April 28 holidays and events. Church holiday according to the folk calendar

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has designated 28 April as World Day for Safety and Health at Work to draw global attention to the scale of the problem and how creating and promoting a culture of safety and health at work can help reduce annual workplace deaths. It was first celebrated in 2003.
The idea of ​​World Safety and Health Day at Work originates from Remembrance Day, first observed by American and Canadian workers in 1989 to honor workers killed and injured on the job.
On this day, events are held in more than a hundred countries around the world aimed at attracting public attention to unresolved labor safety issues.
As noted by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, in recent years “these actions have attracted increasing interest and support from managers and employees of industrial enterprises and firms in Russia.”
According to ILO estimates:
Every day in the world, on average, about 5,000 people die as a result of accidents and diseases at work, reaching a total of 2 to 2.3 million cases of work-related mortality per year. Of this number, about 350,000 are fatal accidents and about 1.7-2 million are deaths caused by work-related illnesses.
In addition, workers suffer approximately 270 million work-related accidents each year that result in absences of more than 3 days from work and approximately 160 million non-fatal illnesses.

Events of April 28.

1563 - Pioneer printers Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets began printing the first dated Russian book in Moscow - on the day of Ivan the Terrible’s visit to the new printing house (April 19, old style). Previously, there was an anonymous printing house in Moscow that had published at least four books since 1553.
1566 - Construction of the Vologda Kremlin begins by order of Ivan the Terrible.
1599 - The English Parliament approved a common prayer book for the Church of England.
1621 - Ukrainian Orthodox priests wrote a “Protestation”, in which they substantiated the legitimacy of restoring the Orthodox hierarchy.
1686 - Isaac Newton presented the first volume of his monumental work, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, to the Royal Society.
1784 - Inventors B. Launois and J. Bienvenu in France demonstrated the first officially recognized self-propelled model of a helicopter.
1788 - Maryland became the 7th US state.
1799 - Capture of Milan by Russian troops.
1847 - the British sailing ship Exmouth was shipwrecked while sailing from Londonderry to Quebec. 248 people died.
1848 - Writer Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin was exiled to the Vyatka province.
1879 - The Constitution of Bulgaria was adopted by the Constituent Assembly in Tarnovo.
1908 - The World Esperanto Association (UEA) is founded.
1914 - Air conditioning is patented in the United States.
1920 - Formation of the Azerbaijan SSR.
1930 - For the first time in US history, emigration rates exceeded immigration rates. This was due to the economic crisis and strict restrictions on entry into the country.
1937 - In the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars decided on the 3rd five-year plan.
1939 - Statement by Adolf Hitler on the denunciation of the Polish-German Non-Aggression Agreement of 1934 and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935.
- Early in the morning, the TsKB-30 “Moscow” aircraft, piloted by V.K. Kokkinaki and M.Kh. Gordienko, took off from the Shchelkovsky airfield near Moscow. Thus began a one-day non-stop flight from Moscow to the USA over a distance of 8,000 km with an average speed of 348 km/h.
1945 - American troops occupy the city of Augsburg without a fight.
- Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci were executed.
1947 - Polish authorities launched Operation Vistula to evict Ukrainians from the Lemko and Kholm regions to Western Poland.
- Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl and five companions set off on a balsa raft from the west coast of South America to Tahiti. The raft received the name of the legendary Inca god Kon-Tiki. The voyage lasted three and a half months, during which the sailors covered a distance of 5,000 nautical miles, thereby confirming the likelihood of Heyerdahl's hypothesis that Native Americans could colonize Polynesia.
1956 - By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the special settlement regime was lifted from the deported peoples.
1963 - The Vnukovo-2 air terminal came into operation.
1967 - American boxer Cassius Clay (future Muhammad Ali) (Cassius Marcellus Clay - Muhammad Ali) is deprived of the right to participate in fights due to his refusal to serve in the US Army.
1969 - Charles de Gaulle voluntarily resigns as President of France.
1973 - Omsk State University was founded.
1978 - The Bolshoi Theater hosted the premiere of Evgeniy Svetlanov’s one-act ballet “Kalina Krasnaya” based on the film story of the same name by Vasily Shukshin.
1982 - The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR was published on awarding Novosibirsk the Order of Lenin for the great services of the city's workers in the revolutionary movement, their contribution to the fight against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War and the successes achieved in economic and cultural construction.
1988 - M. Gorbachev, at a meeting with the Russian Patriarch, announced the return of religious buildings to the church.
1990 - The title of Marshal of the Soviet Union was awarded for the last time: it was awarded to Dmitry Yazov, who a year later participated in the State Emergency Committee.
1991 - The first meeting of the Masonic lodge (“North Star”) was held in the USSR.
1997 - A terrorist attack was committed in Pyatigorsk.
2000 - Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia entered into an agreement to build an oil pipeline to transport Caspian oil bypassing Russia.
2001 - Flight of the first space tourist, Dennis Tito.
2003 - Kyrgyzstan is recognized as the most corrupt country among the seven poorest CIS countries. Such information is provided in a joint report of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Asian Bank.

