Last words of gratitude to teachers from parents. Gratitude to teachers from parents at graduation or last bell

It's happened - your children are finally finishing school. They have graduation ahead and that’s it – the beginning of a new life. Over the years that the children spent at school. They learned a lot. And the teachers taught them everything. Say words of gratitude to the teachers from your parents at your 11th grade graduation, and then the teachers will forever remember your class and you personally. After all, for what the teachers did to your children, you must thank them and definitely bow to them.

Dear, beloved teachers! Our series with you has come to an end, the series that you and I wrote together. It had everything: joy, grief, happiness, resentment, love, and much more. And all this was not staged or according to a script - all this was written by life itself.
We are grateful to you that everything ended so well in the end. You got graduates. We got literate children. Thank you for what you did. Thank you for your work, which helps everyone in life. Without you, without teachers, everything in the world would be different!
Once again we thank you and say – thank you! We are forever your debtors.

At this moment you experience incredible feelings. Everything got mixed up in my head and all my thoughts disappeared somewhere.
Just think, eleven years ago we brought our children to your school, and now they are already graduates. Today is the last evening together for them and for you. And it will be an evening of joy, happiness and disappointment. After all, we are all happy to wait for our children to finish school. And when it happened. Then we were all happy. But now we are disappointed - after all, this stage in their life is over, and new challenges and new victories lie ahead.
Time flies quickly and sometimes you can’t see it. But we will always remember the time you devoted to our children. We won't forget a second you spent teaching our children anything.
We are proud that you were our children's teachers. We are glad that fate made the right choice and brought together such wonderful teachers and our children!

There are many things in the world where one cannot exist without the other. After all, there cannot be smart and educated people without teachers.
Today we and our children say goodbye to school, say goodbye to you - our beloved teachers. Today is the last time we are together. And this day is special for all of us. This day means that now our children have grown up, become smart and educated. And all this is thanks to you and your work.
You are teachers! You did your job and made it an A+! For this, I bow to you! Every year you graduate new graduates from school and make them and their parents happy. So let all the happiness that you give them return to you and be with you!
Thank you, all the best to you.


The day when a child first went to school remains forever in the memory of all parents. On this day, mothers and fathers were no less worried than the children themselves, because on September 1 they handed over their child to the care of the first teacher, thereby entrusting her with the most precious things.

But the school years are fleeting, and parents can only wonder and admire how their little unintelligent daughters and sons, under the guidance of first the first teacher, and then the class teacher and subject teachers, turned into beautiful, educated and purposeful young men and women. There is no limit to the gratitude and appreciation felt by parents towards teachers, so at the last bell and graduation there are always words from parents to teachers in prose and poetry.

Moreover, the prom script for students graduating from grades 11 and 9 also necessarily includes congratulatory words from parents to the primary school teacher, who gave the children basic knowledge and prepared them for further education in high school. And here we have collected examples of the most beautiful and touching words from parents to teachers with gratitude for graduation and the last bell.

Touching words from parents with gratitude to a primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose

Many people remember their first teacher not only before graduation, but also years after graduation. And often grown men and women, driving past their native school, stop for a few minutes to visit the school class that was once their own and talk with their first teacher. The first teacher for children is practically a second mother, and for their parents, a friend and assistant in raising and educating their sons and daughters. And it is the first teacher that many mothers and fathers of elementary school students turn to for advice.

At the graduation party, parents who remember the kindness, care and professionalism of their children’s first teacher are sure to say gratitude and touching words from the parents to the primary school teacher in poetry and prose. The mothers and fathers of yesterday's schoolchildren thank the first teacher for her work and sincere attitude towards their children and wish her inspiration in her future work, diligent students, and human happiness.

Beautiful words from parents to primary school teachers in prose

Here we have collected a selection of words from parents to the first teacher. In it we included the most beautiful kind words that touch you to tears. These thanks and sincere wishes from parents to the first teacher will fit perfectly into the scenario of the last bell and graduation party.

Today our children are saying goodbye to school, and we want to give special thanks to their first teacher. You taught them to write, read, be friends, respect. You put so much effort and work into each of our children, you spent so much nerve that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of goodness and love. You are a true teacher who is dedicated to your work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you!

Now it's time to say goodbye! I would like to say a special thank you to our first teacher, the first person who introduced our children to school, textbooks and of course to each other! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, care, sincere feelings and efforts invested in our sons and daughters! We wish you longevity, wonderful students and human happiness!

Kind congratulations from parents to the teacher on graduation in verse

Congratulations in verse are appropriate for any occasion and sound especially beautiful. And below on our website, network users will find the best thanks to the first teacher from parents in poetic form.

Once upon a time we brought children to first grade.

