Characters from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh", what are their names, photos of the cartoon characters? — Useful information for everyone. The mood of people with different types of character

Who is your child - choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine or melancholic?

At one time, Hippocrates divided people according to their temperament into four types: “blood” - a warm beginning - sanguine people, “mucus” - a cold start - phlegmatic people, “bile” - a wet start - choleric people and “black bile” - a dry start - melancholic people.

Depending on the predominance of any principle, the characteristics of a person are formed, but do not predetermine them. So, people with the same temperament can have completely different character traits.

temperament (from Latin) is translated as “proper proportion of parts.”

temperament is manifested in emotionality, mobility, speed of thinking, rate of speech, facial expressions, manner of communication and behavior.

in reality, most often these four temperaments are found in a mixed form. but still, based on the prevailing style of behavior and way of interacting with others, almost any child can be classified as a certain temperamental type.

temperament is established even before birth and begins to manifest itself literally from the first days of a child’s life. Some babies sleep in their cribs all day long, while others, on the contrary, worry every now and then, cry and demand something. Some children are ready to hang on their mother’s arms all day long, while their brothers, having learned to walk, devote most of their time to independent exploration of the world around them.

temperamental properties cannot be changed. If a child is quiet and uncommunicative, he will remain so throughout his life. Only, over time, under the influence of certain educational and training factors, gaining life experience, a person can force himself to behave differently: for example, to become more sociable, but only at the moment when he needs it.

emotionally stable types of temperaments

sanguine people(Tom Sawyer, Mowgli, Timur (from the work of A. Gaidar)) - they are distinguished by a penchant for leadership, sociability, goodwill, activity, energy, strong character, have high efficiency and self-control.

life lovers
easy to adapt
switch quickly
not vindictive

sanguine people They love to learn new things and easily absorb information. They quickly switch from one thing to another and are able to do several things at once. their lively speech is replete with superlatives and is accompanied by impulsive gestures.

phlegmatic(crocodile gene, uncle fedor, grandfather sher) – they are distinguished by calmness, balance, slowness, constancy, stubbornness, taciturnity, lack of initiative.

moderately sociable

phlegmatic slowly but firmly assimilate new knowledge. their speech is leisurely, expressive, but without numerous gestures and bright facial expressions. Such children fall asleep quickly and have difficulty waking up. phlegmatic does not adapt well to unfamiliar surroundings.

emotionally unstable types of temperaments

X olerics(Dunno, Carlson, Mashenka (from the new cartoon “Masha and the Bear”)) – are distinguished by increased excitability, tirelessness, initiative, determination, conflict tolerance, sociability, and quick reactions.

are proactive
are fundamental
love to overcome obstacles

choleric people They speak expressively and emotionally, but abruptly, quickly and with swallowing of individual words. the movements of these children are swift, sharp, and energetic. New information is learned quickly, but also forgotten quickly. Such children are inattentive, they lack prudence and the ability to count on their capabilities. Choleric people fall asleep with difficulty, under the impression of the events of the day.

melancholic(Eeyore, Shrek, Aunt Motya) is characterized by increased emotional sensitivity, anxiety, indecision, vulnerability, shyness, isolation, responsiveness, and fatigue.


Winnie the Pooh is a character that is familiar to many. Most people know him from the cartoon of the same name dating back to Soviet times. However, in addition to this hero, both in the book and in the cartoon you can meet no less charismatic characters.

The rabbit from Winnie the Pooh is one of them. He's not very funny, quite the opposite. However, it is bright and memorable. And many of his phrases from the cartoon still stick. However, the original version, which was written by Alan Milne, in some ways differs significantly from the usual many stories about a cute bear.

Cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all..."

The cartoon in question was created in 1969. It should be noted that the author of the work is Alan Milne. Winnie the Pooh is not a Russian character at all. However, everyone liked this little bear. Cartoons were filmed based on it, books were written, adapted for a specific country. This happened in the USSR as well.

