Majestic Russian surnames. A beautiful surname for a guy - how to choose? What are some beautiful male surnames? Other sonorous surnames

According to the law of the Russian Federation, choosing a first and last name is a personal right. This means that every citizen of the country can at any time change his name as he pleases, having gone through the established procedure for this. Tempting? Very, because there are so many beautiful, interesting, noble and majestic-sounding Russian surnames. Lists of the most common and pleasant to hear, as well as the rarest and funniest of them, are given below.

There are a lot of beautiful Russian surnames - Voznesensky, Ushansky, Mironov, Bogolyubov, Rasskazov, Magnificent, Zlatovlasov, Mudry, Admiralsky, Aristokratov, Vasilevsky. It is impossible to list all the options. Many of them have completely unexpected origins. There is even a separate science - anthroponymy, which studies how this or that particular surname was formed. For example, the surname Krivoshchekin appeared thanks to a real person who lived in the 15th century named Guba, who was born to Mikifor and had the nickname Crooked Cheeks. This fact is reflected in ancient documents (acts) - the record is dated 1495. If he lived today, his name would be Krivoshchekin Guba Mikiforovich. Interesting, isn't it? Even in the same year, there were records about the peasants Danilo Sople (in the modern sound Soplin Daniil) and Efimko Vorobyo (Vorobiev Efim). In 1568, in the same acts there is a note about Mikitin’s son Ivan, nicknamed Menschik (Ivan Mikitovich Menshchikov), and in 1590 - about Mikifor’s son named Onton, nicknamed Zhdan (Zhdanov Anton Mikiforovich).

This is how the names appeared:

  1. Mostly from nicknames common among the people, which were given to people by their relatives and neighbors. People were nicknamed by their personal differences - Chernovolosov (black hair), Ostronosov (sharp nose), Vereshchagin (often squealed), Toropygin (constantly in a hurry), Rumyantsev (had rosy cheeks), Udaltsov, Razumnik, Ostroumov.
  2. Nicknames often became the names of animals, fish and birds, later transformed into surnames - Medvedev, Kotov, Sobolev, Solovyov (perhaps the man sang well), Lisitsin, Volkov, Zaitsev, Voronin, Tsaplin (optionally, had long legs), Dyatlov, Sinitsyn, Karpov.
  3. For certain classes, it was typical to supplement the name with an occupation, which also left its mark on the family history - Goncharov (Gonchar), Tokarev (Turner), Stolyarov (carpenter), Pastukhov (shepherd), Kozhemyakin, Kuznetsov, Rybakov, Myasnikov (judge according to the number of nicknames reflected in the found act of 1335, in the 14th century this skill was especially valued in people).
  4. If a person did not have any specific nickname, then the surname was the father’s name, which indicated that the person belonged to a specific clan. This is how the Maksimovs, Ivanovs, Vasyutins, Mishins, Stepanovs, Fedorovs, Sergeevs and so on appeared. By the way, if in one village there were several Ivanovs, Vasilievs, Fedorovs and so on, then the surnames were modified - Ivanov, Ivanko, Ivanchenko, Vasilenko, Vasileev, Vaskin, Fedorov, Fedorkin, Fedorchuk.
  5. The surnames of the princely family were most often given by the name of the area where the noble family lived or, based on the possessions of the latter. Almost always they had the endings -sky or -tsky - Ozersky (had a lake in his possession), Gorsky (mountain), Shuisky (the Shuisky family lived near the river and the city of Shuya), Vyazemsky (near the Vyazma River). The following surnames were formed in the same way: Tulsky, Tverskoy, Eletsky, Amursky, Belozersky.
  6. A huge number of surnames owe their sonority to Orthodoxy - Blagoveshchensky, Voznesensky, Byzantine, Pokrovsky, Troitsky, Spassky, Preobrazhensky and others.

The age of the absolute majority of surnames is just over a century, with the exception of noble, princely and other families with aristocratic roots (they received surnames much earlier). In 1888, by decree of a special Senate, it was stipulated that having a surname is not only the right, but also the obligation of every person, since a family nickname helps to avoid confusion. The very first census of the country's population (1897) played a huge role in the formation of current surnames. Census takers didn't bother much with personal nicknames and sometimes simply recorded everyone by the name of the father of the family. That is why in Russia there are so many surnames formed from all kinds of names - Alexandrovs, Nikitins, Alekseevs, Petrovs, Andreevs, Vladimirovs. All peasants on one farm received the surname of their landowner, so there are entire villages or villages of namesakes - Lvovkins, Gagarins, Vorontsovs.

