What activities are prohibited on church holidays? Is it possible to clean and do other household chores on Sunday?

The topic of children helping with housework is regularly discussed on parent forums. Opinions are very different: from “Let him study better, he will get better in life” to “I was taught in childhood, and I will teach.” For those who have not yet finally decided for themselves whether the child needs constant household responsibilities and whether he needs to be paid for household chores, here is advice from a psychologist.

“How not to turn children’s involvement in household chores into an endless confrontation with their parents? How to do this organically?

Helping your child around the house: why?

Before we begin to accustom a child to housework, we must clearly understand what goal we are pursuing. Do we want the child to be able to serve himself in our absence; would gain the skills necessary for a future life; Or maybe we just want to make his life less comfortable?

Accustoming for the sake of accustoming or for the sake of some distant prospects is pointless. A child will always feel whether he is doing something necessary, or whether he is Cinderella, who was forced to select “white from brown” in order to occupy himself with something.

It’s another matter when mom says: we are a family and we share all the work. When you really need help around the house, when the child understands that this is a real deal, he easily and naturally learns to work. This is why, for example, children are more willing to participate in household chores if their mother is sick.

But if a child is forced to clean his room, when the au pair puts everything in order, this will only be an imitation of work, and children feel this very well. But if you ask your child to collect and sort books or CDs in the house before the helper arrives, this is real help.

Parents, before giving their child a task, should think about what kind of task they can be entrusted with so that it does not become just a game. Of course, the game itself is very good, but you shouldn’t mix it with real help. For example, a small child is not able to wash the dishes properly; for him it is a game, but arranging clean plates in the cupboard, putting forks and spoons into compartments is a real help. An important difference between a game and real help: they thank you for help, but not for the game.

- Children, what is this going on in your room? - Lena asks.
-What are you talking about? - Seryozha is surprised.
“Everything is fine,” Vova shrugs.
- Let's clean it up, otherwise grandma will come tomorrow, and our place is dirty.
“Well...” Seryozha winces.
“In my opinion, our place is clean,” Vova declares diplomatically.
- Is this clean? — Lena picks up a dirty sock from the floor and takes out a plate of dried food from under the bed.
“But grandma won’t look under the bed,” Seryozha notes.
“Let her not come into the room at all,” Vova supports.
- Children, is it difficult for you to clean up? - Lena is surprised.
- Mommy! “You can’t even imagine how difficult it is,” Seryozha says soulfully without rising from his chair.
- Who even came up with this cleaning? - Vova sighs and lies down on the bed.

What and how to assign to a child

It is absolutely forbidden to say to a child who is just learning to do some household chores: “Your hands do not grow from there, I will have to redo everything for you, it’s easier myself!” If there really is a need to correct some mistakes, you should do it as delicately as possible: thank him, and then, not in front of his eyes, redo it. Of course, when the child understands what is required of him, you can and should show him his flaws, but still do it in such a way that he does not give up later.

Of course, real help to the family is important, but sometimes, especially for a small child, this is too abstract a thing, and it is difficult for him to get involved in the work. We need an incentive. You can tell your child: “The faster you put away your toys, the faster we will read.” Or: “Your task is to collect the books and put them in the closet, this will free up time for me to play with you.”

A child’s homework should pursue specific goals so that he can see and evaluate the result of his work. And of course, the assignments depend on the age of the assistant. Three or four year old child can help mom sort washed or dried laundry and put away her toys. But at this age you shouldn’t start implementing large-scale projects with your baby: cleaning the room is too vague a task for him. And here six year old child It’s already up to the task, you just need to break the cleaning down into several clear stages: put away toys, put things away, wipe the dust off the table. At this age, children can already clean up something not only after themselves, but also behind other family members, such as books. IN seven to eight years The child can already be asked to take out the trash or vacuum (he will already understand that he should not “suck in” a banknote or a rolled-up ring).

Sometimes parents ask older children to tutor younger children. It is important to understand here: such care should not be delegated to elders without their personal initiative; after all, this is the responsibility of the parents. If a child does not want to constantly babysit his sister or brother, that is his right. But the mother may ask him to do some other work while she is with the baby: unload the washing machine, peel potatoes, or go to the store.

