“The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life! (based on early stories by M. Gorky)

Literature. Grade 11.

Lesson topic: “The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life.”

Goals and objectives:

1. Introduce students to the life of M. Gorky and his romantic creativity.

2. To establish the concept of romanticism as a literary movement using the example of a writer’s work.

3. Develop text analysis skills, benchmarking texts.

4. Using the example of M. Gorky’s stories, introduce students to the diversity of life types, make them think about the meaning of feat and its role in human life.

introduction teachers:

Today's lesson is about romantic works Gorky. To understand why Gorky turned to romantic works, it is necessary to characterize the time in which Gorky lived. It was a time when the quiet provincial life was tormenting and crippling. The nobility still plowed the land according to the “ancient custom”, went bankrupt and drank away the last bits of land in Paris. The merchant, the kulak, bought up noble estates on a large scale, cut down cherry orchards. People grew old early, the city dweller quietly drank himself to death, cried about unfulfilled dreams. Life became more hectic. It seemed that the cherished word was about to be spoken.

And so young Gorky... said this word... He spoke about the rebellion of a proud man whose home is the whole earth under a starry roof.

In brilliant stories, fresh as a draft, he called for absolute freedom - away from the damned philistine swamp.

Question: How do you understand the topic of our lesson?

(Already sees madness in the death of the Falcon (this is how the philistine attitude towards the feat is manifested), and the Falcon, with his desperate desire for freedom, for struggle, perceives his death not as madness, but a continuation of life; having crashed, he seems to merge with native element, transferring her will and energy).

Question: How do you understand the epigraph? (Even if you died!.. But in the song of the brave and strong in spirit You will always be a living example, a proud call to freedom, to light!)

(This is a call to fight, this is the beginning of immortality. And even if people like Falcon are still alone, their feat does not pass away without a trace, “drops of blood” of their hot “like sparks will flare up in the darkness of life and ignite many brave hearts with an insane thirst for freedom, Sveta!"

A message about romanticism as literary direction.

(Romanticism put forward its hero - a man with a special strong feelings who rejects laws. The romantic sought to get away from the reality that did not satisfy him, to create his own, fictional image of the world, his ideal, his dream).

"Song of the Falcon". What is the main idea and through what images does Gorky convey this idea? (Singing of freedom, struggle. With the collision of the Falcon and the Snake, Gorky answers the question about the meaning of life, about death and immortality, about the purpose of man on earth, and thereby connects the fairy tale with the surrounding reality).

What do you think about the philosophy of life that Already preaches?

(From the point of view of the philistine, egoistic existence, those who strive for struggle and freedom are not suitable “for the work of life”, “live by deception.” “Funny birds! But now their speeches will not deceive me anymore! I myself know everything! I know the truth! And I won’t believe their calls. The earth is the creation – I live by the earth." This is the truth of those who are well-fed and indifferent, happy with everything around them. In his opinion, all aspirations are fruitless, for “everyone will fall into the ground, everything will be dust...” , protecting his useless, selfish existence, is dead during his lifetime. Already understands “heaven” literally - as an “empty place”, as a “desert without a bottom or edge.” “There is a lot of light there,” but there is no food there and no support for the living body."

What do you think about the philosophy of life that Sokol preaches?

(I lived a glorious life! I know happiness! I fought bravely! I saw the sky. For Falcon, the sky is a symbol of happiness, the struggle for freedom. Falcon’s feat is in active hatred of philistine peace, in the desire for freedom, which is higher than life. And the tragedy of Falcon - this is not the tragedy of saying goodbye to life, but the tragedy of a fighter forced to leave the battlefield. “The madness of desires,” condemned by the snakes, is in fact “the madness of the brave,” and “the madness of the brave is the wisdom of life.” Life without struggle, selfish existence For the Falcon, worse than death, he dreams of the “happiness of battle” as the greatest good.

In which society are there more people: with the philosophy of the Falcon or the Snake?

