Compulsory treatment of drug addiction and psychotherapy. Compulsory treatment for drug addiction and addiction

How to get a drug addict to get treatment? What words to choose and what needs to be done to get a loved one to stop using drugs? A clinical psychologist at the Insight RC knows the answers to these questions and will help you get rid of the horror of drug addiction forever!

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction - instead of 1000 words!

The main trap that relatives of drug addicts fall into is an endless stream of promises, apologies, reproaches and lies! You have probably heard more than once from a drug addict that he has no addiction, that he will definitely quit if he just wants to. Unfortunately, loved ones have no choice but to believe these empty words, make compromises and dream that someday compulsory treatment for drug addicts will become available to them.

It's time to act! Start compulsory treatment today!

Many people offer compulsory treatment for drug addicts in Moscow today, but remember that you should only trust the life and health of a loved one to trusted people! You may not have a second attempt at compulsory treatment.

Treatment for drug addiction in a person who struggles to deny his addiction and does not agree to treatment begins with intervention. Intervention– the latest method of psychological influence on the patient, which promotes awareness of the patient’s real situation and motivates him to begin treatment. It is impossible to organize an intervention on your own if you are not qualified as a psychologist and are not familiar with special techniques for persuading drug addicts. Organizing compulsory treatment for drug addiction is the task of the specialists of the Insight RC, which they successfully cope with in almost 100% of cases.

Intervention is the only way to get a person to start treatment!

To the patient's relatives To start compulsory drug addiction treatment in Moscow, you need to follow simple instructions. If you take these three simple steps, drugs will never appear in your home again:

  • Step 1. Call the free hotline of the Insight Center and receive detailed advice. From our specialist you will learn what mistakes should be avoided when communicating with a drug addict, why an addict does not want treatment, and how to organize an intervention.
  • Step 2. Choose the most appropriate time for the intervention. Treatment of drug withdrawal is best suited, because at this moment the patient’s consciousness is more vulnerable than ever. Just call a narcologist to your home and while an experienced doctor professionally relieves withdrawal symptoms with medications, the psychologist will convince the patient to begin compulsory treatment!
  • Step 3. After receiving consent, immediately organize the delivery of the patient to the country hospital of the Insight RC, where he will immediately begin treatment for drug addiction.

Remember that you are not alone in your problem! Thousands of drug addicts around the world do not want to be treated and thousands of mothers and wives decide to undergo compulsory drug addiction treatment! Today is your day! Call us now!

Drug addiction is a very serious chronic pathology that certainly requires urgent psychotherapeutic and drug therapy. However, people who are addicted to drugs are very rarely able to adequately assess the current situation and understand the harmful effects drugs have on the body.

Drug addicts, due to the constant impact of psychotropic substances on the psyche, are simply not able to make an independent decision about undergoing treatment. They in every possible way deny the existence of a problem and ignore the arguments of loved ones who believe that the only correct way out in such a situation would be compulsory treatment for drug addiction.

In Russia, compulsory treatment for drug addiction is carried out in a specialized institution and can only be carried out by a court decision, which is very difficult to obtain. In addition, in such institutions, the patient is treated somewhat biasedly and even condemned. And, as you know, the most positive result of appropriate therapy can be obtained only if there is complete trust between the patient and his attending physician. Our specialized clinic employs highly professional doctors who:

  • conduct conversations with drug addicts;
  • help convince him of the need for therapy;
  • can provide urgent assistance to a drug addict.

Our clinic employs experienced specialists who provide comprehensive therapy and help convince citizens who are captive to drug addiction to undergo the required rehabilitation and start a normal, healthy life. We have the latest modern medical means, thanks to which it is possible to remove toxic substances from the body in the shortest possible time and significantly improve the health of patients. Our experienced psychologists and narcologists do not force anyone to undergo a course of therapy, but only motivate and convince them of the need for a course of rehabilitation. In addition, we help people overcome alcoholism and other types of addiction.

In the city of Moscow, compulsory treatment for drug addiction is carried out by court order, the prices for which differ in their affordability, however, this does not always bring the required result and does not guarantee complete relief from existing addiction. The most positive and lasting results can only be achieved by establishing a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient.

This is exactly what the employees of our drug treatment center do, who gently and unobtrusively offer to take a rehabilitation course. Our clinic has the latest and unique methods of working with addicted people. The result of long and painstaking work will be:

  • the drug addict will have a strong motivation to get rid of drugs forever;
  • he will be able to clearly outline for himself the prospects for a normal life;
  • Even the strongest physical dependence will disappear.

