Foundations of world religious cultures beglov saplina. “Think about your soul!”

M.: 2010 - 80 p.

In the tutorial, taking into account age characteristics students in grades 4-5 are given elementary representations about the emergence, history and characteristics of the world’s religions, their influence on people’s lives. The authors did not set the task of reflecting controversial issues of religious teachings and religious studies in the manual.

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Lesson 1. Russia is our Motherland 4

Lesson 2. Culture and religion 6

Lesson 3. Culture and religion 8

Lesson 4. The emergence of religions 10

Lesson 5. The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders 12

Lessons 6-7. Sacred books of the world's religions 16

Lesson 8. Tradition keepers in the world's religions 22

Lessons 9-10. Good and evil. The concept of sin, repentance and retribution 24

Lesson 11. Man in the religious traditions of the world 28

Lessons 12-13. Sacred structures 30

Lessons 14-15. Art in religious culture 34

Lessons 16-17. Creative works students 38

Lessons 18-19. History of religions in Russia 40

Lessons 20-21. Religious rituals. Customs and rituals 52

Lesson 22. Pilgrimages and shrines 58

Lessons 23-24. Holidays and calendars 62

Lessons 25-26. Religion and morality. Moral commandments in the religions of the world 68

Lesson 27. Mercy, caring for the weak, mutual assistance 72

Lesson 28. Family 74

Lesson 29. Duty, freedom, responsibility, work 76

Lesson 30. Love and respect for the Fatherland 78

How to download and open e-books in various pdf formats,

djvu - look...

Relax - look at pictures, jokes and funny statuses

Various aphorisms

Remember that every day is the first day of the rest of your life.

Quotes and Statuses with meaning

Jokes from school essays

An apple fell on Mendeleev's head and he created chemical elements.

The textbook, taking into account the age characteristics of students in grades 4-5, gives basic ideas about the origin, history and characteristics of the world’s religions, their influence on people’s lives. The authors did not set the task of reflecting controversial issues of religious teachings and religious studies in the manual.

Religious feelings arose in man at the very early stage his stories. Found burials of ancient people were made with great love and care. This indicates their belief in afterlife and in higher power. Primitive people they took care of the souls of their ancestors and believed that these souls of dead people continued to participate in the life of their family and their tribe. They were asked for protection, and sometimes they were afraid of them.

Ancient people believed that the world inhabited by spirits, good or evil. These spirits lived in trees and mountains, streams and rivers, fire and wind. People also revered sacred animals, such as bears and deer.

Faith in spirits is gradually being replaced by faith in gods. In ancient states - Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, Japan - people believed that there were many gods and each god had its own “specialization”. There were gods who patronized crafts or art, others were considered the lords of the seas and oceans, underground kingdom. Collectively these gods were called the pantheon. A religion in which many gods are worshiped is called polytheism.

Lesson 1. Russia is our Motherland 4
Lesson 2. Culture and religion 6
Lesson 3. Culture and religion 8
Lesson 4. The emergence of religions 10
Lesson 5. The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders 12
Lessons 6-7. Sacred books of the world's religions 16
Lesson 8. Tradition keepers in the world's religions 22
Lessons 9-10. Good and evil. The concept of sin, repentance and retribution 24
Lesson 11. Man in the religious traditions of the world 28
Lessons 12-13. Sacred structures 30
Lessons 14-15. Art in religious culture 34
Lessons 16-17. Creative works of students 38
Lessons 18-19. History of religions in Russia 40
Lessons 20-21. Religious rituals. Customs and rituals 52
Lesson 22. Pilgrimages and shrines 58
Lessons 23-24. Holidays and calendars 62
Lessons 25-26. Religion and morality. Moral commandments in the religions of the world 68
Lesson 27. Mercy, caring for the weak, mutual assistance 72
Lesson 28. Family 74
Lesson 29. Duty, freedom, responsibility, work 76
Lesson 30. Love and respect for the Fatherland 78.

Publication date: 05/10/2013 03:39 UTC

  • Fundamentals of world religious cultures, 4th grade, work program based on the textbook by Beglova A.L., Saplina E.V., Tokareva E.S., Yarlykapova A.A., Tereshchenko N.V., 2014

1.Write down the definition of the concept.

Religion is a set of spiritual ideas based on belief in the existence of God, supernatural forces, and, accordingly, behavior and actions.

2. What is characteristic of religious consciousness?

Faith in God, certain rituals, prayers.

3. What functions does religion perform in the life of a person and society? List the functions and provide examples of the implementation of each of them. Fill out the table.

4. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

Religion is one of the forms 3 (A), a method of practical - spiritual mastery of the world by an individual, 6 (B), society as a whole.
In the structure of religion there are
2 (B), cult, religious relations, institutions and organizations. Religious consciousness presupposes belief in the existence 5 (D) influencing the activities of the individual and society, the ability to communicate with these forces and influence them. Thanks to religious faith, certain persons, objects, texts are endowed with religious meaning and 1 (D) and are included in the cult.
Scientists identify polytheistic
4 (E) and monotheistic (monotheism) religions. There are also tribal or archaic (shamanism, witchcraft, magic, etc.), national (for example, Hinduism, Judaism) and 7 (F) (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam).

Choose one word after another, filling in each blank.

1) symbolic meaning
2) religious consciousness
3) spiritual life
4) polytheism
5) supernatural powers
6) social group
7) world religions

A-3 B-6 C-2 D-5 D-1 E-4 F-7

5. Read extracts from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” and complete the assignments.

Article 3. Right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

1. In the Russian Federation, freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are guaranteed, including the right to profess, individually or together with others, any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose and change, to have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and to act in accordance with them...
3. The establishment of advantages, restrictions or other forms of discrimination depending on the attitude towards religion is not allowed.
4. Citizens of the Russian Federation are equal before the law in all areas of civil, political, economic, social and cultural life regardless of their attitude to religion and religious affiliation. A citizen of the Russian Federation in the event that his beliefs or religion are contrary to wearing military service, has the right to be replaced by an alternative civilian service.
5. No one is obliged to report their attitude to religion.... It is prohibited to involve minors in religious associations, as well as teaching religion to minors against their will and without the consent of their parents or persons replacing them....

Article 4. State and religious associations.

1. Russian Federation- secular state. No religion can be established as state or compulsory. Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal before the law.

1) What, according to the law, do freedom of conscience and freedom of religion include (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

2) Suggest why military service for believers, if necessary, is replaced by alternative civilian service, and not abolished completely.

The law is the same for everyone. Therefore, military service cannot be canceled. You can only replace it.

3) For what purpose, in your opinion, does the law specifically stipulate the right of citizens not to disclose their attitude towards religion?

The choice of religion is a personal matter for each person.

4) How does the law protect the rights of minors (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

Why is this necessary?

Involvement in religious associations against the will of a minor and without parental consent is prohibited.

5) What, according to the law, does the concept of “secular state” mean (underline the relevant provision of the law)?

6. Sociologists surveyed 1,600 Russians to find out their attitude towards religion. It turned out that some of the respondents who declared their belief in God also believe in other supernatural forces. The obtained data are shown in the diagram. Analyze the survey data.

1) How many respondents believe only in the existence of God?


2) What other supernatural powers do the respondents believe in?

Into aliens, witchcraft and magic.

3) Draw three conclusions from the given data.

The least number of respondents believe in aliens. (6%)
Most believe only in God.
21% of respondents believe in God and omens.

4) Explain one of your conclusions.

Only 6% of respondents believe in aliens, because... their existence has not yet been proven.


students____ 4 “___” grades

_________________________________ schools


Stepanova Tatyana Valentinovna, teacher of the module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures” training course"Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics» MKOU "Kuzmishchenskaya Secondary School" of the Kostroma district of the Kostroma region.

The notebook is intended for use in the lessons of the course “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” of the module “World Religious Cultures” in 4th grade.


Lesson #1

Russia is our Motherland

Russia, fatherland, Motherland, patriot, president _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Fatherland -


The president - ________

Homework: Tell family members about famous people in Russia. Conduct an interview with family members on the following questions: What heroes of Russia do they know, what are their services to the fatherland? What Russian writers, poets, artists, composers do they know, what are they famous for? What books about our homeland Russia would they advise you to read? Are there anyone among your relatives who did a lot for their homeland? Who is this, what are their merits?

Lee: Find material about famous person(optionally). Prepare a story about him. Explain why you chose this particular person.

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #2

Culture and religion

Religion is ____________


Rituals are ______________________________________________


Complete the diagram:

Church of the Ascension

in Kolomenskoye (Moscow)


Christianity - ____


Orthodoxy - _________


Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Make up and write sentences with the words:culture, religion.


Homework: Read or retell the article from the manual to family members and friends, discuss its contents with them regarding the questions and tasks on p. 7

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #3

Culture and religion


Culture is __________________________________________________________


Task 1. Independently

Look at the pictures. They are numbered. Write the numbers in the appropriate columns of the table and explain your choice.

Task 2. On your own

Make up and write down sentences in your notebook with the words:Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, culture, religion.


