Mystical coincidences. Lincoln and Kennedy

The fatal coincidences between Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy were first noticed and published in the press in 1964, a year after the latter's mysterious assassination.

The list of coincidences compiled by the writer and mathematician Gardner included 16 points, but in various publications there are longer lists that are updated to this day.

In Gardner's original list, matches 9, 10, and 13 were listed incorrectly. In the 1991 edition, Gardner amended the list, adding his own notes to misleading statements.

1. Lincoln was elected president in 1860. Exactly one hundred years later, in 1960, Kennedy was elected president.
2. Both were deeply concerned about the rights of African Americans.
3. Both were killed on Friday in the presence of their wives.
4. Both spouses lost a child while living in the White House.
5. Both were killed by a bullet entering the head from behind.

6. Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater. Kennedy met his death while riding in a Lincoln convertible manufactured by the Ford Motor Company.
7. Both were succeeded by vice presidents named Johnson, who were southerners, Democrats and former senators.
8. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, exactly one hundred years later.
9. Lincoln's personal secretary's first name was "John", Kennedy's personal secretary had the last name Lincoln.
(Pirated copies of the Dr. Matrix letter often change this coincidence to incorrectly state that Lincoln's private secretary's last name was Kennedy. His real name was John Nicolay.)
10. John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939, one hundred years later.
(I subsequently learned that there is some controversy over the year of Booth's birth. More recent research puts it at 1838, which appears to be correct.)
11. Both killers were Southerners with extremist views.
12. Both killers were killed before trial.
13. Booth killed Lincoln in the theater and hid in the barn.
(In some copies of Dr. Matrix letter uses "warehouse" instead of "barn" and suggests that Oswald shot Kennedy from the book depository and hid in the movie theater.)
14. LINCOLN and KENNEDY - seven letters each.
15. ANDREW JOHNSON and LYNDON JOHNSON - thirteen letters each.
16. JOHN WILKES BOOTH and LEE HARVEY OSWALD - fifteen letters each.

There are currently over 200 credible matches found between Lincoln and Kennedy, as well as their vice presidents, assassins, and - what's more - killers of assassins. So, both Jack Ruby and Boston Corbett changed their names, were prone to sadism, had relationships with prostitutes, etc.

p.s. By the way, Napoleon and Hitler are also connected by a number of common coincidences, albeit with a difference of 129 years

mysterious coincidences always make us think that we live in a world where nothing happens by chance...

Even outspoken skeptics sometimes admit that everything in this world is predetermined, because there are cases when simply amazing coincidences occur. Thus, the life paths of the two most famous presidents in US history - Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy - are almost identical. Other state leaders, of course, do not go unnoticed, but it is these two persons who are most popular as individuals, politicians and victims of similar crimes.

Matching dates

The biography of Abraham Lincoln began on a farm in It would seem that the sixteenth president of the United States has nothing in common with John Kennedy, who came from an American-Irish dynasty, many of whose representatives were quite famous political and public figures. But if you compare the facts, it turns out that there is a fatal connection between Lincoln and Kennedy.

Lincoln, whose personality was associated among ordinary Americans with honesty and hard work, a man of the people, became president in 1860. Thanks to the split in the Democratic Party, he managed to take the most important post in the state. Interestingly, it was a landslide victory, even though his name was not on the ballot in nine southern states at all.

He sat down as president exactly one hundred years later - in 1960. Kennedy adopted the concept of “New Frontiers” as his course, and during the debates he showed himself to be an energetic and eloquent person, which is what the Americans remembered then. But the thirty-fifth president of the United States won by a small margin.


Before this, both Lincoln and Kennedy (coincidence again) were senators. Exactly a century between the election to the House of Representatives - this happened in 1847 and 1947, respectively.

Lincoln's main political rival was born in 1813. Stephen Douglas, a member of the Democratic Party, also participated in the election, which was won by a Republican. Kennedy's rival in the 1960 election was Richard Nixon, who was born in 1913. They often look for coincidences in the dates of birth of the presidents themselves, but there is no mysticism here: Kennedy’s year of birth is 1917, Lincoln’s was 1809.

In addition, immediately after the start of the presidential term, war was imposed on both heads of state from the outside. In the case of Lincoln, it was a civil war that lasted from 1861 to 1865, and under John Kennedy, fighting began in Vietnam. In fact, the war in Vietnam began much earlier, but the American military was deployed there in 1961.

Another interesting fact is that under Kennedy, the post of Secretary of Defense was held by Robert McNamara, and Lincoln’s first document after the inauguration was an address regarding the election of his friend John McNamara to the New Jersey Legislature.

Slavery and African Americans

Both presidents were concerned about the rights of African Americans, although this issue occupied Americans for a very long time and has not subsided to this day. One of Abraham Lincoln's main goals was the abolition of slavery. He came to believe that the United States could be either completely slave-owning or completely free. The President chose the second path. John Kennedy sent a bill to Congress that would prohibit racial discrimination in trade, services, and employment.


You can often find this coincidence: Lincoln and Kennedy hired secretaries with the last names Kennedy and Lincoln, respectively. This is a false statement, although there is still some truth. The woman who was John Kennedy's secretary was indeed named Lincoln, but Abraham Lincoln's secretary was named John Nicolay. Here the only coincidence is in the name, and even that is controversial.

Monroe's Question

It is known that John Kennedy had a secret relationship with the American actress and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, to which his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, had to turn a blind eye to preserve her own dignity and the honor of her husband. Lincoln, shortly before his death, visited a town called Monroe in Maryland. True, this is again a controversial fact. There is no city with that name in Maryland, and Kennedy's affair has not yet been confirmed, it is just a rumor.

Presidential families

Both Kennedy and Lincoln were the second children in the family. Kennedy's older brother died during the war, and Lincoln had a sister, Sarah, who took care of him after the death of his mother and until his father's next marriage. Another coincidence is that Lincoln and Kennedy were named after their grandfathers. The sixteenth political leader of the United States was named after his paternal grandfather, who was killed by Indians, and the thirty-fifth was named after his mother’s father, a famous politician, who even then said that the boy would become president.

And before marrying their spouses, they were already engaged to other men. The groom of the future wife of the sixteenth president was Stephen Douglas, his political opponent. And Jacqueline Kennedy was engaged to broker J. Husted. The first ladies came from aristocratic families, could speak French fluently, and were quite wasteful. Both girls got married at the age of 24.

