Legs proportions. Parameters of slender and beautiful legs

Criteria for beautiful legs:

1. In a calm state, the front part (“front”) of the knee should have the shape of a child’s face with bangs, cheeks and dimples for the eyes and chin.

2. The area under the knee should be as thin as the ankle. In any case, get closer to these sizes.

3. The ideal ankle should be thin, but not skinny.

4. There should be no protruding parts on the side of the knee.

5. On the back side of the knee there should be a depression. Experts believe that this is one of the most beautiful places on the female body.

6. The calf muscles should not be overdeveloped so as not to disturb the contours of the leg.

7. The Achilles tendon should be thin and have proper grooves on both sides. It forms the back of the leg.

8. The heel should be visible, not too protruding, but round in shape.

9. The thigh should become thinner at the top.

11. The profile of the thigh should protrude slightly forward and gradually deepen towards the knee. It should be shaped like a spindle.

12. The knee should be the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, exactly halfway between the top of the thigh and the foot.

13. The ideal leg should have a concave, elongated and thin foot. Toes should lie freely next to each other and not be deformed by unsuitable shoes.

In addition to the parameters of the legs themselves, there are proportions between the height and length of the legs, which make the whole body harmonious and beautiful.

Leg length is considered ideal when the difference between the length of the legs and half the height in large-boned people is 2 cm or more, in normal-built people it is 4 cm or more, and in thin-boned people it is 6 cm or more. (Leg length is measured from the tuberosity of the femur opposite the hip joint to the floor). There are also the canons of Polyclitus, according to which a woman’s beauty has certain dimensions, for example, ideally, the waist circumference should be twice the circumference of the neck, the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half circumference of the lower leg. The distance from the heels to the waist should be related to the length of the body as 2:3.

The criteria for young women of normal physique are as follows:

1. With a height of 161-165 cm, weight should be 54-55 kg,
leg length 84-86 cm, thigh circumference 56-57, shin circumference 34-35.

2. With a height of 166-170, weight 55-56,
leg length 90-92, thigh circumference 57-58, shin 35-36.

3. With a height of 171-175, weight 60-61,
leg length 91-94, thigh circumference 58-59, shin 37-38.

Unfortunately, even those women who have beautiful legs and a good figure often do not know how to walk correctly. Some mince, others twirl their hips, others shake their shoulders. As for women whose figure is not ideal or who are overweight, a beautiful gait is all the more important for them, as it gives a real chance to make up for lost time.

Victoria Laino
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Currently, the standard of beauty is the image of a tall, slender girl model. But if you watch any fashion show, their legs immediately catch your eye: insanely long, but at the same time so thin that even their knees stick out. So what are these ideal legs? Not at all.

In fact, it’s rare to find truly beautiful legs in any of the representatives of the modeling business. Yes, they are long, but you can’t call them beautiful. Models, due to their profession, are forced to strive for minimum weight with their maximum height, which is why their legs are far from perfect.

A lot of surveys were conducted among the male population on the topic: “Which legs are considered the most beautiful?” The majority of votes brought the length of the legs to the fore. Based on this parameter, the ideal female legs can be called the legs of a model named Adriana Sklenarnikova. Her height is 185 cm, of which her legs take up as much as 121 cm.

So are there any generally accepted parameters by which the beauty of women’s legs is judged? Yes, of course they exist. It is believed that ideal legs should have four "windows", and they should satisfy thirteen parameters of beauty. Let's check our legs to see if they match the ideal?

What are “windows” and where to look for them? To do this, you need to stand up and put your feet together. In certain places, the legs will touch each other and form these same windows. According to the standard, the “windows” should be in the area between the foot and ankle, above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee in the lower part of the thigh. By the way, the last gap is the narrowest of all.

Now let's take a closer look at the 13 parameters of ideal legs. Take a measuring tape and stand in front of a mirror. We will measure and compare.

1. Pay attention to your knee, or rather to the front of it when bending your leg slightly. If you observe a certain resemblance to a child’s face with bangs, cheeks, dimples for the eyes and chin, then you can give yourself a plus for the first parameter.

2. We find the section of the leg where the knee smoothly meets the shin, and using a centimeter tape we measure its coverage. It should be equal to the circumference of the ankle, or maybe a little thinner.

4. Knee. You need to carefully examine your knee from the side for any protruding parts. Ideal legs shouldn't have them.

5. Do you know what place on a woman’s body some men consider very tender and touching? Indentation on the back of the knee. Do you have it? This means another test has been passed.

6. In order to find out how well your legs correspond to the sixth parameter of beauty, you need to assess the general condition of the muscles in your calves. They should not disturb the general outline of the leg, and be neither too developed nor too flabby.