In general, not a single dissertation has been written on the topic of the origin of names and family nicknames. Think about it, what does your last name mean?

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls

It so happens that girls are more sensitive, and therefore worry more about cacophony or a bad combination of first and last names.

Ladies who have decided to make a change should pay attention to the following female surnames and their meanings:

  • Amurskaya;
  • Angelic;
  • Annenskaya;
  • Afanasyeva;
  • Athens;
  • Babochkina;
  • Bagirova;
  • Bazhenova;
  • Belogradskaya;
  • Belozerskaya;
  • Berezina;
  • Berkutova;
  • Blagoveshchenskaya;
  • Bogoslovskaya;
  • Brilliantova/Diamond;
  • Vasilkova/Vasilkovskaya;
  • Byzantine;
  • Voskresenskaya;
  • Hyacintova;
  • Goncharova;
  • Gorodetskaya;
  • Danilova/Danilevskaya;
  • Donskaya;
  • Zhemchugova/Zhemchuzhnikova;
  • Zalesskaya;
  • Eliseeva;
  • Zlatovlasova;
  • Zlatopolskaya;
  • Znamenskaya;
  • Zorina;
  • Ignatieva;
  • Istomina;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Kolosovskaya;
  • Lavrentieva;
  • Lugovaya
  • Luchinskaya;
  • Mayskaya;
  • Malinovskaya;
  • Nagornaya;
  • Nikitina;
  • Ozerova;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Rasskazova;
  • Rodionova;
  • Ryabinina;
  • Rumyantseva;
  • Sapphirova;
  • Serebryanskaya;
  • Solntseva;
  • Ushanskaya;
  • Tsvetkova.

Male surnames in Russia: list

People have different tastes, and therefore everyone chooses the ideal surname for themselves.

Below is an impressive selection of rare Russian male surnames:

  • Almazov;
  • Andreev;
  • Bogatyrev;
  • Belinsky;
  • Bolkonsky;
  • Warsaw;
  • Vasilevsky;
  • Velichansky;
  • Vetrogradov;
  • Vorontsov;
  • Glinsky;
  • Gradov;
  • Demin;
  • Dmitriev;
  • Doronin;
  • Dubrovsky;
  • Dorofeev;
  • Ezhevsky;
  • Yelsky;
  • Zadonsky;
  • Zarnitsky;
  • Zvezdinsky;
  • Zlatoumov;
  • Ignatov/Ignatyev;
  • Kakhovsky;
  • Kirsanov;
  • Knyazev/Knyazhin;
  • Kovalevsky;
  • Kondratiev;
  • Lavrov/Lavrovsky;
  • Larin/Larsky;
  • Lazarev;
  • Lebedinsky;
  • Levitanov;
  • Loginov;
  • Majors;
  • Makarov;
  • Maksimov;
  • Medvedev;
  • Mikhailov;
  • Melnikov;
  • Metropolitan;
  • Mozhaisky;
  • Moskvin;
  • Muromov/Muromtsev;
  • Narcissus;
  • Nikolsky;
  • Nemirov;
  • Novgorod;
  • Nezhinsky;
  • Orlov/Orlovsky;
  • Ostroumov;
  • Obolensky;
  • Ozhigov/Ozhegov;
  • Paustovsky;
  • Petrovsky;
  • Pogodin;
  • Polyansky;
  • Rzhevsky;
  • Romanov/Romanovsky;
  • Sadovsky;
  • Sakharov;
  • Samoilov;
  • Safronov;
  • Saltevsky;
  • Streltsov/Streletsky;
  • Trinity;
  • Tarasov;
  • Titov;
  • Filatov;
  • Fedorov;
  • Fonvizin;
  • Khmelnitsky;
  • Kharitonov;
  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Cherkasov;
  • Cheryomushkin;
  • Shestakov;
  • Sheremetyev;
  • Shustrov;
  • Elinsky;
  • Elbrus;
  • Yuryev;
  • Yakhontov;
  • Yasensky.

The most popular and widespread options

If you look at the ten most common surnames in Russia, you can draw many interesting conclusions.