The sons of John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln were named Robert and Edward. Lincoln's daughter-in-law was named Mary Eunice, Kennedy's sister was Eunice Mary. The presidents had four children, but two of them died. Four-year-old Edward Lincoln died in 1850, and Kennedy's newborn daughter died in 1956. The second child died during the presidency. passed away at the age of 11, and in 1862, and in 1962, Kennedy's newly born son died. The two remaining children of the presidents survived their fathers.

There are other similarities in the life paths of the presidents’ close people. Thus, Robert Todd Lincoln was the American ambassador to Great Britain. Kennedy's father, Joseph Patrick, held the same position.


Both Kennedy and Lincoln loved to sit in rocking chairs. The chair under both presidents was located in an office in the White House. Lincoln died while in a rocking chair, and Kennedy died in a car, that is, both were in motion. Presidents loved Shakespeare and knew how to tell jokes. Kennedy's friend and closest ally was Adlai Ewing Stevenson, a Democratic politician from Illinois, and Lincoln's grandfather, who had the same name.

Health status

Lincoln had a congenital genetic disorder. He suffered from Marfan syndrome, and according to another version, endocrine neoplasia. People suffering from Marfan syndrome often have elongated limbs and long fingers, pathologies of vision and heart and blood vessels. John Kennedy had Addison's disease, a rare disorder that causes the adrenal glands to be unable to produce enough cortisol.

Circumstances of death

Are there any similarities in the circumstances of Kennedy's and Lincoln's deaths? Both politicians were assassinated the day before the holiday, only John Kennedy - shortly before Thanksgiving, and Abraham Lincoln - before Easter, on Good Friday. On the day of the assassination, the presidential couple was accompanied by other married couples. Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln visited the theater with officer G. Rathbone and his bride, and the Kennedys rode in a Lincoln car with the governor of Texas and his wife. By the way, the accompanying men were wounded, but not fatally.

Both heads of state did not die immediately after the assassination attempt, but after a while. Kennedy and Lincoln died in places whose names began with R and N. Lincoln died at the Peresons House Hotel, and Kennedy died at Parkland Hospital.

The killers

The assassination of US President Kennedy occurred on November 22, 1963 in Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald has been detained on suspicion of murder. He was shot to death two days before his trial by a Dallas resident, who also later died in prison. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April fourteenth, 1865, at Ford's Theater. John Booth, the president's assassin, was involved in an anti-government conspiracy. On Good Friday, he entered the presidential box at the theater and shot the president in the head.

The presidential killers had the same height - 172 cm. Both of them came from dysfunctional families and lost their fathers in childhood. The killers were killed before the trial. The criminals were arrested by police officer Baker. True, here in the case of Bout we are talking about the first arrest (after which he disappeared).

Johnson and Johnson

The vice-presidents under both heads of state were politicians named Johnson. One was named Andrew and the other was Lyndon. But Johnson is the second most common surname in the United States after the Smiths. E. Johnson managed to sit in the vice-presidential chair under Lincoln for less than a year, and Hannibal Hamlin held the position for most of the term. By the way, both Johnsons were born a century apart and suffered from urolithiasis (but no other vice president in American history suffered from this disease). There were certain external similarities between them, for example, a snub nose and sleek locks.

Other facts

There are other similarities in the biographies of Lincoln and Kennedy. For example, Lincoln's candidacy for the post of sixteenth president of America was supported by a minister named John Kennedy. According to the Chinese calendar, both presidents are Snakes. John Kennedy's funeral was organized in the same way as Abraham Lincoln's. This was the wish of his widow Jacqueline Kennedy.

Gardner's list

The list of matches was first published by M. Gardner in one of the issues of a popular science magazine, as well as in his book. The American writer and amateur mathematician has debunked many myths about these two events. He presented a list of sixteen points to the general public, but there are longer lists that are supplemented by facts to this day.


Of course, there are real coincidences in the biographies (of Lincoln and Kennedy), but many sources contain facts that are not true in reality. Thus, it is widely believed that the assassins of presidents were born a century apart. In fact, John Booth was born in 1838, not 1839.

The killers were Southerners - this is mentioned in Gardner's list. But Oswald, born in New Orleans, spent most of his life in the North, and Booth was born in Maryland, which did not join the Confederacy. And if Lincoln’s assassination occurred when the country was divided into two parts, then Kennedy was not killed for political reasons (Lee Harvey Oswald himself claimed this).

Are these really mystical coincidences? Perhaps these are just attempts to find similarities in the life stories of the two most popular American presidents who enjoyed popular love.

Kennedy met his death while driving a Lincoln convertible manufactured by the Ford Motor Company.

  • Both were succeeded by vice presidents named Johnson, who were Southerners, Democrats, and former senators.
  • Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, exactly one hundred years later.
  • Lincoln's personal secretary's first name was "John", Kennedy's personal secretary had the last name Lincoln. [In pirated copies of Dr. Matrix letter this match is often changed to incorrectly state that the last name of Lincoln's private secretary was Kennedy. In fact, his name was John Nicolay - M.G.].
  • John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939, one hundred years later. [I subsequently learned that there is a dispute over Booth's birth year. More recent research points to 1838, which appears to be correct. The year 1839 is given, however, in such generally accepted sources as Chambers' Dictionary of Biography (1962 reprint) and Funk and Wagnall's New General Dictionary of the English Language () - M. G.]
  • Both killers were southerners with extremist views.
  • Both killers were killed before trial.
  • Booth killed Lincoln in the theater and hid in the barn [In some copies of Dr. Matrix letter instead of “barn” there is “warehouse” - M. G. ]. It is believed that Oswald shot Kennedy from the book depository and hid in the movie theater.
  • LINCOLN and KENNEDY - seven letters each.
  • ANDREW JOHNSON and LYNDON JOHNSON - thirteen letters each.
  • JOHN WILKES BOOTH and LEE HARVEY OSWALD - fifteen letters each.
  • Other matches



    • Both presidents were the second children in the family. Lincoln had an older sister, Sarah, and Kennedy had an older brother, Joseph Patrick, who died during World War II.
    • Both were named after their grandfathers. Lincoln is in honor of his paternal grandfather, Captain Abraham Lincoln, who was killed by Indians, and Kennedy is in honor of his mother's father, the famous politician John Francis Fitzgerald.
    • Both had congenital genetic diseases. Thus, Lincoln suffered from congenital Marfan syndrome (according to another version, multiple endocrine neoplasia), and Kennedy suffered from Addison's disease.
    • Both presidents loved to sit in a rocking chair. Under both Lincoln and Kennedy, the rocking chair was located in the presidential office in the White House. Additionally, Lincoln was killed while in a rocking chair. that is, both presidents were killed while sitting, in chairs, and actually in motion.
    • Both presidents were fond of poetry, in particular the works of Shakespeare, and loved to tell jokes.
    • Lincoln's friend and associate was Adlai Ewing Stevenson, a Democrat from Illinois. Kennedy's friend and ally was also Adlai Ewing Stevenson, a Democrat from Illinois, the grandson of the previous one.