You taught them with care and love.

Thank you for finding so many kind words for them,

I wish you success, happiness and good health!

Today is the day of the last call

We wish you great patience,

Let the wind disperse the clouds

And luck and luck will not leave you.

Saying goodbye to school today

And we all thank you,

Thank you, our first teacher,

We value you very much.

Taught to write patiently

You taught them to live beautifully,

Don't betray your friends.

Your science will be remembered

They will bring it through the years,

And you, teacher, will not be forgotten,

Believe me, you won't be let down.

The first teacher is warm-hearted and strict,

The road to school begins with you,

Wise, cheerful, warmth in his eyes,

In the heart there is love and also kindness!

First teacher, last call

Let this lesson never end

Thank you for your work and skill,

For your understanding and patience!

May success come easy to you,

You fly high in thought,

May you be loved and appreciated beyond measure,

You will be respected and trusted!

Words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 11 and 9 in prose, touching to tears

Each teacher, who taught children his subject for 7 (or 5) years of high school, put both work and soul into his work. The profession of a teacher is closely related to both psychology and educational work, and it is from their favorite teachers that many children adopt life values ​​and learn the norms and rules for further successful life in society. And the words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 11 and 9 in prose are filled with gratitude to the teachers for their hard everyday work.

Our children's patron,

You did not give knowledge,

You gave your whole life to them.

It so happened that the kids

Didn't read your books

Didn't write essays

And they didn’t solve the problems.

You didn't scold the kids,

Patiently explained

That they don't need to be lazy,

You need to study well

To be literate,

To go to college.

Graduation is one of the most

The main holidays in the world.

Congratulations to you, beautiful ones,

Both parents and children.

So we need to confess

Let's say this without embellishment:

Graduation would not have taken place

If it weren't for you!

We wish you further

Only such students

To make your heart rejoice

From their successful steps!

To teach children

There are many teachers.

There are good, bad,

Small and big.

Ours are the best in the world,

Our children think so.

We are friends with teachers

And we are always proud of you.

How many nerve cells are there?

You invested in these kids!

On your vacation days

They will recover.

We wish you many years to come,

Let the light of the sun not dim.

And we wish you good health,

And we leave it as a keepsake

This little poem -

Grateful congratulations.

Gratitude and appreciation are the feelings of parents of graduates towards teachers that are difficult to convey in words

Words from parents to primary school teachers and teachers who taught children various subjects in high school, spoken at graduation or at the last bell, are unlikely to contain all the gratitude and sincere appreciation that parents feel towards teachers. Teachers are people who shared the work of raising a child with mothers and fathers, and thanks to their efforts, boys and girls successfully completed grades 11 and 9, received a certificate and are now ready for further education at universities and independent life. Therefore, words from parents to teachers in poetry and prose always come from the heart, and many mothers and fathers maintain good relationships with their children’s teachers even after the children have graduated from school.

At the last bell, touching to tears, both children, mothers, and fathers want to express their gratitude to their patient and kind teachers. Real teachers always treated their students with understanding and tried to help them solve important issues. Our readers can choose beautiful words from parents to teachers in poetry and prose from the examples provided. They can be read to the first primary school teacher. Also, original words of gratitude will help to congratulate all class teachers and subject teachers of grades 9 and 11. We also recommend watching a useful video example.

Words of gratitude from parents to a primary school teacher at graduation - in poetry and prose

Farewell to elementary school is always sweet and reverent. Therefore, all mothers and fathers of former 4th grade students should congratulate their children’s beloved teacher on this day. Our selection of examples will help parents choose beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose for a primary school teacher for graduation.

Examples of poetry and prose with words of gratitude from parents for a primary school teacher

Among the examples we have selected, mothers and fathers of former elementary school students can easily find words of gratitude for teachers. They can include a number with congratulations at the beginning or end of the festive evening. Ready-made examples can be supplemented with your own words.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary school is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle character, patience and wisdom. Our dear and beloved teacher, we wish you good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positivity.

How difficult it can be sometimes

You need to raise our children.

But we all understand it

And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,

For your kindness and patience.

For children you are a second parent,

Please accept our gratitude!

Our dear first teacher, a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life.

Let's say thank you, teacher,

For our dear children.

You taught the basics with patience

Our daughters, sons.

Thank you for your love and care.

You gave the children warmth,

You instilled joy in their souls,

Bits of happiness and goodness.

Dear and wonderful teacher of our children, a wonderful and kind person, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our mischievous children take their first steps into the land of great knowledge and bright science, thank you for your patience and great work. We wish you inexhaustible strength, strong nerves, excellent health, personal happiness and prosperity, sincere respect and constant optimism of the soul.