We create our own individual therapy program for every person who suffers from drug addiction. At the same time, the clear and coordinated work of psychologists, narcologists and the patient’s relatives is very important. The specialists of our drug treatment center will help develop a special program for the interaction of a sick person with his family. This will help speed up recovery and eliminate possible relapses.

Relatives who want to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment should know that this is prohibited by law, however, there are cases when a person under the influence of drugs commits a criminal or administrative offense. In this case, a person may be sent for therapy without his consent, and this is clearly stated in the Code of the Russian Federation. According to a court decision, a citizen may be sentenced to undergo special therapy and imprisonment, and he must serve the sentence in a specialized drug treatment center.

In addition, a special psychiatric commission after an examination can send a drug addict to a specialized clinic in the Russian Federation for therapy if he is socially dangerous. Execution of the sentence is mandatory for everyone, however, such methods do not always bring the desired result and in this way it is quite possible to only significantly aggravate the existing problem.

How to apply for compulsory treatment for a drug addict

Drug addiction is currently a fairly common problem that is very common in our country. Some relatives of a drug addict decide to send him to a clinic for rehabilitation without the consent of the patient himself.

Compulsory treatment for drug addiction by court order is quite possible in Moscow and the price for such a service is quite reasonable. The basis for referral for mandatory therapy is that a person may experience a state of severe psychosis, helplessness, and even some dementia resulting from drug use.

In addition, the basis for compulsory therapy may be if a person has committed a criminal offense, or if he poses a potential danger to the life and health of others.

If a drug addict is in a very serious condition, he can be taken away by an ambulance, which is called by relatives to remove harmful substances from the patient’s body. However, subsequent therapy and rehabilitation actions are carried out only with the consent of the drug addict himself.

Name of service Price Additional Information


Initial consultation with a narcologist (with selection of a course of treatment) For free
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction Standard ward From RUB 2,900/day Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation, meals, supervision by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed (for mild intoxication of the body)
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction VIP chamber From 7,900 rub. Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation in a single room, meals, monitoring by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed
UBOD (Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification) From 35,000 rub. Accommodation is not included in the price
Coding From 7000 rub.
Individual psychotherapy session 3000 rub.
Correction module Narco-psychotherapy using biofeedback (author's Methodology). 15,000 rub.
Individual nursing station 3000 rub.
Xenon therapy 7500 rub.
Plasmophoresis 7000 rub.
ILBI 1100 rub.
Electroson 1200 rub.
Massage 2000 rub.
MRI from 3000 rub.
Coding for alcoholism From 6000 rub. The coding method is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
File for drug addiction “Esperal”, “Naltrexone” From 20,000 rub. The type of filing is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
Individual work with a psychologist From 3000 rub. Depends on the category of doctor, counseling methods, timing, program, etc.
Screening tests for the presence of narcotic substances From 1500 rub. Depends on the number of types of drugs

Complex treatment

General ward 5000 rub./day accommodation in a shared ward for up to 4 people
Double room 9000 rub./day accommodation in a room for up to 2 people
Single room 12,000 rub./day accommodation in a single VIP room with an increased level of comfort: toilet, shower, air conditioning, TV, etc.

Individual treatment programs

Standard-ALKO 3 RUB 30,500 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, plasmapheresis, 4 ILBI procedures, management by a clinical psychologist
Standard-ALKO CODE RUB 37,400 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, plasmapheresis, 2 ILBI procedures, management by a clinical psychologist, coding
Standard-ALCO XENON 39,000 rub. three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, 4 light xenon therapy procedures, consultation with a psychologist
STANDARD-Narco 5 RUB 34,300 5 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG
Standard-NARCO 7 RUB 55,400 7 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 2 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy
Standard-NARCO 10 RUB 78,100 10 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 3 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy


Rehabilitation from 1100 rub./day The cost of rehabilitation is determined individually by a specialist. Depends on the patient's condition, treatment program, center and length of stay.
Comprehensive rehabilitation in a modern Rehabilitation Center of the Moscow Region (MO), group classes, work with a psychologist. from 30000/month