And the places in it were distributed like this:

  1. Ivanov - undoubtedly on behalf of Ivan’s father, and there have always been plenty of Ivanovs and Ioanovs in Russia. This is due to the fact that previously names for children could only be given to those saints whose memorial days fell on the birth of the baby. And the Ivans celebrate name days as many as 170 times a year.
  2. Smirnov - this surname comes from the phrase “Happy new world, good people,” which wandering people always said when they came to a new settlement.
  3. Kuznetsov - several centuries ago, the profession of a blacksmith was very much in demand and honorable, and the secrets of the craft were passed on from fathers to children, from grandfathers to grandchildren.
  4. Popov - many priests received this particular surname, and there have always been many of them in Rus'.
  5. Vasiliev is the second most popular male Russian name, from which more than 50 family varieties have originated.
  6. Petrov - on behalf of Peter.
  7. Sokolov - one version says that the popularity of this surname is due to the fact that the wives of their husbands called “you are my clear falcon,” which was the best praise. According to another version, the origin is connected with the name Falcon and with the cult of birds and animals that existed among the ancient Russians.
  8. Mikhailov - on behalf of.
  9. Novikov - in the villages, everyone who came from other places and stayed to live was called Novik, and there were many such people, since everyone was looking for a better life in the difficult conditions that existed at that time.
  10. Fedorov - on behalf of.

The surnames Volkov and Alekseev, Morozov and Lebedev, Egorov and Semenov, Kozlov and Pavlov, Stepanov and Nikolaev, as well as Makarov, Orlov, Zakharov, Zaitsev, Solovyov and others are also very common.

They can be divided into groups:

  1. Geographical - Moscow, Kamchatka, Astrakhan and so on.
  2. Heroes (literary and historical) - Crusoe, Karenin, Pozharsky, Bolkonsky, Chatsky.
  3. Double-rooted - Ubeikon, Nepeyvoda, Eybogin, Krutiporokh, Zacheshirivu.
  4. Formed from the noun – Stove, Water, Magpie, Frost, Siskin.
  5. Verb form - Klyuy, Throw, Tron, Razdabudko, Prikhodko.

And there are a great many such extraordinary surnames, but the record for rarity was broken by the Soviet gymnast Ar(33 letters!).

Of course, the offspring are not obliged to take the rap for their ancestors. For example, someone who lived five or six centuries ago loved to eat, for which he received the nickname Glutton, and later the surname Obzhorkin. Or there lived a guy called Simpleton, who made his descendants Simpletons. And there are many such dissonant surnames - Pyanov, Vorovakin, Boltunov, Pustozvonov, Oblomov, Neryakhin, Trusov, Okolokulak, Obedkov, Glyukin, Zhulikov and so on. Why should our descendants live now, embarrassed to show their passports? No. If you wish, you can simply change your surname by choosing a beautiful-sounding one.

They say “whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float.” Does this mean that a popular last name can make a person popular too?

Among the most popular surnames there are not only Chinese or English, but also Russian, Spanish, African and even Greek.

Here are the most common surnames in the world:

The most famous surnames

25. Smith

This surname appeared in England and gradually spread throughout English-speaking countries. Today, Smith is the most common surname in the US, UK, Canada, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand.

24. Garcia

It is easy to guess that this surname is the most popular in Spain. However, it is also the second most popular in Cuba and third in Mexico. Due to the fact that many Latin Americans come to work in the United States, the surname Garcia is in 8th place in popularity here.

23. Martin

In France, more than 235,000 people have this surname, making it the most popular in the country. It's also worth noting that many languages ​​have other versions of this surname that are used as given names rather than surnames, such as names like Martinus or Martin, which come from Latin.

22. Rossi

The Italian plural of this surname is Rosso, meaning "red". In Italy this is the most common surname. However, it is also very popular in countries such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Mexico, Peru, USA and Uruguay.

21. Novak

This surname translates as “new person”, “newcomer” or “foreigner”. This is a very popular Slavic name or surname. Most bearers of this surname live in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia, but it is also very popular in Croatia, Serbia and Romania.

The most common surnames

20. Fernandez

This surname is translated as “son of Fernando.” It is a very popular surname in Spain (ranked 8th), 4th most popular in Argentina, 10th in Paraguay and 13th in Mexico. In Portugal this surname is also quite common.