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

D Atian composer and pianist was born April 28, 1848. Studied in Copenhagen. WITH 1884 studied in Weimar under the guidance of. IN 1886-1907 lived and worked in Vienna, spent the last two years of his life in Berlin.

WITH among the essays Schitte– operas "Hero" (1898 , Copenhagen) and "Mameluke" (1903 , Vienna), ballets, operettas, the piano concerto Op. 28, other piano pieces, ensemble works and songs. The most popular, however, were the light pieces. Schitte, widely used in the repertoire of music schools.

April 28, 1950 born - singer of original songs. Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.

P Esny has been writing since autumn 1967. The composition “Return from Virgin Lands” was written in 1968 . Total on account Anatoly Lemysh more than 300 songs. He traveled all over the USSR with concerts in 1970-80s. Repeatedly included in the list of laureates. WITH late 1970s Participated in festivals mainly as a jury member or guest of honor. TO 1990 moved away from this. For some time he also sang a duet with his sister Elena.

WITH the most famous song Anatoly Lemysh consider the composition "See you". He often writes poetry rather than music. There were a couple of attempts to write songs in Ukrainian. IN 1992 a collection of poems has been published “Wreath of sonatas for Kyiv” and an audio cassette of the same name, and in 1997 – audio cassette "My angel".

WITH Now works as a journalist in the field of culture and media. Lives in Kyiv.

was born April 28, 1955. English virtuoso keyboardist and violinist, classically trained musician, a prominent representative of art-rock music. Group member U.K., Roxy Music, Jethro Tull, Curved Air, worked with King Crimson, Frank Zappa, was a guest musician at performances Yes, and etc.

Eddie played the piano from the age of 7, the violin from the age of 8. At the age of 16 he began playing the electric violin in a local group Fat Grapple. Met with Curved Air and started playing with them. IN 1973 replaced Brian Eno V Roxy Music, with whom he recorded 3 albums and participated in a tour.

In 1977 Eddie together with former musicians King Crimson created a group UK, after the collapse of which in 1980 started working on solo projects, and at the same time accepted an invitation Ian Anderson take part in his solo project. Eddie goes on a world tour, which ends with a triumphant concert in France.

In the 1980s Jobson released two albums: “The Green Album – under the project name Zinc” (1983 ) and electronic "Theme of Secrets" (1985 ). IN 1980s And 1990s Eddie successfully worked on television, in particular, he wrote music for the 100th episode of the series “Detective Nash Bridges”.

spoke at international live music festival "Creation of the World" in Kazan August 30, 2008, where he played live for the first time in 20 years on plexiglass violins specially made for him.

was born April 28, 1959. Soviet singer, known primarily for her songs "White Waltz" ("Afghan Waltz") And "America the Homewrecker".

WITH I studied music, English and classical dance for 6 years. And in 1968 began to attend the studio of young announcers on Ukrainian radio, and performed in a children's operetta with the Variety Symphony Orchestra of Ukrainian Radio and Television V. Shapovalenko “Queen Toothbrush” his first serious vocal part - the role of Masha.

In 1974, Irina Shvedova graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, where she already began composing songs, three of which were recorded on the radio in 1977 (performed and accompanied by Irina herself).

In 1986, Shvedova became a Diploma winner of the Ukrainian competition of pop artists in the city of Khmelnitsky, after which she joined the Crimean Philharmonic (Simferopol) in the ensemble "Crimea". She performed as a singer and keyboard player and, together with the ensemble, visited various regions of the USSR. IN 1988-89 worked at the Kiev Music Hall under the direction of Nikolai Baranov, and in 1989-90 - at the Kiev Variety Theater.

In 1990, Irina Shvedova became a Laureate Festival "Song of the Year" with a song "White Waltz" and a year later - with a song "America the Homewrecker" composer Igor Demarin and poet Yuri Rogoza. IN 1992 won the Grand Prix in St. Petersburg at competition "Hit of the Year" with a song "America the Homewrecker".

Since 1990 the singer lives and works in Moscow. She has released several music CDs ( "Witch", "America the Homewrecker", "White Waltz", "Mom said", "Above the city", "The Parisian Organ Grinder").

He actively tours with solo concerts throughout Russia and abroad.

AND famous Italian singer of Albanian origin (Iliriana Hoxha) was born April 28, 1961.