(society is based on the Horrors. There are only a few people like Falcon. There are few of them, but with them the life of everyone flourishes, without them it would die out, it would turn sour, there are few of them, but they give all people to breathe, without them people would suffocate. N. A. Nekrasov wrote in his poem:

Mother Nature! If only such people

Sometimes you didn't send to the world,

The field of life would die out...

Expressive reading poem by N.A. Nekrasov “In Memory of Dobrolyubov”.

(Dobrolyubov in this poem appears as a citizen, an ascetic who dedicated his life to serving his homeland).

And now let’s turn to the story “Old Woman Izergil”.

Why did Gorky create two opposite images?

(Two legends in the story oppose each other. They illuminate two ideas about life. Larra is proud, selfish. He asserts the right to rule strong personality, opposes himself to the masses, but people do not accept him. Larra values ​​only herself and her freedom, Danko strives to gain freedom for everyone. Larra did not want to give people even a particle of his “I”, but Danko gives all of himself.

What can you say about Izergil? Tell us about her.

(At first glance, Izergil’s life consists of numerous love affairs. But this is the life of a rebellious person seeking happiness and freedom. Gorky puts into Izergil’s mouth Great words, expressing the ideological essence of the story: “... when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and will find where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always room for exploits.” To leave a mark on the earth, to be preserved in the memories of the people to whom she brought love, the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the worthy, to always look for the strong and courageous and not to stop on the way - that’s the meaning life's quest Izergil).

Who is Larra? What are the main character traits?

(Larra, the son of an eagle and a girl from a “mighty tribe”, proud that “there is no one else like him”, is selfish and cruel, trampled on the laws of his tribe. He, an arrogant proud man, was expelled by people and doomed to eternal loneliness, eternal life. Larra values ​​only herself and her freedom. He asserts the right to dominance of a strong personality.

What is the main leading feature in the image of Danko?

(Danko loves his people dearly. Noble Heart he is wounded by the torment of people driven by enemies into impenetrable swampy forests. And he decides to lead them to the bright fields. But this path is difficult and far, many weakened and began to grumble. But what won't it do? loving heart for people! Danko “teared his chest with his hands,” tore his heart out of it and raised it high above his head. Danko led people “to free land.” Gorky poeticized the feat of man in the name of people.

Why did Larra become a shadow, and Danko a spark?

(Larra and Danko have remarkable strength. But Larra, it turns out, is a pseudo-hero, and Danko is a true hero. Larra’s cruelty is condemned not only morally by the elders of the tribe, they execute him - doom him to eternal life. This is the most terrible punishment. He is absolutely alone and has no one does not love, he is not connected with people. Dooming him to eternal loneliness means punishing him worst of all. Danko himself goes to his death in the name of the happiness of his people).

Expressive recitation of an excerpt from “Song...”

Final word teachers:

Gorky himself was a Falcon. This was a self-made man who rose from the very bottom and was a great worker. Despite the fact that Gorky often saw the “abominations” of life around him, he believed in man, in his mind. With all his creativity, he brought a bright future closer, he wanted people to live freely and happily. And to you, the younger generation, Gorky seems to be saying: “Set high goals for yourself, achieve them, and then you will understand what it means to fly into the sky.”


Gorky's work on initial stage bears a strong imprint of the new literary movement- the so-called revolutionary romanticism. Philosophical ideas beginner talented writer, passion, emotionality of his prose, new

approach to man differed sharply from naturalistic prose, which went into petty everyday realism and chose hopeless boredom as its theme human existence, and from the aesthetic approach to literature and life, which saw value only in “refined” emotions, heroes and words.

For youth there are two most important components of life, two vectors of existence. This is love and freedom. In Gorky's stories "Makar Chudra" and "Old Woman Izergil" love and freedom become the theme of the stories told by the main characters. Gorky's plot discovery - that old age tells about youth and love - allows us to give a perspective, the point of view of a young man who lives by love and sacrifices everything for it, and a man who has lived his life, seen a lot and is able to understand what is really important, what remains at the end of a long journey.