Comprehensive treatment program for Hepatitis C

Treatment of Hepatitis C of moderate severity 140 000
Treatment of liver cirrhosis, severe form of Hepatitis C from 170,000 Complex treatment; tests, selection of treatment, therapy, observation by the attending physician

Calling a doctor to your home

Calling a doctor to your home (for alcoholism) From 2000 rub.
Coding for alcoholism at home. From 2000 rub.
Detoxification at home. From 2500 rub. The cost includes medications and treatment.
Calling a doctor to your home (for drug addiction) From 3000 rub. Patient's history, prescription of treatment course
Coding for drug addiction at home. From 3000 rub. Selection of drug and coding method. Encoding.
Motivation for treatment (intervention service) From 10,000 rub. The cost may be changed depending on the distance from the Moscow Ring Road, region, and time of day.
Delivery of the patient to the clinic For free If the patient: 1. Does not need to be accompanied by a doctor. 2. With a course of treatment of three days.

The question of whether compulsory treatment of drug addicts is possible for many families is very relevant. This is due to the specifics of drug addiction as a disease that destroys not only the most important internal organs, but also the moral and psychological core of the individual. Instead of striving to break out of the bonds of addiction, the patient aggravates his condition by refusing medical help. Neither the family nor society can remain inactive in such a situation, therefore they consider compulsory treatment of drug addicts as forced measure.

How addiction treatment works:

The Law on Compulsory Treatment of Drug Addicts, which came into force in 2014, gives courts the right to refer people detained while under the influence of drugs to rehabilitation. Evasion is punishable by a fine, and an alternative punishment may also be applied: administrative arrest for 30 days. Without a court decision, medical examination without the consent of the drug addict is illegal.

Getting rid of drug addiction without outside help is extremely difficult. Only the person who once became a participant can understand the scale and tragedy of the situation. The main problem is that the drug addict is not able to get out of the state of drug intoxication on his own. The addict must be forced to undergo treatment in order to help him get out of a difficult situation. It is imperative to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment, even if he refuses to accept the scale of the problem and the threat to his health, and in some cases, his life. In this case, forced recovery therapy will help.

The importance of weaning off dangerous drugs

The success of a drug addict’s recovery is largely determined by his internal motivation and desire to stop using toxic substances. A drug addict is able to justify and defend himself to the last, convincing him that he controls his desires and can give up harmful substances on his own. It is extremely difficult to persuade him to start treatment. The consequences of drug use cannot be reversed.

According to statistics, only a quarter of the patients survive, the rest rot alive. Their internal organs fail and blood poisoning occurs. Most drug addicts die within the first year of using illicit drugs. Responsibility for a sick person rests with loved ones.

To avoid catastrophic consequences, it is necessary to immediately seek help from specialists who are working on the “Compulsory Treatment of Drug Addiction” program. They will provide recommendations on how to force a drug addict to undergo treatment and force the patient to make efforts to restore health. The sooner a patient is brought to a drug treatment center or any other clinic, the greater his chances of survival. If you can’t persuade the sufferer, you need to force him to talk to qualified specialists. You cannot sit back and silently watch as a loved one dies in front of you.

Medical assistance

The addict needs to be convinced to seek treatment! How to find an approach to a patient if he refuses to accept any help and cannot be persuaded? Is it possible to send a drug addict to compulsory therapy and force him to undergo treatment? These questions bother everyone who is faced with this problem.

First of all, the patient must realize that he is sick and needs professional help. This stage of therapy is called motivational. Professional psychologists and psychiatrists work with sufferers, who try to persuade them and force them to come to a logical conclusion about abolishing drug use. This step is the most difficult, but it makes the treatment more effective and produces tangible results.

For successful drug addiction treatment, it is very important that the patient understands his addiction and wants to get rid of it.

If a patient refuses treatment and any intervention in his life, he can be forcibly admitted to a narcology clinic. Yes, in some cases such actions are necessary.

The main criterion for drug treatment centers is saving the patient’s life and changing his consciousness. And if it is necessary to use compulsory treatment, then with the consent of the family and the recommendations of the attending physician, appropriate measures are taken.

How to help an addict

Compulsory treatment implies the lack of consent of the drug addict to carry out all kinds of therapies and manipulations to get rid of addiction. Forced rehabilitation is a large-scale effort to motivate the patient. During the painstaking work of specialists from various medical fields and psychiatrists, the sufferer realizes that he has no other choice but to agree to treatment.