D fucked in 1978 with the album "Oxanna" single "Un'emozione da poco", one of the most famous songs of her repertoire, next to which are mentioned “È tutto un attimo”, “Donna con te”, “Senza pietà” And "Ti lascerò".

H fourteen times the singer participated in Sanremo Festival, became a winner twice: in 1989 with a song "Ti lascerò"(in duet with Fausto Leali) and in 1999 as a soloist with a composition "Senza pietà".

P In parallel with her career as a singer, she works as a TV presenter in a variety program.

I Japanese video game music composer born April 28, 1964. Initially he wrote music for Tokyo Disney Resort, radio, and Japanese television programs.

Received many awards, the first of which was “Best Game Music” for the game Lunar: The Silver Star 1991. IN 1997 he received a similar award for the soundtrack to Grandia, and in 2000 – for the music for the game Grandia II.

Noriyuki dreams of recording orchestral arrangements for his musical works.

April 28, 1966 was born Jorge Andres Bosso- Argentine musician and composer. At the University of Buenos Aires he studied cello composition, later continuing his studies in Switzerland with famous cellists Paula Sazbo And Robert Cohen.

I started composing music while still studying. The most striking examples of his rich and expressive language are "Seven Letters to the Seven Churches" And "Nostalgia…". Bosso He is also known as an excellent arranger, having created a number of works for the Italian Radio Orchestra and the Swiss Italian Orchestra from Lugano.

In December 2003 the Russian premiere was the sound "God save the Cellos!" And "O incoronata di viole, divina, dolce e ridente Saffo", and six months later - execution "Requiem in memory of Giordano Bruno".

Written specifically for III Winter Surikov Arts Festival oratorio “I am Surikov, Russian Cossack”.

M Akedonian singer is born April 28, 1980. She gained fame far beyond the borders of her country thanks to two performances at song competitions and 2007.

M musical career Carolina started in 1991 from participation in a popular in the country competition "Makfest 91", where the young singer performed a song "Mom, let me go", which later became a hit and gave the name to the singer’s debut album, released in 1992. Karolina often participates in the main music festival in Macedonia - Skopje Fest. IN 1994 she debuted on it with the song "Who will tell you", and in 1998 took 4th place with the composition "Stolen Nights".

IN adult album Caroline Gocheva "I have a song" saw the light in 2000. It contained several hits "Love Me", "Despite Everything" And "Anxiety", which she performed in a duet with Toshe Proeski. To consolidate the success of the album, Caroline participated again in festival "Skopje-Fest", on which the song "For us" took 2nd place.

In 2002 second adult album released Caroline Gocheva "Why Dreams End". This year Caroline became popular in the countries of the former Yugoslavia thanks to her performance at festival "Sunčane Skale" in Montenegro with a song "Tell me". IN 2002 Gocheva won "Skopje-Fest 2002" with composition "It's up to us". This victory made it possible Caroline travel to Tallinn to represent your country at a song competition Eurovision 2002. Here she became 19th among 24 participants. At the competition 2007 The Macedonian finished 14th, improving her result.

In 2010, Karolina Gocheva released her ninth album "I'm falling under the sky", and in 2012 The singer's disc was released “Naubavi songs”.

A American actress and singer Jenna Noelle Ashkowitz was born April 28, 1986 in Seoul (South Korea). At three months old, she was adopted by Americans of Polish-Italian and Irish-English descent. She grew up in East Meadow, New York.

Jenna Raised Catholic, she attended Parkway Elementary School and Holy Trinity Diocesan High School, a Catholic school in Hicksville, Long Island, known for its strong theater education.

She began her career at the age of three by participating in the Sesame Street program. She worked actively on the theater stage, playing in such productions as Les Miserables, The King and I, The Laramie Project and Spring Awakening.

Sh The actress became widely known for her role as Tina Cohen-Chang in the popular musical television series. "Chorus" which started in 2009 and continues to this day.

Significant events in the world of music – REMEMBRANCE DAYS

R Russian composer was born August 16, 1761. At the age of 6 he was sent to the Educational School at the Imperial Academy of Arts, then studied at the academy itself, where he mastered playing the harpsichord, music theory and composition. IN 1782 Fomina sent to Bologna to improve his musical skills, where he was elected a member of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy.

In 1786 Fomin returned to St. Petersburg, where he wrote his first opera "Novgorod hero Vasily Boeslavich" based on the libretto of Empress Catherine II. The opera in five acts, completed by the composer unusually quickly (within one month), was already staged in the same year at the Hermitage Theater in St. Petersburg. Details of the subsequent biography Fomina before 1797 little known. He failed to occupy a prominent place at the imperial court. IN 1788 Fomin wrote one of his most famous operas - "The Americans" to a libretto by a 19-year-old Ivan Krylov. The directorate of the imperial theaters did not accept it for production, and only 1800 this opera saw the stage. Another famous essay Fomina– melodrama "Orpheus and Eurydice" based on the playwright's text Yakova Knyazhnina (1791 ). IN 1797 Fomin was hired as a tutor at court theaters, where he helped singers learn opera parts.