19. Smirnov

Researchers from the Medical Genetic Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences decided to deeply study the issue of the most popular surname. They divided the Russian Federation into hypothetical regions, each of which was studied in detail.

As a result of the study, it turned out that the most popular surname in Russia is Smirnov. It will be interesting to note that one version of the origin of the surname says that the basis of the surname was the word “Smirnaya”, which denoted a character trait (“smirny” = “obedient”).

  • Kuznetsov

18. Silva

More than 10% of all Brazilians have this surname, making it the most common in the country. This surname comes from the Latin word "silva", which means "forest" or "wooded area". It is also popular in Portugal and former Portuguese colonies in Latin America, Africa and Asia (including India and Sri Lanka).

17. Mohamed

This name translates as “Praised”, “Worthy of Praise” and is the most popular first and last name in the Islamic world. There are several versions of this name, including Mahomet (Magomed), Mohammed and Muhammad.

16. Kumar

The roots of this surname can be found in the early development of Hinduism. This is not only the most popular name in India, but also a surname and even a patronymic. Kumar is also the 8th most popular surname in the world.

15. Gonzales

This is a very popular Spanish name and the second most popular surname. In addition, it is very common in Latin America, including countries such as Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela.

What are the most common surnames?

14. Muller

The German word "muller" (also spelled "mueller" or "miller") is translated as "miller". This is the most popular surname in Germany, Switzerland and parts of France. In Austria, it ranks 5th on the list of the most common surnames in the country.

13. Cohen

Originally, the word "kohen" in Hebrew was used to describe a priest. It is also a very popular Jewish surname and can often be heard in countries where large Jewish communities are present. There are several variants of this surname: Coen, Cohn, Kahn, Kohn and others.

12. Nguyen

Without any competition, this surname is the most popular in Vietnam, where about 40% of residents are its carriers. But this surname is also popular outside the country, thanks to many immigrants from Vietnam.

11. Khan

This surname and title are of Mongolian origin. Initially, Khan was the title of tribal leader, and in the states that emerged after the collapse of the Mongol Empire it was the title of sovereign. In the Ottoman Empire, the sultan was called khan. Today it is the most popular surname in the countries of central and southern Asia. It is one of the most common surnames in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Oman and Turkey.

10. Rodriguez

A very popular surname in Spain, the USA and Latin American countries. Rodriguez means "descendant of Rodrigo" and is the most common surname in Colombia, the second most common in Argentina and the 9th most common in Brazil, where it is often written as "Rodrigues".

Top surnames

9. Wang

This is the most popular surname in China. In total, about 100,000 residents of the country are its owners. In second place among popular Chinese surnames is Lee, and in third is Zhang.

8. Anderson

This surname comes from a word of descent meaning "descendant of Anders/Andrew". The surname appeared in parallel in the British Isles and in the countries of northern Europe. Anderson is a popular surname in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (where it is spelled "Andersen").

7. Yilmaz

This surname is translated as “brave” or “invincible.” She is very popular in Turkey. There were no surnames in Turkey until 1934, and after the adoption of the “Law on Surnames,” the most popular surnames were Kaya, Demir and Sahin, but the most popular surname, by a large margin, was Yilmaz.

6. Traore

This surname has roots in the Manden languages. Traoré is a very popular surname in several West African countries, including Mali, Senegal and Guinea.

The most common surname in Russia

5. Ivanov

It is worth noting that many attempts have been made to find out which surname is still the most popular in Russia.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Oxford University philologist Ottokar Genrikhovich Unbegaun, who was a native of Russia, was one of the first to try to find out the most popular surname. He started with St. Petersburg, where, in his opinion, the most common surname in 1910 was Ivanov, which comes from one of the most popular Russian names, Ivan.

  • Kuznetsov


The second attempt took place in modern Russia. Anatoly Fedorovich Zhuravlev, trying to find out which surname is the most popular in his homeland, came to the same result - the surname Ivanov.


  • Mikhailov.

4. Ahmed

The very popular Arabic name Ahmed also boasts a large number of different spellings - Ahmad, Ahmet, Akhmat. The most popular options in the world are Akhmet and Ahmad. Many people named Ahmed can be found in Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Bangladesh and other countries.

