How many years does it take to become president? Requirements for a candidate for President of the Russian Federation

Many citizens of the country have the right to become president of the Russian Federation - current legislation provides for the opportunity to run for the post of head of state for almost every person. However, there are a number of restrictions and fairly strict requirements for candidates for the presidency of Russia, which a person must meet before being allowed to participate in the popular vote. Find out who can become president of the Russian Federation and how to do it.

Table of contents:

The President from the point of view of Russian legislation

The rights, powers and duties of the President of the Russian Federation are secured, first of all, in the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The main document also sets out the main requirements for candidates for the position of President. In addition, the mechanism in accordance with which elections are held is indicated - a secret popular vote of capable citizens. However, the Constitution regulates only the most basic requirements for candidates for President of the Russian Federation, which include:

  • Candidate's age. Article 81 of the Constitution provides that only a candidate who has reached 35 years of age can be elected as President. At the same time, it is necessary to reach 35 years of age by the time of registration as a candidate, and not by the time of the popular vote or taking office.
  • Citizenship. Only persons who are full citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to participate in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Duration of citizenship. Candidates must not only have Russian citizenship, but also have been in it for at least 10 years before voting.
  • Legal status. A person who has already occupied the presidential chair for the previous two consecutive terms of presidential rule cannot submit his candidacy for participation in elections.

In more detail, the current standards concerning the procedure for registering candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the conduct of such elections and the requirements for candidates, in accordance with the provisions of Article 81 of the Constitution, are determined by the relevant Federal Law. This is Federal Law No. 19 of January 10, 2003. This law is regularly updated and supplemented with regulations in order to ensure effective protection of national security and independence of the Russian Federation in general and the President in particular.


The status of the President in accordance with the law, as well as a presidential candidate, gives both a certain range of additional rights and powers in comparison with other citizens and officials of the Russian Federation, and corresponding restrictions. In particular, these may include a mandatory refusal to conduct business activities, keep funds in accounts in foreign organizations, and so on.

Detailed requirements for a candidate for President of the Russian Federation

The current Federal legislation carefully regulates the procedure for registering candidates for the President of Russia and the mechanisms by which refusal to register a candidate is ensured. Thus, only persons who meet both the constitutional requirements and the provisions of the above-mentioned Federal Law “On Presidential Elections” may be allowed to register as a presidential candidate. The general list of requirements according to which one can understand who cannot be a candidate for presidential nomination is as follows:


All of the above restrictions apply to both persons self-nominated for President and those nominated by political parties.

The procedure for self-nomination of candidates or their nomination from political parties is different. At the same time, a political party does not have the right to nominate candidates who are members of other parties, but can nominate non-party persons. To register as a presidential candidate, it is necessary to confirm that such a candidate has popular support.

Procedure for registering a candidate for President of Russia

In general, any person who meets the above requirements can submit documents to register himself as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation. However, before a person is included in the electoral rolls, a number of additional actions must be completed in accordance with the strict regulations of the current legislation. The procedure for registering a candidate for President of the Russian Federation will be as follows:

Important fact

All refusals by the Central Election Commission regarding the registration of candidates at any stage must be issued no more than two days from the date of submission of documents. In addition, any refusal must be motivated. Challenging such refusals is carried out exclusively in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, and consideration of such claims takes no more than five days from the date of their filing.

In general, an additional significant list of restrictions on rights applies to candidate registration. In particular, it is not allowed to exceed the maximum costs established at the federal level for conducting an election campaign and pre-election campaign by more than 5 percent. Such standards are designed to ensure equal rights for participants in the election race, regardless of their finances.

If you think that the only option to convey your thoughts and ideas on government to the highest levels of government is the presidency, then this is not entirely true. To do this, there are several sites on the Internet that the government and the presidential administration take into account, and where you can voice all the questions or ideas that trouble your soul and heart. And in case the reader is really considering the question of how to become president, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this material.

Deciding on the direction

Before becoming president of Russia, you should clearly decide where you want to take the country and how you will do it. One of the main rules, perhaps, is “do no harm.” Few would argue that the wrong course would likely quickly lead to, at best, impeachment. Those who can become president of the Russian Federation and wish to do so must have a precise plan, which involves the growth and strengthening of the state. This approach will certainly work to your advantage. By the way, it is this plan that will subsequently become the basis for the election and campaign program, but first things first.

How do they become presidents, and what qualities are in demand in this job? You need to have a strong inner core, because people only follow strong-willed and worthy people. If you have such qualities, then few will be able to interfere with your path, be it competitors, oligarchs or other individuals. By the way, you will also need the ability not to dwell on the results achieved. Since one or two successful and publicly approved reforms may not be enough to stay in office for the rest of the term.