Homework: Read or retell the article from the manual to family members and friends, discuss its contents with them regarding the questions and tasks on p.9

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #4

The emergence of religions. Ancient Beliefs


Pantheon - _________________________________________________________________________


Polytheism - ______________________________________________________________________


Testament - ____________________________________________________________________________




1. The name of the ancestor of the Jews.

2. A religion in which many gods are worshiped

3. Many gods in which ancient people believed.

4. Country in which Jewish people was in slavery.

5. The city in which the Jews built the Temple.


1. What is written on the tablets.

2. A man who, at the command of God, rescued the Jewish people from slavery.

3. Stone tablets received by Moses from God.

4. The agreement made by Moses with God.

5. The land where Abraham settled.

Homework: Make an outline of an article from the manual (p. 10 -11)


Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #5

The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders


Messiah (Christ) - _________________________________________________________________


Christianity - ____________________________________________________________________


Buddhism - __________________________________________________________________________


Nirvana - _________________________________________________________________________


Stupas - ___________________________________________________________________________


Islam - ____________________________________________________________________________


Muslims - ___________________________________________________________


Task 1. Work in groups

Fill the table


Jesus Christ

Homework: Look at the map of the world and name the places where world religions arose, determine in what century each of the world religions arose, name the founders of world religions.

Foundations of world religious cultures

rock №6-7

Sacred books of the world's religions


Holy Bible - _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Torah - _________________________________________________________________


Bible - _______________________________________________________________


Tipitaka - _____________________________________________________________


Koran - ________________________________________________________________


Task 1. Independently

Fill the table:

Task 2. On your own

Use the arrows to indicate the match:

"Three Baskets"

"Good News"




Homework: Tell family members and friends about what you learned in class.

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #8

Tradition Keepers in the World's Religions



Rabbi - __________________________________________________________________________

Bishop - ________________________________________________________________________

Imam - ___________________________________________________________________________

Lama - ____________________________________________________________________________

Task 1. Work in pairs


Ancient religions





Say it in one word:

Homework: Find out from your parents, elders (or find in additional literature, the Internet) if they know about religions in which there are no special people, which would preserve its traditions and legends.

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #9

Good and evil.


Welcome - __________________________________________________________________________

Evil - _____________________________________________________________________________

Sin - ___________________________________________________________________________

Task 1. Independently

Extract from the text teaching aid 2-3 sentences that seemed most important to you.


Task 2. Work in pairs

Read the story “The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise.” Ask questions about the text to your desk neighbor.

Divide the words into two groups: the ability to tell the truth, the fight for freedom, boasting, restricting the freedom of another person, lying

Homework: Prepare a story from the history of human ideas about good and evil.

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #10

Good and evil.

The concept of sin, repentance and retribution


The Fall - ___________________________________________________________________

Repentance - ______________________________________________________________________

Tradition - _______________________________________________________________________

Exercise 1. On one's own

Write down from the student manual which religions have the concept of sin and which do not. Explain this difference.



1. Violation of God’s commandments by the first people – Adam and Eve.

2.Name a religion in which there is a point of view that life is suffering, which can be interrupted by achieving liberation

3.Which book tells about the fall of Adam and Eve.


1.The Jews believe that the world was created...

2.Jesus Christ, according to Christian teaching, is...

3.Who believed that evil came into the world because of the curious woman Pandora?

4. Liberation from suffering and a state of absolute peace in Buddhism.

Homework: Discuss with your parents the questions and tasks from the student manual on p. 27.

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #11

Man in the religious traditions of the world

Task 1. Independently

Continue the sentence:

Prayer is ______________________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Group work

Discuss the results of the task in groups. Try to define the word “PRAYER”. Write down the definition you came up with while working as a group.

Prayer is ________________________________________________________________________________

Task 3. On your own

Match using the arrows:

Task 4.

Write out 2-3 sentences from the text of the textbook (pp. 28 – 29) that talk about a person in the religious traditions of the world. Explain how you understood these sentences.



Prayer - _________________________________________________________________________


Namaz - ____________________________________________________________________________


Mantra - ___________________________________________________________________________


Sacraments - ________________________________________________________________________


Homework: Prepare a story on the topic “What does it say about a person? Orthodox culture(Islamic culture, Jewish culture, Buddhist culture).” (optionally)

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #12

Sacred structures

Exercise 1.

Look at images of sacred buildings of different religions. Which ones do you know? What are their names? Why do you think sacred buildings of different religions look different?