The most common surnames in the world

3. Lopez

This surname comes from the Latin word "lupus", which means "wolf". Lopez is a popular Spanish name. In Portugal it sounds like Lopes, in Italy - Lupo, in France - Loup, in Romania - Lupu or Lupescu. In Latin America, the surname Lopez is also very popular.

2. Kim

Sometimes this surname is written as Gim. It is very common on the Korean Peninsula (both South and North Korea). About 22% of the peninsula's inhabitants bear the surname Kim, which can be translated as "metal", "iron" or "gold".

1. Papadopoulos

The meaning of this surname is “son of a priest.” Papadopoulos is the most popular surname in Greece and Cyprus, as well as in countries where there is a Greek diaspora, such as the USA, UK, Australia and the Scandinavian countries.

What is the most common Russian surname?

If we take into account all three studies, we can say that Ivanov and Smirnov are the most common surnames in Russia. However, it is worth noting that one of the most popular surnames today is also the surname Kuznetsov (Kuznetsova). And if you consider that in English blacksmith is smith, then there are several million bearers of this surname on Earth.

So much is told about the culture or traditions of England, but it is quite rare to learn about english names. And the topic, by the way, is very interesting. After all, the naming system is globally different from what we are used to.

If we have a first and last name, then in England it is somewhat different. They have a first name, a middle name and a last name. In addition, in England it is considered normal to give diminutive forms of a name. For example, even in formal negotiations a person may be called Tony, although his full name is Anthony. If desired, the child can be immediately registered with a diminutive name and the state will not object. Moreover, you can take almost any word or name as a name - for example, the name Brooklyn. But if they tried to name their son, for example, Novosibirsk, they would hardly give permission.

System of English given names and surnames

Each of us is already accustomed to the fact that he is the bearer of a surname, name and patronymic. But for the English this scheme is not suitable; their system of names is absolutely unusual and therefore curious. The main difference between our systems is the absence of a middle name. Instead, they have a surname, first name and middle name. Moreover, as either of these two names, an Englishman can bear the surnames of some stars or even his ancestors. Although there is no strict requirement that a person have only these three points. Any Englishman can give a child a name from several names or surnames. For example, if you want to name it after an entire football team at once.

This tradition of giving a person a surname as a first name has survived to this day from noble families. Although the history of the English name system developed quite actively, borrowings were made from various countries, and names were also mixed from the Angles, Celtic tribes, and Franco-Normans. Since the Anglo-Saxons initially had only one name, they tried to attach special significance to it. Therefore, in ancient names one could find words such as wealth or health. Old English female names were most often formed using adjectives, the most common variation being Leof (dear, beloved). And after the Norman invasion of England, a surname was gradually added to the name, making it already close to the system of names existing today. The old Anglo-Saxon names gradually began to disappear and due to the influence of the Christian religion, Christian schools that opened everywhere actively stimulated the registration of newborns who received a name at baptism, so the names changed slightly: from Mary to Mary, from Jeanne to Joanna.

English first and last name generator

(including Anglo-Irish and Anglo-Scottish surnames)

Male name Female name

Here are the most common ones British names. For convenience, they are divided into parts of the country, because in each corner some individual names are most popular. Some of them are the same, some are different. The names are ranked by popularity.



  1. Harry– Harry (diminutive of Henry – rich, powerful)
  2. Oliver– Oliver (from ancient German – army)
  3. Jack– Jack (diminutive of John, from Hebrew – Yahweh is merciful)
  4. Charlie– Charlie (from ancient German – man, husband)
  5. Thomas– Thomas (from ancient Greek – twin)
  6. Jacob– Jacob (simplified version of the name James)
  7. Alfie– Alfie (from Old English – advice)
  8. Riley– Riley (from Irish – courageous)
  9. William– William (from ancient German – desire, will)
  10. James– James (from Hebrew – “heel-holding”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia (from ancient German – labor, work)
  2. Olivia– Olivia (from Latin – olive tree)
  3. Jessica– Jessica (the exact meaning is unknown, perhaps the name comes from the biblical name Jescha)
  4. Emily– Emily (feminine form of the male name Emil – rival)
  5. Lily– Lily (from the English name of the lily flower)
  6. Ava– Ava (variant of the medieval English name Evelyn)
  7. Heather– Heather (from English – heather)
  8. Sophie– Sophie (from ancient Greek – wisdom)
  9. Mia– Mia
  10. Isabella– Isabella (Provençal version of the name Elizabeth)