7. As you know, men really like to look after us. So, the view of the legs from the back is not the least important. The determining factor here is the condition of the Achilles tendon - it is located where the heel meets the shin. The Achilles tendon is ideally thin and has grooves that are equal on both sides.

8. Heels. Yes, yes, their condition also has a direct bearing on the beauty of the legs. Round and slightly protruding - these are the signs that characterize an ideal heel.

9. Only by looking in the mirror can you determine your compliance with the following parameter: the thigh should thin out a little closer to the groin.

10. Visually divide your thigh from knee to groin into three parts. The widest area of ​​the thigh should be at the beginning of the top.

11. Let's look at the thigh in profile. What is the ideal view here? Slightly protruding forward with a gradual deepening towards the knee. To put it simply, the thigh should look like the well-known spindle: narrower in the middle, and wider at the groin and knee.

12. Take a measuring tape and measure the distance from the floor to the top of the leg. According to the rules, the knee should be in the middle.

13. And finally, let's talk about the foot. Concave, elongated, thin... In addition, the toes should not be bent as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes, but on the contrary, they should lie freely next to each other.

Of course, in addition to meeting all of the above characteristics, ideal legs should be harmoniously combined with the entire figure.

There are very few women in the whole world who, after reading all 13 parameters and trying them on themselves, will say: “Yes, my legs are perfect.” What should the rest of us do? Do not pay any attention to standards and standards! Love yourself no matter what! After all, we are all unique and inimitable, we need to be proud of our “highlights”, and not be upset about some trifles!

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A woman’s confident gait always attracts attention, and only the most worthy of this world will dare to approach such a woman and get acquainted.

And what you need for this are beautiful legs. First, let's pay attention to the ankles of the legs and how to make them more refined. Hiding unattractive legs under a maxi is not the best solution. To be able to wear short skirts and evening dresses, you need to work hard on yourself.

Reducing ankle ankles with exercise

There are special exercises that allow you to make your figure more ideal. Oddly enough, but legs also need sports and training. And to make your ankles thinner, you can use the following tips.

1. Find a support point, the border of which will be at the level of the abdomen. You should lean on your hands and rise on your toes. Align yourself and gradually lower yourself onto your heels. This needs to be done very slowly. These squats can be done several times for several approaches. Just don’t forget about the load, because you should start small, increasing the “turnover” over time.

2. Another simple exercise will also make your ankles thinner. To do this, you need to stand up and straighten your back. Place your hands at the back of your head, do not slouch. Next, you need to stand on your toes (do not deceive yourself, but do everything as efficiently as possible). After this, imagine that you are walking, only in one place. Bend your legs at the knees and raise them, but the upper part of your body should not change in position.

3. Now an exercise in patience and willpower. We also find a fulcrum, with our hands we hold on to the table, cabinet or window sill, while keeping our legs together. We stand on our toes and straighten up. We move one leg to the side. We're standing. Stay in this position for several minutes and change legs.

4. Stand up straight, with your heels touching the floor. Next, try to transfer the weight of your entire body onto the toes of one or the other leg. The knees should not bend too much as the heel leaves the floor.

These exercises can work in less than a month if you do them regularly and responsibly to yourself. In this case, you can see the result in a couple of weeks. But if the width of the ankle is the result of a wide bone, then physical education will change little. Therefore, for such a case, you can use the recommendations of clothing designers.

Women's tricks for reducing ankles

To visually hide the flaw and remove the emphasis from the ankles, you should take a close look at your wardrobe.

1. If the set includes tights or stockings, then they must match the color of the dress or skirt. As a last resort, the shoes should match the shade of the underwear.

2. An excellent option would be a pencil skirt, tapered at the bottom. This shape removes the emphasis from the ankles of the legs, but this only works if the calves fall under the width of the skirt. Otherwise the image will be somewhat awkward.

3. The same goes for trousers. They should not be too wide at the bottom, otherwise, in addition to everything else, they will make your height smaller and your shape “convex.” Also, the length of such trousers should reach the heel, and then the look will turn out elegant.

4. Properly selected shoes will help complete your set. The easiest way to hide thick ankles is to wear autumn-winter boots. You should avoid shoes and boots with thin heels. It is better to choose a platform and a wide, massive heel. It will help “even out” the thickness of the legs and eliminate visible imperfections.

5. Long skirts that cover your legs and shoes will keep your look flawless. But do not forget about the colors and structure of fabrics. The set must be compatible with each other.

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Every woman dreams of having beautiful slender legs. Every woman, without exception, likes the adoring and admiring glances of men. And first of all, it is beautiful legs that attract the attention of the opposite sex.

