How to draw a fox with a pencil step by step at different levels of preparation. We draw and color a fox in a scarf step by step for children (detailed lesson) Drawing a fox with a pencil for children step by step

“Mom, draw!”

Every mother sooner or later hears from her child the cherished “Mom, draw for me...”. And there are a great many options for ending this phrase. Children are asked to draw a flower, a tree, a house, a dog, a cat, a butterfly and many other things. For parents who are not deprived of artistic talent, it will not be difficult to translate on paper any request of their baby. But what about those who don’t know how to draw? All that remains is to learn how to depict it all. Many cartoons feature a character such as a fox or fox. Today we will discuss how to draw a fox. Everything is very simple. It is enough to follow the instructions, doing everything carefully and slowly. I would like to offer several options for how to draw a fox with a pencil.

Fairytale little fox with mom

The cutest and most suitable drawing for children - a little fox with its mother - is performed in several stages.

Step 1. Let's start the drawing with four circles, two for each animal we are going to draw. Connecting the circles to each other, we will mark the lines of the neck. This will help for the next stage.

Step 2. Now we will turn the top right circle into the mother fox's head. Let's place her face in profile. Then we'll sketch out the ears.

Step 3. Having drawn the contour of the face and ears, we apply additional lines to the latter. After this, we proceed to the image of the eye, nose and antennae. This is where we finish the work on the fox’s muzzle.

Step 4. In this step we will give the bottom circle the outline of the fox's body. Carefully draw a torso the same as in the drawing in front of you. Draw the tail large and fluffy.

Step 5. Draw small arched lines to indicate the animal's hips. Next, draw the necessary additional lines on the tail. Having completed our work on the adult fox, we move on to the cub.

Step 6. Draw his head, face, ears and, of course, don’t forget about his fluffy cheek.

Step 7. We draw additional lines on the ears, draw eyes, a nose and antennae. We completely finish the little fox's face.

Step 8. Now we draw the torso, again focusing on the sample. Let's add a fluffy and beautiful ponytail. Draw all additional lines on the tail and body.

Step 9. Clean the drawing from unnecessary details using an eraser and draw a brighter outline of the drawing. Now you can color your masterpiece.

I offer another option on how to draw a fox.

How to draw a fox step by step? The following method will help you create a red-haired beauty that looks more like a real animal, and not like a fairy-tale character.

Fox from triangle

Here's an alternative - how to draw a fox starting with a triangle instead of a circle. We make sketches. Draw a small triangle. We add two small triangles to it - ears. Next, draw a line for the neck, back and draw the tail. Then - a sketch of the front paw, then the back and the remaining two. We outline the lines, smoothing them out and giving them softer shapes. We draw the face, completing the eyes, nose, and antennae. We bring the ears and paws of the depicted animal to the final version. We do shading for the wool.

Our wonderful fox is ready!

The fox is very similar to its relatives the wolf and the dog. She has a similar body structure and is only slightly smaller than them. But the fox has a very bushy red tail, which she needs not only for beauty, but also for business. For example, when chasing with its tail, a fox covers its own tracks in the snow and also warms itself in severe frost, “covering itself” with it like a blanket. The fox's fur is longer and thicker than that of a dog and a wolf, and, of course, it has an original bright red color, sometimes with a red tint. The fox's muzzle is more elongated with a narrow mouth. This makes it easier for foxes to catch mice in holes. Typically, foxes have a small body size and short, stocky legs. Since they live in burrows, their body is slightly elongated, like that of a dachshund.
All this must be taken into account in order to draw a fox correctly. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a fox step by step with a pencil.

1. Draw the contours of the fox’s body and head

First, let's draw the main contours in the form of two circles. One is slightly larger - for the fox's head, the second - for the collarbone and the back of the body. Then we will draw a tail from it. Let's connect these circles with lines. Then add two lines on the back and front for the fox's paws.

2. General shape of the contour of the fox’s body

Draw preliminary outlines to create the approximate shape of the fox's body, legs and head. Draw an arched line around the head and neck. Outline the paws, draw a line on the lower abdomen, on the back, and on the back of the head. Then smoothly connect all these lines. This is a preliminary outline; it can be corrected if something goes wrong.

3. How to draw the head, tail and paws

Now mark the position of the tail, and also add the position of the two paws on the back of the fox drawing. Next, in the middle of the circle of the head outline, draw two straight lines, almost meeting at the nose. Draw the outline of the nose and add preliminary outlines of the ears.

4. Drawing of a fox in detail

Remove some previously drawn unnecessary outlines fox drawing. Draw the fox's tail, add more detail to the head drawing. The ears should be voluminous, for this we will draw an additional contour of the ear. Make the eyes elongated and paint them with a small gap in the middle. Specify other details of the muzzle.

5. Final drawing in pencil

Erase all previously drawn unnecessary outlines of the fox drawing and trace all the outlines of the fox's torso and legs. Pay attention to details, such as the claws on the paws.