Northern Ireland


  1. Jack– Jack
  2. James– James
  3. Daniel– Daniel
  4. Harry– Harry
  5. Charlie– Charlie
  6. Ethan– Ethan
  7. Matthew– Matthew (from Hebrew – gift of Yahweh)
  8. Ryan– Ryan
  9. Riley– Riley
  10. Noah– Noah


  1. Sophie– Sophie
  2. Emily– Emily
  3. Grace– Grace (from English – grace, elegance)
  4. Amelia– Amelia
  5. Jessica– Jessica
  6. Lucy– Lucy (from the male Roman name Lucius - light)
  7. Sophia– Sofia (variant of the name Sophie)
  8. Katie– Katie (from Greek – pure, purebred)
  9. Eva– Eve (from Hebrew – breathe, live)
  10. Aoife– Ifa (from Irish – beauty)



  1. Jacob– Jacob
  2. Oliver– Oliver
  3. Riley– Riley
  4. Jack– Jack
  5. Alfie– Alfie
  6. Harry– Harry
  7. Charlie– Charlie
  8. Dylan– Dylan (according to Welsh mythology, this was the name of the God of the sea)
  9. William– William
  10. Mason– Mason (from a similar surname meaning “stone carving”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia
  2. Ava– Ava
  3. Mia– Mia
  4. Lily– Lily
  5. Olivia– Olivia
  6. Ruby– Ruby (from English – ruby)
  7. Seren– Seren (from Latin – clear)
  8. Evie– Evie (from the English surname Evelyn)
  9. Ella– Ella (from ancient German – all, everything)
  10. Emily– Emily

Modern English names

In English names, it is very common to use endearing and diminutive forms as a formal name. In our country, this form is allowed only in personal, close communication. For example, take people familiar to everyone - Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. They are called by such names even at world negotiations, and this is absolutely acceptable. Although in fact Bill's full name is William, and Tony is Anthony. The British are allowed to register a newborn child by giving him a diminutive name as his first or second name. Although there are no special prohibitions on choosing a name in English-speaking countries, you can give your child a name in honor of a city or region. For example, this is what the star couple Beckham did: Victoria and David gave their son the name Brooklyn - it was in this area of ​​New York that he was born.

Gradually, fashion began to change and names in English-speaking countries began to be often borrowed from different languages. Since the 19th century, many female names have appeared, such as Ruby, Daisy, Beryl, Amber and others. Names originally from Spain or France were readily used - Michelle, Angelina, Jacqueline. But the tendency of some people to give their children unusual names has not gone away. Bill Simser, vice president of Microsoft, named his daughter Vista Avalon. The first part of the name is in honor of Windows Vista, and the second part is in honor of the codename of the Avalon system. But director Kevin Smith decided to name his daughter Harley Quinn - that was the name of the girl from the Batman comics.

By the way, not every owner likes such unusual names. Many children are embarrassed by this and eagerly wait until they reach adulthood to officially change their name. Little Pixie Geldof, who is the daughter of musician Bob Geldof, was very embarrassed by the prefix “little” at the beginning of her name and in adulthood chose to call herself simply Pixie. But it’s hard to even imagine what a resident of New Zealand, whose name is Bus No. 16, will do with his name. One can only envy his parents’ imagination.

Hello, dear readers! As I already said, any methods and forms are suitable for learning a language. Today, American names and surnames have come to our attention. After all, from the point of view of linguistics, these are also just words. And you can replenish your vocabulary by, among other things, memorizing English surnames and given names. Moreover, this way you will practice pronunciation and learn to perceive English by ear. first and last names in English It’s better to start with the most popular American names. For example, based on the most common ones or the names of popular actors and actresses. At the same time, learning these words is much easier than regular vocabulary for several reasons:

  • Easy to find in the text as they are written in capital letters
  • In oral speech they are pronounced with a different intonation than other words
  • No need to translate
  • Pronunciation is not so difficult, especially if these are the initials of famous personalities, then they are always heard

But sometimes the pronunciation is different from the spelling. As a rule, in such rare words the pronunciation depends on the genesis.

Origin of American names and surnames

American surnames (given names) and given names (name) today can have many sources of origin.

