What is Navalny doing now? Who is Alexey Navalny: biography, fight against corruption, political activity

Alexey Navalny is a representative of the non-systemic opposition, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), a professional lawyer and chairman of the Progress Party. He came to the attention of the official media at the end of 2011 - then the young politician was presented to the general public as one of the leaders of the protests that swept across the country as a result of mass discontent with election fraud.

But the television audience managed to get to know him as the editor-in-chief of the “Fight Club” program, broadcast on the TVC channel. However, it did not last long and was soon taken off the air. Internet users learned about Navalny’s activities even earlier, thanks to revealing publications on LiveJournal. The blog, which was blocked today in 2008, quickly aroused interest and gained subscribers.

In 1997, Navalny graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, receiving a diploma in law, and began working. In parallel with work, in 2001 he received a second specialty at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation - economist. Despite the fact that the politician is also credited with Yale University, Navalny limited himself to two diplomas from Russian universities, having attended only a six-month course at Yale in 2010.

At the end of the 90s, he managed to open his own company offering hairdressing services (Nesna LLC), worked at Aeroflot Bank, worked on currency control and antimonopoly legislation, and traded shares professionally. Navalny also has a share in the family business - 25% of the authorized capital of Kobyakovskaya Wicker Factory LLC.

The acquisition of small blocks of shares in the largest Russian corporations served as the basis for the first anti-corruption investigations. Being a minority shareholder, he was able to demand reporting information on the activities of management companies and even seek the initiation of criminal cases. The anti-corruption official targeted the managers of the famous VTB Bank, as well as the largest corporations in the gas and oil sectors:

  • Gazprom;
  • Rosneft;
  • Transneft;
  • Gazpromneft;
  • Surgutneftegaz;
  • TNK-BP.

In 2009, Navalny was appointed as a freelance adviser to the governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, in the Kirov region he received lawyer status and a year later became a member of the Moscow international bar association “Mezhregion”.

In 2012, the popular blogger was included in the Board of Directors of Aeroflot OJSC, where he deals with issues of personnel policy and audit, bonus and reward systems. In his new capacity, Navalny will try to implement his own corporate governance program (), introduce the principle of financial transparency and a system of anonymous notifications from staff about all observed violations and abuses (). But such cooperation will last only until 2013.

The founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, was doused with brilliant green outside his office

The leader of the non-systemic opposition took an active part in the activities of such parties as Yabloko and RPR-Parnas. It is with membership in Yabloko that Alexei Navalny’s official political career begins. He submitted an application for membership back in 2000, while working as a member of Yabloko he became acquainted with other representatives and activists of the liberal democratic movement, and in 2001 he represented the Union of Right Forces party in the elections in one of the district election commissions.

During the period of his membership in Yabloko, Navalny defended the interests of citizens in the framework of the fight against compaction development, and in 2003 he led the Duma election campaign in Moscow. With the participation of Maria, Gaidar created the youth movement “YES” - the Democratic Alternative, and as part of it participated in the project “Police with the People” and for freedom of the media. A year before his expulsion from the party, Yabloko created another project - “Political Debates”.

However, after 7 years of friendship, the paths diverge - Navalny is dissatisfied with Grigory Yavlinsky, and the Yabloko party no longer wants to see Alexei in its ranks, blaming him for his excessive passion for the ideas of Russian nationalism. On December 14, 2007, Navalny was officially expelled from the party, with the wording: “for causing political damage.” Soon after this, the first large-scale anti-corruption project, Rospil, was launched, which immediately attracted the attention of network users. It was followed by no less spectacular, but more practical “RosYama” - about the problems of Russian roads, and “RosZhKH”. Navalny himself considers the results of these projects to be his achievements:

  • more than 20,000 users of the RosYama service were able to not only complain about poor-quality roads, but also receive feedback from the authorities and get the road surface repaired.
  • More than 100,000 complaints were sent by citizens participating in the RosZhKH project, while a significant part managed to achieve timely and high-quality provision of services (repairs, cleaning, etc.).
  • More than 700,000 billion rubles were disputed by Navalny’s team in the courts as part of the Rospil project after careful consideration of tenders and purchases, and were retained in the Russian budget.

Currently, the politician heads his own Progress Party. Shortly after the 2013 Moscow mayoral elections, Navalny joined the People's Alliance political party, which was renamed on February 8, 2014. The Progress Party was not allowed to participate in the 2016 Duma elections - it was officially excluded from the electoral process, but single-mandate voters and participants in regional election campaigns managed to circumvent the ban. The party has more than 60 regional branches registered, but by decision of the Ministry of Justice on the eve of the Duma elections it was excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). The impossibility of participating in the elections is also justified by the criminal cases opened against its participants.

Anti-corruption investigations continued on YouTube - in 2016, the exposé film “Chaika” was released, about the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and his business empire, where the emphasis is on clanism and the illegal enrichment of Chaika’s sons, as well as on the family’s criminal connections. The demonstration of the film did not evoke responses or refutations from the main character himself, and the official media did not show it, limiting themselves to only pointing out the lack of evidence in court and the possible unreliability of the facts. On YouTube, the number of viewers reached 5 million.