Contrary to popular belief about the authorities “doing nothing,” being president is very difficult and extremely responsible. Those who want to become president must understand a huge number of issues, have an understanding of the functioning of the economy, industry and other areas, be legally savvy and have a remarkable mind and ability to make decisions. After all, it is very easy to argue that “we need to raise wages, pensions and reduce taxes,” but it is a completely different matter to understand how this can be implemented in practice. Now we can move on to specifics.

Requirements for a candidate

Let's see who can become president of the Russian Federation. The federal law of the Russian Federation contains a list of requirements that the candidate must comply with. Firstly, he must be a citizen of Russia. Secondly, have resided permanently in the country for the last 10 years. Traveling abroad on vacation or a business trip does not count. Age – from 35 years.

The absence of a criminal background and participation in high-profile political and diplomatic scandals is welcome. There is also a point regarding mental and spiritual health. Those officially recognized as insane are not allowed to be candidates. A higher education in any field of study is also required. There are no other serious restrictions. If you meet these requirements, you can proceed to the next steps. How to become the president of Russia, and what to do next?


First you need to wait for the Central Election Commission to announce the exact date of the next elections. You will need at least 500 of your supporters who will be ready to officially nominate your candidacy in the presence of members of the Central Election Commission (these are the conditions for self-nominated candidates). Usually a meeting is organized for this purpose somewhere in a conference room. If everything went well, you then need to submit a petition of the established form to the Central Election Commission.

You also need to organize the collection of signatures in your support in all regions of the Russian Federation. 50 thousand from each - a total of 2 million signatures. This, of course, requires money. The minimum amount for participation in the 2012 elections was 40 million rubles, the maximum was 400. These figures may differ in different elections. Only 40 million of personal money can be invested, the rest is made up of voluntary donations and contributions. However, they are prohibited from being received from abroad or from officials. This is the law.

The second option is to join a political party. They have the right to nominate their own candidate for the presidency. This happens at the party congress. Next, you should wait for the approval of your candidacy by the Central Election Commission, after which you can begin the election campaign.

Campaigning and elections

How do they become presidents, and what do candidates do for this after they have been approved by the Central Election Commission? The first step is to start the election campaign. Its goal is to win over as many voters as possible. As you know, the results are determined by the principle of majority vote. How to achieve the desired level is up to you. However, it should be taken into account that the use of illegal methods (bribery and other things) entails criminal liability and exclusion from participation in elections. A well-thought-out campaign will achieve good results.

One day before the immediate date of the elections, any campaigning is prohibited. Citizens cast their votes, and we can only wait for the results. The Central Election Commission carries out the count, after which the official results are published. When the name of the newly elected president is known, a ceremonial inauguration is held, during which he takes an oath of service to the people.

Basically, this is how you become president. Of course, it is not so simple, but nothing is impossible. It is best to start your path to this position by working in local government so that people know about you. From there you can get to the State Duma, earn respect and authority, and then - who knows...

As a child, each of us probably faced the question “What do you dream of becoming in the future?” Someone answered - a teacher, someone - an astronaut, and someone - a president. If these dreams remain relevant into adulthood, then there is a need to understand how these dreams can be realized.

With the teacher everything is quite simple and clear. You choose the subject you want to teach, enter a university for the appropriate teaching specialty, study hard, get a diploma and voila - you stand in front of a whole class of kids and tell them about Darwin, Newton, Pythagoras or other great minds of mankind.

Becoming an astronaut is, of course, more difficult. You need to have certain physical qualities, but in general there is an algorithm for achieving your dreams - complete all the steps and you’re in space.

But what about those who dream of becoming president? Not a single educational institution prepares students for the specialty “first person of the state.” In this regard, the question arises - what education to choose?

To understand this issue, let’s turn to illustrative examples and see what kind of education former and current presidents of different countries of the world received in their time.


1. Boris Yeltsin (1991−1999)

The first president of Russia was born in the Sverdlovsk region and graduated from the Ural State Technical University with a degree in civil engineer.

2. Vladimir Putin (2000−2008, 2012-present)

The current leader of our country is a diploma holder Faculty of Law Leningrad State University, Leningrad State University, which is now called St. Petersburg State University or St. Petersburg State University.

3. Dmitry Medvedev (2008−2012)

Dmitry Anatolyevich, like Vladimir Vladimirovich, received his education in modern St. Petersburg. Moreover, he also learned lawyer at LSU.