The heroes of the two parables told by the old woman Izergil are complete opposites. Danko is an example of love-self-sacrifice, love-giving. He cannot live, separating himself from his tribe, people, he feels unhappy and unfree if the people are unfree and unhappy. Clean sacrificial love and the desire for heroism were characteristic of romantic revolutionaries who dreamed of dying for universal human ideals, did not imagine life without sacrifice, did not hope and did not want to live to old age. Danko gives his heart, illuminating the path for people. This is a fairly simple symbol: only pure, full of love and altruism, the heart can become a beacon and only a selfless sacrifice will help free the people. The tragedy of the parable is that people forget about those who sacrificed themselves for them. They are ungrateful, but perfectly aware of this, Danko does not think about the meaning of his dedication, does not expect recognition or reward. Gorky argues with the official church concept of merit, in which a person does good deeds, knowing in advance that he will be rewarded. The writer gives an opposite example: the reward for a feat is the feat itself and the happiness of the people for whose sake it was accomplished.

The son of an eagle is the complete opposite of Danko. Larra is a loner. He is proud and narcissistic, he sincerely considers himself higher, better than other people. He evokes disgust, but also pity. After all, Larra does not deceive anyone, he does not pretend that he is capable of love. Unfortunately, there are many such people, although their essence is not so clearly manifested in real life. For them, love and interest come down only to possession. If you cannot possess it, you must destroy it. Having killed the girl, Larra says with cynical frankness that he did it because he could not own her. And he adds that, in his opinion, people only pretend that they love and observe moral standards. After all, nature gave them only their body as their property, and they own both animals and things. Larra is cunning and knows how to talk, but this is a deception. He loses sight of the fact that a person always pays for the possession of money, labor, time, but ultimately a life lived in one way and not another. Therefore, Larra’s so-called truth becomes the reason for his rejection. The tribe expels the apostate, saying: you despise us, you are superior - well, live alone if we are unworthy of you. But loneliness becomes endless torture. Larra understands that his whole philosophy was just a pose, that even in order to consider himself superior to others and be proud of himself, others are still needed. You can’t admire yourself alone, and we all depend on evaluation and recognition from society.

Freedom and love are the theme of the parable of Radda and Loiko. There is no love in slavery, there are no true feelings in self-deception. The heroes love each other, but freedom is above all for them. For Gorky, freedom is not a lawless freedom, but an opportunity to preserve one’s essence, one’s “I,” that is, one’s humanity, without which there can be neither love nor life.

Romanticism early stories Gorky, his heroic ideals are always close and understandable to youth; they will be loved and will inspire more and more generations of readers to search for truth and heroism.

© Maxim Gorky

These days the Internet is GOING again
many articles about Shavrash Karapetyan.
For 30 years I remember the first article about him, read in
Komsomolskaya Pravda, I don’t forget on occasion
I'm telling you about this MAN. Unfortunately,
that I have met either not everything, or not so...
I tried to find the most “adequate material”...
The link to it is below... but not just but with “mine”
(although they are also not mine, but selected) by additions...

S.Ya. Marshak
A story about an unknown hero

Firefighters are looking for
The police are looking for
Photographers are looking for
In our capital,
They've been looking for a long time,
But they can't find
Some guy
About twenty years old.

Medium height,
Broad-shouldered and strong,
He wears white
T-shirt and cap.
"GTO" sign
On his chest.
They don't know anymore
Nothing about him.

Many guys
Broad-shouldered and strong.
Many people wear
T-shirts and caps.
A lot in the capital
The same icons.
To labor-defense

And what kind of bird is he?
Looking for a capital?
What did he do
And what is his fault?
That's what people say
They talk about him.

