Losing big black bags in a dream. Why do you dream about losing your bag?

The dream book says that a bag seen in a dream means some human baggage, his life position, worldly wisdom, skills, and in some dreams reflects the temperament of the person who had this dream. Mostly the bag is a women's accessory, so women often dream about bags, not men.

Bag seen in a dream

A dream in which you dream of a bag can be interpreted differently by the dream book depending on the situation played out in the dream. It is best if the dreamer clearly remembers every detail of the dream: colors, emotional state, characters, etc.

A loss

  1. Losing a bag in a dream usually promises little money troubles. This may indicate an unprofitable investment of your finances in some business or the signing of a dubious document. In a dream, according to the dream book, losing a bag can mean that your secrets will be revealed; secrets that have been kept for a long time may become public knowledge.
  2. According to the dream book losing a clutch in a dream is a bad sign, it means an approaching illness that will lead e t to the fact that a person will lose his ability to work for some time. There is no need to panic, this may not happen if you spend a little time alone with nature, relax, collect your thoughts and enjoy the smell of flowers and the sea breeze.
  3. It also happens that the loss of a woman’s handbag in a dream does not cause grief, but, on the contrary, brings you satisfaction. Then this may foreshadow positive outcome in your endeavors, implementation of plans and ideas.
  4. If you dream that you have lost a bag with money, then be careful with documents, check the papers carefully before signing them. Never leave documents where they might be taken. Losing a case with documents according to the dream book indicates that in reality you have complete chaos and chaos in your important documents, you definitely need to review all your latest contracts, you will probably be able to find a mistake or negligence there on the part of your subordinates.
  5. In a dream, you may dream that you lost your bag and then unexpectedly found it. According to the dream book, this portends a good ending for all your endeavors; everything you plan will definitely come true. You will be able to achieve unprecedented heights and at the same time avoid material losses.


  1. Why do you dream that your bag was stolen? In reality, the theft of a reticule is a very unpleasant event, then according to the dream book, if your bag is stolen, on the contrary, promises its owner success in business and portends the end of all life's troubles.
  2. A dream where a case with documents was stolen from you suggests that all your valuable documents, which you considered hopelessly lost, will be found in an unusual way. If a bag with money was stolen from you in a dream, according to the dream book, this promises you material enrichment in the near future in the form of winning the lottery, receiving a bonus, or signing a very profitable contract.
  3. Why do you dream about a bag that you gave for safekeeping and that was stolen? This outcome of events suggests that you should be careful with your friends and acquaintances, they may not be what they seem. Thanks to them, your secrets may be revealed, which will affect your reputation. This can be avoided by keeping your mouth shut and not telling anyone anything unnecessary.
  4. If in a dream you see something coming out of your bag things dear to your heart were stolen- this foreshadows that due to his naivety you may get hurt. First of all, take a closer look at the people you trust, they can take advantage of the current situation and set you up. A dream in which your bag was robbed speaks of your softness and naivety, and your friends take advantage of this and twist ropes out of you.
  5. According to the dream book, a stolen wallet in a dream promises financial problems or even bankruptcy. be careful and at first, do not lend money to anyone, do not sign contracts with dubious partners, and refrain from making large purchases.
  6. A dream in which you forgot your bag suggests that small troubles and problems will appear; solving them will cost you energy and money. you will incur huge financial expenses. According to the dream book, this will not happen if you save in the near future and try not to spend money on various purchases and refrain from investing.
  7. Why dream of a backpack from which the contents spilled out? The dream book warns you against spending money unwisely. To you need to start saving, make your budget wisely, otherwise you may find yourself on the verge of bankruptcy. If in a dream you saw a suitcase in which you are hiding a person, it means that the dreamer is keeping other people’s secrets and he cannot make them public and this makes him feel discomfort.


  1. If in a dream you see a new bag, then you should rejoice, since such a dream foreshadows you acquiring new skills and abilities, which may be useful to you in the future to achieve success. Buying a reticule according to the dream book means that the dreamer - goal-oriented person, is not afraid of difficulties and always goes forward. A dream where you become the owner of a new clutch promises you the successful completion of your plans, the achievement of your goals and career advancement. According to the dream book, buying a bag can also mean that you will have additional income, increase your salary, or receive a bonus.
  2. According to the dream book, receiving a clutch as a gift in a dream means very profitable acquaintance which will lead to profit. If you see someone giving a bag in a dream, this will lead to unexpected expenses that will slightly undermine your financial situation.


Such a dream may indicate that in the near future your friend will reveal his secret to you, or you will learn this secret by chance. But it also foreshadows you meeting a person soon, who will later become your devoted companion for the rest of your life.

A dream in which a man sees a woman’s handbag can promise a quick meeting with his soulmate, and he can marry her. The dream book says that for a woman to see a woman’s handbag in a dream can mean the revelation of her innermost secrets. To avoid such a situation, you need to stop telling your friends all your secrets.