    • Jacqueline Kennedy and Mary Todd Lincoln were already engaged to other people before marrying their spouses. It is noteworthy that the groom of Lincoln's future wife was Stephen Douglas, who would later lose to Lincoln in the presidential election. Jacqueline Kennedy, in turn, was engaged to broker Jon Husted.
    • Both first ladies came from aristocratic families, spoke fluent French, and were wasteful.
    • The spouses of both presidents got married at the age of 24.
    • Lincoln had sons Robert and Edward. Kennedy had brothers Robert and Edward.
    • Lincoln's daughter-in-law was named Mary Eunice. Kennedy's sister's name was Eunice Mary.
    • Both presidents had four children.
    • Each president had two of his four children die, one before his presidency (four-year-old Edward Lincoln died in 1850, and Kennedy’s daughter died at birth in 1956), and one more during his term (William Lincoln left life in 1862 at the age of 11, and in 1963 Kennedy's newborn son died again). Each president's two remaining children survived their father.
    • Lincoln's son, Robert Todd, was US Ambassador to Great Britain in -1893; Kennedy's father, Joseph Patrick, held the same position in the 1940s.


    The killers

    Circumstances of death

    Vice Presidents

    • Both Johnsons suffered from kidney stones, being the only presidents in US history to have the disease.
    • Both Johnsons were rude, intemperate, and given to drinking; had a snub nose and slicked hair.
    • The Johnsons were born exactly 100 years apart - in 1808 and 1908, respectively.


    Bad matches

    In addition to real coincidences confirmed by authoritative sources, the lists often contain facts that do not correspond to reality or can only be called coincidences with significant stretches. So, one of the most popular is the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was born allegedly 100 years after Booth, that is, in 1939. However, John Wilkes Booth was not actually born in 1839, but in 1838.

    There is also a hypothesis that Booth, unlike Oswald, cannot be considered a southerner. He was born in Maryland, which, despite maintaining slavery, did not become part of the Confederacy. Oswald, who was born in New Orleans, on the contrary, spent his entire adult life in the northern United States. In addition, if Lincoln was killed at the height of the American Civil War, when the country was divided into South and North, then in 1963 the origin did not matter much, and Oswald, when shooting Kennedy, was not guided by political motives, calling himself a “killer -alone."

    Most hit lists still include the dubious claim that Lincoln had a personal secretary named Kennedy. It is known for certain that John G. Nicolay and John Hay were the president's secretaries in the White House, but no reliable information about Kennedy's secretary has so far been found. At the same time, President Kennedy did have a secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, but the fact that she tried to dissuade Kennedy from going to Dallas was never confirmed by her. The same goes for John Hay, Lincoln's last secretary.

    The statement that Booth shot Lincoln in the theater and was detained in the warehouse, and Oswald, on the contrary, is extremely superficial. Firstly, Booth fired the shot while inside the theater, and Oswald shot outside from the window of the building. Secondly, Oswald’s capture took place in a movie theater, while Lincoln was killed in a dramatic theater, and the warehouse where Booth was hiding from the police was a barn, given that the building from which Kennedy’s assassin fired served as a book depository. Finally, if Oswald fell into the hands of the police immediately on the day of the murder, then Booth, having also been caught on the spot, was able to escape and was on the run for twelve days and only then was he detained in the barn.

    According to another popular "coincidence", Lincoln visited Monroe, Maryland shortly before his death, and Kennedy was in a relationship with actress Marilyn Monroe shortly before his death. Both parts of the statement are dubious because the town of Monroe in Maryland does not exist (at least for now), and the romance between Kennedy and Monroe is itself semi-legendary. In addition, Monroe passed away in August 1962 - a year and several months before Kennedy's death, and such a period of time can hardly be called recent.

    Features of matches

    According to the authors of the popular website, who are involved in debunking urban legends, most of the coincidences are explained quite simply. In particular, the site provides the following explanations for some of the coincidences:

    Currently, there are over 200 positive matches found between Lincoln and Kennedy, as well as their vice presidents, assassins and - what's more - killers of killers. So, both Jack Ruby and Boston Corbett changed their names, were prone to sadism, had relationships with prostitutes, etc., but all the similarities between them are insignificant and, as the creators of believe, are easily explained and trivial.

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    1. //TIME: log. - 08-21-1964.(English)
    2. The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix By Martin Gardner. 1985. Prometheus Books. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-43183, ISBN 0-87975-281-5 (cloth), 0-87975-282-3 (paper) (This was previously titled The Numerology of Dr. Matrix. It contains all of The Incredible Dr. Matrix plus four more chapters.)
    3. Barbara and David P. Mikkelson.(English) . (09-28-2007). .
    4. . (February 28, 2011). .
    5. // Details.UA: news project. - December 3, 2007.
    6. G. Grun// Around the World: magazine. - February 1998.
    7. Mussky I. A. The assassination of President Lincoln // 100 great conspiracies and coups. - M.: Veche, 2009. - P. 252-257. - 480 s. - ISBN 978-5-9533-3854-7.
    8. Mussky I. A. The assassination of John Kennedy // 100 great conspiracies and coups. - M.: Veche, 2009. - P. 399-404. - 480 s. - ISBN 978-5-9533-3854-7.
    9. . Publish e! (02-20-2006). .
    10. Igor Tufeld// Ogonyok: magazine. - 2008.
    11. Mikhail Dmitriev// Competitor: newspaper. - 02-22-2008.
    12. (English) . Spartacus Educational. .
    13. Kimberly Powell.(English) . (2003). .


