Russian lotto. Tradition to win

Every year, lotteries with television broadcasts of the “Russian Lotto” and “Housing Lottery” draws are gaining more and more fans. And this is not surprising. The popularly loved, time-tested “Russian Lotto” celebrates its 22nd anniversary in October. Over the past 5 years alone, the winners have been paid winnings worth more than 5.5 billion rubles! Just imagine how many people this lottery brought joy to!

Photo: AiF/ Arseniy Kosterin

The Housing Lottery has been helping Russians solve their most pressing issue for 4 years now. And, I must admit, it was very successful - more than 700 real estate properties have already been raffled off, including apartments, country houses, townhouses, etc.

And now, to become a participant in these lotteries, you just need to go to the nearest Pyaterochka store, of which there are more than 7,000 throughout Russia, and purchase tickets. Apartments, houses, cars and millions of rubles have become even closer!

“Convenience stores” are convenient because they are nearby and you can always find the most necessary things there, be it milk, bread... And from September there are also lotteries. Just select the tickets you like near the ticket office, pay for them and wait for the results of the draw!

Watch broadcasts of the weekly Housing Lottery drawings on Saturdays at 8.15 on the NTV channel, in the Housing Lottery Plus program, and of the Russian Lotto on Sundays at 8.15 on the NTV channel, in the Russian Lotto Plus program.

You can receive winnings from lottery tickets purchased at Pyaterochka at all lottery kiosks, Russian Post offices, Euroset communication stores, Svyaznoy stores, as well as in your personal account on the website

They say that luck especially loves everything new. Check this sign - buy lottery tickets at Pyaterochka and win more!

Car breakdown foreshadowed a new SUV

A couple from St. Petersburg became lottery millionaires.

Photo: Press service of Stoloto Trade House

Watching the Russian Lotto Plus program on Sundays is a favorite pastime Dmitry And Zumrat Tarakanov. Participation in the legendary lottery helped the couple become owners of an SUV. The luck came on the 1130th circulation.

“We remember that joyful day very well. Although it started out sadly, say the winners. - It was raining outside, so in the morning we went to repair the car. The mechanic spent an hour tinkering under the hood, but in the end he said there was nothing he could do. We were in a bad mood. When we returned home, we decided to watch the recording of the program on the Internet and check the tickets purchased the day before. Here the most pleasant news awaited us - we won an SUV!”

The couple says that they could have ended up without a prize at all, and lost their luck even when buying a lottery ticket.

“When I came to buy a ticket at the retail outlet, a half-hour break had just begun. I could have left, but for some reason I decided to stay and buy a ticket. Apparently it’s fate!” - Dmitry smiles.

The young family moved from Ufa to St. Petersburg two years ago immediately after the wedding. A year later, the lucky ones began to participate in the lottery. They preferred to take their winnings in monetary terms - 1,000,000 rubles - and divide them into three parts. One of them will be given to parents, the second will be used to buy a car, and the third part will go towards education - Zumrat dreams of becoming a pharmacist.

Million for a dream

Hurry up to take part in the Housing Lottery promotion and compete for a million rubles.

Buy special block tickets for the next draw at lottery kiosks, Front Page kiosks and Russian Post branches.

Watch the million drawing in the “Housing Lottery Plus” program on September 10. Check the terms of the promotion with lottery distributors or on the website

Recently, all kinds of lotteries from the Stoloto lottery supermarket have become increasingly popular, and one of the reasons for this popularity is the way in which you can check a ticket in Stoloto.

The circulation of each new issue is increasing.

The fact is that this lottery supermarket has an official website where you can purchase a ticket online and, accordingly, check your winnings by number.

This is very convenient for any modern person.

After all, previously all these operations were carried out in kiosks or booths at train stations, in post offices and simply on the street, where many simply did not want to go. Now everything has changed.

Therefore, it would be useful to consider how winnings are verified by ticket number on the official Stoloto website and what else can be done using this useful resource.

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Ticket check

So, the Stoloto lottery supermarket has an official website, the link to it looks like this:

To check your winnings by number, you just need to find your lottery, click on it, then go to the verification page, then enter the number and draw.

Let's look at this process in more detail using the Housing Lottery as an example.

The process of verifying winnings occurs using the following steps:

  • The main page of the official website presents all state lotteries that this supermarket provides. There you need to find the Housing Lottery page.

Clue: If you cannot find the lottery you need on the site, it is better to use a search using Google or any other search engine. There you need to enter a request in the following format: “Stoloto [lottery name]”, that is, for example, “Stoloto Russian Lotto” or “Stoloto Golden Horseshoe”. As a result, already from the first link of the search results you can get to the desired page.

  • Click on the inscription “Housing Lottery” and get to the page for this service.
  • On the page in the top menu we find the inscription “Check ticket” and click on it.

  • Enter the circulation number and ticket number in the appropriate fields, highlighted in Figure 4 with a green frame. After that, click the “Check” button (highlighted in red).
    It is important to remember that the verification button will become available only after entering the correct circulation and ticket numbers. If there is any error in these fields, the button will not become available.

There is also a shorter way.