We need to remind you. What about paying?

Asking and reminding are two key concepts associated with the process of accustoming to housework. Very often, parents say that rather than remind their child ten times, it is better to do everything themselves. Not better! Otherwise, the child will very soon become comfortable being forgetful. Don’t be afraid to remind, sometimes you can even take the child by the hand and lead him along. You should not create illusions and hope that if children are forced to do housework more often, this will become a habit for them and they will no longer have to be reminded of it. If a child, in principle, is not inclined to responsibility, it is strange to expect that he will take household responsibilities seriously.

The older the child gets, the more serious assistance he can provide. But on the other hand, serious work requires more serious rewards. Can a child receive money for his work?

It seems to me that determining what work is worth paying for is very simple. If your child has done a job that you would have paid someone else to do anyway—for example, washing a car or filling out paperwork on a computer—then it may be possible to give the amount saved in this way as pocket money to your son or daughter. Of course, provided that the work is done well - as an employee would do it. But there are tasks that we distribute within the family and do not pay anyone for them: we cook, clean, take out the garbage. The mother is not paid for dinner, and the son is not paid for taking out the bucket.

I would like to emphasize one idea: work should in no case be given “as punishment”, otherwise it will be very difficult for the child to feel satisfaction from it. It is unlikely that a child who in childhood was forced to wash his socks if he forgot to put on slippers will ever develop a love for this activity. Punishment is by definition difficult and unpleasant. Moreover, punishment is always a requirement, not a request.

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Comment on the article "Children and help around the house: remind, force, pay?"

Section: Children and parents. Household responsibilities for a teenager - should they be? I started with the wrong thing, I agree!


Definitely. We need to develop a love of work from childhood. And if he doesn’t do anything under control now, then this problem will worsen.

It's useful to have them. But I myself don’t have them, if I’m in the mood, I do it, if not, I don’t. And it’s the same with children. I cannot consider cleaning your room, washing your things and preparing food for yourself if there is none, a responsibility for a teenager, it is part of his life. Well, like wearing a jacket in winter, you can’t say that it’s an obligation, but whoever feels comfortable wears it, and whoever likes it wears a T-shirt in winter.

Having responsibilities for children also has another nice feature - it teaches children to notice the sorrowful) A child of 12 years old must certainly have household responsibilities.