There are no identical pairs of legs, just like fingerprints and retinas. All women have completely different shapes and lengths of their legs. For some they are thin (“matchsticks”, as people say), for others they are full, in the shape of a “bottle” or long, as if “from the ears”. There are many epithets for this part of the body. But the length and thickness of the legs, as a rule, do not play a big role if the figure is proportional and the wardrobe and shoes are chosen correctly. How can you tell if your legs are perfect? There are several principles for determining the beauty of legs.

The “four lumen” principle:

To check whether you have ideally shaped legs, go to the mirror. Stand straight, put your heels together and point your toes slightly apart. If you see that your legs form four so-called gaps (windows), this means that your legs are folded proportionally. The very first gap (top) should be located directly at the beginning of your legs. Below, the gap should be at mid-hip level. The third gap should be in line with the top of the shin below the knee. And finally, you can see the fourth gap at the level of the beginning of the ankles. If there are fewer (or more) gaps, this means that you can start correcting the shape of your legs. Naturally, you are unlikely to be able to radically change the shape and proportions of your legs, but every woman can improve their appearance with the help of specially selected exercises.

In addition to the parameters of the legs themselves, there are proportions between the height and length of the legs, which make the whole body harmonious and beautiful. Leg length is considered ideal when the difference between the length of the legs and half the height in large-boned people is 2 cm or more, in normal-built people it is 4 cm or more, and in thin-boned people it is 6 cm or more. The length of the legs is measured from the tuberosity of the femur, located opposite the hip joint, to the floor.

There are also the canons of Polyclitus, according to which a woman’s beauty has certain dimensions, for example, ideally, the waist circumference should be twice the circumference of the neck, the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half circumference of the lower leg. The distance from the heels to the waist should be related to the length of the body as 2:3.

There are other parameters for determining the beauty of legs. A beautiful ankle should be thin, but not skinny. There should be no “ears” at the knees, and the back of the knee should have a depression. The knee should be the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, exactly halfway between the top of the thigh and the foot. And also the knee should be at the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, exactly halfway between the upper thigh and foot. Calves should not be thick or overly muscular. The heel should not be too big. The hips should be smoothly rounded. The widest part of the thigh is in the first upper third. The leg should have a concave, elongated and thin foot. Toes should lie freely next to each other and not be deformed by unsuitable shoes.

The criteria for a normal physique for young women are:

  1. With a height of 161-165 cm, weight should be 54-55 kg, leg length 84-86 cm, thigh circumference 56-57, shin circumference 34-35.
  2. With a height of 166-170, weight 55-56, leg length 90-92, thigh circumference 57-58, lower leg 35-36.
  3. With a height of 171-175, weight 60-61, leg length 91-94, thigh circumference 58-59, shin 37-38.

The main indicator of the beauty of legs is, undoubtedly, gait. No matter how beautiful the legs are, the impression of their owner can be spoiled by shuffling, half-bent knees and careless steps with the toes inward. Seeing a woman with a flying gait always gives the impression that she is successful and happy. And what can you say about the one who sadly wanders, raking with her legs? Tired, unsure of herself, with a bunch of everyday problems. Unfortunately, even those women who have beautiful legs and a good figure often do not know how to walk correctly. Some mince, others twirl their hips, others shake their shoulders.

Many women's ankles are thick and not beautiful. And the one who claims that nothing can be done about it is lying. Today we will talk about the most effective exercises that will help you get your legs in order and always be at your best. Follow our recommendations and BE HEALTHY!

  • Exercise No. 1
  1. Lie on your back, put your hands under your head. Raise your closed legs up perpendicular to your torso. Pull your socks off.
  2. Now turn the foot of your left foot towards you and again pull back as much as possible. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  3. Do this movement with the soles of both legs together.
  4. Repeat each movement 10 times (left leg, right, both together). This exercise, like the next one, not only helps relieve swelling in the ankles, but also improves blood circulation in the legs.
  • Exercise No. 2
  1. Lie on your back, extend your arms slightly below shoulder level, and spread your legs slightly.
  2. Now raise your legs and, while remaining in this position (this will be a little difficult at first), move your feet back and forth (as in the previous exercise). You should feel the muscles tense.
  3. Repeat 30 to 50 times. This is also a great exercise to improve blood circulation in your legs. It is recommended to perform it whenever you have tired, swollen legs or after a long walk.
  • Exercise No. 3
  1. Stand straight, facing the wall, bend your elbows, place your palms on the wall at shoulder level, and spread your legs slightly.
  2. Now rise on your toes and describe circles with your heels - first with your right, then with your left, increasing their radius each time. While performing the exercise, do not lift your toes off the floor.
  3. Do 5-10 rotations with each leg. A variation of this exercise involves rotating both heels at once.

If for some reason these exercises are not suitable for you, we recommend watching a video that shows an alternative workout for losing weight on your ankles at home.