If you immediately go to the ticket checking page (for example, and select any other lottery there in the selection menu highlighted in Figure No. 5, then you don’t have to go to the main page and don’t look for anything there .

The only problem is that this method does not always work and the site sometimes does not accept this method correctly. But you can try.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in checking the ticket number. Exactly the same algorithm is suitable for other lotteries from Stoloto.

In addition to Zhilishchnaya, “Russian Lotto” and “Golden Horseshoe” are very popular here.

Each lottery page has the same menu, similar to the one shown in Figure 3, so navigating to the ticket verification page will not be difficult.

Now let’s talk about what else is so good about the Stoloto website and why this lottery supermarket is so popular among users from all over Russia.

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Other features and capabilities of the Stoloto website

Among the most important advantages is the ability to purchase a ticket.

This operation occurs using the following steps:

  • On the main page of the official Stoloto website, you again need to go to the page of some kind of lottery. For example, let's choose the Housing Lottery again.
  • On the page that opens, you need to select not “Check ticket”, but “Bet”.

  • After this, the user will be taken to a page where they can place a bet. Its appearance differs depending on the selected lottery. For the Housing Lottery it looks like shown in Figure No. 7.
    Here, to purchase a ticket, you need to select one of the options for its appearance, then select a payment method in the menu on the right and pay for the ticket, receiving its number.

For Gosloto 6 out of 45 the purchase page is slightly different. Here you just need to select numbers. After this, the steps are the same - select the payment method, pay and receive the ticket number.

Thus, another important advantage of the Stoloto website is the ease of purchasing a ticket.

The main other advantages are:

  1. Availability of a personal account where the user can view an archive of previously made bets and purchased tickets, deposit a cash reserve into his account for future purchases and perform other actions.
  2. Availability of a convenient mobile application where you can work both with registration and, accordingly, the presence of a personal account, and without it.
  3. Possibility to place bets via SMS.
  4. A huge number of all kinds of lotteries - everyone will find what they like best.

Of course, there are also disadvantages here. The main one has already been mentioned above - incorrect operation of the site in some options. This happens very rarely, but it does happen.

Many users on the forums wrote that sometimes they were not even able to purchase a ticket.

So be careful when using the Stoloto website.

Just in case, follow these safety rules: Vote

If you don’t feel like going to the TV at 8 a.m. on Sunday, it doesn’t matter. After a pleasant breakfast and morning coffee, you can check your rusloto ticket and at the same time, going online. The results of the Russian Lotto lottery appear in online format immediately after the television broadcast and are stored in the archive for more than one year. That's why online check of Rusloto lottery ticket Experienced players who collect game statistics like to use it. They use this data in further drawings to increase the probability of winning. Only online can you check several tickets at once, or a ticket that has won many draws. Thus, having bought a Rusloto ticket a few weeks ago, do not remember about it until the high point of verification. At a convenient time, playfully, go to the website and check your ticket simply and quickly. This option is loved by those who are used to playing big.

The two main ways to check a Russian Lotto lottery ticket are as follows:

  1. Online check by Rusloto ticket number
  2. Checking Russian Lotto circulation online

Checking by Russian Lotto ticket number

This check is carried out instantly. The archive stores all lottery results in gigabytes of memory, and when you enter the ticket number in a certain field, the result appears on the screen instantly. To implement checking a Russian Lotto ticket by ticket number you need to go to the website and find a special field for entering the Russian Lotto ticket number, manually enter the number of the ticket or tickets you played and get the result. To collect statistics and analyze data, it is better to use another method in order to. It will be discussed below.

Checking the Russian Lotto lottery draw online

Unlike the previous one, this verification method provides general circulation results without focusing on the ticket number. The results of the played draw appear in the form of special tables. By looking at the table, you can immediately determine whether your ticket won or lost. The results of the draw are saved on the website and are available to all players.

The most popular lottery in the post-Soviet space, Russian Lotto, has won the hearts of millions of players. Stories of real winnings never cease to delight and surprise. And now the check of Rusloto tickets has acquired a new simplified scheme.

Instead of Sunday 8 am and TV - any day and individual time at the computer. Check Russian Lotto lottery draws through Internet resources - the fastest, most accessible and comfortable option. It is not surprising that this is the method chosen by a large number of players.

It’s very easy to check Russian Lotto lottery tickets from Stoloto!

About the lottery

The “Russian Lotto” draw is broadcast on the famous TV show “They Win with Us” and begins on Sunday at 14:00, so not every lottery participant has the opportunity to find out the results of the draw. Some people work on Sunday, while others use their day off to relax. With the arrival of the Internet in our home, this problem is no longer there; it is not necessary to wait for the result on the TV.

Since 1994, there has been the Russian Lotto lottery, in which significant prizes and substantial sums of money have been awarded throughout its existence. All years the program is broadcast on the NTV channel at 8-15 am on Sunday. Not everyone will be able to adjust to this time and watch a TV show. The peculiarity of television broadcasting is that you need to watch it in a certain mode, and if you need to take into account some statistical data, analyze the drawing, make a forecast for the course of the lottery, then you will not have time for this, because you cannot pause while watching. Now, for your convenience and assistance, our website is provided for your use, which will help you avoid the difficulties that were noted. The results are always presented in the format of a circulation table according to the official data of the Stoloto company. The video recording of the drawing is available any time after 15:00 Moscow time on the day of the drawing.

