniques are.

If the information contained in the application is really interesting and truthful, then there is a high probability that the applicant will be invited to the next qualifying casting, during which he will need to pass several tests.

The fight of extrasensories

It is noteworthy that many talented people do not apply to participate in the “Battle of Psychics,” although they could do so, because they do not have the opportunity to go through castings in Moscow. However, in fact, there are various alternative ways to go through individual selection that few people talk about.

For example, the organizers of the show may ask the applicant to send a video where all his abilities will be clearly demonstrated. Another good option is an online test. It usually goes like this: the psychic is asked a specific question (for example, what is behind the screen?). In this case, a person must not only find the correct answer, but also explain how he did it. In general, at the selection stage the tests are not too difficult, so everyone can try their hand.

How to get to the “Battle of Psychics” with a personal problem?

Not only talented magicians who want to prove themselves want to attend the “Battle of Psychics” show, but also people who are faced with serious life problems and need the help of real professionals.

  1. Fortunately, the program directors provide the opportunity to seek help from psychics during the filming process. However, in order to voice your problem, you need to submit a preliminary application (write an email). This message must include personal information as well as contact information for feedback. In addition, it is extremely important to correctly state the essence of the problem (laconic and accessible), indicating the smallest details.
  2. If a person in need of help has additional items, photographs or video materials that can simplify the task for psychics, then it is also advisable to send them. If all the above recommendations are followed, then there is a chance that the application will be approved.

However, unfortunately, not everyone can get to the “Battle of Psychics” show with their problem, since there are a lot of requests to the editor, and there is not always enough time. That is why you should not send an email with a banal call “Help!” The best option is to attract the attention of editors by correctly presenting the essence of the problem.

Hello! I don't know where to start. For several years, in the life of my family and the people around us, events occurred that can only be called mystical. The story is quite long, but there were moments that frankly surprised me and even scared me a little. Several years ago, my wife, my two daughters, and I visited my father-in-law to celebrate his 50th birthday. Celebrated on May 18th. On this day, quite late, when most of the guests had left and the rest were about to leave, my father-in-law had a quarrel with his wife Tatyana. This was his second wife; he broke up with his first wife (my wife’s mother) after meeting Tatyana. That time Tatyana went for a walk with her father-in-law’s godfather along the street. The wife and godfather were gone for a long time, and the father-in-law went to look for them and found them. Accusations of treason started pouring in from my father-in-law and he wanted to immediately kick Tatyana out of the house, but my wife, since my father was not sober, persuaded my father to calm down and sort everything out soberly. The next day, we managed to hush up this conflict a little, but some tension in the relationship remained. After the celebration, we safely went home to the Shkolnoye Village, Simferopol District, and kept in touch by phone.
Exactly two months later Tatyana called us and said that her father-in-law was bad, he was in serious condition in the hospital. According to her, before going to the hospital, he had recently been bothered by pain (more precisely, a burning sensation) in the heart or stomach area. This time he could not stand it and went to the hospital. At the hospital he was examined and no serious illness was diagnosed. The day before, my father-in-law drank alcohol and the doctor said that they would now pump him, clean the blood, and everything would be fine. After the IV was installed, according to the doctors, he had an attack of the appendix and was urgently taken to surgery, and after he was given spinal anesthesia, he experienced clinical death. According to doctors, the heart was restarted in less than a minute, but he began to experience cerebral edema. After the operation, he did not regain consciousness and, according to the doctors, fell into a coma, and after he was transported to Simferopol, to the Republican Clinical Hospital, he was diagnosed with a vegetative state. For 10 months, the father-in-law was alive, although it can be called life with great stretch. On May 18, exactly one year after celebrating his 50th birthday, his father-in-law died.
At the time when trouble happened to my father-in-law (clinical death and coma), something incomprehensible happened. A neighbor who had previously had feelings for her father-in-law and had an affair during their first marriage became seriously ill (literally went crazy). Doctors could not give her a definitive diagnosis. I don’t remember exactly, but about six or seven days after my father-in-law’s death, this neighbor died, and a week later another neighbor died.
While the father-in-law was in the hospital in a vegetative state, people who had worked with him previously (the father-in-law held the position of head of the Control and Audit Department of the Black Sea District of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) repeatedly saw him at work (he walked along the corridor, looked into the office and greeted the employees), Moreover, they saw him not one at a time, but several people at the same time.
There were a lot of investigations regarding the fact that there were suspicions of a medical error (anesthesia administered incorrectly), but everything was hushed up and it is still unclear what happened. And on the day of my father-in-law’s funeral, a small white dog came to the house, entered the yard and stayed alive. The dog somehow immediately knew who to bark at and who belonged in this house. I don’t understand everything that happened, and I really want to figure out how my father-in-law died and whether all the incidents described above have anything to do with some kind of conspiracies, curses and the like, or is it just a terrible coincidence. I would really like to know how it all happened. The thing is that a couple of years before the death of my father-in-law, my wife’s mother died of cancer and before her death she really wanted to talk about something with her ex-husband. I really hope that with the help of your program and psychics it will be possible to find out the cause of death and the reason for the series of deaths that occurred in a short period of time in one house.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards, Sergei.