1. Nothing went down the drain. You are an attentive, sensitive, caring, slightly anxious mother. In general, NORMAL!
2. It is not worth making a diagnosis based on a single drawing. but what she depicted is quite common among teenagers and is roughly interpreted as such. Moreover, you write that the 12-year-old baby is larger than you, an adult woman. So the baby is toiling with the body. Indeed, in adolescence, problems with both the body and support are STANDARD (because they are already trying to rely on themselves, but there is nothing to rely on yet). However, I repeat, it is impossible to interpret based on one test. By the way, the absence of feet can also indicate that a problem area is being ignored, even to the point of discomfort with flat feet or dissatisfaction with the shape and size of the leg.
Drawing tests (almost all) provide only direction for an interview, nothing more.
3. Oh, these responsibilities and the attitude of adults towards them. I read below - about 44 acres of vegetable garden, etc. - there is no need to confuse responsibilities that are POSSIBLE for a child, forming in him a sense of responsibility (from which this very support then arises), subsequent satisfaction with the result, a sense of self-respect, involvement in the life of his family, discussing family problems as equals on a number of issues, with slave child labor and the illiterate approach of many parents to burdening their children with responsibilities.
Regular feasible duties are needed! For example - after eating - put the plate, cup, spoon in the dishwasher/sink, perhaps rinse the cup right away and hang it on a hook to dry.
Put your pajamas back after bed when you return from school, throw your socks in the wash, hang your clothes to dry, wipe off your dirty shoes. Will the world collapse from fulfilling these self-care responsibilities?
The next type of responsibilities is situational, as Golubushka writes - saw - eliminate. Example - in the bathroom there is a cat patch with filling. The cat spilled the mound. Before you wash your face, sweep up the mess and do your business. If you see something on the floor, pick it up and take it to its place. And so on.
Finally, about what most copies have been broken - family responsibilities. I repeat - they must be POSSIBLE!
Example: the older girl comes home from school and remembers that she needs to buy 2 cartons of milk. Everything is on the way. So, listening to conversations at home about prices, etc. , she suggested - go ahead, I’ll call you from the store to find out what promotions are going on there. I think it’s very useful for socialization. Now the little girl, who is like a little mouse, without any cheese, controls the prices for this product herself and has a financial fund to purchase it, and has also begun to understand the prices of food and household chemicals quite well.
Cooking food. The children themselves can organize a decent afternoon snack if they are taught how to do it. (the same hot sandwiches, bake sausages, make pancakes - what’s the problem? The main thing is that the parent should teach, show how to make the process as easy as possible and praise. And with the Internet - please, broadcast a video, and create a culinary or home economics blog, in VK boast about what you can do.By the way, many in one of the topics advocated for regular video broadcasts - but a duty (in this case, responsibility to the viewer waiting for the show) is an action performed on a regular basis!
Taking the little ones from the garden across the road - what's the problem? And even take a walk along the road, go to the store and buy some goodies for everyone - where is the world’s sorrow and stolen childhood?
Naturally, if the elders have some kind of event, extracurricular activities, meeting with friends in time (cinema, exhibition), then this is discussed in advance and decided in favor of childhood)).
Having responsibilities for children has another nice feature - it teaches children to notice the sorrowful))) parental work and appreciate it (for example, not to create a mess again and take care of clothes, for example).
I think that by developing skills in the implementation of POSSIBLE responsibilities, we will move away from the topic “my child is not interested in anything.” It’s not interesting when you don’t know how, when you’re afraid of getting a scolding for poor performance (I’d rather get it for doing nothing, like a protest hero, than being pointed at my incompetence), when you don’t understand how what you’ve done will fit into the overall system, when the work is boring and not gives emotional boost when you want a greater emotional response from the other party, but don’t know what other ways to get it.
Finally, I don’t want to do anything trivial because of somatic problems - low hemglabin, blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, etc. Which can also be corrected.

And I don't like responsibilities. We are on duty. Weekly schedule. Then we change. If someone is in a bad mood and is not on duty on principle, we replace When I do, when the other children. Then calm down, we turn on again. If someone is very busy and doesn’t have time, we also replace. I and if someone can, then he joins. The only thing we can do is sometimes be mischievous. If the person on duty doesn’t want (and can’t) go to the store for sugar, it doesn’t matter. Those who want to go, but the first comrade drinks tea without sugar. His sugar is in the store .The boys’ only responsibility is to bring potatoes and flour from the store themselves; we need a lot of this stuff, and I’m a weak woman. My boys are about 175-180 tall. They wear it. We do everything else in turn.

What household responsibilities do your children (age 12-13) have? I have a 12-year-old boy, he vacuums, wipes dust, takes out the trash, sorts things out. There are one-time requests/assignments.


Do you communicate with your son? Are there any common topics of conversation? Common affairs, small traditions? Do you have anything to do with your father?
Often teenagers go into games when relations with their parents are not warm.

:-) It is unlikely to find a task that takes more than 20 minutes. If it is more, then most likely this duty will not be fulfilled :-)
In general, any addiction is treated by “replacing the high.” Well, why does a person become dependent (on anything)? Because it's a blast there. And until you find, well, at least not HIGH, but Joy, you are unlikely to force a person to quit that activity. Here Natalya D writes - he quit the computer and got involved in parties. Those. I found the Joy of Partying :-)
So, still, look for an activity that you will agree to and that will bring you _pleasure_. Otherwise, you can force something extra in lessons - it’s no use, he’ll still shirk and slip away...


The youngest is 10 years old. Responsibilities: 2 times a week wash the dishes for everyone and for dad (the rest always wash after themselves), feed my turtle every evening, clean the aquarium once a week. Constantly (every day or as needed) makes the bed, tidies up his desk, wardrobe and toy books. Once a week, participate in general cleaning - sweeping, vacuuming, washing the floor in one room, scrubbing away stains. As necessary, several times a week, after my instructions in the form of a request, she takes out the trash, waters the flowers, wipes the floor in the hallway shared with the neighbors, sorts out the trash and washes the coffee table, feeds the cat, fish, changes the water with dad. And how everyone gets involved in all the housework.