1. Francois Hollande (2012 - present)

The current President of France studied at the Institute for Policy Studies, as well as at the HEC Paris business school, where he studied business And jurisprudence.

2. Nicolas Sarkozy (2007−2012)

Nicolas was educated in the field civil law at the University of Paris X - Nanterre.

3. Jacques Chirac (1995−2007)

Jacques, like Hollande, graduated from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, where he studied jurisprudence.


1) Donald Trump (US President-elect at the time of writing)

The newly elected US President graduated from the Wharton School of Business, where he studied economy And finance.

2) Barack Obama (2009−2017)

Barack Obama studied jurisprudence at Harvard Law School.

3) George W. Bush (2001−2009)

Bush Jr. received two educations at once: historical at Yale University and economic at Harvard Business School.


1) Mauricio Macri (2015 - present)

The current President of Argentina studied engineer at the Catholic University of Argentina.

2) Christina Elisabeth de Kirchner (2007−2015)

The first woman president elected by popular vote received legal education at the National University of La Plata.

3) Nestor Carlos Kirchner Ostojic (2003−2007)

Kirnschner also successfully graduated "law faculty" National University of La Plata.

South Korea

1) Park Geun-hye (2013−2016)

Park Geun-hye's education is Electrical Engineer. She received this specialty from Seoul Sogang University. By the way, Park served a shorter term as president due to the fact that she was impeached.

2) No Moo Hyun (2003−2008)

Roh Moo Hyun trained as a lawyer at the Legal Research Institute and worked for several years lawyer.

3) Kim Dae-jung (1998−2003)

Kim graduated from Kyung Hee University in Seoul with a degree in management.

Having examined 15 presidents from 5 states in different parts of the world, let’s summarize our statistics:

1. Received a legal education 9 presidents.

2. Received technical education 3 president.

3. Received economic education (finance, management) 3 president.

I don’t presume to guess exactly what qualities a president needs to develop in a legal education. But it can be argued that no matter what country you live in, if you want to become president, go to law school.

I Make sure you are over 35 years old. It is assumed that youth, innocence, excellent potency and one’s own teeth are beautiful in themselves, and, having all this wealth, it is absolutely not necessary to also be the President.

II But even the extreme degree of decrepitude will not save you if for the last 10 years you have lived not in Russia, but somewhere else (vacation trips do not count). It is also important not to be officially recognized as crazy, not to be in prison and not to be the President of Russia (for the second term in a row). If you do not fall into one of these three categories of unfortunates, then you are a suitable candidate.

III You need to find 500 supporters who will officially nominate your candidacy, and gather them in some special rented place - for example, a hotel or concert hall. Dress warmly - at the last moment it turns out that the walls of the hotel are on strike, and a space toilet from a dismantled orbital station fell into your meeting room, so you will still have to meet outside.

IV The members of the Central Election Commission, who were warned in advance by you, will come to your meeting to count you. Since the members of the Central Election Commission have a very tense relationship with arithmetic, it is better to gather not five hundred, but a thousand people. Give each of them a large sign with a number. Line them up in an even rectangle. And let them count themselves loudly while you film the process on a video camera, while simultaneously pressing the necks of the Central Election Commission representatives with your knees to the asphalt so that they do not try to escape. At this time, your assistants should raise the eyelids of the Central Election Commission representatives so that they do not squint.

V By the way, money will be needed for the election campaign. Candidates from Duma factions are fine; their expenses are paid by the state, but self-nominated candidates will have to collect coins on their own. The maximum that can be spent on an election campaign is 400 million rubles, but this should not be a simple 400 million, but a pious one.

1 You can only raise 40 million from your own piggy bank; all the rest of the money should be donated to you by good people.

2 Good people should not be foreign subjects. If even one rotten tugrik is transferred to your account from abroad, then this is a reason to remove you from the race. Therefore, you need to be vigilant about who sends you funds and from where.

3 It is not forbidden for a candidate to beg money from pensioners on the porch, but he is not allowed to take money from people holding positions in government organizations.

VI If you are allowed to collect signatures, then you have approximately 6-7 weeks to collect two million. And no more than 50,000 from each subject of the Russian Federation. That is, you need to immediately organize at least forty headquarters (preferably more) in the regions. Since the voter needs not only to sign, but to indicate all his intimate data on the signature sheet, including his passport number, the process of hunting for signatories turns into a most exciting event. The law prohibits bribing signatories with money or candy, and the main currency in these relations is the stickiness and importunity of your staff. Signature collectors attack citizens in stores, train stations and bus stops; they hang around apartments and try to enter businesses. Since they usually hold your portraits in their hands, by the end of the signature collection period the whole country knows perfectly well how much hair sticks out of your left nostril.