Names, for example, are most often borrowed from other languages:

  • Celtic – Airic, Dylan, Ryan
  • Arabic – Omar, Sarah, Jamal
  • Germanic - Arnold, Ebrina, Herwin
  • Aramaic – Joseph, Bethany, Simon
  • Jewish - Adam, Rose, Samuel
  • Greek – Andrew, Selina, Christopher
  • Indian – Dilip, Alicia, Beryl
  • Italian – Alonzo, Mia, Gabriel
  • Slavic – Ivan, Anna, Boris
  • Latin – Patrick, Veronika, Cordelia
  • Turkish – Akay, Ayla, Nourhan
  • Old English - Loyd, Lindsay, Jason
  • Phoenician - Al, Esther, Hannibal
  • Scandinavian – Eric, Helga, Sveinbjorn
  • Persian – Jaspen, Roxy, Xerxes
  • Spanish – Federico, Dolores, Elvis

These are the beautiful words they call children in the USA.

But the genesis of surnames depends on several other factors:

  • Occupation or Profession: Cheeseman, Proper, Smith
  • Personal names: Atkins, Williamson, Hughes
  • Place of residence: Green, Garden, Wood
  • Nicknames: Cruikshank, Makepeace, King

You should also know that the English, unlike the Russians, always write the First Name and Patronymic first, and then the Last Name: Elvis Aaron Presley. By the way, the middle name may either not be named at all or designated by one letter.

The easiest way is to learn the names of your favorite actresses or actors. Therefore, memorize the male and female initials of famous people.

List of popular female names

Monica Bellucci We can start with the list of the most beautiful Hollywood actresses. To date, the most beautiful and sexy girls have been recognized:

  • Angelina Jolie Voight
  • Charlize Theron
  • Jessica Alba
  • Megan Denise Fox
  • Salma Valgarma Hayek
  • Keira Christina Knightley
  • Katherine Marie Heigl
  • Nina Dobrev
  • Monica Anna Maria Bellucci
  • Penelope Cruz

Fashion names change over time. But there are those that, for decades, have not lost their relevance when naming girls:

  • Isabella
  • Emily
  • Sophia
  • Olivia
  • Abigail
  • Hannah
  • Samantha
  • Madison

The data is constantly changing, the first place alternates from one name to another, but in general the situation does not change much.

List of famous male names

Jensen Ackles Here, too, it’s worth starting to learn the list of the most attractive Hollywood actors.
Famous male names:

  • Armand Douglas Hammer
  • Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill
  • Jensen Ross Ackles
  • José Antonio Domínguez Banderas
  • John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II
  • William Bradley Pitt
  • Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom
  • Robert Thomas Pattinson
  • George Timothy Clooney
  • David Patrick Boreanaz

Well, ordinary male names are less changeable. But for many years now it has been in first place:

  • Jacob
  • Jason
  • Michael
  • Christopher
  • Ethan
  • Daniel
  • Matthew
  • Andrew
  • William
  • Joshua

But the world is changing and, perhaps, very soon this list will change dramatically.

List of common American surnames

You already know that English given names can come from a variety of variants. Since there are a lot of migrants in the USA, the surnames are accordingly very diverse.

I have prepared a list of the 10 most common of them:

  1. Smith - about 3 million US residents bear this surname
  2. Johnson - just over 2 million speakers
  3. Williams - almost 2 million people
  4. Brown - 1 million and 700 thousand
  5. Jones - about the same
  6. Davis - about 1.3 million
  7. Taylor - approximately 1 million
  8. Wilson - 900 thousand population
  9. Robinson - just over 800 thousand inhabitants
  10. Wright - 800,000 speakers

What English surnames do you like?

You can independently make a list of your favorite actors or actresses and memorize it. I hope you will find this material not only educational for your general development, but also useful for learning the English language.

A person’s surname means that he belongs to certain roots that have their own history.

By changing it in your passport, it is impossible to abandon your pedigree, but you can improve the perception and sound: this is what some modern people do.

Recently, it has become fashionable to register a pseudonym on social networks: this is done to promote the page.

By providing incorrect information, your chances of finding friends are reduced. To find out which surnames are considered rare today, it is proposed to consider Russian and American beautiful options.

The list of popular genus names can be listed endlessly: so many people, so many opinions. However, there are a number of the most beautiful surnames that will appeal to many.

Russian options are considered one of the most attractive in the world. They harmonize perfectly with the names of women and men.