A backpack full of money in a dream foreshadows early financial independence and the higher the denomination of the bill, the higher your income will be.


If you dreamed that you were packing luggage, then in the near future you will go on a trip. In a dream, getting ready to travel and not having to go anywhere, this can mean quarreling with a loved one and in a fit of anger you can say a lot of hurtful words. Such a quarrel can lead to divorce or a complete severance of all relationships.


Depending on the color of the bag, the meaning of the dream may change. If in a dream you have a scarlet bag, then a very passionate relationship awaits you; passion will drive your feelings. A black clutch in a dream can be a harbinger of bad news or, on the contrary, it promises you new relationships and new friendships. According to the dream book, the color white promises you romance, which will appear in your life in the near future.


  1. A dream in which you see a huge number of suitcases foreshadows a quick trip, which can be upset by the loss of valuable things and excessive nervousness.
  2. If you dream of very large luggage and it causes you inconvenience, then this indicates that something is oppressing you and causing you discomfort. It is necessary to take all measures and solve your problems that do not allow you to live in peace.
  3. The size of the bag seen in a dream is also of great importance. The greater it is, the more a person is respected, the higher his status and position in society.
  4. If you dreamed of a full bag, according to the dream book it may mean that you will make a profit soon. A bag half empty symbolizes unnecessary troubles.

Men's bag

Seeing a man's bag in a dream is a good sign. According to the dream book, such a dream promises you success in your affairs. But you need to act quickly and grab luck by the tail, otherwise a more efficient person will take your place.

First of all, you need to decide on some details of the dream. The style, contents and condition of the bag all play a role in accurately explaining the dream. Was it filled with something valuable to you? Did you get what you lost back at the end or not?

A travel or handbag in itself in a dream is a symbol of acquisitions and monetary gain. If you happened to lose this thing, then, of course, the interpretations will be opposite. Such a dream will promise the dreamer not entirely pleasant changes in life, financial difficulties. But despite this, the loss of a bag can affect your ill-wishers. All your envious people, gossipers and simply enemies will have no time for you, their machinations will no longer become an obstacle on your way.

Since a bag is a hidden accessory and it often stores something that should be hidden from prying eyes, the loss can symbolize the revelation of your innermost secrets and experiences. What you told in confidence can become the subject of ridicule for an entire team or company, so be careful before revealing your soul. In addition, to see in a dream a small handbag or clutch that is soon lost is a sign that in reality you are surrounded by insincere friends who are not at all interested in your happiness.

Losing a bag filled with useful or valuable things in a dream is a sign of material loss in real life. You won't necessarily lose what you have. Perhaps this will become an unprofitable purchase or the breakdown of something necessary. If the bag was empty, you wasted your time. Some time after the dream, there is no need to start renovating your apartment, looking for a new job or a new hobby - you will spend a lot of energy, and the result will disappoint you. When a whole baggage was lost in a dream, this indicates an incorrectly chosen business, business, or job. You give a lot of energy, but you don’t get any return. Dream books advise you to reconsider your type of activity.

Losing a bag in a dream and finding it: what does it mean?

It also happens that our imagination gives us a happy ending in a dream, in our case it is a found loss. This dream has several interpretations. In some interpreters you can find an explanation according to which all your experiences will be in vain, everything planned will come true. The same applies to distrust of some people. Other dream books say that finding a lost bag is nothing more than receiving a monetary reward for your efforts. It is likely that everything you have worked so hard on will turn into a successful and prosperous activity.

A dream about losing a bag can be a harbinger of difficulties or something joyful. But even if you didn’t like the interpretation, try to glean some meaning from it that can work to your advantage, because, as they say, everything is for the better!

A dream in which you are carrying a burden or meeting a traveler with a bag predicts changes in life; they can be both positive and negative.

As the dream book explains, a bag or burden is traditionally perceived as a symbol indicating the road, a poor existence or orphanhood, but sometimes they say the opposite. Let's try to figure out what the bag means in dreams and what you should prepare for.

What does the handbag look like?

Seeing a bag in a dream means that you have created an imaginary world for yourself and live in it, but some illusions may turn out to be plausible and will come true in real life. A bag of money seen in a dream foreshadows a solid income and profit.

Why do you dream of a woman's bag? A man dreams of a handbag - this may mean the appearance of a woman in his destiny who will radically change his life. This will be a serious relationship, as a result of which the lovers may get married. If a woman dreams of a handbag, then its secret may be revealed by chance. At this time, it is advisable to avoid emotional conversations, especially with representatives of the fair sex, otherwise trouble cannot be avoided.

A travel bag in a dream means guests will appear on the doorstep of the house; if it is full, wait for an old acquaintance; if it is half empty, a stranger will come. As they say in the Esoteric Dream Book, a travel bag filled to capacity dreams of a favorable trip, during which it is possible to make interesting purchases.