I was driving
In Moscow -
White cap
On the head -
Went in the spring
On the tram platform,
Something under the rumble of wheels

Suddenly he saw -
In the window
Someone is rushing about
In smoke and fire.

A lot of people crowded around
People on the panel.
People are worried
Looked under the roof:
There from the window
Through the fiery smoke
He reached out to them.

For the gift of one minute
Without losing
The guy rushed
From the tram platform
To the car
And along the pipe

Third floor,
And the fourth
And the fifth...
Here's the last one
engulfed in fire.
Black smoke
A veil hangs.
It's bursting out
Fire from the window.

Need more
Pull yourself up a little.
Getting weaker
Crawled to the window,
Got up,
Choking on smoke
On the cornice,
He took the girl
And goes down.

I grabbed it
By hand
Behind the column.
Here along the cornice
He stepped towards the balcony...
Barely standing
Leg on the ledge
And to the balcony -
Four steps.

People saw
Watching from below,
How careful
He walked along the ledge.
Here he is
We need half more
Pass the.

Step. Stop.
Another. Stop.
Here's to the balcony
He got there deftly.
Through iron
The barrier climbed over
The doors opened -
And disappeared into the apartment...

Mixed with smoke
Cloud of dust
Firemen are rushing
They click loudly
They whistle in alarm.
Copper helmets
They shine in rows.

A moment - and they crumbled
Copper helmets.
The stairs have grown
Fast, like in a fairy tale.

People in tarpaulin -
In sequence -
They're climbing
On the stairs
Into flames and smoke...

A child of carbon monoxide.
The pump is running
Water jet.
To the firefighters:
- Girl,

Friendly, -
Girl in the building
Not found.
All floors
We have now gone around
But no one
Not found.

Suddenly out of the gate
Burnt house
Came out
Red with rust,
All covered in bruises
He held it in his hands.

The daughter cried
Mother hugging.
The guy jumped up
To the tram platform,
The shadow flashed
Behind the carriage glass,
He waved his cap
And disappeared around the corner.

Firefighters are looking for
The police are looking for
Photographers are looking for
In our capital,
They've been looking for a long time,
But they can't find
Some guy
About twenty years old.

Medium height,
Broad-shouldered and strong,
He wears white
T-shirt and cap,
"GTO" sign
On his chest.
They don't know anymore
Nothing about him.

Many guys
Broad-shouldered and strong,
Many people wear
T-shirts and caps.
A lot in the capital
The same
To a glorious feat


I think I already wrote about him once, but,
such people must be constantly reminded so that new
generations knew and remembered equal...

These days they write a lot on the Internet about his main feat, sometimes about two...
I remember well the article “Three exploits of Shavrash Karapetyan”...
Finally I went, if not that article, then the article in which
these exploits say...

A cat has 9 lives, and Sharash Karapetyan has at least 50.
Only the cat has 9 of his own, and Shavrash Karapetyan has 50 rescued ones:
A bus flying into the abyss with 30 athletes,
20 drowned passengers rescued from a 10-meter depth
trolleybus, and firefighting...

Read about this man, whose feat was accomplished in 1976
Only in 1982 did people find out, and then by accident...
"Firefighters are looking..."

Song about the first

(“About the first and second”)

All our milestones are on blood and nerves,
God forbid we forget about them at least once,
But we constantly glorify the first,
Not knowing that we glorify only the second.

When it was decided who would go into reconnaissance in force
And who would risk exposing his chest to a bullet,
Two took a risk and both got it
Go forward, paving the way.

And the first one moved like a tank, not knowing the ford,
There, where it’s dark and you can’t see anything,
I almost made it and sank into the water like a stone,
And he left only circles on the water.

And the second one, who followed the first trail,
Didn't drown and didn't break my neck,
And the path passed and announced it,
And he became the first and stood on the pedestal.

And we have been printing portraits since the second time,
Although this, however, is not their fault:
They are our flag, and the children of the whole planet
These names are used in schools.