– one of the first professional Russian composers, whose work had a significant influence on the further development of Russian opera. Heritage Fomina, however, remained little known until the mid-20th century, when some of his operas were staged in theaters in Moscow and Leningrad. Many of the composer's manuscripts have been lost. He died April 28, 1800.

A American jazz bassist, band member Modern Jazz Quartet was born April 30, 1923. He began playing the violin at the age of 8, and also sang at city concerts. He was drafted into the army in 1944 . Deciding to take up music after the war, he bought a double bass and entered the Granoff Music School in Philadelphia.

IN Soon he was already playing in jazz clubs in the city with leading musicians. IN 1948 in Chicago Hit appeared on an album with his brother Milt Jackson as members Howard McGee Sextet. After moving to New York late 1940s Percy And Jimmy Heath found a job in Dizzy Gillespie group. Around the same time he was also a member Joe Morris Band together with Johnny Griffin.

IN soon members Gillespie Big Band, who had already gained sufficient fame, decided to create a permanent group, forming Modern Jazz Quartet. When Brown left the team to join his wife’s group -, Hit replaced him, and the group officially began performing and recording in 1952. M.J.Q. played regularly until they broke up 1974 . The following year his brothers also created Heath Brothers with a pianist Stanley Cowell. In this team Percy began playing the cello, and when the quartet broke up, he worked for some time with Sarah Vaughn.

In the early 1980s Modern Jazz Quartet reunited for a tour of Japan, and only in 1997 did the story of one of the best quartets in the history of jazz end. This time it's forever. Some time later Percy revived again with his brothers Heath Brothers. Together they recorded two albums: "As We Were Saying" (1997 ) And "Jazz Family" (1998 ).

WITH his first album as a conductor on the Daddy Jazz label was released in 2003, when he was 80 years old. Album called "A Love Song" received rave reviews.

Significant events in the world of music - SIGNIFICANT DATES

April 28, 1968 The premiere of the famous musical “Hair” took place in New York on Broadway, the film version of which was 1979 directed by Milos Forman.

April 28, 2007 Valery Kipelov took part in the band's anniversary concert "Master" "XX years". This performance was later included in the DVD of the same name.

Updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena


Magdalena Sibylla of Hesse-Darmstadt- German writer of church hymns of the Baroque era.
Dates of life: April 28, 1652 – August 11, 1712.

Marko Porturacki(Mark Poltoratsky) – Russian and Ukrainian singer (baritone),
Dates of life: April 28, 1729 – April 24, 1795.

Ludwig Schitte- Danish composer and pianist.
Dates of life: April 28, 1848 – November 10, 1909.

Harold Registan(real name Ureklyan) is a Soviet poet, author of lyrics for more than 400 songs.
Dates of life: April 28, 1924 – November 4, 1999.

Ginette Renaud is a French-Canadian actress, singer and songwriter.
Date of birth: April 28, 1946.

Anatoly Lemysh- Russian singer of original songs.

Willie Colon- Puerto Rican musician, salsa performer.
Date of birth: April 28, 1950.

Eddie Jobson- English virtuoso keyboardist and violinist.
Date of birth: April 28, 1955.

Jimmy Barnes(James Dixon Swan) is an Australian rock musician and songwriter.
Date of birth: April 28, 1956.

Irina Shvedova- Soviet singer, best known for the songs “White Waltz” (“Afghan Waltz”) and “America the Homewrecker.”
Date of birth: April 28, 1959.

John Morris Rankin- Canadian musician.
Dates of life: April 28, 1959 – January 16, 2000.

Anna Oksa(Iliriana Hoxha) is an Italian singer of Albanian origin.
Date of birth: April 28, 1961.

Noriyuki Iwadare- Japanese video game music composer.
Date of birth: April 28, 1964.

Jorge Andres Bosso- Argentine musician and composer.
Date of birth: April 28, 1966.

Scott Mitchell Puteski(Scott Mitchell Putesky) is an American musician, co-founder and guitarist of the band Marilyn Manson. Was known by the pseudonym Daisy Berkowitz(Daisy Berkowitz).
Dates of life: April 28, 1968 – October 22, 2017.

Howard Paul Donald– pianist, member of the English pop-rock band Take That.
Date of birth: April 28, 1970.