    • David Herbert Donald. Lincoln. - New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. - 714 p. - ISBN 0-684-80846-3.(English)
    • Gerald Posner. Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of JFK. - New York: Random House, 1993. - 607 p. - ISBN 0-679-41825-3.(English)
    • Dale L. Walker. Legends and Lies: Great Mysteries of the American West. - New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 1997. - 320 p. - ISBN 0-312-86848-0.(English)
    • Nikolai Nepomnyashchy.. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2006. - 714 p. - ISBN 5-94848-234-0.

    see also

    An excerpt characterizing the Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences

    - Where are you going? - he said suddenly, turning to Prince Andrei, who stood up and headed to his room.
    - I'm going.
    - Where?
    - To Army.
    - Yes, you wanted to stay two more days?
    - And now I’m going now.
    And Prince Andrei, having given the order to leave, went to his room.
    “You know what, my dear,” said Bilibin, entering his room. - I thought about you. Why are you going?
    And to prove the irrefutability of this argument, all the folds disappeared from the face.
    Prince Andrei looked questioningly at his interlocutor and did not answer.
    - Why are you going? I know you think it is your duty to jump into the army now that the army is in danger. I understand that, mon cher, c"est de l"heroisme. [my dear, this is heroism.]
    “Not at all,” said Prince Andrei.
    - But you are un philoSophiee, [a philosopher,] be one completely, look at things from the other side, and you will see that your duty, on the contrary, is to take care of yourself. Leave it to others who are no longer fit for anything... You were not ordered to come back, and you were not released from here; therefore, you can stay and go with us, wherever our unfortunate fate takes us. They say they are going to Olmutz. And Olmutz is a very nice city. And you and I will ride together calmly in my stroller.
    “Stop joking, Bilibin,” said Bolkonsky.
    – I tell you sincerely and in a friendly manner. Judge. Where and why will you go now that you can stay here? One of two things awaits you (he gathered the skin above his left temple): either you don’t reach the army and peace will be concluded, or defeat and disgrace with the entire Kutuzov army.
    And Bilibin loosened his skin, feeling that his dilemma was irrefutable.
    “I can’t judge this,” Prince Andrei said coldly, but he thought: “I’m going in order to save the army.”
    “Mon cher, vous etes un heros, [My dear, you are a hero,” said Bilibin.