The official website of the TV program Battle of Psychics gives viewers the opportunity to write a letter to the editor and ask for help if, in their opinion, mystical events have occurred in their family. Many do not believe that the supernatural is nearby. However, it is not. AND Battle of psychics TNT- the surest confirmation of this. High psychic abilities allow program participants to help people directly on the air.

Official website of the program Battle of Psychics - write to the editor and get help

In a programme Battle of psychics on TNT TV viewers have the opportunity to watch the investigation of strange, mysterious stories. The heroes of the program are the most ordinary people in whose lives, as they believe, inexplicable, mysterious events occurred.

  • If you can’t figure out complicated situations on your own, viewers turn to the Battle of Psychics program by writing a letter to the editor through the website.
  • The editors of the program select the most interesting cases, and the psychics - participants in the television project - are sent for testing.
  • The goal is to help people who have witnessed unusual phenomena. The heroes of the program can be anyone, for example, you.
  • I will tell you how to ask for help on the official website of the Battle of Psychics program.

Battle of Psychics official website - how to contact the editor for help?

I note that participation in the TV Show is free. Any person in whose family and life there are truly inexplicable events that do not fit with reality can get their story into the project. It is clear that the participants of the show cannot go to everyone. Dozens of applications to the editors of the Battle of Psychics are received on the official website, but only the most interesting of them are selected for the program. The TV project Battle of Psychics in our country has the only official website, to which you should send your application to the editor.

How to write to the editor on the Battle of Psychics website?

  • To apply for the program, you need to contact the editors of the TNT channel on the website - the official page on the TNT website (Russia).
  • Email [email protected]
  • In addition, the television project has an official VKontakte page editorial office of the Battle of Psychics in Russia. &1

We receive thousands of letters to our address [email protected] and unfortunately, we simply physically cannot answer everyone. But first of all, we pay attention to the most interesting feedback letters. That's why:

1. Always indicate your city. What if he is close to the route that the “Psychics Are Investigating” group will take? Or you live close to Moscow, and then the chances of getting into the program increase even more.

2. Always leave all contact phone numbers with an area code - we primarily respond to those letters whose authors can be contacted quickly. Leave your name.

3. In the “Subject” of the letter, do not write “help”, “sos”, “I beg” - there are hundreds of such letters a day. If you want your letter to stand out, come up with a really interesting topic.

4. Do not send one letter many times - then your address will automatically end up in “spam”, and then no one will ever read your letter.

5. We choose stories based on which we can make a test for psychics. And this often requires photographs, personal belongings, or the scene of the incident. For example, in the case of an accident investigation, we are more likely to choose the one in which the car was preserved. Therefore, try to indicate such important things that can help psychics.

6. We choose unusual stories. If you briefly write “mysterious death” or “I have a curse”, we will never understand why your story is special. Try to describe in sufficient detail what happened, but without going into small details. Just a couple of paragraphs.

7. In cases where a crime has occurred, we first consider applications from direct relatives of the victim. Because we cannot, for example, discuss on air the death of their child without the consent of the parents. Therefore, ask family members to write or indicate that they will agree to filming.

8. If you have a couple of photos that illustrate your story, add them to your letter.

We apologize in advance to anyone we do not respond to. Understand, there are only a few of us, and we don’t even have time to write a couple of lines in response. Very often our non-answer does not mean “no”. This may mean that we don’t have filming right now, or your story will be needed for some kind of test in the future. Therefore, we hope for your understanding. And thanks to all our viewers!

We are waiting for your letters by mail [email protected]

Don't write your stories in the comments!

Battle of psychics official website - how to ask for help?

I would like to immediately note that participation in the program The fight of extrasensories completely free. Anyone can get into the program with their story. Of course, psychics cannot go to everyone. Applications to the editors are received in dozens and only a few are selected for the program.

The Battle of Psychics program in Russia has only one official website on which you should submit your application. We have posted the link below.

You can get a free consultation with psychics right now.

How to write a letter to the Battle of Psychics?

  • To contact psychics in the program, you need to contact the editors of the TNT channel on the website - the official page on the TNT website (Russia). Email [email protected](Edited by the Battle of Psychics) and [email protected](TNT channel)
  • The program also has a VKONTAKTE page (edition of the Battle of Psychics in Russia.
  • If you want to apply to the Ukrainian Battle of Psychics, then you can go to the website - the official page on the STB website (Ukraine).

Where can I find contacts of participants in the Battle of Psychics?

The editors of the program do not provide contact information for the participants in the show Battle of Psychics, however, on our website in the profiles of psychics you can find their official pages on social networks and their websites. Using them you can contact psychics yourself.

If someone's contacts are not on the page, it means we haven't found them yet. We will update the member page as soon as information becomes available.