Assessing the popularity of this format, throughout the year the politician releases short videos exposing the corruption of the country's top officials. These include sensational materials about the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister transporting her dogs on a private plane to participate in exhibitions, and investigations about the Russian and foreign real estate of persons close to or included in the leadership.

In the spring of 2017, a new film will be released dedicated to the current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. “He’s not Dimon for you” was viewed by 25 million Russians in the very first days, and on April 26, both coordinated and uncoordinated rallies and actions against corruption took place in Moscow, St. Petersburg and 80 other Russian cities. Many participants made a toy duck and sneakers their symbol - as a sign of protest against theft and dishonest enrichment.

Personal Beliefs

If Alexei Navalny’s dislike of corruption is widely supported, then his other beliefs cannot but alarm both supporters of the ruling party and the opposition. First of all, this is commitment to nationalist ideas and participation in “Russian marches”. Alexey himself explains in an interview that his beliefs and principles are “not for deportation, but for assimilation” - and in this his thoughts are in tune with many far-right Western European populist politicians. However, in a multi-ethnic state such as modern Russia, such statements do not find understanding and approval among everyone.

Navalny’s position is aimed at tightening migration and visa policies, including protecting the rights of migrant workers. In defiance of the activities of Sergei Sobyanin, who flooded the capital with labor migrants from neighboring countries, the politician proposed introducing visas with Central Asian countries and quotas for jobs (about business with China →). Whether the founder of FBK expressed his ideas insufficiently correctly, or, on the contrary, involuntarily let slip his true principles, is unknown, but such a position not only added to his popularity among certain segments of the population, but also fundamentally quarreled with his former comrades.

Public opinion about Navalny

According to the results of a poll conducted by VTsIOM in May-June 2017 among 1,600 respondents, Navalny’s trust rating was 1.4%. Levada Center data for 2017 show that the number of people aware of Navalny decreased from 50% in January 2015 to 47% in February 2017, and the number of sympathizers dropped from 7% in October 2013 to 4% in February 2017. Hostility increased significantly over the same period - if in October 2013 only 3% of respondents experienced these emotions, then in February 2017 the figure increased to 10%.

In the spring, these figures changed slightly - the politician’s recognition reached 55% by the beginning of April 2017, and 10% of the population are already ready to give him their votes in the elections.

Unofficial data is also ambiguous - some doubt Navalny, considering him a project of one of the Kremlin towers, others, while fully supporting anti-corruption activities, are not sure that they want to see the politician as president. It is curious that participants in unauthorized rallies that swept across Russia in March and June 2017, when asked by independent media correspondents about support for Navalny, often answered that they took to the streets not for him, but against corruption. At the same time, part of the non-systemic opposition, on the contrary, calls to distract from criticism of Navalny’s personality and unite with him, since they see in this political figure the only real driving force for change.

Supporters of the ruling party are convinced that Navalny’s funding comes from abroad, by forces who want to forcibly change the political system of Russia.

The authorities' opinion of the oppositionist

Although interest in Navalny has increased over the past month, the official position of the current leadership has not been announced - the protests taking place in all major cities were not commented on in any way by the Kremlin press service, and the pressing question about the activities of the oppositionist and the attitude of the authorities towards him was not asked at the latter.

A short commentary on the released film “He’s Not Dimon for You” was given by the main character of this video, separating this type of fight against corruption from the real one and hinting at the order and financing of the project by circles hostile to Russia. Medvedev also pointed out the fact that the author of the film himself “is a convicted character.” The Prime Minister also condemned the organization of protests, pointing out that Navalny put young people “under the law enforcement machine.” There was also a reproach about the opposition leader's desire to try to take the presidency himself.

To date, Alexey Navalny remains a defendant in 2 criminal cases – “Kirovles” and “Yves-Rocher”. In the first case, charges were initially brought against blackmail and extortion of a bribe, but this charge was dropped and a new one was opened - Navalny is accused of stealing Kirovles products on an especially large scale. Currently, the head of FBK has been found guilty of embezzling 16 million rubles and sentenced to 4 years of probation, with a fine of 500 thousand rubles. (Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code).

In the second case (“Yves Rocher”), about the theft and laundering of funds from the injured party, Alexei Navalny’s brother, Oleg, who is currently serving time in prison, was convicted. On February 20, 2014, Alexei Navalny himself was placed under house arrest, and on December 30, 2014, like Oleg Navalny, he was sentenced to 3.5 years, but a suspended sentence. The head of FBK transferred the case materials to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Plans for the future: Navalny's presidential program

Despite the fact that Alexei Navalny is involved in criminal cases, today he can still participate in the presidential race.

According to the law (Article 4, paragraph 3.2a of the 67th Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights”), citizens sentenced to imprisonment for committing serious crimes, whose convictions have been withdrawn or expunged, do not have the right to be elected.