Psychologists and doctors have developed a number of programs on how to persuade a drug addict to undergo treatment. All of them are aimed at the drug addict accepting responsibility for his life. The programs include the following items:

  1. A person addicted to drugs is terrified of withdrawal. He understands that treatment will entail abstinence from taking toxic substances. For the patient, the feeling of withdrawal is commensurate with terrible torture, being between life and death. In fact, the process of detoxification or withdrawal withdrawal is a short process and not as painful as drug addicts imagine it to be. Clinics use modern drugs that effectively relieve pain.
  2. During the conversation, psychologists present a number of facts that prove in detail to the patient that his path is directed towards death. Some specialists show their clients videos of patients going through withdrawal. Often it is these images that convince patients to make the right decision.
  3. Experts recommend sending drug addicts to specialized centers for people suffering from drug addiction. There a special atmosphere has been created for them, which will force them to completely escape from their past life. Treatment at home is fraught with frequent failures, so it is considered by doctors in rare cases. To prevent such situations, competent specialists will give advice on how to convince a drug addict to take advantage of treatment in a specialized center.

The help of a psychologist in the treatment of drug addiction cannot be overestimated; it is he who can “reach out” to the patient and teach him to live without drugs

Do not hesitate: the life of the sufferer is short

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts requires considerable effort from family, friends and doctors. Only psychological motivational programs can convince a drug addict to stop using toxic ingredients.

A patient who has been persuaded to undergo treatment requires urgent hospitalization. It is important not to retreat, not to compromise with the drug addict. Timely actions taken will help save the life of a loved one.

Today there are rehabilitation centers in almost every city. You can contact them at any time and find out how to refer a drug addicted person there. Mandatory treatment of patients includes techniques that affect the restoration of the physiological and psychological state of the patient.

If you want to save your close friend or loved one who has become dependent on drugs, you do not need to waste time on useless conversations about the dangers of drugs or the danger to life of immoral behavior. Make decisions about specialized therapy right away.

In drug treatment centers, the patient will receive professional assistance. Here they will help him get out of the most difficult situations. Do you want to give a chance for a better life to a loved one? Then go in search of a medical center today so that tomorrow it can begin a course of therapy to get rid of addiction!

Drug addiction is a serious chronic disease that must be treated with medication and psychotherapy. Legislators face a difficult task: the decision on compulsory treatment of drug addiction must be made by the court. The procedure itself must guarantee the protection of the interests of the drug addict.

Amendments to the Laws of the Russian Federation on the referral of drug addicted citizens for compulsory treatment

On May 24 of this year, the debate and discussion about compulsory treatment of drug addiction by court order finally ended. Everything is enshrined in law. The legal basis for such treatment may be Article 55 (Part 3) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This provision is not inconsistent with Article 29, Part 2 of the Declaration of Human Rights.

According to the Federal Drug Control Service, 8 million drug addicts are officially registered in our country. Every year, about 135 thousand Russian citizens die from the use of narcotic drugs of various types. In addition to the Law, the Federal Drug Control Service proposed its program for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. As part of this program, the state budget will annually allocate the amount necessary for the rehabilitation of 150 thousand patients who use drugs constantly or periodically.

The court may make a decision on compulsory treatment in relation to the following persons:

- drug addicts who understand what is happening to them, but refuse to undergo the necessary treatment;

- drug addicts who have broken the law;

- those convicted of crimes.

The court will prescribe treatment even if the main sentence for the crime committed is suspended. Control over the execution of the court decision on compulsory treatment and rehabilitation will be exercised by the criminal executive authorities.

Where and how will compulsory drug addiction treatment be carried out? The state is proposing a program to open rehabilitation centers throughout Russia. This applies not only to private, but also to municipal specialized medical institutions. The main goal is that every drug addict can anonymously apply at any time, be examined and undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation.

Currently, according to official data, there are about five rehabilitation centers, 110 drug treatment clinics, and about 90 rehabilitation departments in Russia. It is planned to build 200 more such centers in each region.

In addition, a proposal was made to issue certificates for compulsory treatment of drug addiction in non-state rehabilitation centers. This project has already been operating in the northern regions since January of this year. Local departments of social protection transfer 35,000 rubles to the center’s account for the treatment and rehabilitation of adults registered at a psychoneurological dispensary.

