How to find peace of mind in your life? How to find and not lose peace of mind.

Peace of mind and balance are very important for every person, because they indicate that everything is fine with a person, despite external circumstances. And finding such peace of mind and tranquility can be difficult. How to do it?

After all, this is not taught either at school, or at work, or in the family. But this is the basis of a person’s life, his Spirit, his Soul. And what a person will be like - calm or restless - depends on whether the person lives in accordance with certain laws of the Universe or violates them.

What is peace of mind and balance of a person?

In this life, each person lives according to certain programs laid down by society, parents, friends and acquaintances, watching movies and reading books.

As a result, a person reacts by inertia to current events in accordance with established stereotypes. That is why there is mental anxiety, mass fears, condemnation or rejection of anything happening in the world around us. So what is peace of mind and balance of a person? How to achieve it?

And all a person needs is to think about who he is, why he lives and where he aspires. And when he understands that his personality, his consciousness and ego were created for the purpose of evolution and development, then his thoughts will be calm, his Soul will be calm.

There will be joy in the Soul because a person helps it accumulate positive and blissful experiences. When a person lives in vanity, when his thoughts are chaotic, this indicates that there is no unity of his Soul with his personality. Then there is nothing to talk about peace of mind and balance.

In addition, there are or Laws of God, which are given not only to man and humanity as a whole, but also to the entire Universe for development and evolution. And when the Soul becomes primary in a person, and his personality, ego and consciousness follow it, then the person walks through life calmly and can control his life, his destiny.

Such a person is both in good health and in good spirit. When a person has problems with mental balance, when his psyche is unstable and his thoughts are chaotic and chaotic, this means that a person lives, first of all, by his personality, and not by his Soul.

There is even such a thing as personality cult and idolatry. This is when a person, instead of living by the Soul, chases after external things, creating a cult of clothes, things, food, and it can also be anything: computer games, rock stars, fans at the stadium and much more.

However, the Soul is always primary, and the body and its personality are created precisely by it for the development of man.

And therefore, in order to find peace of mind and balance, you need to love yourself, your Soul, that inner self that exists constantly. When a personality follows the Soul, it begins to live harmoniously and manifest itself in accordance with the Laws of God.

Then a person will gain peace of mind, because the tasks of the Soul are fulfilled, the person develops and inner peace and joy appear.

This does not mean that you need to abandon the material world, you just need to live in it in harmony and balance. If you perceive the world around you as a gift from God, a gift from your Soul, and treat everyone you meet as a piece of your Soul, a piece of God, then you will have inner peace of mind, balance and harmony.

How to find peace of mind

There are people who don’t read newspapers, don’t watch TV, and of course they don’t know about disasters and terrorist attacks and aren’t interested in them. Such people are considered soulless and callous.

Although in fact it is they who maintain and maintain balance and harmony on Earth, without getting involved in human negativity and without showing negative thoughts and emotions that settle as low energies in earthly space.

How to find peace of mind? There is a simple way to be calm and not show hostility towards people around you. When you meet a person on your way who causes irritation, you need to imagine that this person is your child, albeit not very well-mannered, but still your own child, and send him love.

Then you will have inner peace, you will find peace of mind, and the world around you will also change for the better. And of course, you need to know such things that the Soul, as a particle of God or Spirit, represents the Unity of everything that exists in the Universe, creating everything in the Universe.

And here it is important to understand that mental anxiety is created by an immature personality, the human mind and ego. Because they contain old patterns, patterns of behavior and ways of thinking. In other words, there is inherent duality or division based on the struggle for survival.

Therefore, the mind and ego want to control a person, to be his master. As a result, a person divides those around him into friends and strangers, into dark and light, in other words, he fights for his survival. However, he does not need to survive, he is already eternal, because his Soul is eternal.