It turns out that he was sentenced to a suspended sentence of imprisonment and, according to the Federal Law, cannot participate in elections, but on the other hand, he is not being held in prison by a court verdict.

The Constitutional Court itself explains that this situation only partially complies with the Federal Law.

The Constitutional Court ruled: restriction of the right to vote is not a criminal punishment, but can be applied in the mechanism of general legal consequences of conviction without special indication in the sentence.

The legislator indicated that he has the right to formulate the very concept of deprivation of liberty differently so that restrictions on voting rights are not imposed on persons who are not held in prisons or under escort in places of deprivation of liberty.

On his website, Navalny’s election program is briefly outlined and consists of several main points:

  • The fight against corruption and transparency of anti-corruption processes. If an official’s standard of living runs counter to his official income, an investigation must be conducted publicly, and a criminal case must be initiated against such an official.
  • Transparency of state-owned companies. Navalny’s team has already developed a bill to stop nepotism and theft of the budget in state corporations.
  • Changes in tax legislation. Such changes should be aimed at those for whom the tax burden will be eased. Individual entrepreneurs should be completely exempt from paying taxes, and the tax itself should be accepted on a progressive scale.
  • and pensions. The growth of citizens' well-being will be ensured by establishing a higher minimum wage - 25 thousand rubles, and pensions should become higher.
  • Health and education. The budget should be redistributed in such a way that spending on these most important components of the country's well-being is increased.
  • Subsidizing mortgage programs and debureaucratization in housing construction. This part of the program should increase the availability of housing and lead to a reduction in its cost.

⇒ Navalny gained the greatest fame during the election campaign for the post of mayor of Moscow in September 2013 - during meetings he held in various districts and districts of Moscow and solving pressing problems of Muscovites. The results of this acquaintance made it possible to be far ahead of other candidates - Ivan Melnikov (10.69%), Sergei Mitrokhin (3.51%), Mikhail Degtyarev (2.86%) and Nikolai Levichev (2.79%). However, the palm had to be conceded to the current mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin - he was ahead of his competitors, gaining 51.37%, while Alexei Navalny himself received 27.24% of votes.

⇒ Navalny does not attend most of the announced and organized rallies and actions. His participation was hampered by house arrest or police detention before he could join his support group. During the last protest action, the oppositionist was detained when leaving his own entrance and left in custody for 15 days.

⇒ If the beginning of Navalny’s anti-corruption activities was marked by several striking victories and criminal cases, now the head of FBK increasingly has to appear in court on filed libel claims, and in some of which the decision was not in his favor (for example, a libel case was carried out in accordance with the claim against Navalny from).

The other day, Alexei Navalny, who is tipped to be the leader of the opposition and almost the future president of Russia, registered the Anti-Corruption Foundation and began collecting legal donations.

Lord of the "hamsters"

You could say that as a politician Alexey Navalny was born on the Internet. There he started a blog, which later grew into the mega-popular online resource about corruption “RosPil”.

It would seem that it has never been a secret to anyone that in Russia there is theft and rampant corruption. But it was on this platform, trampled many times by the independent press, politicians, and even the authorities themselves, that popularity began to grow rapidly Alexei Navalny. “Respect!”, “You are doing an important job,” “It’s good that such a person exists” - the virtual wrestler was quickly elevated to a virtual pedestal by his virtual friends.

Navalny hit the target clearly - the audience was waiting for such a lone fighter who, with facts and figures, would call all the unsightly things by their true names. Virtual Robin Hood quickly assembled his own small, combat-ready online army, which, as if on command, immediately “tears” on the Internet everyone who doubts the radiance of Navalny’s image.

Navalny not the smartest of bloggers, not the bravest, he’s not even the first - before him there were sites and blogs exposing corruption (for example, Zakupki news by Alexander Malyutin. - Ed.), but it’s a blog Alexei Navalny became number one on this topic. For people familiar with political technologies and the basics of PR, it is obvious that serious efforts and, probably, funds were involved here to promote this blog, says an expert from the Center for Political Conjuncture Dmitry Abzalov.– In addition, it is not without reason to assume that initially the blog had not so much political as business goals: Navalny became a minority shareholder in many state-owned and blue-chip companies, received and partially published internal information, and also started lawsuits, in during which access was opened to documents that had not previously been made public. The Transneft company openly called these actions “industrial espionage.” Such technologies were widely used in the USA in the 80–90s and, perhaps, have reached us.

Navalny really brought horror to the hitherto “unafraid” and all-powerful structures - VTB, Sberbank, Gazprom.

Internet “hamsters” (a stable expression in relation to the Internet crowd) began to dedicate poems, websites and enthusiastic posts to Navalny throughout the vast space of the Internet. The voices of some experts who considered Navalny’s activities to be camouflaged “greenmail” (corporate blackmail) sounded quieter and more boring.

Virtuality and reality

Online Alexey Navalny received everything: the position of “mayor of Moscow” according to Internet users, maximum trust according to online polls, the delight of bloggers. But the blogosphere, by definition, is the most critical and distrustful audience, so in a bright guise Navalny not immediately, but there were spots.