According to the canons of female beauty, preserved from antiquity, ideally the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half circumference of the lower leg.

But real experts in the beauty of women’s legs believe that there are few ideal proportions of the figure and legs: the legs themselves must have the correct shape (the presence of four “windows”) and correspond to 13 parameters. I wonder how many women there are who have ideal legs from this point of view? Hardly. But if you want to test your legs for “perfect perfection”, go ahead!

First of all – “windows”. Place your feet together, they will touch in several places, leaving gaps (“windows”). The correct gaps are between the foot and ankle, above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee at the bottom of the thigh (the latter is the narrowest).

Now sit in front of the mirror with a measuring tape, measure and compare whether your legs meet the 13 standard parameters.

Examine the front of your knee in a slightly bent state in the mirror. If it is shaped like a baby's face with bangs, cheeks, dimples for the eyes and chin, consider the first test passed.
Measure the circumference of the place where the knee meets the shin; it should be equal to the ankle or slightly thicker.
A thin, but not skinny (when all tendons are visible) ankle is considered ideal. To evaluate it, look at your ankle in the mirror from all sides.
Look at the side of your knee to see if there are any protruding parts. They shouldn't exist.
Do you have a dimple on the back of your knee? It must be. By the way, many men consider this place on a non-female body to be especially touching.
Assess the condition of the muscles in the calves to see if they interfere with the overall shape of the leg. Neither flabby nor overly developed muscles can be considered ideal.
The view of the leg from behind is also very important (men love to look after you). The main thing here is the condition of the Achilles tendon (located where the shin meets the heel). It should be thin and have equal indentations on both sides.
The ideal heel is rounded, not flattened, and slightly protruding. We hope yours is like this.
Closer to the groin, the thigh should thin out quite a bit. You can only see this by standing in front of a mirror and putting your feet together.
Visually divide the thigh from the knee to the groin into three equal parts. The widest part of the thigh is located at the beginning of the upper third.
Examine the thigh in profile; if it is ideal, it protrudes slightly forward, gradually deepening towards the knee. In general, the shape of the thigh should resemble a spindle: narrower at the groin and knee, and wider in the middle.
measure the distance from the top of your leg to your foot. The knee should be positioned exactly in the middle, at the same distance from the top of the thigh and from the foot.
An ideal foot is distinguished by a concave, elongated, thin foot, in which the toes lie side by side freely, they are not twisted or deformed by shoes.
Ideal legs should be in harmony with your figure.

For young women of normal build, the criteria for an ideal combination are as follows:

Height Weight Leg length Thigh circumference Shin circumference
161-165 cm 54-55 kg 84-86 cm 56-57 cm 34-35 cm
166-170 cm 55-56 kg 90-92 cm 57-58 cm 35-36 cm
171-175 cm 60-61 kg 91-94 cm 58-59 cm 37-38 cm

Only a few women can boast of an ideal combination of all the above parameters. For most, there is a “lighter” option for the correct ratio of height and leg length, thanks to which the body looks harmonious and beautiful. In this case, the difference between the length of the legs and half the height for large-boned women should be 2 cm or more, for women of normal build - 4 cm or more, and for thin-boned women - 6 cm or more.

But what if your legs don’t meet all these requirements? Love them as they are. The main thing is that you and the men around you like them. In the end, both the legs and the figure of each woman are as unique as fingerprints or the retina of the eyes: no two are identical, and this uniqueness has its own zest, which must be taken into account.

An example is Tina Turner, who, with a height of 160 cm, physically cannot have long legs, but she has slender, toned legs, she is not afraid, despite her age, to perform in short dresses, and she insured her legs for eight million dollars!

In early summer 2013, before the beach season, Venus & Braun surveyed 1,000 women aged 18 to 40, who had to answer two questions: “Which part of your body causes you the most anxiety?” and “What part of the body would you most like to receive a compliment?” As it turned out, the most difficult thing to maintain is the beauty of the abdomen, secondly the beauty of the legs, then in descending order there are such parts of the body as the buttocks, arms, thighs and others. However, what is interesting is that a compliment on the legs is the most pleasant for the majority of respondents.

The Kong sisters are twins from China, and the length of their legs is truly amazing. Even without shoes, they seem very long, and in high-heeled shoes they seem simply endless. Harsh critics may quibble with the shape of the knee, but the photo below of one of the Kong sisters shows off these truly graceful legs at their best.

But don't forget that photography works wonders. A favorable angle will make almost anyone look beautiful. In reality, only a few out of a huge number of women really have a good reason to say: “I don’t have the most beautiful legs.” Others are simply overly self-critical or lazy. If a woman maintains excellent physical shape, knows how to emphasize the advantages of her figure, and monitors the condition of her skin, she can be proud of the beauty of her legs.