Joseph Bruce- American rapper, producer, wrestler and actor. Best known as Violent J from Insane Clown Posse (ICP).
Date of birth: April 28, 1972.

Dmitry Osipov– Russian musician, bassist of the group Crocodile T. X.
Date of birth: April 28, 1975.

Carolina Gocheva– Macedonian singer, song contest participant and 2007 years.
Date of birth: April 28, 1980.

George Nozuka(George Koichi Nozuka) is a Canadian singer and songwriter.

Jenna Noelle Ashkowitz- American actress and singer.
Date of birth: April 28, 1986.

Christabel Borg(Christabelle Borg), better known as Christabelle, is a Maltese singer, member of.
Date of birth: April 28, 1992.


Evstigney Fomin- Russian composer.
Dates of life: August 16, 1761 – April 28, 1800.

Ivan Bilibin- Russian composer and violinist.
Dates of life: June 27, 1818 – April 28, 1892.

Henryk Meltzer-Szczawiński(Henryk Melcer-Szczawiński) is a Polish composer, pianist, conductor and music teacher.
Dates of life: September 21, 1869 – April 28, 1928.

Odysseus Dimitriadi- Soviet and Georgian conductor and teacher.
Dates of life: July 7, 1908 – April 28, 2005.

Esa Pakarinen(Felix Esaias Pakarinen) is a Finnish actor, comedian, singer, harmonica player and composer.
Dates of life: February 9, 1911 – April 28, 1989.

Ken Curtis- American actor and singer.
Dates of life: July 2, 1916 – April 28, 1991.

Percy Heath- American jazz bassist, member of the Modern Jazz Quartet.
Dates of life: April 30, 1923 – April 28, 2005.

Tom Donahue- American radio DJ.
Dates of life: May 21, 1928 – April 28, 1975.

Tommy Newsome- American saxophonist and band leader.
Dates of life: February 25, 1929 – April 28, 2007.

B. W. Stevenson- American country singer.
Dates of life: October 5, 1949 – April 28, 1988.


1968 – the premiere of the musical “Hair” took place on Broadway.

2007 – Valery Kipelov took part in the anniversary concert of the “Master” group “XX Years”.

more information about these musicians and events – .

Ukrainian Orthodox priests wrote a “Protestation”, in which they substantiated the legitimacy of restoring the Orthodox hierarchy

Inventors B. Launois and J. Bienvenue in France demonstrated the first officially recognized self-propelled helicopter model

On the night of 27/28 April, Claude Grahame-White, attempting to beat Louis Paulhan, who was also competing in the London-Manchester £10,000 race, made the first recorded night flight on an airplane

Sergei Eisenstein's first film, “Strike,” was released. His next work was “Battleship Potemkin”

For the first time in US history, emigration rates exceeded immigration rates. This was due to the economic crisis and strict restrictions on entry into the country

Statement by Adolf Hitler on the denunciation of the Polish-German Non-Aggression Agreement of 1934 and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935

Early in the morning, the TsKB-30 “Moscow” aircraft, piloted by V.K. Kokkinaki and M.Kh. Gordienko, took off from the Shchelkovsky airfield near Moscow. Thus began a one-day non-stop flight from Moscow to the USA over a distance of 8,000 km with an average speed of 348 km/h

Polish authorities launched Operation Vistula to evict Ukrainians from the Lemko and Kholm regions to Western Poland

Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl and five companions set off on a balsa raft from the west coast of South America to Tahiti. The raft received the name of the legendary Inca god Kon-Tiki. The voyage lasted three and a half months, during which the sailors covered a distance of 5,000 nautical miles, thereby confirming the likelihood of Heyerdahl's hypothesis that Native Americans could colonize Polynesia

American boxer Cassius Clay (future Muhammad Ali) (Cassius Marcellus Clay - Muhammad Ali) was deprived of the right to participate in fights due to his refusal to serve in the US Army

The premiere of the famous musical “Hair” took place on Broadway in New York, the film version of which was directed by Milos Forman in 1979.

The comedy “The Diamond Arm” by Leonid Gaidai was released, starring Yuri Nikulin, Anatoly Papanov, Andrei Mironov, Nonna Mordyukova, Nina Grebeshkova, Svetlana Svetlichnaya

The Bolshoi Theater hosted the premiere of Evgeniy Svetlanov’s one-act ballet “Kalina Krasnaya” based on the film story of the same name by Vasily Shukshin

The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR was published on awarding Novosibirsk the Order of Lenin for the great services of the city's workers in the revolutionary movement, their contribution to the fight against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War and the successes achieved in economic and cultural construction

The last time the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union was awarded: it was awarded to Dmitry Yazov, who a year later participated in the State Emergency Committee

On Mondays it’s close to 12:00, and Gennady Kernes Kharkov takes a sharp swing.