A pleasant young man with a short and transparent biography is an ideal option for the role of a “Teflon politician” who is not in danger of any exposure.

– You’re probably talking about Lesha? Of course, I remember him,” the former class teacher told Interlocutor Navalny Irina Vakhrusheva. “He was from a very good family: his father was a military man, his mother worked in the administration of a large furniture company, was on the parent committee and was always worried about Lyosha, interested in all his affairs. But he gave no reason for worry: he was always smart, balanced, serious, very calm, although not always convenient for teachers - he could disagree and argue with the teacher.

Alexey Navalny grew up in a small military town near Moscow. The times were the most difficult for the army - the 90s. On the one hand, there is a prosperous family, on the other, there is widespread talk about “traitors who ruined the country.” The opposition vector was given Navalny since school days.

Navalny entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, after graduating from which he went to the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation to study stock exchange business. As they say, ambitious applicants enter the “Belodom” university in order to acquire useful connections from the criminal institute.

Having received two prestigious diplomas, Alexey Navalny did not pursue a career in the generally accepted sense. He was caught up in politics. He joined Yabloko, but in 2007 he was expelled from the party with the wording “for causing political damage to the party, in particular for nationalist activities.” To this day, there are videos from “early Navalny” circulating on the Internet, where he demonstrates the advantages of a fly swatter, a slipper and a pistol, which can be used to deal with a fly, a cockroach and a Caucasian, respectively.

“Believe me, I don’t have a tattoo with Hitler,” Navalny jokes about the topic of nationalism, which is inconvenient for him now, which has become a dragging burden for a federal politician, where he is aiming.

But it is known that Navalny is a participant in all “Russian Marches” without exception. Old Yabloko members tell how Navalny, when he lacked arguments, could interrupt his party colleague, an Armenian woman: “But your place is in the market!” And in 2007, during a debate at the Gogol club Navalny shot several times from a traumatic pistol at car mechanic Timur Teziev, which is why a criminal case was opened, which was closed six months later.

U Navalny there is no work history in the general sense: he does not go to the office or the workshop, but rather to rallies and marches. Almost his only official place of work was as an adviser to Governor Nikita Belykh in the Kirov region in 2009–2010. Assisting the most liberal head of the region in Russia is a good thing, but it is unlikely that Navalny himself likes to remember that period: the director of the local enterprise Kirovles accused Navalny of imposing an unprofitable contract and actually ruining the enterprise, and the head Navalny The Foundation for Supporting Initiatives of the Governor of the Kirov Region was disgraced by letters to entrepreneurs asking them to make a financial contribution.

Skeletons in the closet

A revolutionary on the Internet, in real life Navalny is a well-fed bourgeois who drove around Kirov in a gold Lamborghini, around Moscow in an Infinity, and celebrates the New Year in a country that is not the cheapest for tourist trips from Russia - Mexico.

“The Lamborghini is not mine, they let me drive it,” Alexey innocently parries the questions of Internet users.

It is known that Navalny lived in the United States for about six months, studied at Yale University and often visits the States. In America, they say, Navalny’s wife also lives most of the time.

It turns out that fighting for a just cause with proper organization can become a good business. Navalny’s project “RosPil” has already collected 5 million rubles in donations, some of which came in large contributions.

"It is clear that Navalny We've scrolled through the dough - and we need to somehow legalize this grant. But it’s not that oaky, yeah. SUDDENLY a million. In a day,” the political scientist commented on his blog Timofey Shevyakov.

Opponents Navalny they wonder how a professional fighter for truth lives and supports his wife and two children, and they wonder whose Navalny project – the USA or the Kremlin?

“The United States, of course, has a long-standing “image of the enemy,” and the Kremlin may be trying to channel the opposition under Navalny, lead it in circles, let it off steam,” says Dmitry Abzalov.

Alexey Navalny- This is the first Russian attempt to create a professional “white-gloved” politician. And so it was. But exactly until the virtual image acquired the features of a real person.

Alexey Navalny was born near Moscow, in the small town of Butyn. He grew up in a complete family with his father Anatoly Navalny and mother Lyudmila Navalnaya. Anatoly was from the Chernobyl region, and here he received his military education. Alexey's mother was born in a small village near the city of Zelenogradsk. She received her education in this village and then worked in various factories.

In 1993, one of the factories where Lyudmila worked went bankrupt. Immediately the parents decide to use this opportunity and create a workshop in this bankrupt factory. When Alexey finishes school, he enters the Peoples' Friendship University at the Faculty of Law. In 1999, he entered the financial academy, which he successfully completed and received a diploma. During his studies Alexey worked as a lawyer and then as an economist.

Activities as a politician

Alexei Navalny was a member of the political council of the Yabloko party from 2000 to 2007. Then he often organized various popular movements and nationalist processions. He repeatedly created political organizations that defended people's rights.