A person’s ego and mind exalt him, increasing his importance, vanity, and pride. The ego says that you are beautiful, priceless and don't care about other people. In this case, you need to fill your ego with love, tell it that you want to live according to the laws of the Soul, according to the laws of God or Spirit.

The ego will not want to lose you and will begin to serve you, rather than you serving it. And when the ego serves you, serves your Soul, then there will be harmony between the personality, ego and Soul. You will find peace of mind and peace of mind.

There will be no mental anxiety, because development will take place, consciousness will expand, you will understand that the world around you is a part of yourself.

A person lives for a long time in separation from his Soul, from God. That is why all the worries, illnesses, fears and despondencies. Now we need to learn to live in a new way, according to the Laws of God or the Universe, striving towards God, having lofty and good goals and intentions based on universal Love.

Probably, every person always wants to be calm and balanced, and experience only pleasant worries, but not everyone succeeds.
Honestly, only a few people know how to feel this way, while the rest live as if “on a swing”: at first they are happy, and then they get upset and worry - unfortunately, people experience the second state much more often.

What is mental balance, and how can you learn to be in it all the time if you can’t achieve it?

What does it mean to have peace of mind?
Many people think that peace of mind is a utopia. Is it normal when a person does not experience negative emotions, does not worry or worry about anything? This probably only happens in a fairy tale, where everyone lives happily ever after. In fact, people have forgotten that a state of mental balance, harmony and happiness is completely normal, and life is beautiful in different manifestations, and not only when everything turns out “our way.”

As a result, if emotional health is impaired or completely absent, physical health seriously suffers: not only nervous disorders arise, but serious diseases develop. If you lose your peace of mind for a long time, you can “earn” peptic ulcers, skin problems, heart and vascular diseases, and even oncology.
In order to learn to live without negative emotions, you need to understand and be aware of your goals and desires, without replacing them with anyone’s opinions and judgments. People who know how to do this live in harmony with both their mind and soul: their thoughts do not diverge from their words, and their words do not diverge from their actions. Such people also understand those around them and know how to correctly perceive any situation, so they are usually respected by everyone - both at work and at home.
How to find and restore peace of mind
So is it possible to learn this? You can learn anything if you have the desire, but many people, complaining about fate and circumstances, actually do not want to change anything in life: having become accustomed to negativity, they find it the only entertainment and way to communicate - it is no secret that it is negative news that is discussed in many groups with great fervor.
If you really want to find peace of mind and perceive the world around you with joy and inspiration, try to consider and use the methods described below. - Stop reacting to situations in the “usual” way, and start asking yourself: how am I creating this situation? That’s right: we create any situations that “develop” in our lives ourselves, and then we cannot understand what is happening - we need to learn to see the cause-and-effect relationship. Most often, our thoughts work for the negative course of events - after all, the worst expectations are more common than the expectation of something good and positive.
- Look for opportunities in any trouble, and try to react “inappropriately.” For example, if your boss “got off” on you, don’t be upset, but be happy - at least smile and thank him (you can mentally, for starters) for reflecting your internal problems like a mirror.
- By the way, gratitude is the best way to protect yourself from negativity and restore peace of mind. Develop a good habit of thanking the Universe (God, Life) every evening for the good things that happened to you during the day. If it seems to you that nothing good happened, remember the simple values ​​that you have - love, family, parents, children, friendship: do not forget that not every person has all this.
- Constantly remind yourself that you are not in past or future problems, but in the present - “here and now.” Every person at any given time has what it takes to be free and happy, and this state continues as long as we do not allow past hurts or worst expectations to take over our consciousness. Look for the good in every moment of the present - and the future will be even better.
- You shouldn’t be offended at all - it’s harmful and dangerous: many practicing psychologists note that patients who carry grievances for a long time develop the most serious illnesses. Including oncological ones. It is clear that there is no question of mental balance here.
- Sincere laughter helps to forgive grievances: if you can’t find something funny in the current situation, amuse yourself. You can watch a funny movie or a funny concert, turn on funny music, dance or chat with friends. Of course, you shouldn’t discuss your grievances with them: it’s better to look at yourself from the outside and laugh at your problems together.
- If you feel that you cannot cope with “dirty” thoughts, learn to replace them: use short positive affirmations, meditation or small prayers - for example, try replacing a negative thought with a wish for good to the whole world. This method is very important: after all, at one moment in time we can only hold one thought in our heads, and we ourselves choose “what thoughts to think.”
- Learn to monitor your state - be aware of what is happening to you “here and now”, and soberly assess your emotions: if you are angry or offended, try to stop interacting with others at least for a short time.
- Try to help other people as soon as possible - it brings joy and peace. Only help those who really need it, and not those who want to make you a “hanger” for their problems and grievances.
- A great way to help restore peace of mind is regular exercise. fitness and walking: the brain is saturated with oxygen, and the level of “joy hormones” increases. If something is depressing you, you are anxious and worried, go to a fitness club or gym; if this is not possible, just run or walk in the park or at the stadium - wherever you can. Mental balance is hardly possible without physical health, and a person who does not know how to achieve balance will not be able to become completely healthy - he will always have disorders and diseases.
“Cheerful” posture is the path to mental balance
Psychologists note that people who take care of their posture are much less susceptible to stress and anxiety. There is nothing complicated here: try hunching over, lowering your shoulders, head, and breathing heavily - in just a few minutes life will seem difficult to you, and those around you will begin to irritate you. And, on the contrary, if you straighten your back, raise your head, smile and breathe evenly and calmly, your mood will immediately improve - you can check it. Therefore, when you work while sitting, do not hunch or “slouch” in your chair, keep your elbows on the table and place your feet next to each other - the habit of crossing your legs does not contribute to balance. If you are standing or walking, distribute your body weight evenly on both legs, and do not slouch - keep your back straight. Try to consciously maintain your posture for several days, and you will notice that there are fewer bad thoughts, and you want to smile more often.
All these methods are very simple, but they only work when we apply them, and not just know about them and continue to think about how we can achieve peace of mind and change our lives for the better.