The animators approached the story with all seriousness, and soon the bear cub and his friends became familiar to everyone. The images of the heroes were drawn as close as possible to the Russian spirit. That's why Vinny came out as a lump, but kind and affectionate, while Piglet came out timid. However, in our version, Piglet fights fear and never leaves Winnie alone in trouble. The bear himself is sure that in order to achieve a lot, you need to work. That's why he writes songs.

"Winnie the Pooh": characters

The main characters from "Winnie the Pooh" include:

Differences between the original and Zakhoder's story

Boris Zakhoder is the father of the Winnie the Pooh known in Russia. The fact is that he undertook to translate a work written by Alan Milne. But the writer got so carried away that he rewrote a lot of things, and even removed some points altogether. Part of history began to be understood in a different light, closer to our people.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the original work and its translation differ from each other, sometimes significantly. An interesting fact is that many people became acquainted with the original “Winnie the Pooh” only thanks to the series from the Disney company. It also made it clear that the stories were different. In addition to their appearance, the heroes differed in character.

In the original work, Winnie is a living bear. However, he has a very small brain. In our version, he has sawdust in his head. In the book, not only the main character with the name Winnie the Pooh is constantly present. Characters who are minor appear regularly on the pages of the book.

Also, according to Milne, the Owl is a male character. The only female character in the book is Kanga. Therefore, the heroes first greet her warily. Also, the Owl in Milne’s version only sometimes uses clever phrases, which he does not always understand. In Zakhoder's version, this is an elderly lady to whom everyone goes for advice.

Rabbit from "Winnie the Pooh" - main features

Now let’s take a closer look at the image of the most reasonable hero in this series of stories. The rabbit from Winnie the Pooh is a charismatic character. He is extremely rational and can find a reasonable explanation for everything. According to Zakhoder's book, when Vinnie was stuck in his house, he used his legs as a towel dryer. This suggests that the rabbit from the fairy tale “Winnie the Pooh” is not such a pessimist. He finds a way out of any situation.

By temperament he is a typical choleric person. The rabbit from Winnie the Pooh is an active hero. If you remember the cartoon, you can pay attention to how he adjusts his glasses. All his movements are impetuous. It’s as if he can’t stand still, he’s constantly moving, doing something.

Also, the Rabbit is a real leader. He strives to always be at the head of any company. He tries to be in charge, to manage people. He also has many plans, for example, to tame the Tiger. Not all of his plans turn out to be useful, but this does not stop him.

Rabbit's home

The Rabbit's House from Winnie the Pooh is a different story. It is truly a home, a den - a place that the Rabbit loves. He doesn't let anyone in. This is also due to the fact that the Rabbit is also a cautious character.

Everything is in relative order in the Rabbit's house. There is a kitchen with supplies and a bedroom. The entrance to the hole, which is what the Rabbit's house is called, is a hole. In front of it is a rug on which guests must wipe their feet. This speaks of the extreme cleanliness of the character.

If you remember the cartoon, it will become clear that the Rabbit is patient, but he will not remain silent. After Winnie ate almost all the supplies, the Rabbit did not remain silent, but said the catchphrase “Someone is eating a lot!” Here it is clear that the hero is a good and hospitable host. His house has everything for unexpected visitors.

Rabbit in the original version

If you compare the versions of Zakhoder and Milne, you can see a number of differences. The rabbit in the original is clearly a misanthrope. He loves peace. Of course, he is always on the move, for example, tending to his garden. But he clearly doesn’t like it when his orders are changed. That's why he doesn't like Tigger most of all - he's active and restless.

Rabbit treats other characters evenly. They won't contradict him as much as Tiger. Unlike Owl, he really knows a lot, and does not try to seem smarter. This is probably why he sometimes looks like an arrogant hero. However, in reality the Rabbit is kind, although at times capricious.