In 2008, Navalny, together with his like-minded people, began to organize an active struggle against oil companies, which, according to him, did not respond to numerous requests. In 2010 Alexey Navalny founded the RosPil organization, which quickly found its like-minded people. Thanks to active and effective actions to suppress fraud, within a year a large amount of money was saved for the state budget. For this, the organization received an award at an international competition.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation is the only private organization in Russia investigating cases of such importance. Roads are considered an important issue for Russia, with which the state is always in trouble, and to solve it, a project was founded that allows anyone to show a photograph of a section of the road unsuitable for driving.

Complaints were sent to the traffic police, but the employees did not take action, so a paper was generated and sent to the prosecutor's office, necessary to provoke any work to correct the roads. It is also worth mentioning that Alexei Navalny discovered Shuvalov's private jet, in which his wife took her high-breed dogs to various shows.

Candidate for mayor of Moscow

In 2013, Navalny ran for the post of mayor of the Russian capital. Initially, he was registered only because a larger selection of candidates for the post of mayor of Moscow was needed, but, contrary to all expectations, he fell slightly short of first place in the voting results.

Court cases

The next day, Alexey collected a package of documents on election fraud. During the demonstration, people actively expressed their dissatisfaction with the Moscow government. During the march, the police detained Navalny, and Alexey received a 15-day arrest for allegedly resisting arrest. But the most important court case that unfolded around Navalny was became the Kirovles case, which dragged on for quite a long time.

The essence of this case is that Alexey Navalny and an entrepreneur, allegedly through misconception, made a deal with Opalev, the director of the above-described enterprise, on unfavorable terms for him. Alexey himself denied all guilt, citing that the case was fabricated due to the fact that Navalny achieved his goal, and the director of the enterprise was removed from his position.

The case was subsequently closed, but a couple of months later it was reopened due to new data. As a result of the entire long chain of proceedings, the accusation came into force. The politician explained this by saying that the case was formed to protect him from political participation in the life of the country.

Family life

Navalny has a beautiful wife Yulia, daughter Daria and son Zakhar, who was born in 2008. For a long time, a large family lived in a one-room apartment, but the four of them felt cramped, so they started looking for an apartment to rent.

Elections 2018

Preparations for the elections went like this:

  1. At the end of 2016, Alexey expressed his intention to participate in the 2018 presidential elections in the Russian Federation.
  2. An election campaign was organized in which he declared his intention to continue the fight against corruption schemes.
  3. In the spring and summer of 2017, Navalny again organized strikes and rallies, as a result of which he was detained and received punishment, both in the form of a fine and serving a sentence of 15 and 30 days.

On December 27, Navalny was not allowed to participate in the 2018 elections because of the Kirovles case, despite its illegality. After this, the politician called on his like-minded people to join the strike.

Society, 28 Feb, 07:31

Bush and the “Navalny card”: how Probusinessbank’s money went to the Cook Islands ...stalking with a conversation with George Bush and a plan to release the "card Navalny" Money in the Cook Islands The vice-president of... was detained in Poland. Leontyev also told the court about the unrealized plans to issue a “card Navalny"-credit cards with cashback for donations to the Fund for Fighting... or any investigations were not financed," the press secretary told RBC Navalny Kira Yarmysh. In New York State Court in support of Leontiev...

Society, 19 Feb, 16:38

Navalny’s defense asked to lift the arrest from his accounts in the “Yves Rocher case” ...Moscow received a petition from the defense of opposition politician and blogger Alexey Navalny on the abolition of the seizure of funds in bank accounts and valuables... 2014, the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow recognized the brothers Alexey and Oleg Navalny guilty of fraud in the case of embezzlement of funds from the company “Iv... in prison, but in a general regime colony. Last year Oleg Navalny was released.​ The ECHR in 2017 recognized the proceedings on...