Touching to tears words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation - for grades 11, 9 in prose

Sincere and sweet words of gratitude will complement any holiday for graduates and teachers. We have selected the best prose to include in the event script. Sincere and tear-touching words from parents to teachers in prose will help create an unforgettable graduation and last bell for 9th and 11th graders.

Words of gratitude in prose to teachers of grades 9 and 11 from parents of graduates

We congratulate the excellent teacher of our children on a wonderful and joyful event in life. We wish you joy and delight, self-confidence and strong vitality, prosperity and respect, mutual understanding with students and great success in your activities, extraordinary luck and sincere happiness, bright love and great luck.

Our dear teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to carefully make sticks and hooks, add and subtract, and read their first books. And here in front of us stand adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today the doors to adulthood will open. Everyone will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they will all walk through life with honor. We know that you didn’t sleep many nights checking their notebooks, didn’t pay much attention to your families in order to spend an extra hour with our children, gave them the warmth of your hearts, spent your nerves on them so that they would grow up into worthy people.

Today we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything, even for the bad marks you sometimes gave them. Both we and our children will never forget everything you did for us.

A low bow to you and a big thank you!

On behalf of all parents, we want to thank a wonderful teacher, a wonderful person who gives our children the opportunity for self-realization and proper education. Thank you very much for your understanding and loyal attitude towards your students, for your individual approach to each of our children, for your important knowledge and a true example of determination.

A school is an integral organism that has a unique feature - the ability to push out those who are superfluous, leaving behind those who know how to sincerely love and sincerely empathize, be loyal friends and truly feel another person. School is like a ladder, along which you can only move upward, to the stars.

Once you step on the initial stage, you must go all the way from beginning to end. But what if this is the end? Most likely not, because a person is destined to study all his life - and school Guardian Angels and teachers are called upon to help in this important work.

At school, everything starts with them - faithful, bright bearers of wisdom and knowledge. The rise in life becomes easier if a mentor from God warms you nearby with crystal-clear light.

With every step comes the understanding that the higher you rise, the warmer this extraordinary light becomes, warming the soul. The light of a loving and understanding, at times strict and principled teacher.

Dear, respected our teachers!

On behalf of all parents, we want to express our extraordinary gratitude to you for everything you have done for our children. Just saying thank you is not saying anything. By entrusting our children to you, we were confident that they were in good hands. And we were not mistaken.

Without your support, without your attention, without your efforts, we - parents - would not have been able to achieve the main goal towards which we have all gone and continue to go - each of us wants to raise our child to be a Man with a capital H.

You helped and guided our children, you supported us when we failed at something with them. You worried about your students no less, and perhaps even more, than we did.

A low bow to you for your hard work and from the bottom of my heart, sincere words of great gratitude from all the parents!

Thank you!

Words and congratulations from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th grades in verse

All graduate teachers will be pleased to hear kind words of gratitude. We have found the best examples for mothers and fathers of former school students. You can choose words of gratitude from parents for the last bell and graduation in grades 9 and 11 for teachers in verse from the texts below.

Words of gratitude and congratulations in verses from parents of 9th and 11th grade graduates for teachers

Once again, teacher,

You hear speech addressed to you,

That you need to worry less

That the heart should be protected.

That illnesses will not pass by

When suddenly it gets tired,

That everything in the world is replaceable,

But you have one heart.

But your heart is like a bird

Strives for children here and there,

To those hidden in chests

To the same beating hearts!

How quickly children grow up.

Having grown stronger, in spite of all the winds,

They will leave, forever preserving

Your warmth!

Thank you for teaching me

For always being with them,

When they needed some advice!

Thank you for all your efforts,

What gave them the opportunity to become better,

For what you do in matters of education

We always tried to take part!

We wish you success in the future,

From the first day of birth, adults are next to us - our teachers. The most important and faithful teachers in life are, of course, our parents. Later they are joined by other adults - relatives, then kindergarten teachers. And then the moment comes when people enter our lives whose main calling is pedagogy. Teachers, some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent, become wise guides to the boundless world of knowledge for their students. Almost each of them leaves a noticeable mark on the child’s fate. But the greatest influence is exerted by the first teacher in elementary school and the class teacher in high school. It is these teachers who help children overcome difficulties, find warm words of support for them, and ultimately become second mothers for their students. It is not surprising that words of gratitude to the teacher, which graduates of grades 9-11 are required to prepare in poetry or prose, are mostly addressed to them. However, not only yesterday’s schoolchildren, but also their parents, who are happy to say “thank you” to the teachers, do not forget about subject teachers at graduation. In our article today you will find examples of the most beautiful and touching words of gratitude for teachers at graduation. We are sure that with their help you will be able to express your sincere gratitude to your dear teacher on this holiday.