All children are different - this is a common truth. Every mother knows that no two children are alike, and cannot be. Nevertheless, psychologists divide children into groups based on behavioral characteristics- in other words, types of temperament.

Today the site will tell you the features of interaction with children with different types of temperament.

Temperament type - what is it?

Types of temperament in children are a set of certain behavioral characteristics that are determined by the properties of such fundamental nervous processes, How excitation and inhibition. There are three properties of these, they can be easily remembered by making up the abbreviation SUP: C - force, U – equilibrium, P - mobility nervous processes. Now more details.

  • Under by force nervous processes implies the endurance of all nerve cells, their ability to withstand both long-term and short-term, but significant excitation, without extinguishing it by inhibition. This is manifested in the child’s ability to work, as well as in his sensitivity to the world around him. The strength of excitation processes manifests itself in the fact that the child is able to put effort into solving a certain problem for a long time. Strength of braking processes– the fact is that the baby is able to concentrate on his activities and not be distracted by trifles. The strength of certain processes is opposed to them weakness– inability to exert effort and concentrate.
  • Sign poise nervous processes is the same strength of both the process of excitation and the process of inhibition. A child with a balanced nervous system usually finishes what he has started calmly and without difficulty. When baby unbalanced, and either the processes of excitation or inhibition predominate in him, he behaves accordingly: either he easily overcomes difficulties, or he “freezes” in front of them.
  • Mobility nervous processes - the ability of excitation and inhibition to immediately replace each other as necessary. Thanks to mobility, the child easily switches from one activity to another. The opposite of mobility is inertia. When nervous processes are inert, the child has to make great efforts to switch from one type of activity to another and adapt to new circumstances.

All these three qualities in various combinations create the types of temperament in children, their way of reacting to certain circumstances.

It should be noted that “pure” types of temperament in children are practically never found in life, in most cases they are skillfully intertwined in every child, although the predominant features can be identified.

More often leading type of temperament in children can be identified after graduation, when the child learns to control himself and express his emotions more or less clearly.

Sanguine child (strong, balanced, agile)

As an example of this type of temperament in a child, we can cite the well-known Winnie the Pooh.

Positive, active, easy to communicate. He cares about everything, easily adapts to any situation, and resolves conflicts. Easily gets involved in any activity, but also easily switches to something else.

Easily masters age-related skills. Movements are confident and precise. Speech is expressive, lively, with facial expressions and gestures. Rarely and briefly sad. Among peers he usually occupies the position of leader.

Phlegmatic Child (strong, balanced, inert)

An example of this type of temperament in a child is the Owl from the same “Winnie the Pooh”.

Calm "hoarder", does not tolerate haste. He does everything slowly, efficiently, with order, in proven ways.. He is quite capable of doing one thing for a long time and tediously without experiencing fatigue. He persistently pursues his goal, overcoming all obstacles.

He does not change his decisions, it is difficult to convince him. Such a child is incredibly resistant to external stimuli. He is always reserved and seems unemotional, but if he has become attached to someone, he will never betray him. All age-related skills are formed in a phlegmatic person for a long time and with difficulty, but for a long time and with high quality.

Speech is calm, unhurried, without gestures or outbursts of emotion; there are frequent pauses, although the vocabulary is normal. Slowly and not without difficulty he gets used to the new environment and does not like change.

Choleric child (strongly unbalanced, with a predominance of excitement)

An example of this type of temperament in a child is Piglet the pig.

Always bright, colorful, always “too much”. Agile, starts with half a turn, his energy is inexhaustible and his pranks are immeasurable. A fighter, a bully, despite failures and difficulties, gets up after each fall and again moves towards his goal, if he needs it, but does not always complete what he started, and can give up everything for something else, no less interesting. A commander by nature, he often conflicts with peers, although he cannot live without them.

The speech of choleric people is abrupt, fast, they often swallow words and endings, but they speak very emotionally and loudly. The mood changes easily, depending on the circumstances. Such children easily adapt to a new environment, but have difficulty adapting to new rules. They calmly accept verbal punishments, but do not tolerate restrictions on freedom.