Seeing yourself in a dream with a bunch of bags means that a person will be worried, or he will make a move. If you dream of bags with things, the dream speaks of accumulated experience. If a large number of bags weighs on you, you need to get rid of the moral burden. If the dream does not leave you with any difficult feelings, you will soon have the opportunity to put your experience into practice.

  • According to the dream book, a brightly colored bag promises the same vivid impressions or interesting events.
  • A red bag will bring you closer to a person, perhaps someone you know well, and you will have a passionate relationship with him. In another source, a red handbag dreams of money.
  • A dream with a black handbag foreshadows news or new acquaintances.
  • A white bag dreams of starting a relationship with a person well known to you.

Gain or Loss

A new bag in a dream foreshadows the acquisition of new knowledge or the emergence of hobbies that will help in building a career.. If you happen to buy this thing for yourself, the dream book promises the fulfillment of incredible desires. The more original the design of the handbag, the wilder your dreams will come true.

Losing a bag in a dream means unexpected troubles and difficult changes. Losing this accessory for a woman foreshadows the revelation of her secret. Losing a bag filled or stuffed with various things is an auspicious sign that promises the fulfillment of hopes and dreams. Forgetting your bag somewhere in a dream foreshadows unjustified expenses. If your plan was to make a large purchase, it's worth holding off for now.

Finding someone else's bag means that you will become part of the secret. In another meaning, finding a bag means breaking into someone else’s life without permission. In some cases, finding this accessory means a chance encounter. Losing it or looking for it for a long time in different places, and then still finding it - the dream speaks of hidden abilities, applying which in life, you will be able to carry out your plans and plans.

If you dreamed that your bag with things was stolen, you can stop being afraid of losing your property, don’t worry, you won’t face any losses. If you dream of a handbag that was stolen from you, it means that a stage of awareness will come ahead, when illusions will dissipate and reality will be revealed to you.

Why do you dream of a bag that you are carrying for another person? Helping someone with a burden means that you need help, are waiting for outside support and believe that a miracle will happen later.

Seeing a person who opposes carrying a bag is a dream that has several meanings, which are basically similar to each other:

  • In the first version, the dream reflects your fear of committing a rash act.
  • In the second case, you are afraid that you will have to pay for the deed with your own well-being.
  • And finally, the third meaning is that your conscience is tormenting you.

In the popular understanding, it is not customary to be afraid of this sign. It is important to focus on your emotions and experiences in a dream; they contain the meaning of the dream.

Here is the source of answers to this question. In fact, there are a huge number of interpretations. And in order to find the most suitable one, you need to remember as many details of the vision as possible and look into several books, and not into one dream book.

Losing a bag with documents - what does it mean?

Many people are worried about this. What if this vision is a bad sign? First, you need to remember what it was like - big, small, old, new, and also specify the color. So, if a person lost a bag with important documents inside, this means complete confusion with important matters. You should be more careful at work. And in particular - be careful in handling documents. Also, if some important transaction is coming up, you should prepare for it properly. And double-check all the papers. It is likely that the partners will make a mistake in them. But if a person lost a bag with documents and then found it, this means the successful completion of difficult matters, as well as good changes in financial terms.

According to the modern dream book

So, now we should talk about what the modern dream book says about such a vision. Losing a bag with money and documents is a good sign. This means that all the papers that a person was looking for and could not find in any way will miraculously be found. And lost money promises an improvement in your financial situation. Perhaps the person will be offered a second job with a very substantial salary or given a bonus. It is possible that he will sign a lucrative contract or enter into a partnership with good sponsors.

A lost bag with valuables means the end of a “dark streak” in life. But if it was stolen, that’s not very good. This means that among close and trusted people a person has someone who does not know how to keep secrets and secrets. This is what dreams of losing a bag mean. The dream book advises in this case to be more careful and trust people less. And it doesn’t hurt to watch your language.

According to Freud's dream book

So, why do you dream of losing your bag? claims that this is a symbol of major acquisitions or receiving a large sum. But this is only if the person has found his missing item. But losing it irrevocably means unpleasant changes in life.

A bag, in general, is an attribute of a certain semi-secret nature. Especially if it is a women's accessory. Why does a girl dream of losing her bag? Freud's dream book claims that this is a sign of revealing secrets and innermost secrets. So the young lady should be more careful in terms of communication and talk less about herself. Moreover, something that not everyone should know about. Otherwise, a person who seems reliable at first glance will turn out to be a traitor and will not hesitate to spill the secrets he has heard.

Empty loss

But if the dreamer has lost a completely empty bag, then this is a sign from above! This means that soon a bright streak will begin in his life. He will receive a large sum of money, and if the dreamer is also a businessman, then one should expect a very successful course of affairs. But a lost bag filled with various goods means that all the hopes that a person had will be lost. All plans will be destroyed, and in the near future there will be no opportunities worth taking advantage of. This meaning is given by the esoteric dream book.