The press service of the Kharkiv City Center reports this.

“The Kharkiv gentleman has removed his head from a fire wound in the back. The infection occurs with medical assistance on the operating table. Doctors are fighting for his life,” the message says.

At night, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler secretly ate chocolate chip cookies and scones and cream, The Daily Mail writes. This statement was made by the Fuhrer's former maid Elisabeth Kalhammer, who worked at the Berghof residence. It is noted that 89-year-old Kalhammer shared her memories of Hitler for the first time in 71 years.

The Nazi leader's closest aides believed that Hitler was on a strict diet. However, according to Kalhammer, at night the Fuhrer “raided” the kitchen. Staff were required to prepare the so-called Führer Pie - apple pie with nuts and raisins - daily and save it for Hitler's nightly "raids", the article says.

Kalhammer got a job at the Berghof residence in 1943 after answering an advertisement in a local newspaper. Initially, she did not know that her employer would be Hitler. The maid worked for the Fuhrer almost until the end of World War II.

They really do, but the “people’s mayor” is big news for them. They didn’t know, they didn’t vote. We found out through the media. It turns out that Ponomarev conducted the election campaign exclusively in a “friendly environment.” And now I decided to legalize the status. Therefore, during the press conference, he proudly demonstrates the statement of the mayor of Slavyansk Nelya Shtepa, written “of his own free will.”

“We made her an offer that she couldn’t refuse,” she reports joyfully.

After the press conference, I persuaded her to take a tour of the building. Ponomarev was extremely kind until we met Shtyopa, escorted by machine gunners—being taken to the toilet.

— I didn’t write a statement. They arrested me! - he screams, breaking free.

“Screaming, breaking out” - I type a text message to the editor. The “people’s mayor” immediately flies up and snatches the phone. Reads SMS.

- Oh, you’re a Maidan creature! - yells in your face. - To arrest!

- Are you joking? — I smile... And then I understand that I’m not joking. The mayor has a glassy look and is almost foaming at the mouth. Perhaps such a transformation is the result of a shell shock. But the most interesting thing is that the “friends” obediently pointed their guns at me. They say: “You are under arrest.”

They are taken out of the building. People are staring everywhere. The machine guns were lowered. One of the Cossacks hugged him. Like, it's just a walk.

- Hands off! — I’m trying to break free.

- So this is it: either I break my arm now - and you lose consciousness from painful shock, or you move on in an amicable way! - hisses in the ear, smiling sweetly at the crowd.

The people on the benches smile back at us and wave.

Further along the course is the tiny Slavic Maidan. It doesn't look like Kiev - it's more like evening gatherings. Mothers with strollers, young people with a guitar. Everyone has tears in their eyes - they are so happy to see us. And I have no way to destroy this damn idyll.

It ended in the city police department.

- Take it! By order of the main headquarters! - they turn to the local convoy.

Mini-stores Metro Cash&Carry and X5 Retail Group, which includes Perekrestok and Metro, will appear in the central underground pedestrian crossings of the city, M24.ru reports with reference to the head of the Department of Trade and Services Alexey Nemeryuk.

As the head of the Department told the publication, after the reconstruction of some crossings, free retail space from 100 to 300 square meters appeared in them, and the first 7 stores will appear within a month at the following addresses: Smolensky Boulevard, 10/1, Bolshaya Spasskaya, 2, Zemlyanoy Val, 42 , Akademika Sakharova, 12, Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya 22, Novy Arbat, 28, as well as the “Vystavochny” crossing on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 14/1.

Time will pass, and for a long time I will dream about the Kiev Maidan in the form of nightmares consisting of funeral wreaths, dried-out New Year trees, the smell of burning, barricades of withered carnations and students walking between canvas tents in costumes of stuffed animals, who brought their own madness into the atmosphere ridiculous note...

Having returned to Moscow and wondering who to run to first - to a psychologist or straight to a psychiatrist - I unexpectedly came across the text “Philosophy of the Maidan”, which was composed by the writer, philosopher and blogger Dmitry Galkovsky. And I realized that, in fact, there was no need to run anywhere else...

The prosecutor's office will check an Omsk company for placing images of WWII veterans on beer cans. RIA Novosti reports this.
Last week it became known that a batch of beer in packaging with images of heroes of the Great Patriotic War and a description of their exploits went on sale in Omsk. The regional prosecutor's office sent a request to Roskomnadzor to conduct an unscheduled inspection of the company that released the product.

The editors have obtained an audio recording of a telephone conversation between Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, in which she discusses the idea of ​​a new PR campaign.