Unfortunately, no one has yet definitively calculated how much the implementation of the new Law will cost the budget. It should be borne in mind that the majority of patients taking drugs categorically refuse any treatment. It is with this motivation that specialists in rehabilitation centers need to work. Treatment will give a good result only if the addict realizes the fact of his addiction and begins to help doctors.

And one last thing. What are the consequences of refusing or evading compulsory treatment or diagnosis?

If drug addicts leave the medical facility on their own, do not visit it at all, or stop following all the recommendations and orders of the doctor, if such violations are recorded 2 times or more, then such persons are subject to either arrest for 30 days or a fine of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Most drug addicts who have undergone compulsory treatment begin to live full lives.

Signs of drug addiction

Drug addiction is a real scourge of our century. No person can be immune from it. Drug addiction spares no one.

A narcissist makes his partner jealous

Recently, scientists from the University of Alabama made an interesting statement. Experts said that some people get pleasure from forcing their own.

Prevention of substance abuse

Substance abuse is one of the types of drug addiction. Because treating drug addicts is a long, difficult process, which is also far away.

Teenage substance abuse

Substance abuse is most common among adolescent children. During this period of life, there is a high probability that a teenager may become...

The abuse of substances that lead to addiction, dependence, somatic disorders and radical personality changes is called substance abuse. This was a phenomenon in the 80s.

There are types of addictions that can develop without any predisposing factors. These include substance abuse. Mainly to the category of people.

Drug addiction is not just a harmful addiction, but a serious disease that leads to damage to internal organs, mental disorders, etc.

Smoking drugs

Is it possible to smoke drugs? This question has not been rhetorical for a long time, because there is a whole series of smoking drugs. If.

Types of drug addiction

Drugs are a problem for a lot of people. And, unfortunately, the percentage of drug addicts is growing every year. Moreover, the statistics show.

Gone are the days when the word “drug addict” was shocking. Today, drug addiction has already entered every school.

Compulsory drug treatment

The Healthy Generation Center provides compulsory treatment for drug addiction at the request of the patient’s relatives or friends. Drug addiction is a serious disease that is difficult to get rid of on your own. Ordinary persuasion from loved ones does not bring results. In such cases, the only way out of the current situation is compulsory drug addiction treatment.

  • High professionalism of doctors;
  • Use of modern drugs;
  • Mandatory stage of rehabilitation and resocialization;
  • Sensitive and respectful attitude towards patients.

Psychotherapy or how to send a drug addict to compulsory treatment?

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts is a common practice that is used in many clinics around the world. Interventions for drug addicts in almost all cases are initiated by relatives or close friends of the patient. Intervention for drug addicts requires make one call or visit the clinic in person.

Intervention for drug addicts begins with the center’s specialists coming to the patient’s home on the appointed day. At this time, relatives or close people who initiated this process should be at home. As a rule, the intervention of drug addicts is accompanied by a decisive refusal of the patient to communicate with his family. In this case, dialogue is formed with the help of a narcologist and relatives.

It is not so important how to send an addict to mandatory therapy as how to involve him in a positive conversation. At a certain point, the patient stops ignoring the doctor and enters into an argument with him. This is a turning point in all therapy. The process of convincing someone to take the path of healing can take up to several hours. Patients at this time express anger, doubt and denial. However, gradually the person realizes his illness and recognizes the need for rehabilitation.

Legality of compulsory treatment of drug addicts

The law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts came into force in 2014. The Law on Compulsory Treatment of Drug Addicts gives courts the power to send drug addicts to rehabilitation. Compulsory treatment of drug addicts by court order is successfully carried out in many Russian clinics.

Violation of the law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts is punishable by a fine or administrative arrest. The decision to refer for therapy is made in relation to those citizens who remain in a state of drug intoxication. Without a court decision, this action is considered illegal, except in the following cases:

  • Inability to express one’s will due to an insane and helpless state;
  • There is a threat to life without immediate medical intervention;
  • Inappropriate behavior threatens a person’s life and those around him.

Intervention for drug addicts in Moscow

The Healthy Generation Center carries out intervention for drug addicts in Moscow at the request of friends and relatives. Drug addiction intervention involves convincing the patient of the need for therapy. An experienced psychotherapist finds a way to convey the correctness of the healing path.

Intervention for drug addicts has proven highly effective on many patients who at first categorically refused to undergo rehabilitation. Intervention by drug addicts helps the patient’s loved ones gain hope for the patient’s return to normal life.