Words of gratitude to the first teacher from primary school students at graduation

It is difficult to overestimate the important role of the first teacher for primary school students, which is especially clearly seen in the words of gratitude at the graduation party. It is the first teacher who becomes the very second mother for stupid first-graders. She is with them throughout all 4 years of primary school, helping them every day to open new doors to the land of knowledge. It is not surprising that many 4th grade graduates perceive parting with this already dear person quite painfully and with sadness. Words of gratitude to the first teacher from primary school students at graduation, beautiful versions of which you will find below, can help brighten up such a sad moment.

What words of gratitude to the first teacher to say at graduation to primary school students, poetry and prose

You taught us from the very beginning,

When they first brought us to school.

We knew practically nothing:

Neither two and two, nor the ABCs.

Thank you for this invaluable work,

For tons of nerves, they can’t be returned,

For the education of new generations

And instructions on the bright path.

The first teacher, he is like the first love,

He remains forever in the soul and heart,

We will remember you again and again,

At least we won’t go back to first grade, of course.

You taught us to write letters,

Take care of friends and respect elders,

And they made premieres for us at the blackboard.

We remember this day clearly,

How we burst into school without looking back,

They gave you a tender lilac,

And in return you give us copybooks - notebooks.

The years have rushed quickly to nowhere,

And now we are adults,

But know that we will remember you forever,

And how we sat at the first desk.

Thank you, teacher, our first,

For work and affection, kindness, care,

And now we’re going to the senior class,

But you will always remain in high esteem.

Let the ringing laughter of the last bell

Will give inspiration for new starts,

And in September the kids will come to you,

So that, like us, you can sit down at your desk for the first time!

You are our childhood, our memory,

You are our first lesson in life.

We want to glorify you in poetry,

After all, you are our first teacher!

Loving, able, knowing a lot,

You taught us everything

Answering kindly and patiently

To our “How?” and why?".

The last bell is ringing for us.

Today it rings in honor of you!

Please accept my tribute

And congratulations from us!

Today we say goodbye to school and want to express special gratitude to our first teacher. You taught us to write, read, be friends, respect. You put so much effort and labor into each of us, you spent so much nerves that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of goodness and love. You are a true teacher who is dedicated to your work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you. We will always be grateful for everything we received from you!

The first teacher, not just a teacher! She replaced our mother, she wiped our noses and smeared brilliant green on our bruised knees. It was she who taught us what will definitely come in handy in life - reading, writing and counting to ten. Be strong, soon you will have to become a second mother for our children. God bless you with health and patience!

Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents in verse and prose

When the time comes to cross the school threshold for the first time, not only newly-minted first-graders experience enormous stress, but also their parents. Then, after a certain time, the first teacher will become the main ally and assistant in the process of formation and education of their children. In the meantime, this is a strict “auntie” whom parents have yet to meet. But as practice shows, this acquaintance is more often successful and productive, because they become primary school teachers out of their hearts and great love for children. Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents in poetry and prose at graduation are a great way to express appreciation for the hard work of your beloved teacher. You will find excellent options for beautiful and touching words of gratitude for graduation for a primary school teacher from parents in poetry and prose below.

Dear first teacher, congratulations on your graduation! We wish you love for teaching, faith in your students, and new achievements! Let everyday school life be charged with positivity, bring in new ideas, set life adjustments, make you think about the main thing, allow you to fully relax, systematize, update, delight, give the “bread” of knowledge, reward with wisdom, and bestow with experience. For us, you are the best, most competent, resourceful, invaluable teacher.

Dear first teacher, today, on graduation day, I would like to express our gratitude to you for your support, care and patience. We wish you to remain the same strong, kind, beautiful, fair, resourceful, interesting person. May happiness, love and success always be with you.

The most beautiful poems for gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents

Thank you for your help and support.

For the fact that, despite and through stress,

Of little boys and girls

You have raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and concern,

For wisdom, for skills, love,

For restraint, patience and manners.

For something that is clear to everyone without words.

On the day of farewell to school

We will say thank you.

You once introduced crumbs

To this very important temple.

We wish you good health,

Positive and kind.

Will definitely make you happy

Let the crazy kids.

Being a teacher is a calling.

May all your efforts

Fate will reward you generously!

And boundless health,

Happiness to prosper

You can live only “excellently”,

You don’t know troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,

To be enveloped by love.

Everything is fine at work

Obedient students to you!

Thank you for your kindness

Children, you are an example for them.

May you live like in a fairy tale,

Without sadness and loss.