I have long noticed that I feel more balanced and confident when I take time to relax, meditate, or pray. Quite satisfied with the result, I soon stop doing this. Gradually my life becomes more and more stressful, I come to despair. Calm leaves me. Then I resume my relaxing activities, and life gradually gets better.

Lots of people go through this cycle. From this we can conclude: “If you don’t have time for relaxation, it is absolutely necessary for you”.

To find peace of mind, you need to develop the habit of giving yourself a break every day. People who have achieved peace of mind often perform certain rituals. Some pray, others meditate, others take a walk at dawn. Everyone finds their own way of relaxation. This helps us better understand and tune ourselves.

Peace of mind is a state of harmony with the whole world and, above all, with oneself. But above all, peace is balance.

The number one challenge for people doing martial arts is to maintain balance. Once you start practicing karate, you will learn that strength comes from balance and a cool head. Once you add emotions, your song is sung. Balance and peace of mind are the sources of our self-confidence. Calm does not mean sleepy! Calm is about managing power, not resisting it.. Calmness is the ability to see the big picture without focusing on the details.

If you want to protect yourself from all adversities, you have chosen the wrong planet. Peace and confidence can only be found within yourself. There is no stability in the world around us; everything around is in a state of eternal variability. How can we cope with the unpredictability of life? Only by accepting it! Tell yourself: “I love surprises. It’s great when you know that something unexpected can happen at any moment.” Make a decision: “No matter what happens, I can handle it.” Make an agreement with yourself: “If I get fired, I will find a job with a more flexible schedule. If I get hit by a bus, I won't be here anymore." This is not a joke. This is the truth of life. The earth is a dangerous place. People are born and die here. But that doesn't mean you have to live like a cowardly rabbit.