VII Having collected two million signatures (or better yet, eight, because we remember where the Central Election Commission is and where it is arithmetic), double-check the maximum number of signature sheets. You will understand what abyss of humor are hidden in our gloomy-looking fellow citizens when you find out how many Winnie-the-Poohs of Savoys have signed up for you.

VIII Having handed over the sheets obtained in blood to the Central Election Commission, go and pray. Only a miracle can now force the Central Election Commission to recognize them as genuine. No, of course, you can then prove in court that the CEC experts were wrong in their graphological assessments... Just in time for the next elections, you may be able to get the court to recognize the first 200 disputed signatures as slightly similar to the real ones.

IX If a miracle happens for some reason, start the election campaign. Write a program in which you promise everyone everything at once. Hire speechwriters who know how to use the word “effectiveness” often and almost to the point. Go to every interview and every debate to which you are invited, after having come up with ten witty and subtle answers to the most frequently asked question: “So when did you sell out to the liquid-communist State Department - before you became interested in pederasty or after you robbed our people ?

X Get a nice hairstyle and try to make an impression with it. Get used to reading with a kind smile in newspapers and websites the stories of the mistresses you beat about how you rob shelters for disabled infants. Hire someone to taste your food. Yes, just in case.

XI Win the elections and become president. Joke.

This paragraph XI

Having received the final data from the Central Election Commission, according to which minus eight percent of voters voted for you, collect documents and evidence of falsification, and then go to court. Joke.

In fact, this point XI

Never get involved in such adventures again. There are many more ways to benefit the planet in a smart and dignified way, such as feeding the starving crocodiles in the Zambezi.

What do you need to do to become president?

The difficult question: how to become president may not be so difficult. This is just a goal that is difficult to achieve, but quite realistic if you show perseverance, diligence, and integrity on the way to the goal. Develop a plan for yourself for further actions, what it takes to become president. First, study what the Constitution of the Russian Federation requires of you, and then gradually act. Remember, the President of the Russian Federation can be over 35 years old and have been permanently residing in Russia for more than 10 years. Only a court ruling can deprive the right to be president of the Russian Federation. But the same person cannot hold the position of president for more than 2 terms in a row. A person can nominate his candidacy himself, as for example, Prokhorov did this not so long ago. A candidacy is nominated in the Central Election Commission with the mentioned petition. Parties can nominate candidates for the post of president of the country, as was done with Medvedev, Putin and Zhirinovsky. Each candidacy must be approved by the Central Election Commission. Next, the process of people campaigning for their candidacy begins. You also need to post your program on the Internet. The program must be reported to the Central Election Commission:

— provide information about the program,

— indicate the program’s Internet address,

— Bring a copy of the program text in electronic form.

Then all that remains is to call on friends and relatives for help, encourage people to vote for you, and wait for the voting results. Everything is in your power, you can try to show yourself in the next elections.

Is it difficult to be a president, is it worth choosing such a profession?

In fact, becoming president is not only difficult, but sometimes not possible at all, but every citizen of the Russian Federation who meets the necessary requirements has such a chance. But the question is not even whether you will fit in, whether you will be able to pass the elections and become the choice of the whole country. Few people understand how difficult it is to be the president of a country! It is only when sitting at home with your family or in the company of friends, on forums, etc., that it is very easy to condemn the actions of the head of state. Sometimes we cannot cope with our personal lives, we are killed because of failures in love or study, but here the whole state is under your responsibility. It is necessary to keep track of every individual and leader, which is simply impossible.

We laugh that during inspections everyone is taken to the right places, where everything has been repaired, etc., but not everyone understands this, especially after a lot of money has been allocated for the restoration of the city. How can you “accidentally” and unexpectedly check the heads of departments or the city when everything is intertwined and someone will always have time to warn those being checked.

Everyone can laugh and condemn, but only a few can become presidents. Sometimes, even after becoming deputies, people get lost, because in the role of voters they believed that a lot could be achieved and a lot could be corrected, but having become human managers, having delved into a complex system, they begin to understand how difficult it is to manage, lead and do everything the way I wanted to. Therefore, let's make it a rule not to think about how everything could be, let's think better about how everything has already turned out, how we can help in this or that situation, etc. If every citizen of our country participates in its life, then everything will change for the better, but we need to start with ourselves!