Beautiful words of gratitude to dear teachers from students at graduation in 9th grade in poetry and prose

The end of 9th grade is, by and large, the first serious graduation, especially for those who say goodbye to school forever. On this graduation day, words of gratitude to dear teachers from students are heard both in poetry and in prose. Mature ninth-graders are already well aware of the important role teachers have played in their lives. And now, when some of them leave school, a slight sadness comes over both the remaining classmates and the teachers. Beautiful words of gratitude to dear teachers from 9th grade students at graduation in poetry or prose greatly help make farewell more memorable and warm. With their help, you can not just say “thank you,” but also from the bottom of your heart express deep and sincere gratitude for every lesson and every wise word spoken by teachers at one time.

Thank you, low bow to you,

Because you taught us this way.

For kindness, knowledge wagon,

For everything they got at school.

So that you always have enough strength,

More obedient schoolchildren.

We will answer, no matter who asks:

You are always with us, in our souls!

Graduation is one of the most

The main holidays in the world.

Congratulations to you, beautiful ones,

Both parents and children.

So we need to confess

Let's say this without embellishment:

Graduation would not have taken place

If it weren't for you!

We wish you further

Only such students

To make your heart rejoice

From their successful steps!

Thank you, teachers,

Because we were family.

They saved us bravely in difficult times,

They cared and always loved.

Today we'll go out the door

A wonderful and dear school to us.

Your wise lesson was important,

Even though you were sometimes harsh.

For understanding, kindness,

Our dear ones, thank you.

We wish you health,

Let work give you wings.

Options for beautiful words of gratitude to teachers from 9th grade students at graduation in prose

Today is our graduation - the day of farewell to school. I would like to say farewell words to our dear teachers. We are immensely grateful to you for your sincere care and concern, for your hard work and patience. We wish you to remain the same kind people and cheerful teachers. May your students and parents respect you all, may your days at work and at home be successful, may your soul always remain bright and your heart warm. We will miss you, our dear mentors!

Dear and dear teachers, on our graduation evening, farewell evening to school life, we want to thank you for your love and understanding, sensitivity and help, good advice and correct knowledge. We wish you to continue to successfully teach and teach children, diluting gray everyday life with cheerful and bright colors, interesting ideas and happy emotions.

And even though we are sad to say goodbye, it is still a holiday, because our faces are illuminated by sincere happiness. Our dear teachers, thank you for your patience and care, for the knowledge put into our heads and for your understanding. I hope you won't forget us. And we, rest assured, will never forget you either!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents in poetry and prose for graduation in 9th grade

Parents also join in with kind words of gratitude to teachers in poetry or prose at the 9th grade graduation. They, like no one else, understand how much pedagogical work, effort, time, and sometimes nerves were invested in ensuring that their children received a decent secondary education. Of course, every parent has the opportunity to personally express their gratitude to the class teacher and subject teachers. But you must admit that words of gratitude to teachers from parents in prose and poetry at the 9th grade graduation, spoken publicly at the holiday, have their advantages. Firstly, such parental speech will remain in memory, as it will be captured on video. And secondly, the very atmosphere of the prom contributes to the sincere expression of emotions, which, combined with beautiful words of gratitude, is especially touching.

You are the builders of the universe,

You are the installers of the soul,

Servants of the incorruptible truth,

Unfortunately, for pennies.

We wish you forever

All big and small blessings,

What is available to a person

Not on credit, but just like that.

May Providence reward you

For hard military work,

And the younger generations

Respected, loved, honored.

At graduation today we

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

To you dear teachers

We wish you lots and lots of strength.

May you have enough enthusiasm

And patience too.

After all, to teach all schoolchildren -

It is very difficult.

Let them come across you

Prodigies only.

So that everything goes according to plan for you,

And it was easy to work with!

Today we understand together:

A teacher is a miracle craft, -

Not everyone accepts knowledge

And he will teach them everything to do evil!

But knowledge weighs a lot in life,

He who knows does not know litigation.

You handed us by the shoulders

The most valuable knowledge is special luggage.

What words of gratitude in prose should you prepare for parents at their 9th grade graduation?

Dear, respected our teachers!

On behalf of all parents, we want to express our extraordinary gratitude to you for everything you have done for our children. Just saying thank you is not saying anything. By entrusting our children to you, we were confident that they were in good hands. And we were not mistaken.

Without your support, without your attention, without your efforts, we - parents - would not have been able to achieve the main goal towards which we have all gone and continue to go - each of us wants to raise our child to be a Man with a capital H.

You helped and guided our children, you supported us when we failed at something with them. You worried about your students no less, and perhaps even more, than we did.

A low bow to you for your hard work and from the bottom of my heart, sincere words of great gratitude from all the parents!

Thank you!