Life will remain a struggle if we insist on it. Modern civilization has taught us to constantly strain ourselves. We grew up believing in resistance. We tend to push events and push people. We exhaust ourselves, and this does more harm than good.

One young man traveled all over Japan to meet a great martial artist. Having achieved an audience, he asked the Teacher: “I want to become the best. How long will it take me?
And the sensei answered: “Ten years.”
The student asked: “Master, I am very capable, I will work day and night. How long will it take me?
And the Teacher answered: “Twenty years!”

Greetings, deserted corner... It is no mere coincidence that cultures around the world have a tradition and reverence for solitude. During the period of initiation, both the American Indian and the African Bushman left their tribes, hiding in the mountains or forests in order to understand their destiny. Great spiritual teachers - Christ, Buddha, Magomed - drew inspiration from solitude, like millions of their followers. Each of us needs such a treasured place where phones don’t ring, where there’s no TV or Internet. Let it be a nook in the bedroom, a corner on the balcony or a bench in the park - this is our territory for creativity and reflection.

Since the 17th century, science has had Sir Isaac Newton's method: if you want to understand something, break it into pieces and study the pieces. If that doesn't make things clear, break it down into even smaller pieces... Eventually you'll figure out how the Universe works. But is this true? Take a Shakespeare sonnet and break it down into nouns, prepositions and pronouns, then break the words down into letters. Will the author's intent become clearer to you? Lay out the Mona Lisa into brush strokes. What will this give you? Science works miracles, but at the same time it dissects. The mind breaks things down into parts. The heart collects them into one whole. Strength and prosperity come when we look at the world as a whole.

Forces of nature. Have you ever noticed that you can wander in the forest all day and feel an influx of energy? Or spend the morning at the mall and feel like you've been run over by a truck? Everything around us vibrates, be it grass, concrete, plastic or polyester. We catch it. Gardens and forests have a healing vibration - they restore our energy. The vibrations of concrete shopping centers are of a different type: they suck up energy. The vibration of cathedrals is directed upward. You'll lose the lion's share of your vitality in smoky bars and strip clubs.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand: our health and attitude depend on the elusive energy of the environment. When we are full of energy, we can easily resist illness and the bad mood of others. If energy is at zero, we attract depression and illness.

Why is relaxation needed? Almost everything we do in life is a race for results. But deep relaxation, meditation or prayer help us take a fresh look at life. We expect that the future will give us many pleasant moments. However, our attention must still be focused on the present. As we practice deep relaxation, we will begin to notice that some of the qualities acquired through the exercises gradually become habits and change our daily life. We become calmer, we have intuition.

We all have an inner voice, but it is weak and barely discernible. When life gets too hectic and noisy, we stop hearing it. But as soon as we muffle extraneous sounds, everything changes. Our intuition is always with us, but often we do not pay any attention to it.

Relaxation will save you more time than you spend on it.. Make it a habit - tune yourself like tuning a musical instrument. Twenty minutes every day - so that the strings of your soul sound clean and harmonious. Wake up every morning with the intention of being calm and balanced. Some days you will be able to hold out until the evening, and sometimes only until breakfast. But if maintaining peace of mind becomes your goal, you will gradually learn this, perhaps the most important art in your life.

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Every person runs uncontrollably through life: he tries to follow his goals, meet the demands of society, overcome difficulties and obstacles... If he periodically does not stop in this difficult race, very soon he will become exhausted, and then problems will fall on his weakened shoulders with a new burden. Is there really no way out of this vicious circle? Yes, you just need to force yourself to step away and listen to your feelings. This will help you find spiritual harmony and peace, and find true values ​​in life. Take note of the following tips.

You will need:

We notice the positive aspects

Everyone has long known that life for every person plays with the colors with which he paints it. If you constantly focus on difficulties, then you can forget about peace of mind. Set yourself up to learn that you can learn from any problem.

Don't give in to difficulties. Perceive problems and contradictions as a new impetus for your development, after stepping over which you will find yourself one step higher.