__________________ _________________ __________________ __________________


Synagogue - _________________________________________________________________________

Church - __________________________________________________________________________

Altar - ___________________________________________________________________________

Icon - ____________________________________________________________________________

Fresco - ____________________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Work in groups

Use arrows to connect parts of buildings and their names.

Orthodox church Synagogue

Homework: Find in your city (town, village) a sacred building of Orthodox or Jewish culture (or an image in a book, the Internet). Write down what features characteristic of these religions you can note in it.


Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #13

Sacred structures


Mosque - __________________________________________________________________________

Minaret - _________________________________________________________________________

Stupa - ___________________________________________________________________________

Pagoda - ___________________________________________________________________________

Task 1. Independently

Read the text of the textbook on pp. 32 – 33, prepare and write down questions about the content of the article.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


Task 2. Work in pairs

Ask each other the questions you formulated based on the content of the article from the manual. try to answer your friend's questions.

Task 3. Work in groups

Sign parts of sacred buildings of Islam and Buddhism

Homework: Fill out the “Sacred Structures” table.








Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #14


Icon - ________________________________________________________________

Fresco - ______________________________________________________________

Calligraphy - __________________________________________________________

Arabesque - _____________________________________________________________

Task 1. Independently

Make an outline of the article from the student manual (p. 34-35) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Work in groups

Check out the plans that the guys in your group have made. Compare the plans (which points of the plan are repeated, how many parts the text is divided into). Draw up and write down a unified group plan.


Task 3. On your own

Label the images

______________ __________________ ______________ ______________

Homework: Prepare a story on one of the topics: “Art in the religious culture of Christianity”, “Art in the religious culture of Islam”.

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson #15

Art in religious culture

WITH dictionary:

Seven-branched candlestick (menorah) - ________ ____________________________________________


TO Orona Torah- _________________________________________________


T anka - __________________________________________

________________________________________________ icon, rock garden, mosque, reclining Buddha, synagogue, arabesque, Torah crown, altar, seven-branched candlestick, tanka, calligraphy, stupa, iconostasis, minaret.








Homework: Write short story“My impressions of the icon (seven-candlestick, image of Buddha, calligraphically written book, arabesques).”

Foundations of world religious cultures

Lesson No. 16-17


Project is a way of organizing educational activities aimed at solving a problem and having a specific result

The project method is way to solve

problem together and get

Something new and interesting

What was unknown to us


Study, work, search together,

Something useful to people create

To say: "I can! I can!

I’m confident in my abilities now!”

Let's show the adults what we are




    Collect information about

    Design of the finished product


    How to make a crossword? (training) select words: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    PRODUCT (crossword design)

    PRESENTATION (defending your work)


Memo “How to work on a crossword puzzle?”

Temple, altar, stupa, pagoda, minaret, iconostasis

    Use a pencil to write these concepts in the table (or on a piece of notebook paper) so that they form a crossword puzzle. If during the work you need to replace a word or move it to another place, then erase what is unnecessary and correct it.

3 a

4 x


1 and

5 s

    Come up with tasks for words and write them down with numbers
    (vertical and horizontal)

Vertical tasks:

    Christian prayer building

Horizontal tasks:

    Create a crossword puzzle on album sheet.
    (Title, crossword puzzle, tasks, drawing) and think about how you can tell your friends about your work.

CROSSWORD “Sacred structures”


Vertical tasks:

    Tower from which believers are called to prayer

    Tall multi-tiered buildings in Buddhism

    The most sacred place in a Christian temple

    Christian prayer building

    Special structures for storing the ashes of Buddha

Horizontal tasks:

A barrier between the altar and the rest of the temple, on which icons are located in rows

    Show your work to everyone.

Group _____________________________________________________

Subject: _______________________________________________________

Words: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Making a crossword:

Formulate tasks for the words:

Vertically: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Place your crossword on clean slate and come up with his presentation.


Russia is our Motherland .........................................................................

Lesson #2

Lesson #3

Culture and religion........................................................ ...............................

Lesson #4

The emergence of religions. Ancient Beliefs........................

Lesson #5

The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders............

Lesson No. 6-7

Sacred books of the world's religions.................................................... .......

Lesson #8

Keepers of tradition in the religions of the world....................................................

Lesson #9

Good and evil. The concept of sin, repentance and retribution.................................

Lesson #10

Good and evil. The concept of sin, repentance and retribution......

Lesson #11

Man in the religious traditions of the world...................................................

Lesson #12

Lesson #13

Sacred buildings........................................................ ....................

Lesson №14

Art in religious culture................................................................... ...

Lesson #15

Art in religious culture................................................................... ....

Lesson No. 16-17

Project. Memo “How to work on a crossword puzzle?”......