Our dear teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to carefully make sticks and hooks, add and subtract, and read their first books. And here in front of us stand adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today is graduation and the doors to adulthood open. Everyone will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they will all walk through life with honor. We know that you didn’t sleep many nights checking their notebooks, didn’t pay much attention to your families in order to spend an extra hour with our children, gave them the warmth of your hearts, spent your nerves on them so that they would grow up into worthy people.

Today we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything, even for the bad marks you sometimes gave them. Both we and our children will never forget everything you did for us.

A low bow to you and a big thank you! Words of gratitude to teachers in prose

Touching words of gratitude to the class teacher and subject teachers from 11th grade students at graduation

Probably the most touching words of gratitude to the class teacher and subject teachers at graduation come from the lips of 11th grade students. For them, teachers tried their best, giving 200% before taking tests and exams. It is by the level of education and upbringing of 11th grade graduates that one can judge the work of the teachers who were their mentors at school. It is not surprising that by giving a piece of their soul to these children every day for many years, teachers hope that the seeds of knowledge sown in their heads will sprout and sprout. That is why the class teacher and subject teachers at graduation from 11th grade students perceive touching words of gratitude as an indicator of their work. Therefore, do not be lazy and prepare for them the most beautiful and touching thanks that will be remembered for many years.

Touching poems for words of gratitude to the class teacher at graduation in 11th grade

Thank you for your honest work,

That we were close all the years,

What did you love, understand,

That they always helped us out!

You understood us, taught us

They had an approach to everyone

And they told us about everything...

And here is the last school year.

Our graduation... We are all dressed up.

Let's leave school forever.

You are worthy of the highest award,

We will always remember you.

You led the class like that,

You've come a long way,

We loved you with all our hearts,

I wish I could bring back school years!

Maybe we could have studied better

And we were able to achieve more.

But we would definitely listen to you.

For everything we ask you to forgive us.

We sincerely wish you

Success, happiness and goodness.

You are the best, don't forget

Your class is never fun!

Our cool leader,

Graduation this holiday

You will open the doors for us

To a new, big, adult world.

On your farewell day, thank you

We speak from the heart

For love and for science

Thanks to everyone as a class.

We wish you happiness in life,

And good luck for the year ahead,

Are you staying with the school?

In our hearts forever.

Words of recognition at graduation

We would like to say from the bottom of our hearts:

You are our great leader,

And you can't help but respect

You are our mentor and advisor,

You stood up for us,

The time has come for us to part,

Don't forget our class,

And we will remember you too,

We will come to you again and again,

We wish you great happiness,

We thank you for everything!

Poems and prose to thank subject teachers for graduation in 11th grade

We say thank you to our dear teachers,

And forgive me for pampering and excesses,

We often did things that shouldn't be done,

And then we dealt with the director!

We are grateful for your work - bitter and difficult,

For an unlearned verse and for disrupting lessons!

We wish you well, happiness and health,

So that they love you with their soul, tenderly, like a son!

I didn't learn my lesson today.

Not specified. How strange. For once

We are not happy about the call at recess.

We are adults now, we are human.

You taught us the wisdom of science:

How the current flows, what to do with the integral.

That nothing is done "suddenly"

That nothing comes for free.

We will take your love with us for future use.

It will be useful to us, no doubt.

I didn't learn my lesson today

But I wrote a poem.

Today, entering a new life,

Dear long, heavy,

We will hasten to wish you

Always be an A in everything!

Good, kind students,

Skillful, brave and diligent.

We love you and our school,

We will cherish you in our hearts.

Our dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and our kind companions, on our graduation we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted luck, gallant activity and sincere respect. We will always remember you and come to our native school now as guests, and we wish you to remain here as irreplaceable people and wonderful teachers.

Our dear teachers! On this festive but sad day, we want to thank you very much! Thank you for being our mentors over these many years! Thank you for the support, advice, and knowledge that you gave us. Leaving our home school, we will never forget the happy hours we spent here. Thanks to your efforts and patience, today's graduates will become great people, because each of us has become special in our own way. You have opened new horizons and new knowledge for us. Everything you have done for us cannot be counted. Thank you for that!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents at graduation in 11th grade in poetry and prose

Parents also prepare special words of gratitude to teachers in poetry and prose for the 11th grade graduation ceremony. It is very important for them to have time to express their respect and gratitude at graduation to their dear teacher, largely thanks to whom their children achieved their success. Of course, it is difficult to find the truly right words that can fully convey all parental feelings on such a touching evening. But we are sure that the words of gratitude to teachers from parents at the 11th grade graduation in poetry and prose, which you will find in our next collections, will help you with this. There is no unnecessary pathos or general phrases in them, and they themselves are filled with kind, real words of sincere gratitude and respect.