    That same night, having bowed to the Minister of War, Bolkonsky went to the army, not knowing where he would find it, and fearing on the way to Krems to be intercepted by the French.
    In Brünn, the entire court population packed up, and the burdens were already sent to Olmütz. Near Etzelsdorf, Prince Andrei drove out onto the road along which the Russian army was moving with the greatest haste and in the greatest disorder. The road was so crowded with carts that it was impossible to travel in a carriage. Having taken a horse and a Cossack from the Cossack commander, Prince Andrei, hungry and tired, overtaking the carts, rode to find the commander-in-chief and his cart. The most ominous rumors about the position of the army reached him on the way, and the sight of the army randomly running confirmed these rumors.
    “Cette armee russe que l"or de l"Angleterre a transportee, des extremites de l"univers, nous allons lui faire eprouver le meme sort (le sort de l"armee d"Ulm)", ["This Russian army, which English gold was brought here from the end of the world, will experience the same fate (the fate of the Ulm army).”] he recalled the words of Bonaparte’s order to his army before the start of the campaign, and these words equally aroused in him surprise at the brilliant hero, a feeling of offended pride and hope of glory. "What if there is nothing left but to die? he thought. Well, if necessary! I will do it no worse than others."
    Prince Andrei looked with contempt at these endless, interfering teams, carts, parks, artillery and again carts, carts and carts of all possible types, overtaking one another and jamming the dirt road in three or four rows. From all sides, behind and in front, as long as one could hear one could hear the sounds of wheels, the rumble of bodies, carts and carriages, the clatter of horses, blows of a whip, shouts of urging, curses of soldiers, orderlies and officers. Along the edges of the road one could constantly see either fallen, skinned and unkempt horses, or broken carts, in which lonely soldiers were sitting, waiting for something, or soldiers separated from their teams, who were heading in crowds to neighboring villages or dragging chickens, sheep, hay or hay from the villages. bags filled with something.
    On the descents and ascents the crowds became thicker, and there was a continuous groan of shouts. The soldiers, sinking knee-deep in mud, picked up guns and wagons in their hands; whips beat, hooves slid, lines burst and chests burst with screams. The officers in charge of the movement drove forward and backward between the convoys. Their voices were faintly audible amid the general roar, and it was clear from their faces that they despaired of being able to stop this disorder. “Voila le cher [“Here is the dear] Orthodox army,” thought Bolkonsky, remembering the words of Bilibin.
    Wanting to ask one of these people where the commander-in-chief was, he drove up to the convoy. Directly opposite him was riding a strange, one-horse carriage, apparently constructed at home by soldiers, representing a middle ground between a cart, a convertible and a carriage. The carriage was driven by a soldier and sat under a leather top behind an apron, a woman, all tied with scarves. Prince Andrei arrived and had already addressed the soldier with a question when his attention was drawn to the desperate cries of a woman sitting in a tent. The officer in charge of the convoy beat the soldier, who was sitting as a coachman in this carriage, because he wanted to go around others, and the whip hit the apron of the carriage. The woman screamed shrilly. Seeing Prince Andrei, she leaned out from under her apron and, waving her thin arms that had jumped out from under the carpet scarf, shouted:
    - Adjutant! Mr. Adjutant!... For God's sake... protect... What will this happen?... I am the doctor's wife of the 7th Jaeger... they won't let me in; we fell behind, lost our own...
    - I’ll break you into a cake, wrap it up! - the embittered officer shouted at the soldier, - turn back with your whore.
    - Mr. Adjutant, protect me. What is this? – the doctor shouted.
    - Please let this cart pass. Can't you see that this is a woman? - said Prince Andrei, driving up to the officer.
    The officer looked at him and, without answering, turned back to the soldier: “I’ll go around them... Back!...
    “Let me through, I’m telling you,” Prince Andrei repeated again, pursing his lips.
    - And who are you? - the officer suddenly turned to him with drunken fury. - Who are you? Are you (he especially emphasized you) the boss, or what? I'm the boss here, not you. “You go back,” he repeated, “I’ll smash you into a piece of cake.”
    The officer apparently liked this expression.
    “He shaved the adjutant seriously,” a voice was heard from behind.
    Prince Andrei saw that the officer was in that drunken fit of causeless rage in which people do not remember what they say. He saw that his intercession for the doctor’s wife in the wagon was filled with what he feared most in the world, what is called ridicule [ridiculous], but his instinct said something else. Before the officer had time to finish his last words, Prince Andrei, his face disfigured from rage, rode up to him and raised his whip:
    - Please let me in!
    The officer waved his hand and hurriedly drove away.
    “It’s all from them, from the staff, it’s all a mess,” he grumbled. - Do as you please.
    Prince Andrei hastily, without raising his eyes, rode away from the doctor's wife, who called him a savior, and, recalling with disgust the smallest details of this humiliating scene, galloped further to the village where, as he was told, the commander-in-chief was located.
    Having entered the village, he got off his horse and went to the first house with the intention of resting at least for a minute, eating something and bringing into clarity all these offensive thoughts that tormented him. “This is a crowd of scoundrels, not an army,” he thought, approaching the window of the first house, when a familiar voice called him by name.
    He looked back. Nesvitsky’s handsome face poked out from a small window. Nesvitsky, chewing something with his juicy mouth and waving his arms, called him to him.
    - Bolkonsky, Bolkonsky! Don't you hear, or what? “Go quickly,” he shouted.
    Entering the house, Prince Andrei saw Nesvitsky and another adjutant eating something. They hastily turned to Bolkonsky asking if he knew anything new. On their faces, so familiar to him, Prince Andrei read an expression of anxiety and concern. This expression was especially noticeable on Nesvitsky’s always laughing face.
    -Where is the commander-in-chief? – asked Bolkonsky.
    “Here, in that house,” answered the adjutant.
    - Well, is it true that there is peace and surrender? – asked Nesvitsky.
    - I'm asking you. I don’t know anything except that I got to you by force.
    - What about us, brother? Horror! “I’m sorry, brother, they laughed at Mak, but it’s even worse for us,” Nesvitsky said. - Well, sit down and eat something.
    “Now, prince, you won’t find any carts or anything, and your Peter, God knows where,” said another adjutant.
    -Where is the main apartment?
    – We’ll spend the night in Tsnaim.
    “And I loaded everything I needed onto two horses,” said Nesvitsky, “and they made me excellent packs.” At least escape through the Bohemian mountains. It's bad, brother. Are you really unwell, why are you shuddering like that? - Nesvitsky asked, noticing how Prince Andrei twitched, as if from touching a Leyden jar.
    “Nothing,” answered Prince Andrei.
    At that moment he remembered his recent clash with the doctor’s wife and the Furshtat officer.
    -What is the commander-in-chief doing here? - he asked.
    “I don’t understand anything,” said Nesvitsky.
    “All I understand is that everything is disgusting, disgusting and disgusting,” said Prince Andrei and went to the house where the commander-in-chief stood.
    Passing by Kutuzov's carriage, the tortured horses of the retinue and the Cossacks speaking loudly among themselves, Prince Andrei entered the entryway. Kutuzov himself, as Prince Andrei was told, was in the hut with Prince Bagration and Weyrother. Weyrother was an Austrian general who replaced the murdered Schmit. In the entryway little Kozlovsky was squatting in front of the clerk. The clerk on an inverted tub, turning up the cuffs of his uniform, hastily wrote. Kozlovsky’s face was exhausted - he, apparently, had not slept at night either. He looked at Prince Andrei and did not even nod his head to him.
    – Second line... Wrote it? - he continued, dictating to the clerk, - Kiev Grenadier, Podolsk...
    “You won’t have time, your honor,” the clerk answered disrespectfully and angrily, looking back at Kozlovsky.
    At that time, Kutuzov’s animatedly dissatisfied voice was heard from behind the door, interrupted by another, unfamiliar voice. By the sound of these voices, by the inattention with which Kozlovsky looked at him, by the irreverence of the exhausted clerk, by the fact that the clerk and Kozlovsky were sitting so close to the commander-in-chief on the floor near the tub, and by the fact that the Cossacks holding the horses laughed loudly under window of the house - from all this, Prince Andrei felt that something important and unfortunate was about to happen.
    Prince Andrei urgently turned to Kozlovsky with questions.
    “Now, prince,” said Kozlovsky. – Disposition to Bagration.
    -What about capitulation?
    - There is none; orders for battle have been made.
    Prince Andrei headed towards the door from behind which voices were heard. But just as he wanted to open the door, the voices in the room fell silent, the door opened of its own accord, and Kutuzov, with his aquiline nose on his plump face, appeared on the threshold.
    Prince Andrei stood directly opposite Kutuzov; but from the expression of the commander-in-chief’s only seeing eye it was clear that thought and concern occupied him so much that it seemed to obscure his vision. He looked directly at the face of his adjutant and did not recognize him.
    - Well, have you finished? – he turned to Kozlovsky.
    - Right this second, Your Excellency.
    Bagration, a short man with an oriental type of firm and motionless face, a dry, not yet old man, followed the commander-in-chief.
    “I have the honor to appear,” Prince Andrei repeated quite loudly, handing over the envelope.
    - Oh, from Vienna? Fine. After, after!
    Kutuzov went out with Bagration onto the porch.
    “Well, prince, goodbye,” he said to Bagration. - Christ is with you. I bless you for this great feat.
    Kutuzov's face suddenly softened, and tears appeared in his eyes. He pulled Bagration to him with his left hand, and with his right hand, on which there was a ring, apparently crossed him with a familiar gesture and offered him a plump cheek, instead of which Bagration kissed him on the neck.
    - Christ is with you! – Kutuzov repeated and walked up to the carriage. “Sit down with me,” he said to Bolkonsky.
    – Your Excellency, I would like to be useful here. Let me stay in the detachment of Prince Bagration.
    “Sit down,” said Kutuzov and, noticing that Bolkonsky was hesitating, “I need good officers myself, I need them myself.”
    They got into the carriage and drove in silence for several minutes.
    “There is still a lot ahead, there will be a lot of things,” he said with an senile expression of insight, as if he understood everything that was happening in Bolkonsky’s soul. “If one tenth of his detachment comes tomorrow, I will thank God,” added Kutuzov, as if speaking to himself.
    Prince Andrei looked at Kutuzov, and he involuntarily caught his eye, half an arshin away from him, the cleanly washed assemblies of the scar on Kutuzov’s temple, where the Izmail bullet pierced his head, and his leaking eye. “Yes, he has the right to talk so calmly about the death of these people!” thought Bolkonsky.
    “That’s why I ask you to send me to this detachment,” he said.
    Kutuzov did not answer. He seemed to have already forgotten what he had said and sat thoughtful. Five minutes later, smoothly rocking on the soft springs of the stroller, Kutuzov turned to Prince Andrei. There was no trace of excitement on his face. With subtle mockery, he asked Prince Andrei about the details of his meeting with the emperor, about the reviews he had heard at court about the Kremlin affair, and about some common women he knew.