03/08/2014 19:30:54, Petrovna7

9 years old, one responsibility - to do the lessons efficiently. the rest is at the child's request. She can wash the dishes, sweep them, wipe the dust... But only if she wants to. :)

My children's responsibilities change depending on the family situation. There are no responsibilities. IMHO, “household chores” are evil. In fact, she cleans her room...


unfortunately none. the bed is removed from under the stick. clothes and table are dismantled sporadically.

I’ll write about us, maybe I can help with something. The cat was adopted by our daughters, and she has honestly been responsible for his litter box for all 3 years. They feed everyone who is not too lazy. After the village, where the cat drank from buckets, he abandoned small dishes with water and drinks from a large can. Accordingly, the water does not dry out there. My daughter might also forget to add water to the bowl. The order in the nursery is more or less up to her. All. Those. In terms of general tasks and territories, it has no direct areas of responsibility. BUT I know that my daughter can and does help a lot: disassemble the PMM, go to the store, cook lunch/dinner. If I understand that my husband and I won’t have time to cook today, then I ask my daughter. She can cook soup, make roast, pilaf, well, and a lot of simpler things. If she has time, she might, say, have a pot roast ready for our arrival. If it’s difficult over time, then I ask you to cook pasta, buckwheat, etc. He cooks from a notebook from a culinary course or according to my instructions sent by email. For example, I ask you to prepare the broth (if in a slow cooker, then you just need to leave everything and you can go for a walk), and then I prepare the soup. But of course, cooking is not a daughter’s responsibility. I cook more often. We always agree so that it doesn’t bother my daughter too much. If you want to go for a walk, there’s no question, throw this and that into the slow cooker and go. So far the flight is normal. Daughters 10.


Daughter is 8 years old. Maintains order in her room - she cleans and sorts out closets and shelves at my hint, helps change bed linen, load laundry. washing machine, hanging laundry and taking it off the line, watering flowers (I have a lot of them in my apartment), helping to set the table, clear it, peel potatoes and cut salad, and generally loves to help in the kitchen - making cutlets, cheesecakes, etc. d. He can wash something small of his own - panties, socks or something from his clothes - but this is not out of necessity, but rather out of desire. Perhaps, she has only one responsibility - she sorts out all the purchases we brought from the store - groceries, powders, soaps and shampoos, and puts everything in its place, puts the bags and puts them back in place :)

The child is 9 years old.
Study-school-music is entirely her responsibility. I don’t get involved at all, only if she asks.
Caring for fish is also hers. I only help if the bucket is heavy or she is missing something.
From the farm, he cooks food. I have already mastered a lot and seriously: salads, meat and chicken, all sorts of desserts. You can come home from work and get dinner ready. And whoever cooks may not wash the dishes :))))))))))))

This article is more for female readers than for readers, because we will talk about how to harmoniously organize your life in order to manage to work, and do household chores, and not forget about yourself. Despite the fact that views have changed somewhat, most often it is the woman who remains responsible for the cleanliness and comfort of the house, for a delicious dinner, and even more so for raising children.

A delicious dinner is a daily task, but when it comes to cleaning, many continue to adhere to the Saturday “general” routine. This is the same case when on Sunday you want to put on shoe covers, it’s so clean all around, but on Friday it’s already quite embarrassing to invite guests. As a result, comfort and cleanliness remain very short-term concepts, and Saturday cleaning not only practically deprives you of one day off, but is also terribly exhausting.

Cooking is also not the easiest task, and what takes the most effort and time is thinking about what to cook, because food should not only be tasty, but also properly balanced, and also, preferably, more or less economical.

Even if there is no child in the house, the housewife already has quite a hard time, because she also just wants to relax or do what she loves (let’s not forget that the woman probably works, and probably not half the day). Well, and with the advent of the baby, everything spins into an even steeper whirlpool.