Thank you for your concern,

Thank you for the warmth.

You do so much

And teach children easily.

Let everything in life be smooth,

Best at work!

And a huge salary

Let them give it to you every day.

We want you to know

We appreciate you with all our hearts,

We respect you sincerely,

We wish you a good life!

Today there is joy and a little sadness

Shines in the eyes of teachers,

You gave a lot of strength and nerves,

So that our sons and daughters

Understand what is right and what is wrong

Don't be afraid of difficulties in life,

After all, it’s impossible without this.

Now it will ring out for the last time

The time has come to part -

Life is a stormy wide river

Will scatter children around the world,

But they will live in their hearts forever

Your lessons and covenants,

That they were able to put them into their souls.

There is no end to gratitude for this,

There are no words to express it,

We bow our heads before you

For our dear children.

We want to say thank you

And bow low at your feet,

Teachers! But to all words

And the smallest particle

Can't convey, can't explain,

How grateful we are for the miracle,

What they taught me to live honestly,

Humanly beautiful

You are our dear children,

Without sparing myself one bit,

They were made a little smarter

But much better and kinder.

There are no such scales in the world,

To weigh how much you tried

Protect them from various troubles,

And yours were simply forgotten,

You haven't delivered many times

Warmth to your family and home,

At dawn we hurried to class,

After all, you couldn’t do it any other way.

Thank you, low bow to you,

May all misfortunes pass you by,

And your path will be illuminated

Just joy and happiness.

How quickly the years have flown by.

Our children have grown up completely.

Snowstorms await their worries -

A new road of change.

Everything will fly away from the cool mother -

On their own roads, in different directions.

But in my heart I will always remember you

Years spent together.

You always helped with advice,

You put your soul into them.

Illuminating their knowledge with light,

They set us on a good path.

You put it on fragile shoulders,

Raising our children.

You loved them dearly and forever:

Like their sons and daughters.

Thank you for everything good,

What did you manage to put into them?

Thank you for the nice summer,

That you were able to live with your children.

Thank you for the wonderful moments

Near the colorful school yard.

Love of children, good luck, inspiration -

Today for you, and tomorrow, and always!

Words of gratitude in prose to teachers at 11th grade graduation from parents

Dear teachers and graduates!

Graduating from school is a significant event and a great holiday for each of us. Today, graduates say goodbye to the school that laid the foundation of knowledge necessary for adult life. It was you, dear teachers, who became second parents for our children, surrounded our children with your care and gave them knowledge and incentive to achieve new heights in study and life. Summing up the results of the current school period, we would like to note with satisfaction the high intellectual level of our children, their victories and achievements in many competitions, which indicates the effective work of teachers.

Our dear, respected teachers!

You are our dear friends, you taught our children. You have become close and fused with them. You know all their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, abilities for science or difficulties that arise while overcoming the road of knowledge in study. You treat each of your students as a unique personality, as the only one in the world.

For each individual, you had the time and desire to help if any problems arose. Regardless of time and costs, you came home and called if some serious problem suddenly arose.

If a child was ill for a long time, then you came to visit him, explain the material he had covered, so that there would be no lag in his studies, the child would not lose time and his classmates by remaining in the second year.

A low bow to you and great gratitude for your enormous invaluable work that you have invested in the upbringing and education of our children!

What words of gratitude can a graduate say to a teacher? Is it even possible, with the help of poetry or prose, to express all the gratitude that a student in grades 9-11 feels towards his subject teachers and class teacher at graduation? Perhaps, if you choose not just beautiful or touching words, but find a speech that will help express your feelings to the fullest. The same rule applies to words of gratitude for the first teacher for primary school graduates, parents of older schoolchildren. We really hope that the words of gratitude in poetry and prose for teachers at school graduation, which we have collected in this article, will become just those words of gratitude. Remember those who were next to you on your school journey and be sure to thank them for their support and instilled love of knowledge.

Only parents of graduates can fully understand how important and responsible the work of a teacher is. Moms and dads understand perfectly well how difficult it is to put new knowledge into children’s heads, but also to find an individual approach to each child, to become an authority and a friend for him at the same time. Moreover, it is doubly difficult in this regard with teenagers - students in grades 9-11, who consider themselves completely adults and, in their opinion, do not need the instructions of teachers. That is why, at the moment of parting with school on the last bell holidays and graduation evening, parents want to thank the teachers and express their deep gratitude to them for their titanic work. As a rule, these are very touching, kind and beautiful words that literally bring tears to your eyes. Moreover, the format of such congratulations can be both in prose and in poetry. Below you will find the best words from parents to teachers, including the first teacher, on graduation evening and the last call.