Find out about your winnings by checking your ticket

Now you can participate in the lottery draw online. It is possible to check the lottery by ticket number. The ticket number is entered in a special column, and the result will be visible immediately. The user will be notified if his ticket turns out to be a prize. You can check the ticket yourself by using the circulation table or going to the archive, where there are all the recordings of the TV show. Draw tables will help you predict the winning numbers. Now you don’t have to waste time searching for Rusloto circulations that interest you; for this, all the information has been collected on our website. You can spend the saved time on winning the main prize - the jackpot.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Great Patriotic War affected every family; everyone had their own traditions of celebrating Victory Day. The state television lotteries “Russian Lotto” and “Housing Lottery” provide you with the opportunity to say words of gratitude to veterans and tell your family stories about Victory Day and how you are celebrating it now. Do you participate in the Victory Parade in your city? Or watch it broadcast on TV? Do you gather as a family at your grandparents' house and look at their black and white photo albums? Do you remember your loved ones who gave their lives for the freedom of our country?

Send your story and get on the pages of AiF - the whole country will read about Victory Day in your family!

Conditions of the competition

Write about what traditions associated with Victory Day live in your family, and send a letter to the editor before May 5. The most interesting stories and photographs will be published every week in the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper, on the Stoloto website and on the Stoloto pages on social networks. The presenters of the TV lotteries “Russian Lotto” and “Housing Lottery” will act as chairmen of the jury. Mikhail Borisov and Sergei Belogolovtsev.

Send your letters to the address: 109316, Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt, 43, bldg. 3, or by e-mail [email protected] with the note: "Stoloto". Competition "Tradition of winning". Don't forget to indicate your first and last name.

Especially for the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory, the popular lotteries “Russian Lotto” and “Housing Lottery” have prepared gift sets of tickets.

In the holiday draws, which will be broadcast on May 7 and 8 on the NTV channel, 30 apartments will be raffled off and there will be a forced drawing of large super prizes!

In each set you will find 10 tickets in an original design, and with them the opportunity to win an apartment or one of hundreds of thousands of cash prizes!

Buy sets of lottery tickets for Victory Day! The cost of a finished gift in magnificent festive packaging is 1000 rubles. Ask for Russian Lotto and Housing Lottery gift sets at lottery kiosks and Russian Post offices!


April circulations - at the old price!

From May, the cost of tickets for lotteries with television drawings will be 100 rubles. New prices come into force with the following draws: No. 1126 (“Russian Lotto”), No. 180 (“Housing Lottery”), No. 36 (“Golden Horseshoe”, “6 out of 36”).

Participate in the April draws at the old price!

“I crossed out the numbers and quickly went to my family!”

Photo: Press service of Stoloto Trade House

Fate gave a generous gift to the 28-year-old Anton Deryabin from Izhevsk.

During the 1833 Gosloto “6 out of 45” draw, he guessed 5 numbers of the winning combination and won a prize of 504,594 rubles.

“I am a master in the production of children's furniture. I work a lot and devote my free time to my family. I’m actively involved in raising my son: gardening, walks, games,” says the winner. - I started taking part in the lottery quite recently. I only bought tickets for the third or fourth time, quickly crossed out the numbers and quickly ran home to my family.”

Anton checked the results of the draw on the website: “My wife Nastya was next to me. We were stunned when we saw what kind of prize we had!”

With the money won, the winner plans to open a small car service center.

It’s gratifying when a lottery ticket bought by chance suddenly opens up new opportunities for you or helps you realize long-standing plans. There are many such examples among the Gosloto “6 out of 45” winners. In addition, right now the lottery is offering its fans a surprisingly generous promotion. According to its terms, all participants who placed bets on draws from No. 1916 to No. 1957 during the period from March 14 to April 3, 2016, automatically take part in the drawing of three stylish city cars. The first two cars have already found their owners on March 21 and 28, but you still have a chance to try your luck in the drawing on April 4!

Keep all tickets until the end of the promotion, and if you win, until you receive the prize. You can find detailed terms and conditions of the promotion on the website

You can become a participant in Gosloto 6 out of 45 at all lottery kiosks, post offices, Euroset stores, Svyaznoy stores, MegaFon sales offices and on the website

Click to enlarge

Lotteries “Gosloto “6 out of 45”, “Gosloto “5 out of 36”, “Gosloto “7 out of 49”, “Russian Lotto”, “Golden Horseshoe”, “Russian Lotto “6 out of 36”, “Housing Lottery”, “ Rapido", "Everything at a Hundred", "12/24", "Top-3" are held from 05/02/2012 to 12/31/2029. “Sportloto 6 out of 49”, “KENO-Sportloto” and instant lotteries “Sportloto” are held from 09/14/2009 to 12/31/2029. Information about the lottery organizer, the rules of the lottery, the number of prizes or winnings based on its results, the timing, place and procedure for receiving winnings can be found on the website or by calling 8-499-270-27-27 and *777 .