I have been wandering the Internet for a long time in search of interesting materials on the topic: “How to clean up easily and quickly?”, “How to quickly prepare dinner?”, “Economy and simple recipes”... And in the end I came across the popular FlyLady system, which was developed American Marla Seelly. This system affects many aspects of housekeeping and its successful combination with work and leisure. The system promotes avoiding tedious cleaning once a week and teaches that you can do something every day in just a few minutes. As a result, you get many bonuses: firstly, you don’t spend half of Saturday wearing rubber gloves with a mop, and secondly, your house will be equally clean every day (the phrase: “Sorry, I’m a mess” can be excluded from the vocabulary) , thirdly, you will be surprised how much free time you will have for yourself and for your personal hobbies. But FlyLady touches not only on the topic of cleaning and cooking; it is a global system that covers issues of family vacations and issues of financial organization of the household.

There are thousands of articles about the FlyLady system on the Internet. There are even entire resources dedicated to the ability to effortlessly manage a seemingly gigantic amount of work. But, unfortunately, this is all theory. And only a few, having read all these tips, begin to put at least half of them into practice. In fact, the theory remains a theory. We know what is right, but for some reason everything remains the same.

I recently came across the Flyvzlet service, which offers practical training in the FlyLady system. A whole course has been developed that gradually teaches you how to put all the advice into practice, day by day slightly changing your life for the better. And we write a lot on Lifehacker about how this is exactly how you need to act - breaking a large task into several small pieces, without trying to amaze everyone with changes in yourself in one day.

What results do the creators of the course promise? Quite impressive: mastering the principles of time management, which will help not only with household chores, but also with work and self-care. A lighter attitude towards cleaning and other routines, as a result, you will be less exhausted and irritated, and family relationships will improve. Considering the popularity of the FlyLady system and the serious approach of the Flyvzlet service to training (you can read about this in the “Services” section), there is no reason not to trust that this result will be obtained. By the way, on the service I also saw many articles about the system, and reviews from those housewives who successfully use it, and again I was inspired to take it seriously, finally moving from pure theory to practical application.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Pregnancy is a time of maximum caution. Including within the walls of your own home. After all, while the husband of the expectant mother is working for the good of the family, all the housework falls on the shoulders of the pregnant woman, including those that can negatively affect the health of the mother and baby. In the period before the baby is born, such “feats” as rearranging furniture, climbing ladders and even cleaning cat litter boxes are extremely dangerous.

Therefore, let’s temporarily stop being heroes and remember, Which household responsibilities should be delegated to your loved ones...