It is not difficult for future parents to choose a beautiful name for the existing family name.

Consider the list of the best pedigree names in Russia for girls and boys:

  1. Sobolev. The basis for creating the name of the genus was the worldly name Sobol, therefore information about it is contained in many sources.

    It is possible that the basis for the creation was a nickname characterizing a person as a hunter or fur trader.

  2. Gromov. A common type of Russian ancestry. The origin is connected with the word “thunder” - this is how a loud-voiced, noisy person was called in Rus'.

    This also characterizes a man of large build.

  3. Mayorov. A beautiful surname hardly indicates that the founder of the family had a high rank.

    Most likely, he was a serf who belonged to the service of a major. Girls who are getting married really like this male option.

  4. Voskresenskaya. A magnificent female surname, testifying to a monument of culture, history, and the Russian language.

    The genealogy originates from the founder of the holy temple: most likely, the founder of the family was a great clergyman.

  5. Lebedeva. It is not worth talking about the origin of the name, because it is clear that it came from the word “swan”.

    This word was often used to describe girls who inspired writers, poets and musicians.

  6. Zolotareva. A good option for girls, suitable for every name.

    In the old days, a goldsmith was called an educated, rich person.

The list of pedigrees still exists today; they are considered the most beautiful, but no less common: options are suitable for boys and girls.

The most beautiful American options for girls and guys

Each American or English surname has a meaning: some of them are formed from given names, the other part denotes colors, professions, and clan membership.

For example, the ending "son" in Wilson or Jameson indicates that the person is the son of William or James.

Let's consider a selection of the most beautiful options for the male and female population:

  1. Brown. A popular but beautiful surname for a man. Since most names are derived from other words, this is not considered an exception.

    Brown translated from English means “brown”, this refers to the skin color of the founder of the family or his noticeable tan.

  2. Sheldon. The option is suitable for guys, but sounds more attractive from girls.

    The meaning is simple - an affectionate and amorous person, inclined to idealize everything around him.

  3. Bernard. An unusual surname derived from a given name. Characterizes a sociable and cheerful person, inclined to go to great lengths for his best friend.
  4. Zigmand. A beautiful and rare variation for American girls whose roots go back to Hebrew.

    According to the description, such a girl enjoys authority from early childhood, has high intelligence, and therefore will always be the life of the party.

Foreign names have long been mixed with variants from other countries. In America you can hear surnames derived from Spanish, French, and German roots.

Important! According to statistics, the most popular options in America are Smith, Wilson, Johnson and Davis.

If you want to choose an option for a pseudonym, give preference to rare pedigrees - Morgan, Turner, Eccles.

The rarest surname in Russia

The abundance of Russian surnames is as great as foreign ones. Taking their roots from Ancient Rus', the names have long been mixed with variants from neighboring countries.

So, in the vastness of the fatherland you can find Greek, Georgian, Tatar and other options.

Let's look at some of the rarest and most unusual pedigree names in Russia:

  1. Single-letter and monosyllabic. Several people are registered in Moscow under the names Yu, E, O.

    Also in the vastness of the fatherland there are people with the variants An, To, Do. The latter should not be confused with representatives of the Korean or Chinese people.

  2. Double-rooted. The rarest surnames, and also the most unusual, consist of two roots at once.

    Here two words are combined at once, which usually have little combination with each other. For example: Comb the Mane, Grab the Mud, Kill the Mane.

    Surely, their carriers have a hard time in life, so many of them seek to change the name of their pedigree.

  3. Toponyms– personifying the names of cities and countries. It is no secret that a number of people live in Russia under the names Moscow, Astrakhan, Chukotka.

    From this name you can easily guess what origin a person has.

  4. Consonant parts of speech. For example, options consonant with nouns - Chizh, Water, Frost, as well as verbal types: Perepechko, Razdobudko.

By changing his surname to a rare one, a person creates the basis for his clan: this applies to men who name their children and grandchildren.

Modern foreign surnames for VK

When creating a VK page, many girls and boys try not to indicate real data. This trend is widely seen among teenagers.

Note! By specifying a pseudonym, a person reduces the chances of finding old friends or classmates.

Let's look at the list of modern foreign options for VK. Choose any one to distinguish yourself on social networks:

There are a large number of interesting and beautiful surnames in the world, among which every person has the right to choose the appropriate option.