Sometimes it is useful to simply abstract yourself from problems. Live for today and rejoice in the fact that there are so many little delights around: a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, strong hugs from your children and sincere children's laughter... Then you will not need to rack your brains about how to find peace of mind and peace of mind - they will find you themselves.

Get out of the victim mentality

This advice complements the previous one. Tune in to life in a new way - a winner and a successful person. Don't expect criticism and judgmental looks from all sides. Even if they slip through, evaluate them correctly: people often criticize others in order to assert themselves in their own eyes. Get rid of the influence of public opinion, and this inner independence will tell you how to find peace of mind.

Use your physical abilities

Psychologists have proven a direct connection between physical exercise and a person’s psychological state.

You can conduct an experiment: if you feel depressed and anxious, go outside and do a light jog or exercise. You will immediately feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and see your problems dissolved somewhere outside of consciousness.

Don't forget that you can make your body work for you. Try a smile on yourself more often, and it will become firmly established not only on your face, but also in your thoughts.

Imagine that you have been assigned in the theater to play the role of a calm and confident person, satisfied with life. “Put on his suit”: poise yourself, raise your head proudly, develop a firm gaze, walk easily and calmly.

Also work on your speech. Very soon the body will adjust to your “wave”, and you won’t have to play.

Develop your sense of humor

Laughter helps us get through bad times. This is a real panacea for various kinds of psychological illnesses. Smile constantly and try to look at life situations with humor. Or at least communicate more often with people who take life lightly and can “inspire” peace of mind and harmony in you.

Give more and forgive

If a person is open to the world, then it is easier for him to endure his adversities. In communication we find an outlet, pouring out our troubles and freeing our wounded soul.

Another important note: do not make others enemies or your debtors. Forgive them generously and try to give other people more than you demand or expect from them.

You will immediately feel the burden of unresolved conflicts that have been weighing on you all this time go away. This is one of the win-win ways to find peace.

If you look closely, you will see that there are many people around you with even greater difficulties. Support these people, help them instead of suffering from your hard life. It will also fill you with a feeling of ease and self-confidence.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Calm, only calm... But how to remain calm if everything is bubbling inside, unspoken words, accumulated tension and is about to spill over onto your immediate environment? Common situation? But everyone wants to remain confident, calm and in control of their own behavior - this is strength, this is self-satisfaction, this is the health of the body and strong nerves.

What can you do to relieve tension and not feel like a barrel of gunpowder that needs too much spark? Let's consider common recommendations and techniques that will provide the basis for creating a calm internal atmosphere.

A mood for regularity and peace of mind

The first thing that comes to mind is relaxation, meditation and prayer for those who have faith in their souls. Relaxing, regular practice helps restore peace of mind and inner harmony in a short time. And here the main mistake occurs: a person satisfied with the result of meditating techniques stops practicing, and everything returns to normal. The same nervousness and the same anxiety in a matter of days drags the soul and body into heavy chains.

Each person chooses a method of relaxation that suits him, performing a kind of ritual:

believers read prayers, fingering their rosary;
sports people run on skis in winter, and in parks, sand or mountain paths in summer;
a walk before bed or watching the dawn, communicating with animals, plant growing, fishing or hunting;
handicrafts, playing musical instruments, creativity;
They give you the opportunity to feel yourself, hear yourself, find a state of harmony within yourself and your place in the world around you.

The main rule: the method of relaxation is individual, and the habit of giving yourself rest should be as daily as brushing your teeth or walking the dog - by the way, walking the dog is also an option.

What is the principle of calm?

The balance of a person’s soul, health and thoughts is the basis of his peace. Emotions not included in this list can shake any “cool” head. However, this does not mean at all that you need to be a cracker or a rusty nail, in which there is not a shadow of life left - emotions of any sign, both positive and negative, decorate life, making it brighter, more interesting, more exciting. The question is how expensive are emotions for a particular person: did you feel the situation and let it go, or does it continue to be feverish for a day, two, a week? Thoughts in the head are spinning and spinning, not allowing you to think about anything else, insomnia and fatigue, increasing psychosis - these are the signs.