Melancholic Child (weak)

An example of this type of temperament in a child is the donkey Eeyore.

Such children extremely sensitive and vulnerable, although they are kind and responsive. Easily distracted and tired quickly. They react sensitively to loud sounds, shouts... Just a little - they burst into tears. They are afraid of everything, especially of something new, a change of environment, new people. Shy, timid, indecisive. They become fixated on their own failures and perceive punishment as a tragedy. They get offended easily and often.

Their speech is quiet, but intonationally expressive, their movements are uncertain, poor and often fussy. Age-related skills are learned in a timely manner, but are prone to regression during adaptation to new conditions. But in a familiar environment they are able to surpass themselves and achieve significant results.

Raising a child according to his temperament type

How to raise a Sanguine person:

  • Strive to develop sustainable interests.
  • Teach perseverance, patience, and the ability to finish what you start.
  • Eliminate negligence and superficiality when performing tasks.
  • Keep in mind that the cheerfulness, sociability and optimism of a sanguine person can become a source of his frivolity and inconstancy.

How to raise a Phlegmatic person:

  • Develop curiosity, stimulate intelligence and imagination, encourage his initiative.
  • Learn to properly distribute attention and time when performing various tasks.
  • Learn to express your feelings more fully: how to be kind, how to feel sorry for someone, to be happy, to be upset, to instill communication skills and develop sociability.
  • Don’t get annoyed at the snail’s pace, but speed it up by using play activities, at least racing games.

How to raise Choleric:

  • Direct the bursting energy to necessary, useful things.
  • Learn to think about your decisions and evaluate possibilities.
  • Cultivate perseverance and restraint, teach self-control, extinguish aggression in its infancy
  • Select games that strengthen inhibition processes: calm ones, where everything depends on attention and a minimum of emotions is needed.
  • Teach politeness and take into account that the spontaneity of a choleric person often results in tactlessness.
  • Do not persuade; a choleric person does not accept persuasion, as opposed to demands.

How to raise a Melancholic person:

  • Be more kind and gentle with him. Don't demand, but ask. Support and approve.
  • Aim him only at feasible tasks and help him complete them on time.
  • Support his independence, teach him to overcome shyness, eradicate self-doubt.
  • Help and teach to get rid of fears and under no circumstances intimidate on purpose.
  • Do not demand from a melancholic person what is impossible for him.

General rules of education

In addition, we can highlight general rules that must be taken into account when interacting with all children, regardless of their temperament type, especially if the type of temperament of the parent and the child is different, and the child always behaves “wrong”:

  • Don't suppress child, and manage his temperament
  • Consider not only disadvantages, but also pros child's temperament type
  • Don’t get annoyed because the child is “not like that” don't scold baby behind his temperament
  • Try still teach the child what to him lacks

I am sure that this information will help many to look at their child with different eyes, appreciate his merits and learn to get even more pleasure from communicating with him.

When communicating with people, we often notice that spending time with some is easy for us (as if we have known each other for decades), while with others, ease is out of the question.

Such compatibility of people directly depends on the types of temperament: some are attracted to cheerful sanguine people, others - hot-tempered and impatient choleric people, silent and pedantic phlegmatic people, sensitive melancholic people.

Temperament is a constant concept. It determines a person’s emotional state, influences his behavior in society and, of course, changes in mood.

Temperament and mood: is there a connection?

The way a person perceives life and current events directly depends on the type of temperament.


A sanguine person is distinguished by quick reactions and frequent changes in emotional states, which do not leave a deep imprint on his personality. This means that, cheerful by nature, he easily falls into despondency, which in a matter of minutes is replaced by a new surge of positive emotions.