Society, 05 Feb, 20:59

The court ordered Navalny to delete the investigation about products for the Russian Guard ... meat processing plant "Friendship of Peoples" to Alexey Navalny on the protection of business reputation in full,” the lawyer told RBC Navalny, one of the authors of the investigation, Alexander... video versions of the FBK investigation and the publication of a refutation. The court also ordered Navalny the judge ruled to refute the information from their investigation, RIA Novosti reports. Claim...prices. ​ Zolotov then called Navalny for a duel. The meat processing plant "Friendship of Peoples" filed a lawsuit against Navalny. In December, RBC reported that contracts... The Oryol court canceled the payment of compensation to Oleg Navalny ... the right to compensation for moral damage,” the statement says. In the lawsuit Navalny indicated that he was serving his sentence under strict conditions. In particular, during the day... the colony staff are to blame. In December 2014, the brother of oppositionist Alexei Navalny sentenced to three and a half years in a general regime colony for... fraud and money laundering. At the end of June 2018, Oleg Navalny was released. He filed a lawsuit to recover... TV presenter Solovyov responded to Navalny’s new accusations ... Italy, which was published by the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Alexey Navalny. “An investigation is when something secret is revealed, but there is nothing secret there... located 11 km from the first one, it amounts to €1.021 million. Navalny published a purchase and sale agreement and an extract from the cadastre dated 2013... Soloviev bought himself a Mercedes Maybach car. In September 2017 Navalny also published an investigation into Solovyov’s real estate. Then he said that... The court returned Zolotov's lawsuit against Navalny ... . The court returned the claim of the head of the Russian Guard Viktor Zolotov to the oppositionist Alexey Navalny. This follows from the case card on the court page. In accordance... with my services,” he wrote. The reason for the lawsuit was published by Alexey Navalny and the Anti-Corruption Foundation, information about real estate owned by the head..., on which his statements are based. At the end of August 2018 Navalny published an investigation in which he claimed that the Russian Guard purchased food for... Vaninsky called himself the owner of the only supplier of the Russian Guard ... oppositionist Alexey accused in August of purchasing at inflated prices Navalny. After the release of the FBK investigation into the activities of the supplier of the Russian Guard, the head of the department, Viktor Zolotov, summoned Alexey Navalny to a duel, and the department called the investigation a falsification. Oppositionist in... Zolotov responded to Navalny about his grandson in England and “Mikoyan’s dacha” ... called the accusations against him by oppositionist Alexey far-fetched Navalny. Zolotov described the conflict with the politician in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. In relation to the dacha of the Soviet People's Commissar Anastas Mikoyan. In 2016 Navalny published an investigation in which he claimed that Zolotov’s family owns the apartments...,” the general said. In 2018, the Alexey Anti-Corruption Foundation Navalny released another investigation: it was alleged that the supplier of the Russian Guard inflates procurement... Senator Klishas responded to Navalny's investigation about him ... Klishas commented on RBC’s investigation into Alexey’s Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Navalny, in which he became the main character. Klishas said that everything... is legal, taxes have been paid,” the senator noted. Klishas confirmed that he was a classmate Navalny while studying at the Faculty of Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia... thousand sq. m, with its own pier. Third senator's house, claims Navalny, located in the Istra district of the Moscow region. The total area of ​​the house was calculated... The court decided to block Navalny’s website “Smart Voting” ... at the request of Roskomnadzor, the website of the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Alexey was blocked Navalny 2019.vote (“Smart voting”). RBC reported this to the Russian press in the field of personal data. On December 7, Roskomnadzor introduced the site Navalny to the register of violators on the basis of Art. 15.5 Federal Law No. 149 ... The court upheld the claim of the head of the Russian Guard against Navalny ... Viktor Zolotov to the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Alexey Navalny due to allegations about the general's real estate. RBC reported about this... corruption stories in the procurement sector, which he talks about Navalny without any evidence." Navalny stated that he would come to court and repeat his words about the Russian Guard. In August Navalny published an investigation in... Navalny announced a summons to the bailiffs because of the video “He’s not Dimon for you” Founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Alexey Navalny stated that he was summoned to the bailiff to draw up administrative... Russia for Moscow. Alisher Usmanov filed a lawsuit against FBK and Navalny in April 2017, demanding the removal of the film “He’s not for you... on Rublyovka. In May, the court granted Usmanov’s claim and ordered Navalny remove the video from the network and publish a refutation. The oppositionist submitted... To the barrier - to sue: what will the lawsuit of the head of the Russian Guard against Navalny turn out to be? ...the procurement he's talking about Navalny without any evidence base,” the lawyer clarified. The head of the Russian Guard expects that Navalny will come to court for the dacha ... Zolotov, in which he asks to recognize the published as false and defamatory Navalny information, publish a refutation within ten days, and also seek... departments: “Shoot in the back your own people who are fighting against Navalny, immoral." Claim to Navalny after the publication of information about the claims of the FAS and the FSB against... Roskomnadzor began blocking Navalny’s “Smart Voting” website One of the websites of the head of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Alexey Navalny 2019.vote (“Smart Voting”) is included in the list of blocked sites. How... The court confirmed the partial satisfaction of Navalny's claim for a travel ban ... yesterday, [the claim] was partially satisfied,” the court said. The day before on the site Navalny information appeared that he won the trial in the case... address Navalny on restricting travel abroad. Besides, Navalny announced plans to file a civil lawsuit to get money back for air tickets. ​ Navalny banned... data from the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) reported that imposed on Navalny The ban concerns his failure to comply with a court decision on recovery in favor of... Oleg Navalny exacted compensation for moral damage from the colony ... Interfax with reference to a court representative. “According to the court decision, Oleg Navalny compensation