6. Color the drawing with a pencil

Now almost all the contours can be marked with small strokes to convey the fluffy fur of the fox. And it is better to first lightly wipe these contours with an eraser so that they do not stand out in the final drawing with a simple pencil and are not noticeable after coloring with colored pencils or paints.
Color in the fox drawing with strokes of a simple soft pencil. In some places, make the strokes lighter, and in some places, on the contrary, darker. The tips of the fox's ears, paws and tail are sometimes black and white. You can do this in your drawing.

7. Color your drawing

I did this tutorial entirely on a graphics tablet. You can add yellow and red shades to the entire picture with colored pencils. You can add color even to a black and white drawing, just a little bit so as not to paint over the thin dashed lines made with a simple pencil. I hope the lesson “How to draw a fox” was not difficult for you.

A wolf is similar in appearance to a fox because they have the same ancestors. But the wolf has more pronounced predatory characteristics. Its fangs are longer than those of a fox, and its tail is not as fluffy. A wolf, unlike a fox, is most often depicted with a grin in drawings to convey its aggressive character. This grin can create a great wild animal effect in your drawing too. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a wolf step by step with a pencil.

A hare can sometimes become a fox's prey. You can use this lesson for a picture with such a plot, a rabbit is very similar to a hare. Drawings of rabbits jumping merrily seem simple to draw only at first glance. In any drawing of an animal, you need to accurately maintain the proportions and convey its character and grace.

The fox is the most dangerous enemy of the swan. Foxes often destroy their nests, destroying eggs and chicks. The swan is a very beautiful bird. Its beautiful wide wings and especially thin, graceful neck give grace and noble grace to this bird. Drawing a swan is not that difficult. Its body consists of a large round belly, a long elongated neck and wings. The most important thing is to draw the neck and wings well, they are the most important parts of this bird.

A deer lives together in the same forest with a fox and sometimes their paths cross. If you decide draw a fox in a forest clearing, you can draw in the distance a deer emerging from the forest.

Who doesn’t know Krylov’s fable about the fox and the crow? In the fable, the crow is presented as stupid and gullible. In fact, the crow is a very smart and cautious bird, since it lives next to a person and has “gained” intelligence from him.

Drawing a fox or a bear requires some preparation and practice in drawing animals. The fact is that it is necessary to reflect the character of a ferocious and dangerous animal in a drawing of a bear. Of course, if you are drawing an illustration of a fairy tale about a sly fox, then the bear should have a good-natured appearance. In nature, bears, be they white or brown, are quite dangerous predators.

Now we will look at how to draw a real fox with a pencil step by step for beginners. The fox belongs to the canine family, which also includes wolves and dogs.

Step 1. Draw a circle, divide it with straight lines, mark with lines where the fox’s eyes should be, and draw them, then draw the nose and muzzle.

Step 2. First we draw the forehead, then the ears, then the hairs in the ears. We paint over the side parts of the eyes, add lines near the eyes, then draw the fur of the head with separate lines.

Step 3. We draw a mustache, hair on the face, which separates the fox’s color, and a few hairs on the head and below.

Step 4. First we draw the back, then the bottom line, don’t draw the curves too much, because we will erase some of them.

Step 5. We draw the paws and tail of the fox; we do not draw the paws completely, because The fox is standing in our snow.

Step 6. We look at the picture, erase the lines and in their place draw the fur with separate small curves. We also make the tail bushy.

Step 7. We finalize the picture, we also make fur on the legs, draw lines near the legs, showing that the legs have gone deep into the snow, you can also draw a snowy mound with blades of grass in the foreground. So we learned how to draw a fox.

How to easily draw a fox with a pencil step by step - for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful fox with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful fox.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw, especially children, they are interested in learning how to draw not only people, houses, flowers, but also various animals.

Today we’ll see how you can easily and quickly learn to draw a fox. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a fox is drawn. Look at the location of the fox, how and where different parts of the fox’s body are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a fox, on the left is the head of a fox, on the right is the tail of a fox, and below are the paws of a fox. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the fox’s body.

Start drawing the fox from the body, it consists of two circles, there should be a small distance between the circles, draw one circle larger, the second smaller, connect these two circles with lines above and below.

Now to the left of the fox’s body, draw a small circle - this will be the fox’s head and connect the fox’s head and body with a line.

Draw the fox's muzzle, it should be slightly elongated and pointed, draw four paws, the front paws are drawn straight, and the hind paws are slightly curved.

Now draw the fox’s muzzle, first draw the ear, it is drawn in the form of a triangle standing up.

Draw the eye in the form of a small oval, elongated along the edges of the eyes and draw the eyebrows of the fox and the pupil.

See what the fox's nose should be like, correct the fox's muzzle and draw the tip of the nose. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Draw the second ear for the fox, it should be triangular and erect, shade both ears a little.

Connect the fox's head and body, apply a little shading so that the fox's fur is visible, draw the fox's mouth.