Tolokonnikova, who last winter founded the “Zone of Law” movement to protect the rights of prisoners, gives instructions to her interlocutor about a new action. The Pussy Riot singer dismisses the idea of ​​an interview and insists there must be “action.”

- I don’t know, it’s incredibly boring, doing an interview on the couch... It’s f..... boring! Even if it’s Madonna... few people are interested in it. We need action,” explains Tolokonnikova.

“Yeah, that’s it, I understand,” her interlocutor answers Tolokonnikova.

- People are greedy, you know. I absolutely don’t care what’s going on in the colonies! They need to be shown some kind of hell, thrown right in their eyes...

Three residents of the Stavropol region were convicted of kidnapping men into slavery to work at a livestock farm.

By the verdict of the court, Kategrobov, Tolpeev and Khlustov were found guilty under Part 1 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (kidnapping), and Part 5 of Art. 33, part 1 art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (assistance in kidnapping). They were sentenced to 1.5 years probation each.

The lead singer of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, Sergei Mikhalok, did not insult the audience and did not make any Russophobic statements at the concert in Izhevsk on April 16. The team's press attache, Alexander Berger, told Slon about this.

In this way, he commented on the appeal to the prosecutor’s office by State Duma deputy from the LDPR Roman Khudyakov, who demanded that Mikhalko’s statements be checked and a ban on the performances of “Lyapis Trubetskoy” in Russia. The Izvestia newspaper wrote about Khudyakov’s appeal on the morning of April 28.

“Anyone who starts to look into it will become obvious that this case is a whitewash, and there is no subject for investigation. The prosecutor’s office can watch the recording of the performance in Izhevsk and make sure that Mikhalok did not say anything provocative from the stage,” Berger said.

A representative of “Lyapis Trubetskoy” also called “ridiculous” the fact that the reproach for using profanity against Mikhalok comes from a LDPR deputy, whose leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky has repeatedly used obscene language in public, and “there are enough similar recordings on YouTube.”

A forty-year-old man died on the morning of April 28 at the Vokzalnaya metro station from an injection with a syringe, the press service of the metro police told Vesti on Monday, April 28.

Passengers took him out onto the platform. “And then they saw that a syringe was inserted into his back. They are establishing who this person is. Now an investigative team is working on the spot,” said metro police press officer Natalya Kernetskaya.

The press service of the Kiev Metro Communist Party adds that someone stuck a syringe in the back of a passenger at the entrance to the Vokzalnaya metro station. The passenger lost consciousness and an ambulance was called, which went to the scene and pronounced the victim dead.

The police press service reported that the man is from Kiev. No obvious signs of violent death were found. But the syringe in the victim’s back raised many questions among law enforcement officers.

In the photo taken today in the Primorsky Regional Court, the “Primorsky partisans” have just turned from defendants to convicts. Alexander Kovtun, Vladimir Ilyutikov and Alexey Nikitin received life sentences. Roman Savchenko - 25 years old, Maxim Kirillov - 22 years old, Vadim Kovtun - 8 years and two months (this is the only point where the judge deviated from the term requested by the prosecutor - he asked to give V. Kovtun 15 years).

In the center, with a beard, is A. Kovtun, recognized (together with the deceased Andrei Sukhorada) as the founder of the gang.

- We found something to scare! - he answered reporters when asked how he took the news about the wad.

Europe excludes the possibility of introducing trade and economic sanctions against Russia in the current conditions. Only if Russian troops appear on the territory of eastern Ukraine or after receiving irrefutable information about this, will Europe think about economic restrictions. This was announced by a representative of the diplomatic mission of one of the leading Western European states. He noted that so far the accusations against Russia are groundless, ITAR-TASS reports.

The creator and until recently the general director of the most popular Russian social network VKontakte, after his high-profile dismissal, announced that he was abroad and did not intend to return to Russia. The founder of the social network keeps his future fate and place of residence secret, while at the same time conducting a survey on the pages of the main competitor of his creation, Facebook, about which country he should choose for his future life and work. If the former general director has not yet decided on his place of residence, then, as Izvestia found out, he has already acquired a convenient citizenship that allows him to travel around the world almost unhindered. Durov donated $250 thousand to one of the enterprises in St. Kitts and Nevis.

According to the legislation of the island state, a donation in this amount gives the right to automatic citizenship.

While filming for men's magazine Hustler, 33-year-old American millionaire Dan Bilzerain jokingly threw naked 19-year-old porn star Janice Griffith off a roof. The girl fell into the pool located on the territory of the mansion of a successful poker player and broke her leg, reports NY Daily News.

During filming for a popular men's magazine, which took place on his estate, a famous businessman approached a 19-year-old porn actress walking around the set, took her in his arms, and then...threw the girl off the roof. Judging by the footage published below, all this was initially perceived as a joke.