But I ask that in this world we
Having gathered together at least someday,
We did not forget, glorifying these first ones,
All true firsts must be remembered.

© Andrey Makarevich

We sing a song to the madness of the brave - a phrase from M. Gorky’s story “Song of the Falcon”

... “The sea shone, everything was in bright light, and the waves beat menacingly against the shore.
“In their lion’s roar the song of the proud bird thundered,
The rocks trembled from their blows, the sky trembled from the menacing song:
“We sing glory to the madness of the brave!”
“The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!”
O brave Falcon! You bled to death in battle with your enemies...
But there will be time - and drops of your hot blood, like sparks, will flare up in the darkness of life
and many brave hearts will be ignited with an insane thirst for freedom and light!
“Let you die!.. But in the song of the brave and strong in spirit you will always be a living example,
a call to the proud to freedom, to light!

Another line of the poem became catchphrase- those born to crawl cannot fly!

“A modern poet... sings “the madness of the brave.” But even from a bird’s point of view, what is the courage of the mad Falcon? As you know, falcons do not attack God knows what terrible enemies - just wild ducks, geese, partridges and etc. According to Mr. Gorky's allegory, it turns out that ducks and partridges tyrannize falcons, and they have to defend their freedom and “thirst for light." This is very funny. But the public and young people do not notice the comic features of the “Song” and wildly applaud it when heard from the stage. Here, you see, there is a “struggle”, and even if it is a struggle, then it doesn’t matter for what purpose and by what means - from the mere sound of “struggle” in some strata it is customary to become delighted. Our intelligent society, Our young people, who are entirely on wages and who are all striving to earn government money, still love to tickle their nerves with this strange word... Like a typical proletarian intellectual in whom the spirit of the people has completely run out of steam, Mr. Gorky... got hit like once in tune with its time, in tune with the society where Nietzsche is read. Fight... I remember poor, meek Nadson, who not only never hurt a fly, but to whom the very thought of a bloody fight seemed terrible. In a friendly conversation he rejected all terrorism, but in his poems the “struggle” is scattered in almost every poem, sometimes several times. And there is no doubt that this “struggle,” which sounded different to the public, was one of the main springs of Nadson’s unprecedented success. Something similar is being repeated with Gorky" (newspaper "New Time", 1900, author M. O. Menshikov (1859-1918) - publicist, critic)

"Song of the Falcon"

"Samara newspaper" yesterday and today

M. Gorky first published the poem “Song of the Falcon” in Samara Gazeta March 5, 1895. He got a job at Samara Gazeta two weeks earlier. I had the task of preparing reviews of out-of-town newspapers and, weekly, submitting a story, essay, or poem. He worked in Samara for a year, of which five months filled the position of editor-in-chief, and published 63 issues of the newspaper. In 1896 he went as a correspondent to Nizhny Novgorod talk about the events of the All-Russian fair, regularly held there, and returned to Samara only on the day of August 30, 1896, to marry Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina, his first wife

The use of phraseological units in literature

“My sister has been looking for a vein for the fifth day, and he: “pop” yes “pop”! “We sing a song to the madness of the brave.” But simply madness - no"(Vladimir Vysotsky “Life without sleep”)
“Because “we sing a song to the madness of the brave,” because it, like nothing else, through the great power of example, awakens noble feelings in people and makes their hearts beat faster.”(Vladimir Sanin “Don’t say goodbye to the Arctic”)
“Feats! We sing a song to the madness of the brave! - Lantsov raised his hands to the ceiling with a cry.”(Victor Astafiev “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess. Modern Pastoral”)
“We argued a lot about Marina - many felt sorry for her, referred to her madness, and many condemned and asked why her madness was expressed in cowardice and betrayal, and not vice versa: after all, they say that we sing a song to the madness of the brave!”(Vladimir Solovyov “Three Jews, or Consolation in Tears”)