  1. Cooking food
    It is clear that dinner will not be prepared on its own, and feeding your husband canned food and “doshirak” is fraught with a hunger riot. But a long shift at the stove is a risk of worsening venous outflow, edema and varicose veins. Therefore, we leave complex dishes “for after childbirth,” attract relatives to help, and simplify the entire process of preparing dishes as much as possible.
    • Be sure to take breaks.
    • Tired legs? Sit down on the “front” and raise your legs on a low bench.
    • Is your back tired from an uncomfortable posture while cutting cabbage? Place a stool nearby on which you can rest your knee and relieve stress on your spine.
  2. Appliances
    The use of electric kettles, stoves, microwave ovens and other appliances should be as careful as possible.
    • If possible, avoid using the microwave during pregnancy or reduce its use to a minimum. It is strictly not recommended to use this device if the door does not close tightly (electromagnetic radiation will not benefit either the baby or the mother). And while the device is operating, you should keep a distance of at least 1.5 m from it.
    • Also try not to turn on all devices at the same time, so as not to create electromagnetic “crossfire”.
    • Do not leave your laptop, mobile phone and chargers near your bed overnight (at least 1.5-2 meters away).
  3. Wet cleaning of floors
    Many people know about the vulnerability of joints and cartilage during pregnancy. Overloading the spine during this period is not recommended and is dangerous.
    • No “gymnastic tricks and fouettés” while cleaning! Be careful with body turns and bends.
    • Wear a special bandage (appropriate to your size) to lighten the load.
    • If possible, shift all heavy household responsibilities to your spouse and loved ones.
    • When bending over or picking up an object from the floor, bend your knees (get down on one knee) to distribute the load on your spine.
    • Washing floors on your knees is unacceptable - use a mop (your back should be straight while cleaning), and adjust the length of the vacuum cleaner tube.
  4. Cleaning products, cleaning chemicals
    We approach the selection of these funds with extreme caution.
    • We leave cleaning the plumbing to our loved ones.
    • We choose detergents without odor, ammonia, chlorine, or toxic substances.
    • We replace powder products (they are especially harmful) and aerosols with liquid products.
    • We work only with gloves and (if necessary) a gauze bandage.
    • We don’t clean carpets ourselves – we send them to dry cleaners.
  5. Pets
    Four-legged, winged and other pets can become a source of not only allergies, but also serious diseases. Therefore, we strictly follow the rules for caring for pets during this period: after interacting with an animal, wash your hands with soap, monitor its health condition (if there is any suspicion, take it to the veterinarian), do not feed the animal raw meat, leave the cleaning of the toilet and the animal’s feeding/sleeping areas to loved ones (this is especially true for owners of mustachioed animals) - tabby cats - the expectant mother cannot wash cat litter boxes!).
  6. Lifting heavy objects, rearranging furniture
    These actions are strictly prohibited! The consequences may be premature birth. No amateur performances! Almost every expectant mother is itching to “update” the decor, but moving sofas, dragging boxes and starting general cleaning alone is strictly prohibited. Basins and buckets of water should only be emptied and filled using a ladle.
  7. "Rock Climbing"
    It is not recommended to climb on a stepladder or stool to perform any work.
    • Want to change your curtains? Ask your spouse to help.
    • Get a drying rack so you don't have to hang out your laundry by jumping from the stool to the floor and back.
    • Leave all repair work to your loved ones: waving a spatula under the ceiling during pregnancy, changing light bulbs, gluing wallpaper and even cleaning the apartment after renovation is dangerous!

How not to be “eaten up” by the routine of household chores?

Life is too short, its flight is so incredibly fast, and there is so much to do! It’s especially frustrating when you have to spend a lot of time on everyday, endless household chores that are repeated day after day. According to experts, a third of our working time is spent irrationally, not only at work, but also in everyday life. And then we ourselves blame the circumstances for the fact that we are unable to organize household responsibilities and manage to do everything. Is it possible to break this pattern? It turns out that we are quite capable of this. What is needed for this?

It's simple - start planning your every day in advance. Train yourself to start planning your next actions. Make a cheat sheet plan. This will take a little time, but the effectiveness that you will ultimately get from your planned actions will undoubtedly be high. Ask yourself a simple question: “Where does my time always go? “Most likely, most of your time was spent watching your favorite TV series and talk shows, talking with friends on the phone or communicating on a social network. It doesn’t hurt to put things in order in this area. Why not start watching only high-quality films and meaningful programs? And talking on the phone is perfectly replaced by meeting a friend on weekends in a cafe.

Communication with children.

Constantly busy mothers often lament: “Where can I find time for my child? “If you are worried that you are paying too little attention to your children due to your busy life schedule, congratulate yourself. First of all, it means that you are a wonderful mother. Next, just don’t waste time on self-flagellation, but rather use the simple truth - it’s not the quantity of communication with the child that matters, but its quality. Even after spending just an hour with your child, you can solve many pressing educational problems. All such problems are not due to a lack of time, but to the fact that you do not know how to use it effectively in order to organize things and not get bogged down in them.


Next comes the question of cooking. So how long does it take you to cook? No matter how your kitchen is equipped with all the necessary household appliances, you spend a lot of time in it. This means that we need to think about this issue.

It is not at all necessary (and you are unlikely to succeed) to put your entire family on an inadequate diet of processed foods or on a diet. Of course not! Remember: it is better to spend a couple of hours in the kitchen every 3-4 days than to vegetate there for hours every day. Give preference to cooking meals in large portions. Prepare something that will only need to be heated later - and the food is ready. Dishes such as cabbage rolls, cutlets, stewed vegetables, pilaf, meatballs will not lose their beneficial and tasteful qualities when heated, and you will save plenty of time. Try also making a lot of dumplings or dumplings in one evening, baking various pancakes with different fillings and simply freezing them. These products store well in the freezer. So just one evening spent in the kitchen can save you not only from the constant question “what to cook? ”, but also from the routine need to prepare food every day.