Losing a bag and finding it is good luck. Especially if it was new and beautiful. Even if it's empty. A person should not waste time and implement grandiose, fantastic plans. Everything will work out, the main thing in this matter is to believe in yourself.

Dream details

If a person’s bag is stolen, this means that soon a dark streak will begin in his life. Noticing how a wallet was pulled out from there means huge expenses. Even bankruptcy is possible. If a person is a private entrepreneur, then he should be more careful in terms of doing business. By the way, it is not advisable to lend money to someone. You should also avoid dubious transactions and overly large purchases.

To see how everything possible is pulled out of a bag means that a person will soon suffer because of his own responsiveness and kind attitude towards people. Quite close people will not be ashamed to take advantage of this. It can be very painful and offensive, so in the near future it is advised to be more restrained, careful and careful in communicating with other people, and even more so - not to provide any services to anyone. But if a person suddenly discovers that everything has returned to the bag in some miraculous way, this means the end of financial problems.

If a person lost his bag and searched for it for a very long time (and, in the end, found it), this means discovering some talents that will definitely help in achieving goals that have been set for a long time or in realizing one or another dream.

Interpretation from other dream books

Why dream of losing a bag, but not feel an iota of regret, and even be happy? The Italian book of interpretations explains this dream as a sign that financial collapse will be avoided, even if an imminent crisis is coming. On the contrary, in a seemingly difficult period, the dreamer will experience financial stability. The French dream book talks about this. Losing a bag and then finding it means the successful completion of any, even the most difficult, tasks.

According to Miller's dream book, this vision does not bode well. It means temporary disability, which may occur due to poor health. If a person has suspicions regarding illnesses, he should go and get checked by a doctor. The dream book also advises taking a short vacation and spending it in peace, quiet and, preferably, somewhere in nature or in another city. This will have a positive impact on your mood, productivity and health.

But forgetting a bag means unexpected difficulties and quite serious problems. To cope with them, you will need to put in a lot of effort and a huge amount of energy. It is not a fact that financial costs will not be required. Scattering the contents of a bag is a waste of money. In the near future, it is better to refrain from shopping and save money.

A bag is an indispensable attribute of the image of a modern woman. Its loss in a dream most often entails negative consequences and changes in real life. Usually such a dream is unpleasant and difficult in nature. Only time-tested interpreters can easily answer the question of why you dream of losing your bag.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller most accurately combined the knowledge, wisdom and experience of ancient dream interpreters and astrologers. There are several meanings for a dream about a lost purse. If a person dreams that a bag was stolen or lost, then he will have to learn the hidden truth, and unjustified illusions will be dispelled. Losing in a dream has nothing to do with property in reality, so you shouldn’t be afraid for your financial condition. According to another version, such a dream does not bode well. For some time, a person who dreams of a lost bag at night may become unable to work. Health problems will negatively affect all areas of life. If the sleeping person has even the slightest suspicion of the presence or development of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Miller recommends going on vacation to a quiet, uncrowded place to get some peace and quiet. Such a pastime will lift your spirits, strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health.

Freud's Dream Book

The Austrian psychologist also put forward two hypotheses about why you dream of losing a bag with things. A woman's accessory can symbolize a woman's genitals, and her loss is perceived in two ways. A representative of the fair sex does not understand partners well and, as a result, she is expected to get sick due to the constant change of lovers. A woman, losing her bag in a dream, loses her sexuality and attractiveness in reality. According to another version, this thing is a symbol of receiving a significant sum of money or a major purchase. The dream will come true only when a person finds the loss. But if the bag disappears forever, then this person will soon be in trouble. If a young girl dreams of an accessory, then she should talk less about herself and take a closer look at those with whom she communicates. Otherwise, all her secrets may be revealed by a person who at first glance seemed trustworthy and kind.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant predicted many events, even politicians listened to her. According to her, a dream about a bag means prosperity and the beginning of a new life, for which inner strength and the necessary funds will appear. The loss of an empty bag indicates that all the efforts spent on work went unnoticed by anyone. This shows the sleeper that he needs to say goodbye to the past and look to the future. The loss of a female accessory filled with things indicates that a person has forgotten about family values ​​and loved ones, giving preference to the material world. You need to leave some time for your family and yourself.


Any natural phenomenon occurs for a specific reason. Dreams must be interpreted correctly in order to have a chance to fix everything. Even terrifying predictions will not be able to prevent a person from doing what he has planned if he really wants it. A bag is one of women's favorite accessories and its loss means a lot, not only in reality, but also in a dream. In this article, the best predictors told their opinion about why you dream of losing a bag, and whether you listen to them or not is up to you.