Janice Griffith obviously did not expect the owner of the villa to treat her so cruelly. Shocking footage shows how a millionaire throws a model into the pool from a decent height, and she screams in fear.

Member of the Federation Council Maxim Kavdzharadze proposes to create an intra-Russian communication network, closed from access from the EU countries and the USA. Such a system, he said, could be called “Cheburashka” and financed at the expense of the regions.

“We need to think about creating our own domestic Russian information system to get away from the US, otherwise information leaks will continue,” he said at a meeting of his constitutional law committee during a discussion of the law on the status of bloggers on Monday.

According to Kavjaradze, Russia could create such a network with the CSTO countries (Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) or with the states of the Asia-Pacific region.

“We have the Prime Minister on Facebook and Twitter, and everyone has now started sitting on social networks and telling where they have been and where they are going. But someone is storing this information on servers,” the senator said.

According to Kavjaradze, the creation of such an autonomous network is a matter of information security for “the whole country, which is subject to information attacks, cyber attacks, as well as attempts to split society.” Funds for creating such a system, according to the senator, can be found in regional budgets.

“It doesn’t matter what we call this information system, “Crocodile Gena” or “Cheburashka”, the latter is even preferable, since no one has “Cheburashka”,” he said.

The updated “black list” of the US Treasury included, among others, Rosneft President Igor Sechin, First Deputy of the Russian Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak, Head of the Rostec state corporation Sergei Chemezov and FSO Director Evgeny Murov. The list is published on the department's website.

Among the organizations included in the sanctions list are the Volga Group holding, which unites the assets of Gennady Timchenko, as well as Sobinbank, a subsidiary of Yuri Kovalchuk’s Rossiya Bank.

“I want to warn you right away that it was not our people who shot at Kernes!” So that later we won’t be accused of something,” Ponomarev said. – As for blocking the city, it has not yet been completed one hundred percent. The road to the east is still open. It is true that enemy forces are now concentrating there.

The people's mayor also spoke about the situation with detained NATO military personnel, one of whom was recently released due to a serious illness.

“We are not against exchanging them, the main thing is that the junta agrees.” We asked the OSCE members who are here to negotiate with the leadership and help us release, first of all, our comrades - Pavel Gubarev, my assistant captured by the security forces and other activists who were criminally kidnapped and held in the SBU detention center - Ponomarev said.

According to the people's mayor, detained OSCE members are kept in good conditions and are not considered prisoners at all.

- First of all, these are officers. I had a conversation with them, since I myself am a former military man. We agreed that we could be united by the code of honor of an officer,” said Vyacheslav Ponomarev. “I told them that I don’t consider them prisoners of war, they are my guests.” They also trust me completely. They have no problems with food and accommodation.

The situation with the detained Alpha officers, according to Ponomarev, is different. Counterintelligence officers work with them.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the regions of the Russian Federation should develop industrial-scale production of the best samples of national cuisine and that such products can compete with food from McDonald’s. “The question is how to establish industrial production that is better in quality than possible competitors, including McDonald’s, but cheaper in price,” Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Council of Legislators. As ITAR-TASS reports, in this way the president responded to the statement of the head of the parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Alexei Machnev, that “Ossetian pies are a strong competitor to McDonald’s products and Italian pizza.”

The Russian President said that he has tried Ossetian pies more than once. “And not only Ossetian pies: we have delicious, varied cuisine in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region, and “chak-chak” is yes, delicious. And not only: Tatar belyashi are delicious, you never know what’s good in Russian cuisine, and here are the “wickets” in Karelia,” the president said. “That’s not the question. The question is how to establish industrial production - better in quality than possible competitors, including McDonald's, but cheaper in price. Externally - homemade, but made on the principles of industrial production - this is what needs to be achieved. And today we can definitely do this,” said Vladimir Putin.

As part of the project “Children of Ukraine for Peace!”, little Vinnytsia residents drew almost 46 thousand emoticons!!! With their drawings, the children tried to convey that all of us, ordinary Ukrainians, want Peace and a United Ukraine!

All children of Vinnytsia region took part in the peace project! Each school sent a smiley parcel to one of the Russian schools!

And the Russians responded! Threats and pro-Russian propaganda have come to the websites of our schools!

The monument to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, under whom Christianity in Rus' became the state religion, can be erected in 2015 on Lubyanka Square. According to Interfax, such an initiative was put forward by the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO).

The authors of the initiative hope that the monument will be installed in time for the thousandth anniversary of the prince’s death, July 28, 2015. There are three designs for the monument. In particular, in the first, the figure of the Baptist of Rus' is made in an iconographic style, in the second - in a realistic manner.