for moral damage in the amount of 50 thousand rubles was awarded. In... in fraud and money laundering. At the end of June Navalny was released. Brothers Navalny created the company "Glavpodpiska". According to the prosecutor's office, they concluded... a verdict, but the Presidium of the Supreme Court upheld it. Brothers Navalny complained to the ECHR about the unfairness of the trial. In their opinion... The Ministry of Justice doubted the ECHR’s reasoning in the decision on Navalny’s arrests ... a person (ECtHR), which recognized the arrests and detentions of oppositionist Alexei as politically motivated Navalny, raises doubts, the Russian Ministry of Justice said, RIA Novosti reports. The ministry emphasized that the amount of compensation that the ECHR awarded Navalny, almost three times lower than the oppositionist’s claims. “This demonstrates the validity of the position... Big change: why the ECHR changed its position on the case of Alexei Navalny ... opposition businessman Evgeniy Chichvarkin), travel restrictions for Navalny were removed. "Structural Inadequacy" Case Navalny demonstrates the refusal of the Russian authorities to “show tolerance for... and crimes,” and the courts rightly recognized Navalny violator. The ECHR ruling mentioned that detentions and arrests Navalny had a "discouraging effect on him... Navalny's ban on traveling abroad was lifted ... there are no enforcement proceedings,” a representative of the FSSP told TASS. According to Navalny, the necessary funds were allocated to him by entrepreneur Evgeny Chichvarkin, who received this money... when he was detained, arrested or found guilty of administrative offenses. "[ Navalny] believes that his rights were violated and the actions of [the authorities] were... Navalny announced a ban on leaving Russia ... unpaid fines, but there are only “pending” enforcement proceedings of an intangible nature. Navalny also noted that two weeks ago he was abroad and... when he was detained, arrested or found guilty of administrative offenses. "[ Navalny] believes that his rights were violated, and the actions [of the authorities] were... the ECHR published the oppositionist’s claim in February last year, satisfying the complaints Navalny. The court ruled to pay the politician more than €63 thousand in compensation... The Prosecutor General's Office did not see any grounds for verification in Zolotov's appeal ... found in a video message from the director of the Russian Guard Viktor Zolotov to the politician Alexey Navalny grounds for verification, the chairman of the Yabloko party Emilia Slabunova told RBC... and the Crimean meat processing plant "Friendship of Peoples". ​ The plant filed a lawsuit against Navalny after publication. Zolotov recorded a video message in which he called him “the opposition... a juicy chop,” said the head of the Russian Guard. At the time of publication of Zolotov’s appeal Navalny was under arrest for organizing a rally at the end of January. After... The head of the Russian Guard, Zolotov, suggested “putting Navalny through a polygraph” ... . Among the participants in the scheme Navalny called Zolotov himself and the Crimean meat processing plant “Friendship of Peoples”. "Friendship of Peoples" after publication Navalny filed a lawsuit... minutes to make a good juicy chop out of you,” Zolotov addressed Navalny. Navalny On October 18, he continued his correspondence dispute with Zolotov, answering the challenge... to participate in debates with Navalny refused. "Debate? I invited him to something else,” the head of the Russian Guard responded to the words Navalny. The general emphasized that he invited... Zolotov refused to debate with Navalny ... " Zolotov also recalled that after the publication of the investigation Navalny supplier of products for the Russian Guard filed a complaint Navalny to court. “After the court decision, when... the word “duel,” he wrote on Twitter. The conflict between Zolotov and Navalny flared up after the publication of an FBK investigation into procurements for the Russian Guard, published... "filed a lawsuit against Alexey Navalny.​ After the publication of the investigation, Zolotov stated that in his investigation Navalny admitted “slanderous thoughts”, and also... The Russian National Guard called Navalny's response PR during mourning ... departments “have not looked and are not going to look now” Alexey’s answer Navalny to a challenge to a duel, calling the oppositionist’s appeal “PR during... a duel. Coming out of the special detention center for administrative detainees on Monday, Navalny promised to answer Zolotov. On Thursday, he said that he was “grateful” to Zolotov ... of the channel or the second channel, or any other federal channel,” he said Navalny, adding that if TV channels refuse to host such debates, then... Navalny announced a summons to an investigator in a libel case ... he will be charged in a criminal case. After a visit to the investigator Navalny reported that this did not happen: he was only asked to sign a “standard paper explaining his rights.”. Alexey Navalny, who had left the special detention center the day before, was summoned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about this... or a particularly serious crime). In June 2016, at home Navalny a search took place. The oppositionist's lawyer Vadim Kobzev told Interfax that the presentation... Navalny was released after his second arrest in a row ...he added a photo showing Navalny leaving the gate of the special detention center with a backpack. That Navalny left the special detention center, Dozhd TV channel also reported, citing its correspondent. In late August Navalny received 30 days for the “Voter Strike” action. Administrative case regarding... or property.” On October 3, the Moscow City Court recognized the decision to arrest as legal Navalny for 20 days. Repeated bringing to administrative responsibility for this... The meat processing plant from Navalny's investigation sued him ...supplier of products for the Russian National Guard, filed a lawsuit against Alexey Navalny. Earlier, the founder of FBK published an investigation where he accused the supplier of the Russian Guard of... “Friendship of Peoples” to the oppositionist, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Alexey Navalny, follows from the case file in the court file. The claim was received 1 ... defend your arguments in court. Six months before the publication of the investigation Navalny the public organization announced that the “Friendship of Peoples” meat processing plant was inflating prices... The court found Navalny's arrest for 20 days legal ... - court secretary Lyudmila Morozova. “The appeal of lawyer Mikhailova in the interests of Navalny reject,” the court said. The Moscow City Court clarified that the only addition... to their Twitter page was the press secretary Navalny Kira Yarmysh. September 24, immediately after Navalny came out of the special detention center where he served... The “voter strike” that took place in January, he was detained. New 20 days Navalny received a court decision on the same day for organizing an unauthorized...