The character of a sanguine person is fickle, as is his mood. Such a person is easy-going, but at the same time, he quickly cools down and loses interest. Despite the frequent change of emotions, negativity does not linger in the memory of a sanguine person: he easily partes with grievances and does not fall into prolonged depression. and the ability to find positivity in any situation is a distinctive feature of people of this type of temperament. Sociability, talkativeness, carefreeness and initiative of sanguine people cannot but attract.

Despite the openness and “easy” nature of extroverts, a sharp change in the mood of sanguine people complicates their relationships with others and makes people hostage to their mood.


Like sanguine people, people of this type of temperament are characterized by frequent changes of emotions. While this does not particularly affect the emotional stability of the former, choleric people always experience such processes more deeply: their nervous system is unstable. Outbursts of feelings, sudden changes in emotions are a common phenomenon for choleric people. The passion of such people is expressed in their mood. The feelings that grip a choleric person will be reflected in his facial expressions and in his relationships with other people.

People of this type of temperament are extroverts, but are easily excitable and unbalanced, often unrestrained, irritable and hot-tempered. Despite the activity and passion with which the choleric gets down to business, he quickly depletes his reserves of good mood and inspiration.

The behavior of a choleric person often provokes conflict situations. Sudden changes in mood, harshness and straightforwardness, intolerance and lack of restraint repel others.

Phlegmatic person

Unlike sanguine and choleric people, emotional excitability is not at all inherent in phlegmatic people. These are people with a stable psyche and calm temperament. Stability is the basis of his life. Such people are calm and unshakable, rarely lose their temper.

The mood of phlegmatic people rarely changes under the influence of external factors; it, like the feelings of people of this type, is distinguished by enviable constancy. Phlegmatic people are ideal spouses, judges, jury members, etc. Such people rarely lose their emotional balance and prefer to maintain good relationships without quarrels and separations. The negative side of eternal calm is rare but violent emotional outbursts.

Phlegmatic people find it difficult to allow “new” people into their lives; to everyone they are friendly and polite on the outside, but withdrawn on the inside. As an employee, such a person works more effectively on his own than in a team. Phlegmatic people are emotionally stable introverts.


The feelings of a melancholic person are stable, but are subject to strong emotional influence. Such people worry deeply, accumulate grievances, become depressed and often feel sad. They are not characterized by rapid changes of emotions; melancholic people take a long time to recover from certain emotional states. Their mood is easily ruined; Vulnerability and exposure to external factors force melancholic people to have a hard time experiencing what is happening, to be withdrawn and uncommunicative.

Melancholic people are often in a bad mood; such people lack determination, they are passive, often doubt, and do not reveal their feelings. The high sensitivity of melancholic people makes them not indifferent to other people's experiences; they are subtle psychologists and often creative individuals. The vulnerability of melancholic people creates difficulties in communicating with others.

Compatibility of different types of temperament

In any relationship it is important to find a middle ground. The popular wisdom that opposites attract perfectly characterizes the compatibility of people of different types of temperament.

Hot temper choleric remarkably smoothes out the balanced phlegmatic person. Positive sanguine and his ability to overcome difficulties will not give melancholic become despondent. At the same time, the combination choleric And melancholic(given the hot temper of the former and the touchiness of the latter) entails misunderstanding and manifestation of irritability. A similar effect often occurs in couples sanguine-phlegmatic person. You can get rid of negative consequences by showing openness and restraint, consistency and reliability.

The combination of two extroverts - sanguine And choleric- will lead to frequent conflicts, because each type is emotional, proactive, and capable of leadership. Pair phlegmatic person-melancholic, on the contrary, is too passive, their relationships are often boring and monotonous.

The combination of two identical character types is most painfully manifested in a couple of choleric people, a bit better - sanguine people and the most favorable relationships are phlegmatic or melancholic.

Of course, in nature, the main types of temperament appear extremely rarely in their pure form. Every person combines traits of at least two types.

In order to maintain balance in relationships and good mood, it is important to be open, make reasonable compromises and fight negative character traits.

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