Cleaning of the apartment.

Many women prefer to do all household chores themselves. They simply forget that children and husband are equal members of the family. Just share some of your worries with them. Ask them to help you wash the dishes, dust, take out the trash can, water the flowers, walk the dog, wash the floor, etc. Moreover, for children, housework, starting from the age of five, is also a solution to an educational problem.

What about the husband? If he doesn’t do anything around the house other than his husband’s duties, you simply spoiled him, it’s your fault. Let him have the opportunity to show his abilities. In addition, working together around the house will not only help you save time, but will also lift your spirits, bring family relationships closer together, and teach you to value the contribution of each family member to one common cause. Dear women, it is so important for us to take care of ourselves and appreciate the time given from above! Do everything rationally so that you don’t have to exclaim again and again: “I hate housework - this constant routine and obligation! »

Working women are wondering: how to become an ideal housewife? Naturally, it’s hard to go to the office every day and keep up with everything at home. However, housewives often cannot complete all the tasks. How can you manage to do everything around the house and at least find some time for yourself? After all, you get so tired from this everyday hustle and bustle and want at least a little rest.

Planning is the basis of daily routine

Forget about the hustle and bustle, things shouldn't be spontaneous. Plan your time. Do it in a way that makes you feel comfortable. You can create a schedule for the week or plan your “tomorrow” every evening. It’s a good idea to start a diary; it will become an irreplaceable thing within a week and will allow you to put your thoughts in order.

Distribute your time in such a way that doing “unloved” things does not stretch out throughout the day, let them take a minimum of time.

Cooking food

And now cooking. A good idea would be to prepare a side dish for a couple of days, and come up with a new dish each time. Cook a hot dish twice a week and prepare a side dish two or three times. There will be more free time. Try to make breakfast preparations in the evening. In the morning it will be much easier to come up with a healthy and light breakfast; it won’t take much effort to warm it up.

Do your household like borscht? Chop the carrots, onions, and beets and freeze them in advance so you don’t have to bother with dressing later. Cutlets, chops, cabbage rolls, meatballs - make semi-finished products yourself, let them be stored in the freezer.

Plan your menu so that perishable items are used first. If you bought a large piece of meat, divide it into portions and freeze it (minced meat, chops, goulash, etc.).

Buy food in such quantities so as not to “throw away” half of the family budget. Go to the store and market with a ready-made grocery list and a thoughtful menu. Ideally, do this once a week, but you can extend this period. This approach will save budget and time.


Cleaning the apartment seems to be the most difficult task, but this is not a problem if you “scatter” the tasks over the days. Today we sweep, vacuum and wash the floor. Tomorrow we will wash and iron. The day after tomorrow we polish the taps and clean the stove. Getting organized is easy. Much harder to maintain. Therefore, to prevent this activity from becoming a test on the weekend, set aside 20-25 minutes daily to clean the house. Household appliances to help you!

Alone with myself

Let's move on to the fun part. How to pay more attention to yourself? Again, it's worth resorting to planning. Take out your notebook. On Monday, take care of your hair - make a mask, experiment with styling. Tuesday is beautiful legs day, take care of your heels, get a pedicure or invite a specialist. Fill every day of the week with self-care.

Don't think this is nonsense! If you devote time only to cleaning and cooking, you can quickly turn into a notorious and unkempt housewife. You need to take care not only of your appearance, but also of your health. Why does a man need a wife who only knows how to clean and cook? Remember - your family needs you healthy and happy. Self-care is one of the main tasks for every day.

Develop yourself if you don’t want to degrade. Let's say you are engaged in self-improvement and attend courses. Don't dwell on this. When the children grow up and have more time, you can organize a small business: selling online, selling cupcakes for the nearest coffee shop, knitting or sewing to order. Don't waste your time watching TV series.

All these wisdom will help you organize your time correctly, not get tired and please your loved ones. You are a woman, and not an automaton for housework, so such days of idleness are not excluded. Don't feel like doing anything? No need. Take everything easier. And involve your family in the chores. They should help you, especially in difficult matters.