Now draw the fox's front paw and toes on the front paw, draw the back paw. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Draw all four paws of the fox, add a small stroke to the paws so that the fox’s fur is visible, and draw toes on the fox’s paws.

At the end of the fox's body, draw a large fluffy tail, put a small stroke on it so that you can see that the tail is fluffy. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is highlighted in red.

Erase the extra lines in the drawing, look what a beautiful fox you have. The fox can be painted or shaded a little.

Now let's see how to draw a little fox

Look carefully at the picture in which a little fox is drawn, the body of the little fox occupies the lower part of the picture, and the head and tail of the little fox occupy the upper part of the picture.

First draw the head of the fox, the head should be drawn in the form of an oval on the left side, extend the oval a little so that you can then draw the little fox’s muzzle.

Draw the little fox's ears, the ears should be drawn in the form of small ovals located towards the top, the bottom of the ovals should be more round, and the top of the ovals should be slightly pointed. The little fox's ears in the picture are drawn in red.

Now draw the body of the little fox, it should be located below, under the head of the little fox, in the picture the body of the little fox slightly intersects with the head of the little fox and is drawn in red.

Draw the little fox's paws, three paws should be drawn in the drawing, the fourth paw is not visible because the little fox is standing sideways. The little fox's paws in the picture are drawn in red.

Now the little fox needs to draw a tail. Draw the little fox's tail on the right side; it should be large, fluffy, slightly curved towards the top. In the picture, the little fox's tail is drawn in red.

Look at the outline of the little fox, it needs to be corrected a little, draw the inside of the little fox’s ears, outline the outline of the little fox brighter.

Draw the fox's eye, the tip of the nose and the mouth. In the picture, everything that needs to be drawn is highlighted in red.

Look carefully at your little fox, erase the extra lines and trace the outline of the little fox again. Look what a beautiful little fox you have made.

The little fox can be painted in any color you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a fox and a little fox step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw. We wish you good luck in your future works.

Drawing occupies a separate niche in the development of children. First, the baby, wielding a pencil, clumsily draws drawings in the style of “scribbles.” Improving over time, these pictures turn into entire stories. If you develop skills and help your child draw, you can teach him to distinguish between figures and their position in space, determine the sizes, shapes and relationships of the parts depicted on the sheet. In today's article you will learn how to draw a fox using a pencil and step-by-step instructions.

Drawing geometric shapes and objects for children is not a very exciting activity. It is much more interesting to depict animals and embody stories with their participation, especially if the lesson is conducted in a playful and accessible form for a beginner.

To get started, you should prepare a simple set:

  • Paper.

Before you draw a fox with a pencil, you need to arrange the tools so that the baby can clearly see all your movements. At the same time, it is important to show the child an example of how to sit correctly and hold a pencil in his hand.

First stage

Before starting the process, you should imagine how best to position the fox on the sheet and place the paper accordingly. Now you can start drawing step by step.

First we make a sketch. It should look like an oval slightly elongated vertically. This will be the body of a sitting fox. Then you can outline where the animal's head will be. To do this, in the upper part of the oval we begin to draw a figure resembling a pick in shape. Having completed the action, you can begin to draw two high triangles with a pencil. These will be the ears, and they should be placed at the top of the fox's head.

As previously mentioned, we teach children how to draw a sitting fox. Therefore, the animal’s front legs should be depicted as parallel, emanating from the upper part of the oval body. The fox's hind legs will be bent. This means they should be drawn behind the front ones. At the same time, you can focus on the outline of the animal, drawing out the limbs in triangles with two rounded corners.

For some adults, as well as for children, the difficulty of drawing lies in depicting a face. However, by drawing step by step, following these instructions, you will be able to quickly and easily transfer the image to paper. To do this, it is worth remembering how the English letter “W” is written, since the shape of the mouth and nose vaguely resembles this particular symbol. We transfer it to the face of our fox so that the image is located at the bottom of the shape, reminiscent of a guitar pick. But you should be guided by a sense of proportion, since an overly wide symbol can easily turn a fox into an evil wolf.

Now you can apply the eyes. To do this, you need to place two almond-shaped shapes parallel to the fox’s ears. In general, they are similar to the eyes of a cat. Please note that this stage of drawing may be difficult for children. Therefore, you should be patient and help the little ones.

Final stage

Our sitting fox is almost ready. All that remains is to draw a tail with a white tip and a mustache. After this, a “fringe” should be applied along the entire contour of the animal’s body with light pencil movements. Finally, on the chest and throughout the body we draw the fur with small thin lines. It is advisable to apply strokes that are heterogeneous and rather sparse. You need to finish the drawing by erasing the main outline with a soft eraser in places where it is strongly visible. It is also worth removing the strokes of the auxiliary lines and the fox drawn in pencil is ready.

As you can see, drawing a fox, following step-by-step instructions, will be quite easy and quite exciting for children.