    Kutuzov, through his spy, received news on November 1 that put the army he commanded in an almost hopeless situation. The scout reported that the French in huge numbers, having crossed the Vienna bridge, headed towards Kutuzov’s route of communication with the troops coming from Russia. If Kutuzov had decided to stay in Krems, then Napoleon’s army of one and a half thousand would have cut him off from all communications, surrounded his exhausted army of forty thousand, and he would have been in Mack’s position near Ulm. If Kutuzov had decided to leave the road that led to communications with troops from Russia, then he would have had to enter without a road into the unknown lands of the Bohemian
    mountains, defending themselves from superior enemy forces, and abandoning all hope of communication with Buxhoeveden. If Kutuzov had decided to retreat along the road from Krems to Olmutz to join forces with troops from Russia, then he risked being warned on this road by the French who had crossed the bridge in Vienna, and thus being forced to accept battle on the march, with all the burdens and convoys, and dealing with an enemy three times his size and surrounding him on both sides.
    Kutuzov chose this last exit.
    The French, as the spy reported, having crossed the bridge in Vienna, were marching in an intensified march towards Znaim, which lay on Kutuzov’s retreat route, more than a hundred miles ahead of him. To reach Znaim before the French meant to have great hope of saving the army; to allow the French to warn themselves in Znaim would probably mean exposing the entire army to a disgrace similar to that of Ulm, or to general destruction. But it was impossible to warn the French with their entire army. The French road from Vienna to Znaim was shorter and better than the Russian road from Krems to Znaim.
    On the night of receiving the news, Kutuzov sent Bagration’s four-thousand-strong vanguard to the right over the mountains from the Kremlin-Znaim road to the Vienna-Znaim road. Bagration had to go through this transition without rest, stop facing Vienna and back to Znaim, and if he managed to warn the French, he had to delay them as long as he could. Kutuzov himself, with all his hardships, set out for Znaim.
    Having walked with hungry, shoeless soldiers, without a road, through the mountains, on a stormy night forty-five miles, having lost a third of the stragglers, Bagration went to Gollabrun on the Vienna Znaim road several hours before the French approached Gollabrun from Vienna. Kutuzov had to walk another whole day with his convoys to reach Znaim, and therefore, in order to save the army, Bagration, with four thousand hungry, exhausted soldiers, had to hold off for a day the entire enemy army that met him in Gollabrun, which was obvious , impossible. But a strange fate made the impossible possible. The success of that deception, which gave the Vienna bridge into the hands of the French without a fight, prompted Murat to try to deceive Kutuzov in the same way. Murat, having met Bagration’s weak detachment on the Tsnaim road, thought that it was the entire army of Kutuzov. In order to undoubtedly crush this army, he waited for the troops that had fallen behind on the road from Vienna and for this purpose proposed a truce for three days, with the condition that both troops would not change their positions and would not move. Murat insisted that negotiations for peace were already underway and that, therefore, avoiding useless shedding of blood, he was offering a truce. The Austrian general Count Nostitz, who was stationed at the outposts, believed the words of the envoy Murat and retreated, revealing Bagration's detachment. Another envoy went to the Russian chain to announce the same news about peace negotiations and offer a truce to the Russian troops for three days. Bagration replied that he could not accept or not accept a truce, and with a report of the proposal made to him, he sent his adjutant to Kutuzov.
    The truce for Kutuzov was the only way to gain time, give Bagration’s exhausted detachment a rest and allow convoys and loads to pass through (the movement of which was hidden from the French), although there was one extra march to Znaim. The offer of a truce provided the only and unexpected opportunity to save the army. Having received this news, Kutuzov immediately sent Adjutant General Wintzingerode, who was with him, to the enemy camp. Wintzingerode had to not only accept the truce, but also offer terms of surrender, and meanwhile Kutuzov sent his adjutants back to hurry as much as possible the movement of the convoys of the entire army along the Kremlin-Znaim road. The exhausted, hungry detachment of Bagration alone had to, covering this movement of the convoys and the entire army, remain motionless in front of an enemy eight times stronger.

    People change presidents like gloves. But presidents... don't change

    You said that a person can come to Earth several times as long as he is connected with the fulfillment of a specific task. You also said that sometimes groups of people come for the same purpose. Could you illustrate this with an example?

    I can, yes I definitely can. Somehow I came across a newspaper clipping that contained materials from the Excalibur magazine, published several years ago in South Africa. These were only brief comments, but it appears that the magazine published remarkable parallels between the life and death of United States President Lincoln and United States President Kennedy. They answer many questions so accurately that I want to reproduce them on these pages in as much detail as possible. To make it easier for you to refer to them or discuss them with your friends, I decided to number them.

    1. President Lincoln was elected to this position in 1860, which, of course, is easy to verify by referring to historical sources. So Lincoln became president in 1860, and this is the first of the coincidences - Kennedy became president in 1960, exactly one hundred years after Lincoln.
    2. You might be shocked to learn that President Lincoln was assassinated on a Friday - and President Kennedy was assassinated on a Friday.
    3. Perhaps you have read that President Lincoln was in the theater enjoying a play in the presence of his wife, and he was assassinated in the presence of his wife. President Kennedy, while visiting Dallas, Texas, was riding in a car with his wife. He also enjoyed the spectacle, that is, the spectacle of the crowd cheering him, and so on.
    4. President Lincoln was shot in the back while sitting in a theater box. President Kennedy was shot in the back while sitting in his car.
    5. President Lincoln's successor was a man named Johnson. Johnson became president after Lincoln. Following the assassination of President Kennedy in Texas, Vice President Johnson took the oath of office as President of the United States aboard the plane that carried the body of the previous President and the living new President back to the capital.
    6. But the list of coincidences does not end there. Johnson, who succeeded President Lincoln, was a Democrat from the US South, and Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded President Kennedy, was also a Democrat from the South, from Texas.

    Quite a good list of “coincidences”, isn’t it? Although in order to show that this is more than just a chain of "coincidences", it must be shown that there must be some "God's Design" in which the entity that was President Lincoln apparently returned in the guise of Kennedy to finish your task.

    1. Both Johnsons served as members of the Senate before becoming president.
    2. Lincoln's successor was Andrew Johnson. Now look: Andrew Johnson was born in 1808, and Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
    3. The man who killed Lincoln was a rather strange person and, according to reports that have already become history, he was dissatisfied with everything in the world, and this Lincoln assassin was John Wilkes Boose, born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who is believed to have assassinated President Kennedy, also turned out to be a dissatisfied individual who got into trouble too often. He was born in 1939.
    4. To continue the list of "coincidences", let's say that Booce was killed before he appeared before the investigation, the same happened with Oswald: Oswald was shot while he was being taken away by the police, before he appeared before the investigation.
    5. As is easy to see, these coincidences apply not only to presidents and their assassins, but also to the wives of presidents, since Mrs. Lincoln, the wife of President Lincoln, lost a child while in the White House, and the wife of President Kennedy, while in the White House, lost a child.
    6. President Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary very strongly advised President Lincoln not to go to the theater where he was later assassinated. President Kennedy also had a secretary named Lincoln, and Secretary Lincoln persistently advised President Kennedy not to go to Dallas!
    7. John Wilkes Boose shot the President in the back while he was watching a performance, after which the assassin, Boose, rushed into the warehouse to escape. Lee Harley Oswald shot Kennedy's tire from the warehouse and ran to hide in the theater.

    Re-read this carefully and you will see how strange it all is: one killer shoots in a theater and hides in a warehouse, another shoots from a warehouse and hides in a theater.

    1. The last name L-I-N-C-O-L-N has seven letters, and if you count the number of letters in the last name K-E-N-N-E-D-Y, you will see that it also consists of seven letters.
    2. If you count the number of letters in the name John Wilks Booth, you will find that there are fifteen, and it is easy to see that there are the same number in the name Lee Harvey Osvald.
    3. It is believed that Oswald killed Kennedy and that he had an accomplice. But there is no irrefutable evidence of this fact, just as no one can prove that Booce killed Lincoln, only circumstantial evidence testifies to this. Likewise, Oswald is said to have had accomplices, but it has not been conclusively proven that Oswald killed Kennedy, nor has it been proven that Oswald had accomplices. Let's look at this closely: the circumstantial evidence clearly points to Busch and Oswald, but again, how much of what we could calculate actually happened and how much is due to hasty, unfounded press conclusions and premature judgments? ? We don’t know this, and I draw attention to this because this is another coincidence in the fate of these two people.
    4. You may remember that a man named Ruby, who was a fanatic, killed Oswald, he shot him right in front of a television camera, he got behind the police, pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. But Boston Corbett was also a fanatic, he also believed that by killing John Wilkie Boos, he was doing the right thing. In both cases, the two kill a man suspected and accused of killing the President, and in both cases, it is argued that the second killers, i.e. Corbett and Ruby, do their act out of excessive loyalty to whoever was the President at the time. But in none of these cases the actual motives have been established.

    In one of my books I wrote about the Higher Self controlling a group of puppets. Think about it in light of the information given, when two presidents elected a hundred years apart are assassinated on Friday and... (see list of all matches). And do you really believe that these are just coincidences? But, as you know, such coincidences are impossible. I think that Lincoln did not complete his task and so he came back again to complete essentially the same job that he had not done before.

    The only way to return was to return in the person of the President of the United States, because that was the role he had been in before. You can understand it this way: sometimes the Higher Self holds a "dress rehearsal" with puppets, so that in the case of Lincoln, the corresponding play was performed in the theater and the president was assassinated. There was no evidence against the alleged killer, and the alleged killer was promptly killed by another man. This is all too unsatisfactory, the motives are unknown, there is no evidence against any of them. So perhaps the Higher Self, upset by such a waste of time and effort, repeated the same composition a hundred years later, because time in the astral world is different from ours. On the Other Side of Death, the astral body, sitting comfortably, scratched its metaphorical head, wondering what to do next. Then it fidgeted restlessly, scratched its head again... and flew by a hundred years in earthly time.

    You, of course, would like to know what is happening now, is the Higher Self satisfied with the second attempt or will there be a third? Personally, I am sure that we will see another President of the United States who will have to be isolated like crazy. There are now many old jokes about how all the presidents of the United States were crazy. Far be it from me to dissuade them, but these are very troubling times, and I am confident that we will soon see a President of the United States relieved of his duties due to insanity. I am also confident that we will see many of the most significant and influential members of the US government accused of communist activities - for providing aid and support to the enemy and for selling out their own country. This is going to happen, and those of you who are still young enough will definitely see it. There are some truly horrifying things about to happen to the United States, so keep your radios on in the coming years!

    The coincidences between the circumstances of the life and tragic death of two American presidents - Abraham Lincoln and John Fitzgerald Kennedy were first noticed and published in 1964. A year after the last one was killed. The list of these matches was called the Gardner list and included 16 items. Some of them turned out to be unreliable and were removed from this list, but over time, new facts came to light and the list of “mystical” coincidences from the lives of two American presidents was significantly expanded. Now it has about 200 points. Here are the main and most impressive of them. A little historical background.

    Abraham Lincoln.

    Abraham Lincoln- 16th President of the United States. Born February 12, 1809. National hero of the American people, liberator of America's slaves. Abraham Lincoln grew up in the family of a poor farmer. From an early age he was engaged in heavy physical labor. The financial situation of the future president's family was very difficult. As a child, Lincoln disliked fishing and hunting, as he had an aversion to killing animals.

    Due to the financial difficulties of the family where he was raised, Lincoln attended school for only about a year, but even this time was enough for him to learn to read and write and love reading books. Upon reaching adulthood, he began an independent life and was engaged in self-education. As a result, I passed the exams and received permission to practice law. However, like Walt Disney, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and many other people who achieved significant success in life, he did not have a higher education.

    If we talk about people who have achieved phenomenal, from an everyday point of view, success, then another fact that unites many of them is that the majority began their work and commercial activities quite early. For example, John Rockefeller raised a flock of turkeys on his own at the age of seven. Which he immediately...sold for fifty dollars to a neighboring farmer. Without thinking for a long time, he lent the money to another neighbor... At seven percent per annum.

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    Andrew Carnegie did not go to the 5th grade of school at the age of 12, and with 4 grades of education he got a job at a cotton factory as a bobbin maker. The future billionaire received one and a half dollars a week for his work. Henry Ford began his career at the age of 16 as an engineering apprentice. From there he was fired in less than a week. Undeterred, Henry entered the watch shop and was fired. Next was a ship engine repair shop - fired. Finally, Ford got a job as a mechanic for Thomas Alva Edison's Electric Company, earning $45 a month.

    This is information to note for those parents who dream of raising their child to be a genius and a billionaire :-). This is not about the fact that there is no need to study, but about the fact that the sooner a child begins to earn at least some money on his own, the greater his chances of achieving significant success in life in the future. You can learn more about how to raise your child to be a happy, successful person from the books and seminars of a psychologist, psychotherapist, writer, and candidate of medical sciences. Mikhail Efimovich Litvak.

    Another remarkable fact from the life of Abraham Lincoln is that his name is in the sports “Hall of Fame”, so during his wrestling career he lost only once in 300 bouts.