Touching words from parents to a primary school teacher on graduation evening in poetry and prose

The first teacher is the main teacher and mentor in elementary school, and it is very sad to part with him at graduation. Including parents, for whom during 4 years of study the first teacher managed to become a good friend and assistant in the development and upbringing of children. One of the good ways to thank a primary school teacher at graduation is to prepare touching words in poetry or prose from parents. Usually, members of the parent committee deliver such congratulations at the holiday on behalf of all parents of graduates. But anyone can thank the teacher personally with a postcard or wish with words of gratitude.

Examples of touching words from parents in prose and poetry for a primary school teacher at graduation

Dear teachers, on the day of our graduation celebration we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your difficult, but so important and necessary work. Be healthy, happy both in your family and in your work, let only grateful students who appreciate you meet on your path.

Now it's time to say goodbye! I would like to say a special thank you to our first teacher, the first person who introduced us to school, textbooks and of course to each other! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, care, sincere feelings and efforts put into us! We wish you longevity, wonderful students and human happiness!

At graduation today we
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
To you dear teachers
We wish you lots and lots of strength.

May you have enough enthusiasm
And patience too.
After all, to teach all schoolchildren -
It is very difficult.

Let them come across you
Prodigies only.
So that everything goes according to plan for you,
And it was easy to work with!

Kind words of gratitude from parents to teachers for the last bell and graduation in prose, grades 9-11

Last bell and graduation party in grades 9-11 are the two most important and touching holidays for high school students and their parents. Of course, in such touching moments of parting with school and teachers, I would like to especially thank the teachers for their excellent work. This can be done, for example, with the help of kind words of gratitude from parents to teachers in prose on the last bell and graduation party in grades 9-11. This format of congratulations with words of deep gratitude is easy to remember by heart. In addition, you can always add a few sincere words from yourself to beautiful prose with wishes, which will certainly touch teachers to the depths of their souls.

The kindest words of gratitude in prose to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 9-11 from parents

The best examples of kind and beautiful words of gratitude to teachers from parents of graduates of grades 9-11 in prose can be found in the following selection.

Dear, beloved teachers, the last bell rings! Thank you for your dedicated work, kindness, important experience, angelic patience, inexhaustible energy, warmth, and instilled thirst for knowledge. Your participation in life is invaluable: the foundation for a successful future has been laid, a wealth of skills has been provided, and the seeds of outstanding personalities have been sown. Congratulations! We wish you to continue to delight your students with your smiles, sincerity, and soulfulness!

Congratulations to you, our best and beloved teachers! We wish you regular inspiration, good luck at work, mutual understanding with colleagues and students. May only good health, love, and positive mood please you and your loved ones. Thank you for your understanding, attention, interesting and life lessons, tolerance and forbearance.

Dear teachers, we bow our heads to your very important and very hard work! Let the students be talented, diligent and hardworking. We wish you to receive only joy and satisfaction from your work. May love, happiness, prosperity and prosperity reign in your families. Thanks for all!

The most beautiful words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in verse, grades 9-11

In addition to options in prose, to congratulate teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 9-11, parents often use beautiful words of gratitude in verse. Traditionally, this format of wishes is considered the most suitable for the official part of a festive event at school. But sometimes it is also used for cards with words of gratitude for teachers, personal congratulations after the holiday.

The best options for the most beautiful words for teachers in poems for the last bell and graduation in grades 9-11 from parents

Here are several options for congratulatory words in beautiful verses for teachers from parents on the last bell and graduation in grades 9-11.

We wish all teachers
May your dreams and goals come true,
To smile more often
And we simply enjoyed life!
Let every moment illuminate you
Indescribable beauty!
And the word warms the soul,
Don't let pain trouble your heart.
Please accept our gratitude
For your hard work in school.
Keep the rejoicing, joy,
And there is happiness and comfort in the house!

Please accept, dear teacher, congratulations,
After all, the last bell rang at this hour.
As a teacher, you are truly worthy of admiration,
You probably have the best class at school.
May good luck accompany you everywhere,
And peace reigns forever in the house.
Let every task be easily solved
And let joy warm you.

Thank you for your help and support.
For the fact that, despite and through stress,
Of little boys and girls
You have raised princes and princesses.
Thank you for your care and concern,
For wisdom, for skills, love,
For restraint, patience and manners.
For something that is clear to everyone without words.

Touching to tears, beautiful and kind words from parents to teachers are an excellent tradition of the last bell and graduation ceremony in elementary schools and grades 9-11. These simple words of gratitude in prose or poetry are pleasant to hear for the first teacher, the class teacher, and subject teachers. Therefore, be sure to use the wish options from our article and express your deep gratitude to these wonderful people!