Maintaining balance is not easy, but it is possible. We offer several rules on how not to succumb to the provocations of the outside world and remain true to yourself, maintaining an internal source of confidence:

Calmness is not synonymous with drowsiness! Drowsiness is apathy and reluctance to act, which over time threatens to develop into detachment from life’s problems that have nothing to do with a person’s inner harmony.
In a state of nervousness, concentrate on the ability to see the situation or life picture as a whole, without detailing - this will allow you not to get scattered and not dwell on unpleasant little things that pull the balance towards yourself.

3. Don’t expect peace from the outside: the world around us is dynamic and does not stand still for a single second - it’s ridiculous to expect any kind of stability from it. Life presents different surprises: it’s good if they turn out to be exciting but pleasant, but what if the surprise is not so good? We inhaled, exhaled and told ourselves: “I can handle this!” - of course you can handle it! at least simply because circumstances sometimes do not provide other options.

4. A rule that people know about but don’t use: look for the positive in everything. Got fired? – more attention to family and a chance to find yourself in a different direction. ? – there is no snoring, no scandals, the house is orderly, quiet and the exceptional pleasure of peace. Are your children doing poorly? - Einstein, who received the Nobel Prize, was kicked out of school altogether. Over time, this habit will strengthen and work automatically: before you have time to think, the positive aspects of what is happening are already right there!

5. People are worried about: their own, loved ones, friends, colleagues... We must learn to take this for granted: life is such that no one will remain in it forever - everyone is mortal, and everyone’s turn will come in due time. Of course, I would like to do it later, but this is what everyone is born with – it doesn’t hurt to be a bit of a fatalist with faith in fate.

6. We should not push events and the people around us: exhaustion from work and the speed of life is the main problem of our age. Exceptional faith in such necessary resistance to everyone and everything can and is impressive - “You are so strong (strong), no circumstances will break you!”, but this does much more harm than good.

Sometimes you need to let go of circumstances: perhaps some other factor or unexpected turn will arise that will radically change the perception of the situation.

A place of peace

This is not about the cemetery - although yes, let's be honest: the most peaceful place on the planet. But while your heart is beating hotly in your chest, it’s worth taking care of a corner of personal privacy. A treasured place where there are no phone calls, no TV with frightening news, no sucking the Internet into its bottomless womb - half an hour on a balcony or on a park bench will help you put your thoughts and feelings in order, and curb your overwhelming emotions.

You shouldn’t ignore your favorite pastime: no matter what happens in this turbulent world, you can devote half an hour to a hobby a day to a hobby. Knitting, embroidery, modeling, modeling, drawing - anything to make you feel comfortable, calm and turn your brain off from existing problems at these moments. The place of study is also important in this case: if the children urgently need help with their homework, the cat needs canned food from the refrigerator, a friend remembered that today you have not yet spent the allotted two hours on the phone, and your husband slams the lids on empty pans - the idea is to spend half an hour in my pleasure failed miserably. Solution? Feed everyone who is hungry, give strict instructions to relatives, and turn off phones - any person has the right to a few personal minutes of doing what they love.

Huge shopping centers are not a place to relax. Bright light, oppressive concrete, glass and crowds of people - there can be no talk of any comfort or privacy. Have you often noticed fatigue after shopping at hypermarkets and shopping in boutiques? - here it is, the body’s signal about a serious loss of vitality. A forest, a river, swimming in a pool, in a nearby park - the healing effects of nature will give you a feeling of an influx of strength and energy, allowing you to fully relax both your soul and body.

Learn to gradually relax and manage your peace of mind, while remembering: you shouldn’t fight life - you need to live and enjoy life!

22 January 2014, 18:15