    During the Indian Rebellion in Illinois, Lincoln joined the militia, but did not participate in the fighting. He was also a member of the Illinois Legislative Assembly, the House of Representatives of the US Congress, in which he opposed America's war with Mexico. In 1858 he became a candidate for US senator, but lost the election.

    He was one of the main initiators of the creation of the Republican Party. From the same party he became a candidate for US President and won the elections of 1860. Thus becoming the first US President from the Republican Party. His election signaled the secession of the southern states. In his inaugural speech he called for the reunification of the country, but was unable to prevent conflict.

    Lincoln was an outstanding orator, his speeches inspired northerners and remain a shining legacy to this day. Abraham Lincoln was also the first politician in the United States to talk about the importance of women's right to vote.

    On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was mortally wounded in the theater by one of his favorite actors, John Wilkes Booth. Thus becoming the first US president to be assassinated.

    According to public and social surveys, he still remains one of the best and most beloved presidents in America, despite the fact that he was subjected to quite harsh criticism during his presidency.

    John Kennedy.

    John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy born May 29, 1917 in Brooklyn. Thirty-fifth President of the United States (1961-1963). The name of this American politician is still primarily associated with his mysterious and tragic murder on November 22, 1963 in Dallas. This tragedy shocked the whole world. Numerous hypotheses about why and how this actually happened are put forward to this day.

    John Kennedy was a World War II veteran. He was awarded many awards for his bravery during hostilities. Immediately after the end of the war he began his political career. In 1960, Republican Richard Nixon narrowly won the presidential election, becoming the first US president born in the 20th century.

    Kennedy's almost three-year presidency was marked by the Berlin and Cuban missile crises, the space race between the USSR and the USA, which led to the start of the Apollo space program, the Bay of Pigs operation, as well as serious steps towards equal rights for blacks.

    On November 22, 1963, while visiting Dallas, Texas, John F. Kennedy was mortally wounded by a sniper rifle in his open limousine on one of the city's central streets. A specially created commission showed that Kennedy's killer was lone shooter Lee Harvey Oswald. However, most social polls have shown that at least fifty percent of the American population does not believe that Oswald killed President Kennedy or at least acted alone.

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    Mystical coincidences in the lives of Lincoln and Kennedy.

    • Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809, and John Kennedy in 1917. According to the Chinese calendar, both are in the Year of the Snake. If you compose number wheel of fate , then it turns out almost identical for both US presidents. Both Kennedy and Lincoln have two digits for the south and one digit for the north and west (on west 9 ) and the middle. Moreover, there is no “overkill” in the amount for any of the cardinal directions and there are completely no figures for the east.
    • Both presidents were the second children in the family. Both were named after their grandfathers. Both had congenital genetic diseases.
    • Lincoln's friend and ally was Adlai Ewing Stevenson, a Democrat from Illinois. Kennedy's friend and ally was also Adlai Ewing Stevenson, a Democrat from Illinois, the grandson of the previous one.
    • Both Lincoln and Kennedy had four children. Both of their wives were extravagant, both came from aristocratic families and spoke fluent French. Both spouses got married at the age of 24 and were previously engaged to other young people.
    • Lincoln had sons Robert and Edward. Kennedy had brothers Robert and Edward. Lincoln's daughter-in-law was named Mary Eunice. Kennedy's sister's name was Eunice Mary.
    • If we talk about personal preferences, both US presidents loved Shakespeare's poetry, telling jokes and sitting in a rocking chair.
    • Abraham Lincoln was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1846; John Kennedy - in 1946. The difference is 100 years. Lincoln's main competitor in the 1860 US presidential election, Stephen Douglas, was born in 1813; Kennedy's main competitor in the 1960 US presidential election, Richard Nixon, was born in 1913. The difference is 100 years.
    • Lincoln was elected president in 1860. Exactly one hundred years later, in 1960, Kennedy was elected president. The difference is 100 years.
    • The killers of Lincoln and Kennedy - Booth and Oswald - had the same height, about 172 cm. They came from dysfunctional families. Both lost their father in early childhood. They were killed before the trial, and both were killed with a Colt.
    • Both killers were arrested by a policeman named Baker (in the case of Booth, we are talking about the first arrest, after which he managed to escape).
    • Both presidents were assassinated the day before the holiday. Lincoln - on the eve of Easter, Kennedy - on the eve of Thanksgiving. Both Lincoln and Kennedy were killed by a bullet that entered the head from behind. Both presidents did not die immediately after the assassination attempts.
    • Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater. Kennedy met his death while riding in a Lincoln convertible manufactured by the Ford Motor Company.
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    • Vice Presidents. Both Johnsons suffered from kidney stones, being the only presidents in US history to have the disease. Both Johnsons were rude and unrestrained in character. Were prone to drinking; had a snub nose and slicked hair. The Johnsons were born exactly 100 years apart- in 1808 and 1908, respectively.
    • Both Lincoln and Kennedy were deeply concerned about the rights of African Americans.
    • And one more interesting coincidence from the life of Abraham Lincoln, which has no particular relation to John Kennedy. Lincoln's son Robert was rescued from a train accident by the brother of his father's killer, Edwin Booth, shortly before the tragedy at Ford's Theater.

    Debunking the legend.

    Some coincidences in the destinies of the two American presidents are very easily explained. For example,

    • Presidential and parliamentary elections in the United States take place every even number of years. Therefore, the dates of the presidential and House of Representatives elections being 100 years apart are easily explained.
    • both Kennedy and Lincoln were assassinated on Friday. This is because events such as a theater performance or a presidential visit to the city usually take place either on the weekend or on Friday.
    • The vice presidents of both presidents were people named Johnson. There is no mysticism here either. The fact is that the surname Johnson ranks second in the United States after the surname Smith.
    • both presidents were shot in the head. The shooters had no other choice. It was impossible to shoot in the chest area in both cases (Booth approached Lincoln from behind, and he was sitting in a rocking chair, and Oswald also aimed at Kennedy from the back), the only place that could guarantee a fatal outcome was the head.

    How to logically explain other coincidences? For example, coincidences of first and last names, coincidence of a large number of identical events with a difference of exactly 100 years? Is there something mystical in the coincidences and fates of Lincoln and Kennedy or is this a case of “a banana is just a banana”? For ordinary coincidences - too many, and, to be honest, I somehow don’t believe in mysticism. There are probably patterns that are either not fully understood, or their understanding at this stage of development is impossible. If anyone has their own assumptions about this, we will be glad to read them in the comments to the article.

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