Society, 28 Sep 2018, 11:52

The court rejected Navalny's claim to refuse to issue a foreign passport ... advocate Navalny Vadim Kobzev asked in an administrative lawsuit to declare the decision to refuse extradition illegal Navalny international passports May 4, 2017 Navalny spoke... on human rights under the Russian President Mikhail Fedotov. After that Navalny He applied to the MFC and was given a passport. Presidential press secretary... Dmitry Peskov denied the Kremlin's assistance Navalny. In May, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled to pay Navalny€2 thousand for refusal to issue...

Politics, 24 Sep 2018, 23:12

The court sentenced Navalny to another 20 days of arrest ... September. This decision was made by judge Elena Armyashina, an RBC correspondent reports. Navalny was charged with violating the procedure for holding mass events, resulting in harm to human health... the judges, calling the administrative case “invented.” Armyashina refused to challenge herself. Navalny stated that he had not yet watched the video message of the director of the Russian Guard Viktor Zolotov...

Politics, 24 Sep 2018, 17:14

Navalny promised to respond to Zolotov after watching his video ... . However, when one of the journalists present in court tried to show Navalny video of Zolotov, the oppositionist rudely interrupted her. General Viktor Zolotov 11..., where he responded to the accusations of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Alexey Navalny about purchasing products at inflated prices. Zolotov said that the investigation... an investigation, despite the arrest of the oppositionist. Law enforcement officers again detained Navalny On September 24, immediately after he was released...

Politics, 20 Sep 2018, 19:31

Navalny's party filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Justice due to refusal to register ..." was established in May, in June comrades Navalny submitted documents for its registration. In July Navalny stated that the Ministry of Justice suspended the registration of the party... was due to violations in the application. At the beginning of August, comrades Navalny submitted an application to renew the registration of Russia of the Future, but the Ministry of Justice again refused. In the published Navalny The response from the Ministry of Justice indicated that the party did not provide the charter, copies of the protocols...

Society, 14 Sep 2018, 12:13

The Russian Guard explained Zolotov’s appeal to Navalny ... on his own initiative" recorded a video with a "challenge to a duel" of oppositionist Alexey Navalny. This is stated in the explanation on the website of the Russian Guard. To the press... preparing a speech for him. Viktor Zolotov in his address accused Navalny in “offensive, slanderous fabrications” and “challenged” the oppositionist to a duel. The reason... troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Boris Kantemirov. The Russian Guard called the investigation a falsification. Myself Navalny did not comment on Zolotov’s video message to him, as he is under...

Politics, 12 Sep 2018, 19:11

Navalny's wife called the head of the Russian Guard a coward ... . “I’m not afraid,” Yulia responded to a video message from the commander-in-chief of the Russian National Guard troops Navalnaya. “I despise him as a thief and a coward,” added the wife of the founder... “Friendship of Peoples.” Zolotov called such data “slanderous fabrications.” Alexey himself Navalny is currently under arrest. To his administrative responsibility...

Politics, 11 Sep 2018, 21:45

Zolotov vs Navalny: why the director of the Russian Guard followed the path of Usmanov ...to a duel, he says. Why Navalny named Navalny? Zolotov was one of the first in the Russian leadership to pronounce the name Navalny. The president, his press secretary and... the law enforcement system, summarizes political scientist Fetisov. How will this affect popularity? Navalny? Public opinion is more influenced by the main channels of obtaining information, such... on the attitude of society towards The Kremlin commented on Navalny’s challenge to a duel by the head of the Russian Guard ... did not coordinate with the Kremlin the challenge of the head of FBK Alexei Navalny. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov commented on the video message of the head of the Russian Guard... . He said the investigation was an "offensive slanderous speculation." The general called Navalny for a fight and declared that he would make a “chop” out of him. Lawyer...

Society, 11 Sep 2018, 11:56

The head of the Russian Guard promised to make a “chop” out of Navalny ... fabrications,” which “are not accepted to be forgiven just like that.” That's why he calls Navalny for a duel. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Guard, Army General Viktor Zolotov replied... to RBC that he was in a special detention center Navalny cannot yet answer Zolotov. “I can’t decide for Alexey Navalny. This is Alexey's decision. Communications... to pursue its policy of destabilization.” Khodorkovsky himself called Zolotov’s speech an advertisement Navalny. “You probably feel like a hound on the trail, or like a hunter...

Politics, 10 Sep 2018, 22:51

The EU condemned the Russian authorities for the dispersal of protests on September 9 ...elections at various levels were taking place simultaneously. The protests were organized by Alexey's supporters Navalny. In addition to Moscow, they took place in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk...